Call & Contact Tagging

Categorize Calls & Contacts With Custom Call Tagging

Enhance customer service, improve your employee productivity, optimize marketing strategies, streamline telephony communication and collaboration, reduce call handling time, and nurture effective leads with KrispCall’s Call and Contact Tagging.

Categorize Calls & Contacts With Custom Call Tagging

How to Create Custom Call Tags in A Call Center Using KrispCall?

To create custom call tags in a call center, first, you need to log in to your KrispCall account. After that, make a phone call to any desired number, and you will see a calling screen with a few buttons. Look for Call tags, tap on the relevant tag, or create an appropriate tag if there’s no suitable one existing in the list.

  1. Log into your KrispCall account.
  2. Make a call with any number
  3. You will see a button named “Call Tags”
  4. Tap on the Call Tags and add a relevant tag for that contact.
How to Create Custom Call Tags in A Call Center Using KrispCall
What is call tagging

What is call tagging?

Call tagging is a feature that helps in contact management by allowing users to label and categorize phone calls based on various criteria. It can be very useful for organizing customer interactions, tracking the sales and marketing efforts of your employees, and improving overall customer service and management.

How to Use Call Tagging to Sort Calls in a Call Center?

Call tagging is a very simple yet one of the most powerful features and it can be used to sort calls and contacts effectively improving overall customer experience. You can use Call tagging to define call categories, implement tagging processes, utilize tagging for better and effective call routing, and monitor and analyze tagging data for effective sales, marketing, and customer support campaigns.

Use Call Tagging to Sort Calls in a Call Center

How Can Call Tagging Benefit Your Business?

Call tagging can benefit your business in numerous ways. Some of the most notable benefits are:

How Can Call Tagging Benefit Your Business
Enhanced Customer Service
Contact tagging allows agents to quickly access customer information, deliver personalized support, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction.
Improved Lead Nurturing and Segmentation
Contact tagging helps segment leads based on previous interactions and preferences allowing targeted effective marketing campaigns.
Reduced call handling time
Contact tagging allows instant access to customer information reducing call handling time and improving customer satisfaction.
Data-driven Insights for Sales and Marketing
Call tagging helps businesses refine sales and marketing campaigns by tracking call patterns, conversion rates, and customer responses to previous specific campaigns.

Using call tagging for better customer service: Best Practices

Establish Clear Tagging Strategy: Develop a comprehensive tagging strategy that aligns with your business objectives and customer service goals.
Monitor and review Tag Usage: Monitor and review how agents are using tags to ensure consistency and accuracy and analyze them to identify areas of improvement.
Integrate Tagging into Agent Training: Include call tagging training in your agent onboarding and ongoing training programs. This helps agents to use the call tagging feature properly and to assign appropriate tags to calls and contacts.
Foster a Data-Driven Culture: Promote a data-driven culture within your call center, emphasizing the importance of data-based decisions and non-stop improvements.

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Contact tagging is a way of effortlessly categorizing your contacts and labeling them for quick and intuitive access. It helps you give targeted services to your customers and clients and improves overall customer service experience.

Tagging is very important in call centers because it helps to manage and organize call data, prioritize and route calls effectively, analyze call trends and customer behavior, and enhance customer service.

Yes, it is necessary to use contact tagging to enhance your contact center and improve customer service.

Call tagging can be advantageous in numerous ways. Call tagging helps enhance customer service, optimize call routing and prioritization, gain valuable insights into customer behavior and trends, data-driven decision-making, and more.

Call tagging is a method of organizing inbound or outbound phone calls based on specific criteria. It can be the caller’s identity, the purpose of the call, and the outcome of the call. This will help out a lot in future calls.

There are mainly two ways to tag calls and they are Automatic Tagging and Manual Tagging.

Automatic Tagging:

Contacts will be automatically tagged by the algorithm. The algorithm will analyze the call data and sort them accordingly with a predefined tag. It can be very efficient and scalable.

Manual Tagging:

Contacts are manually sorted and saved by the agent. Since it is done by a human, the tags can be more friendly and flexible. It is not as efficient and scalable as automatic tagging.

Sales Marketing and Customer support teams can use call tagging in the following manner for higher profitability:

  • Sales teams can use call tagging to help themselves identify high-value prospects, measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and improve lead nurturing.
  • Marketing teams can use call tagging to develop targeted marketing campaigns, measure the Return on Investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns, improve customer segmentation, and reach the right audience.
  • Customer support teams can improve agent training, prioritize calls, and identify common customer issues.

Contact tagging is a way of effortlessly categorizing your contacts and labeling them for quick and intuitive access. It helps you give targeted services to your customers and clients and improves overall customer service experience.

Call tagging is a method of organizing inbound or outbound phone calls based on specific criteria. It can be the caller’s identity, the purpose of the call, and the outcome of the call. This will help out a lot in future calls.

Tagging is very important in call centers because it helps to manage and organize call data, prioritize and route calls effectively, analyze call trends and customer behavior, and enhance customer service.

Yes, it is necessary to use contact tagging to enhance your contact center and improve customer service.

There are mainly two ways to tag calls and they are Automatic Tagging and Manual Tagging.

Automatic Tagging:
Contacts will be automatically tagged by the algorithm. The algorithm will analyze the call data and sort them accordingly with a predefined tag. It can be very efficient and scalable.

Manual Tagging:
Contacts are manually sorted and saved by the agent. Since it is done by a human, the tags can be more friendly and flexible. It is not as efficient and scalable as automatic tagging.

Call tagging can be advantageous in numerous ways. Call tagging helps enhance customer service, optimize call routing and prioritization, gain valuable insights into customer behavior and trends, data-driven decision-making, and more.

Sales Marketing and Customer support teams can use call tagging in the following manner for higher profitability:

  • Sales teams can use call tagging to help themselves identify high-value prospects, measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and improve lead nurturing.
  • Marketing teams can use call tagging to develop targeted marketing campaigns, measure the Return on Investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns, improve customer segmentation, and reach the right audience.
  • Customer support teams can improve agent training, prioritize calls, and identify common customer issues.