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Advantages of Cloud Telephony for Food and Hospitality Businesses



Cloud Telephony Benefits for Food and Hospitality Businesses

The food and hospitality business is all about working for the satisfaction of your customers. It is hard to please everyone, but that’s the art of this field. You need to be able to fulfill your customers’ demands in real-time. It helps if you make them feel like their satisfaction is important to you.

According to a research program performed by the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, an unsatisfied customer will rant about their experience to 9-15 people.

It means harming 9-15 potential customers from each unhappy customer. It shows how crucial it is to keep your customer happy and supply their demand on time.

Being in a service-oriented sector, you need to be very good at communicating with your customers to understand what they need and fulfill their demands. It is where cloud telephony will benefit your business. You can optimize this technology to improve communication with your customers and bloom your business.

What is Cloud Telephony?

Cloud Telephony is an internet-based software that provides virtual telephony services with all the information backed up in the cloud. A whole company’s communication system can be handled by cloud telephony-enabled business phones that you can access from anywhere.

Cloud telephony is simple to use, offers many features, and saves you the cost of physical telephony systems. It is cost-effective as it doesn’t require hardware installation for each member added to the system. You need to give them access and the credentials, and they’re good to go.

The software has been a massive help in many sectors recently. It has made communication between employees and customers effective. The food and hospitality business has a lot to offer to their customers as they are service-based. Cloud telephony adds a lot of advantages in improving your customer’s experience.

What is Cloud Kitchen?

The latest technology has changed a lot in the model of food and hospitality systems. These businesses have now opted for a virtual kitchen system. Cloud kitchen refers to a delivery-only system operated in a small kitchen space to prepare the menu.

Also known as a ghost kitchen, this virtual system has been cheaper for restaurant owners and has many advanced facilities over the traditional food and restaurant business system.

You can solely focus on your food preparation and its marketing rather than on administration and management hassle.

Advantages of Cloud Kitchen

  • You can have an affordable startup as you don’t need to invest much in the ambiance’s building and exteriors and interiors. You can focus on your meals and fulfilling customers’ demands.
  • All the costs of the overheads such as maintenance, staff payments, and huge tax payments will be reduced as less workforce and facilities are required compared to traditional kitchens.
  • Customers have had a high demand for online delivery in recent times. It is easy, efficient, and affordable. Cloud kitchens meet their demand.
  • As cloud kitchens are better at marketing through apps, you will have exposure, increasing the reach.

Drawbacks of Using Traditional Phone Systems on Hospitality Business

Traditionally, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) phone system was prevalent in most food and hospitality businesses. This system lacks many features and has drawbacks compared to cloud telephony systems.

1. Lacks Customer-Care Enriching Features

The most important part of the hospitality business is taking proper care of your customers and satisfying them with your company and product. Industry experts say that customer care is more important than the actual product. A good customer care service not just prevents you from losing your existing clients and customers but also helps you gain new ones through the word of mouth.

Using the traditional phone system, you don’t have the features of call recording, call queue statistics, real-time operator panel, and many more that helps you give your customer what they need and satisfy them.

2. Restrictions and Scalability

Another major problem is, that PSTN can work for only a set of numbers. You need to install a new device for new numbers. It can be difficult to manage and will be costly.

If you decide to shift your company to a new location or increase its branches, you will need to buy a new PSTN phone and install it all over again. It will be expensive, inefficient, and problematic.

3. Fewer Features for Higher Price

PSTN phones are expensive when compared to cloud telephony software. It is one of the major issues with traditional phone systems. You get lesser features at a costly price.

Cloud Telephony has provided economical software with all the features of PSTN systems and many additional ones at a much cheaper price. A lot of companies have now switched to it because of this major reason.

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Essential Cloud Telephony Features for Food Industry

The food industry is growing rapidly and needs to optimize its working procedure. One of the major concerns the industry should have is communicating with its customers. Cloud Telephony helps you make your customer service efficient and fruitful.

These are some features Cloud Telephony has that are essential for the food industry:

  • The app needs to track orders placed through a phone and amalgamate them with other orders.
  • The application at the customer end needs to show the menu and unavailability of some items so that it’s clear for them beforehand and there’s no hassle.
  • Needs an integration of CRM to have the record of the customer who is calling. The record needs to have the most ordered items, order history, money spent, etc., so that you can handle your customer accordingly.

Cloud Telephony Benefits for Food and Hospitality Business

A service-based field is all about satisfying your customers by fulfilling their demands in real-time. You need to communicate with your customers, keep track of their orders, and provide a pleasing solution. You need to have a conversation to understand your customer’s demand, and cloud telephony improves communication.

Here are some benefits of cloud telephony for the food and hospitality business.

1. Order/Reservation Confirmation

A confirmation message or notification after placing an order or reservation is crucial. Any customer will be waiting for the confirmation message. You need to make sure their order is acknowledged, and the reservations are done.

Cloud Telephony has an automated feature that sends notifications after an order or a reservation is made. Using the software, you don’t need to worry about sending the notification to your customer. The softphone makes it easier and more efficient.

2. Personalize Customer Experience

Customer relationship management is an important factor needed to run a hospitality business. Having a record of their previous order list and preferences beforehand saves time, and you can have an efficient conversation with your customer.

CRM is an essential feature for the hospitality business, and cloud telephony has it as one of its primary features. Hence, CRM integration will make tackling the customers easier.

3. Professional Call Management

The food and hospitality business needs to attend to many customer calls, and sometimes it may be haphazard. They need an automated recorded call to greet the customers and keep them busy for a while unless an employee picks up the phone.

This software also allows for tracking the location of the call and redirecting the call to the nearest outlet so that the delivery is easier and faster.

4. Interactive Applications

The order and reservation applications are very interactive and easy to place orders and the payment system. It helps in easing your customer experience and hence leading them to satisfaction.

Cloud Telephony has great applications that create communication between the staff. The applications make it a lot easier and manageable to give all the services leading to better customer care.


Cloud Telephony has provided a balance between the demand of the customers and the supply of the company. It is less expensive with many features that help in efficient communication with your customers. Providing customer service is now simpler than before as all of your work is done by the device.

There are several examples of cloud telephony saving a dying business. So these days, most businesses are switching to cloud-based phone systems from the old-school PSTN telephony.

According to studies, 67% of businesses, especially restaurant owners, are switching to cloud kitchens to increase and optimize their business with the maximum utilization of cloud telephony.

If you too are willing to make the switch, you should definitely consider KrispCall. It has all the qualities that are necessary to optimize the hospitality business and help it bloom. Dealing with your customers is now made easier and more efficient with this software. Automating your call, having an interactive voice response, call recording, waiting, and queuing features enhance your customer service.

You can schedule a Free KrispCall demo now for the standard package of this product. The pricing is affordable, and hence, small businesses can use this product as well. 

This technology’s major facility is that you do not need a separate device installed no matter how many users and numbers are added.

Overall, optimizing the customer experience, creating strong communication, and improving the brand value are primary features that compel the food and hospitality business to opt for this technology. The softphone is the beginning of a new era for these businesses and helps you enhance your business with a lot more success rate.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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