Call Barging

Improve Call Quality & Boost Teamwork With Call Barging

Actively participate in live calls with KrispCall’s call barging feature. Interact with agents and callers, directly assist them to solve issues quickly, and significantly improve call quality. Promote a supportive and collaborative work environment, leading to improved teamwork and better outcomes.

Improve Call Quality & Boost Teamwork With Call Barging

How to Barge In On A Live Phone Call In KrispCall?

From the KrispCall’s dashboard, click on Live Calls, choose a call you’d like to join, and finally tap on the “🎧 Coach” option. You will then be asked if you’d like to Notify agent & whisper. Tap on Yes and then on Barge. Or you can just follow the simplified steps below.

  1. Sign in to KrispCall and open its dashboard.
  2. Tap on the Live Calls.
  3. Pick the agent you want to coach and click on the “🎧 Coach” button.
  4. You’ll then be asked if you’d like to Notify agent & whisper. Tap on the Yes button.
  5. Now, click on the Barge button. After that, you can barge into the call.
What is Call Barging

What is Call Barging?

Call Barging is a telephony feature that enables you to join live calls, and interact with both agents and callers to help with queries, clarify details, or close a sale. In this case, you are audible to both agents and callers, establishing a three-way conversation and facilitating direct assistance.

Call Barging extends the capabilities of call listening and call whispering, allowing you to directly engage in ongoing phone conversations. This feature helps businesses address customer’s queries instantly and boost customer satisfaction.

How Does Call Barging Work?

Call Barging works by creating a three-way conversation between the supervisors, agents, and callers. The process typically starts with managers or supervisors monitoring the active calls and offering immediate advice when required. But if they find directly interacting with customers could better solve their queries, and close a deal, they can opt to barge in.

As the supervisors activate the call barging function, they can join the live calls and be audible to both agents and customers. They can provide them with guidance, answer questions effectively, and solve problems instantly.

How Does Call Barging Work

Call Barging Vs Call Whispering : The Differences

Call BargingCall Whispering
A supervisor is audible to both agents and callers.A supervisor is only audible to an agent.
Establish a three-way connection, where a supervisor can actively engage in the call.Allows supervisors to silently coach the agents, without callers being aware of it.
The supervisor’s participation is transparent to both agents and customers.The supervisor’s participation is only transparent to the agent, not to the caller.
Call Barging aims to solve the customer’s issues immediately, and close a sale effectively. Call whispering primarily focuses on better call management and customer service, without interrupting the call.

Benefits of Using Call Barging In A Call Center & Businesses

The benefits of using call barging in a call center are as follows:

Benefits Of Using Call Barging In A Call Center & Businesses
Enhances Agent Training and Productivity
Call Barging can be used as a practical training tool for newly hired agents to improve their learning process and productivity.
Reduce Call Escalations
Getting immediate help from a supervisor can reduce the need to escalate calls to other senior staff and ultimately increase customer satisfaction rate.
Boosted Revenue and Customer Loyalty
Immediate guidance from supervisors or experts improves the success rate of closing deals and upselling, leads to business growth, and achieves customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Quality Assurance
Monitoring the agent's performance over calls ensures customer service standards are consistently met and identifies potential areas for improvement.

Using Call Barging Feature in A Call Center : Best Practices

Call Barging in a call center is a powerful tool for better problem-solving, and delivering excellent customer service.

Provide thorough training for supervisors: Train supervisors properly in coaching and problem-solving to help agents resolve issues rapidly and provide top-notch customer service.
Share post-call feedback: Provide constructive feedback after the call barging. Highlight their strong points and areas for improvement.
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness: Analyze the call barging effectiveness on team performance and customer satisfaction regularly to improve your method and promptly achieve your target.
Utilize advanced technology: Choose call center software that includes call barging with other essential features like call recording, and analytics for improved quality management.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Barge-in, also referred to as call barging is a telephony feature offered by some call center software that enables supervisors or managers to actively listen to the live calls between agents and callers, and barge in for help, if necessary, creating a three-way communication.

The appropriate moment to barge a call depends on the content of the call and where it is heading. 

For example, the newly trained agents might face difficulties in solving complex issues. In such cases, a supervisor or manager needs to barge a call to handle the situation effectively. 

But sometimes, there are moments when even experienced agents might not be able to handle complicated queries and need guidance from their seniors, making it the right moment to barge a call.

Yes, supervisors can speak to customers directly with the call barging feature. They can listen in on live calls and, if required, step in to talk to the customers themselves.

Sales managers should use call barging features to guide their call agents on delivering a compelling sales pitch, concluding the deal effectively, and boosting their revenue, leading to the growth of the organization. 

Call Barging allows supervisors to listen and join live calls, helping agents tackle difficult tasks by guiding them and directly interacting with customers. They can assist agents in crafting impactful sales pitches and close deals efficiently in real time.

The benefits of call barging in different industries are as follows:

  1. Customer service and support: Call barging enhances customer service in customer-focused industries like retail and e-commerce by allowing supervisors to provide immediate help and guidance on calls, ensuring prompt resolutions. 
  2. Travel and Hospitality: In the travel and hospitality industries, supervisors offer instant guidance with complex bookings and resolve issues promptly, improving convenience and customer loyalty.
  3. Healthcare: Call barging allows supervisors in healthcare industries to support their agents with consultations and appointment scheduling directly, avoiding the need for call escalation.
  4. Finance and Banking: Call barging is crucial in finance and banking for maintaining customer trust and compliance. Supervisors join calls to supervise regulations, security, and transaction accuracy.

Businesses can improve customer satisfaction with call barging by providing real-time guidance to their call representatives in solving tough customer inquiries easily and minimizing the need to escalate calls to other specialists.

Setting up the call barging feature with KrispCall is completely free. It’s included in KrispCall’s cloud-based phone system, starting with the basic pricing plan. However, you will be charged a very negligible amount (termed as Conference Charge) whenever you barge in on a live call.