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Why Cloud Telephony is Ideal for Startups and SMBs?



Why Cloud Telephony is Ideal for Startups and SMBs

Thinking 🤔 about the potential growth of your startup or SMB’s telephony needs? You may need an ideal communication system to meet your growing 📈 business demands.

Cloud telephony provides scalable flexibility to meet the requirements of your growing business. It has emerged as an efficient system to meet your growing business’s dynamic needs.

In this article, we’ll learn about cloud telephony, how it’s ideal for startups and SMBs, the challenges startups and SMBs face from traditional phone systems, and the 8 benefits of cloud telephony for startups and SMBs💼.


  • Cloud telephony allows you to make and receive calls over the Internet.
  • Small businesses and SMBs are moving to the cloud due to its cost-saving features, scalability, mobility, and integrations.
  • Some of the challenges of traditional phone systems are high maintenance costs, limited mobility, poor call quality, and difficulty in scaling.
  • The major benefits of cloud telephony systems are cost efficiency, increased productivity, flexibility, scalability, improved customer service, and so on.
  • KrispCall is the best cloud telephony solution for startups and SMBs.

What Is Cloud Telephony?

What is Cloud Telephony

Cloud Telephony (cloud phone system) is a system that lets users communicate via the internet, unlike the traditional phone system. It is a type of communication technology that uses cloud-hosted virtual telephony infrastructure, which allows you to make and receive calls over the Internet.

With it, users can access many useful features, such as virtual phone numbers, global calling, phone number sharing, SMS, MMS,  IVR, call recording, video conferencing, etc, that advance the communication process and are not present in traditional telephony. 

E-commerce companies and call centers mostly use this technology to simplify customer interaction and communicate smoothly.

Different kinds of businesses use cloud telephony.⁤⁤ Small firms find it a flexible and affordable communication technology for their small-scale business, whereas remote teams like its ability to facilitate smooth communication across various locations. Businesses prioritizing customer service benefit most from its advanced features, as it optimizes customer interactions.

How Does Cloud Telephony Work?

Cloud telephony is a mechanism that converts the analog voice signal into digital data and transfers the data packets to the requested destination. It uses VoIP technology to transfer the data packets, which sets some rules and guidelines for data transmission. 

The overall infrastructure of any cloud telephony system is hosted in the cloud. This system eliminates the need for an on-premises phone system. It allows you to make or receive calls from anywhere if you have a device connected to the internet and supports cloud telephony functionality.

Why Are Startups And Small Businesses Moving To The Cloud?

Nowadays, most startups and small businesses are moving to the cloud, which provides them with flexible environments. They can hire a remote team and work with them, which can solve the issue of not having a proper workspace.

As it essentially is a virtual phone system, it eliminates the cost of having and maintaining the infrastructure and resources.

Some of the benefits that have increased the number of startups and small businesses moving to the cloud are:

  • Cost Savings: Having a traditional phone system can be costly as you have to set up all the infrastructure on your premises. Using a cloud telephony system not only reduces the cost of infrastructure but also reduces the cost of international calling.
  • Scalability: Startups and small businesses are in their growing phase, so it is important that they need a scalable phone system such as a cloud telephony system. They can scale their phone lines and features as required.
  • Mobility: Cloud telephony systems provide businesses with flexibility. This means you can make or receive calls from anywhere if you have a stable internet connection. You can stay in touch with your customers even if you’re not in your office, which can increase customer satisfaction.
  • Integration With Business Tools: Unlike traditional phone systems, cloud telephony systems provide you the flexibility to integrate with other CRM systems or business tools easily. It can reduce the hassle of shifting between different tools as all the tools will be integrated in one place.
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What Challenges Do Startups And Small Businesses Face From Traditional Phone Systems?

As said earlier, for traditional phone systems, startups and small businesses must invest in substantial hardware and labor. Startups and small businesses may face many challenges while using traditional phone systems, which cloud telephony solutions can demolish.

Some of the challenges that startups and small businesses face from traditional phone systems are:

1. High Maintenance Cost

Maintaining the traditional phone systems can be costly as you have to set and maintain all the infrastructure on your premises. One of the major factor that the use of traditional phone system has been decreasing is due to this financial issue.

They are more expensive compared to cloud phone systems and require regular maintenance, which hikes up the cost.

2. Limited Mobility

Traditional phone systems often provide limited employee mobility as they are required to work at the desk of their office. It limits the ability to communicate with the clients and their colleagues outside their offices.

Addressing this problem, cloud telephony allows you to communicate from anywhere with a stable internet connection and a VoIP device.

3. Poor Call Quality

One of the major problems in a traditional phone system is the poor call quality. The quality of the call can be affected by various hardware-related problems and its maintenance is a significant expense.

Weak connectivity, poor infrastructure, and wiring-related problems can affect the call quality of the traditional phone system.

4. Difficulties In Scaling

Startups and small businesses might grow with time, and they might need to scale up their communication system to meet these needs. Scaling a traditional system can be costly and complex.

Traditional phone systems have limited capacity and can only handle a certain number of calls, so it’s better for small businesses to switch to cloud-based systems.

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8 Benefits Of Cloud Telephony For Startups And SMBs

Cloud telephony offers a broad range of features to enhance your business’s overall communication mechanism.

Here are the 8 benefits of cloud telephony for startups and SMBs.

1. Cost Efficiency

Startups or small businesses usually have a tight budget plan. It’s essential for them to allocate their budget properly. Thus, they must consider choosing a communication system that is budget friendly and reliable. As a solution for this, cloud telephony provides a cost-efficient approach for small businesses. 

It does not require any hassle of setup, making it more cost-efficient. You can deliver quality customer service and reduce your business costs. You can get multiple features and tools for communication at a single fee with better efficiency.

2. Increased Productivity

Increased Productivity

With the help of features and capabilities provided by cloud telephony, businesses can improve the productivity of their employees or agents. It provides various calling features that can handle and even automate the calling process.

Auto dialer software eliminates the need to dial numbers manually and reduces manual errors while entering the number. It increases the productivity of the agents and speeds up the dialing process. The cloud phone system streamlines call management which increases the productivity of the agents.

3. Flexibility

You might have heard about remote working. With the increasing demand for remote work, cloud telephony is more reliable than traditional. You can initiate communication with clients or colleagues from anywhere with stable internet connectivity and VoIP devices. You’re not limited to just working from your office desk. 

When you can receive or make important calls wherever you are. It promotes a good working culture where you don’t need to be present at the office but still work.

4. Scalability

Small businesses are unpredictable in terms of growth, so if there is a large hike in the volume of calls, one has to be ready to handle them. With the changeable growing approach of startups and small businesses, cloud telephony delivers them the ability to scale up or down as required. 

So, cloud phone systems’ ability to scale down or up easily makes cloud telephony favorable for startups and SMBs.

5. Improved Customer Service

Improved Customer Service

Cloud telephony provides you with sufficient features and tools to make the customer interaction process more productive. It provides options that can help you record or store all the customer-related data and interactions, which helps you make the calls more personalized and interactive with the respective customers. 

All the data and insights can be useful to know about customer behavior and make the next interactive more productive. You can target customer issues and manage them through targeted solutions.

6. Integration Capability

Using different tools in one unified platform can eliminate the hassle of switching between different platforms when they are most likely used to simpler the same task. A cloud telephony system can be integrated with your existing CRM system and other business tools. 

Cloud telephony can give you a unified platform to perform all your call functions in one place. Also, streamlining the call process can ease the agents’ work.

7. Advanced Call Features

Unlike a traditional phone system, cloud telephony provides advanced calling features that can benefit your business by enhancing customer satisfaction. You can also use multiple features to record your business communications and customer interactions. 

Features like call listening, call whispering, and call barging can help you monitor the calls between agents and customers. You can get the necessary insights, which can be used to create targeted solutions and for training and quality purposes.

8. Analytics and Reporting

One of the major benefits of the cloud telephony system is that you can get all the information about the calls and the customers. It provides you with real-time records using various tools to maintain customer satisfaction. 

Cloud telephony can provide you with call features like call monitoring and call analytics that can deliver you analytics about the calls. With access to all the reports and insights, you can deliver personalized customer interaction and enhance customer satisfaction.

📖Also Read: Which cloud-based phone system is best for small businesses

What Are The Things To Look For While Choosing A Cloud Telephony Provider?

It is no secret that traditional phone systems have been lacking in meeting the overwhelming needs of businesses, so their use has been drastically decreasing. 

On the other hand, technology has been advancing rapidly, and to meet the advancing requirements of the communication world, the cloud phone system is way ahead of the traditional phone system.

Some of the things that you should consider while choosing a cloud telephony provider are:

1. Understand your Requirements

Before considering a provider, you must take time to understand the primary requirements of your business. You can consider the number of call volumes you should handle, scalability needs, and features to maximize the outcomes of customer service. After a clear view of your needs, you can think about choosing the right provider for your business.

2. Additional Features

As a business, you require a lot of functionalities and features to enhance your communication system. You must find out why you need a specific cloud service provider and how it can benefit your business.

Different cloud telephony providers can provide you with different features, so it’s up to you to consider choosing a provider that offers features and tools that meet your needs. Some of the likely features of a cloud system are call listening, call barging, IVR, call analytics, etc. 

3. Easy Integrations

If you’re an established business, adding a cloud-based phone system can smooth your business process. You must select a service provider that can meet your well-established goals.

Integration with your CRM system is crucial for the cloud phone system to maintain the efficiency of your customer interactions. Providers like KrispCall can provide smooth integration capacity with your CRM system and other business tools.

4. Pricing

The provider’s pricing is also an essential factor when choosing the right service provider. First, you must consider checking the providers’ pricing models and plans to determine whether they meet your budget plans.

Startups and SMBs mostly have small allocated budget plans, so it is essential to look for a provider that offers you transparent pricing solutions.

Find out 👉: 6 Costly Mistakes Business Owners Make While Choosing Cloud Telephony System.

Experience The Power Of Cloud Telephony With KrispCall Today!

KrispCall Cloud Telephony for Startups and Small Business

Choosing the right cloud telephony provider is crucial for your business to prosper in customer interaction and enhance customer satisfaction. The growing demand for cloud telephony technology has revolutionized telecommunications.

There are many options for choosing a cloud service provider. KrispCall, one of the leading cloud telephony systems, can be favorable for startups and SMBs as it offers a wide range of features to enhance your telephony system.

Some of the useful calling features that KrispCall offers are call listening, call forwarding, global calling, IVR, shared number, call barging,  call logs, call analytics, and so on. 

Also, the ability to swiftly integrate with your existing CRM system is one of the major benefits of Krispcall’s cloud phone system. Additionally, it offers various capabilities that prioritize the needs of startups and SMBs.  

With KrispCall, you get a super affordable cloud phone system with no hidden costs that starts at just $15 per month.

👉 Ready to take your business telephony to the next level? Sign up for KrispCall today!!!


Cloud telephony systems have undoubtedly drastically changed the communication world. These systems have emerged as a perfect communication solution for startups and small businesses. As a reliable system, it provides a cost-friendly approach for small businesses.

Unlike traditional phone systems, cloud telephony eliminates the difficulty of scaling your business’s communication platform. It also provides flexibility and ensures communication can be done anywhere with a stable internet connection.
Many startups and small businesses are inclining more toward cloud telephony, which has benefited them. Regarding cloud telephony systems, KrispCall is the best option, as it has all the functionalities and capabilities to support the telephony needs of any and all startups and SMBs.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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