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Bulk SMS – Who Should Use it, When and Why?



Bulk SMS-Who should use it When and Why

When it comes to reaching your targeted goals, traditional marketing tools are not more effective than online marketing tools. 😞 Reaching your target audience can be more challenging. As a result, businesses are often frustrated when traditional advertising methods do not deliver the desired results.

But fear not! 🎉

With Bulk SMS, you can directly engage with your audience by delivering personalized messages to their mobile phones 📱 . In this article, we’ll talk about how to use Bulk SMS, its benefits, to whom it is useful, and many more. 


  • Bulk messaging is a service where you can send text to multiple recipients at the same time. 
  • Utilizing SMS bulk messaging, you can have high open and response rates.
  • Beyond businesses, it can be used by entities like non-profit organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, healthcare providers, event organizers, and retailers.
  • KrispCall is one of the reliable providers of bulk SMS, providing features like In-app call analytics, voicemail, and custom greetings.

What is Bulk SMS?

Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS is an abbreviation for Bulk text messaging. It is a messaging service that allows businesses to send a large number of text messages to multiple recipients at the same time. It typically involves a software or web-based platform in which users can schedule, compose, and send messages to a list of contacts. 

However, this bulk SMS is commonly used for various activities. This includes

  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Customer Engagement
  • Notifications, Alerts, and 
  • Other communication purposes.

Additionally, businesses can utilize bulk SMS services not only for promotions but also for sending important updates or gentle reminders to customers about appointments, deadlines, or upcoming events. For example, using SMS notification services, businesses can keep their customers informed about important updates instantly.

Bulk text messaging is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to reach a large customer base quickly. However, with its various features, you can have an enhanced messaging campaign. This includes displaying sender ID, scheduling messages, delivery reports, opt-out management, API Integration, and more.

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What are the benefits of Bulk SMS?

Using mass texting helps your businesses align with your functional operations. By using SMS software, you can send important messages promptly, saving time for your employees at affordable costs. However, you can find many benefits, such as:

Instant Communication

Startup businesses often require quick communication with their target audience. This is true whether you’re announcing a new product launch, promoting a special offer, or sending out event reminders. 

With this facility, you can ensure that your messages are delivered within seconds. Thus, business SMS provides agility for every business size and responsiveness in this constantly changing market.

High Open and Response Rates

Nonetheless, one key advantage of bulk SMS is its high open and response rates. Since every entrepreneur seeks to generate sales leads, this can be invaluable in converting prospects into customers by prioritizing a high level of engagement.

Thus, if you’re wondering how bulk SMS is one of the efficient solutions, then let’s look at the authorized stat: where the open rate of SMS messages has been reported to be as high as 99%, while email has around 39% open rates.


Starting a business can be expensive. So, by offering bulk text messages, you can get advertising tools more affordable than the traditional method. You can save the cost of traditional advertising channels like print, radio, or TV ads to reach a large audience. 

Nevertheless, this affordability proves entrepreneurs can allocate resources more efficiently, maximizing their marketing efforts with a friendly budget.

Integration with CRM and sales tools

Getting yourself familiar with utilizing other tools can help you to achieve more success. However, with the one and only Bulk SMS, you can experience an integration facility with your existing apps. This includes 

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and 
  • Sales Automation Tools

This allows your startups to streamline marketing and sales processes and reduce automate tasks. As a result, you can save time and resources.

👉 Also Read About Sales Planning: Everything You Need to Know

Personalization and targeting

There’s no doubt that bulk SMS messages wouldn’t provide personalized services to its clients. However, with the ability to customize messages to individual recipients based on their preferences, behaviors, or demographics, there is more likelihood of conversion. 

Moreover, by segmenting your customer base, you can ensure that messages are delivered to the most relevant recipients. Furthermore, it helps enhance the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Who Should Use Bulk SMS?

It is more common for corporations to use bulk SMS services rather than individuals to send bulk SMS messages. In any case, here is a list of who should use bulk SMS:

Businesses with a large customer base

With the capability of having mass outreach, especially when dealing with a large customer base, Bulk message helps ensure that your important promotions message reaches all recipients promptly. 

It all happens with a single click, which saves you time and effort compared to individual messaging. However, here are some sectors that can really benefit from it, such as

  • Retail
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Financial Services
  • Education
  • Entertainment

Businesses requiring time-sensitive communication

Businesses always seek to utilize time to achieve productive results. However, bulk messages ensure that your SMS is delivered instantly, unlike emails or social media posts. 

Thus, being time-sensitive is crucial if your business is required to deliver urgent messages to customers. It helps prevent delays that can result in missed opportunities or harm the business’s reputation.

For instance, businesses can use bulk SMS to notify customers about their order status. This will help companies manage customer expectations and reduce customer inquiries regarding the status of their orders.

Businesses targeting mobile users

Since 81.6% of Americans, or 270 million people, own smartphones, this means that businesses can reach their target audience instantly, whether they’re at home, at work, or on the go. However, sending an SMS has an incredibly high click-through rate (CTR) which is 15%.

Businesses on a budget

Through bulk SMS, you don’t have to use traditional marketing methods like print ads, TV commercials, or direct mail. So, with this software, you can reach a large audience for a very reasonable price. 

This generally makes it an attractive option for businesses with limited marketing budgets. However, during slower periods, you can also scale back your campaigns to prepare for big promotions.

When to use Bulk SMS?

You can use bulk messaging as a valuable tool for different situations for your businesses and organizations in the following ways: 

Marketing and Promotions

To be clear, activities like flash sales and discount offers have been popular for businesses to boost their revenue and attract new customers. 

However, with the limited time frame of these sales, it’s essential for businesses to reach their audience quickly and effectively. This is where Bulk SMS comes into play. 

With its ability to send targeted and personalized messages with other marketing channels. You can send it to a large audience in a matter of seconds by creating a sense of urgency around their limited-time offers. It encourages customers to act promptly. 

Customer Service

You can use this to send appointment reminders, order confirmations, and shipping updates to clients. It helps ensure that their orders are being shipped out for delivery. 

Not to mention, if your business is growing and having trouble managing the system, you can use bulk SMS. It helps to facilitate two-way communication by setting up dedicated SMS helplines or using automated response systems to handle customer queries and complaints efficiently.

Alerts and Notifications

When situations arise, such as service outages, security breaches, or weather warnings, you can use bulk messaging. This helps to deliver urgent notifications in a timely manner. Moreover, it lets customers be alert and prepare for a possible solution beforehand. 

Thus, to make it more efficient, integrate SMS within your internal systems. This helps enhance automation and ensures that critical alerts are delivered promptly and efficiently.

Building Brand Loyalty and Engagement

So, if you are thinking of building brand loyalty and engagement, you can accomplish this goal by sending timely, relevant, and personalized messages. For instance, you can send personalized birthday greetings via bulk SMS. This not only fosters your communications but also strengthens the bond between your brand and the customer.

Why should you use Bulk SMS services?

High Chances of Checking Messages

When it comes to the “Why” of using Bulk SMS, one of the key reasons is its high open rates. In short, when it comes to SMS, more people tend to check their text messages frequently. So, using it, you can engage with them almost immediately upon receipt. 

Wider Reach 

The number of smartphone users is 6.89 billion, expected to grow even further to 7.86 billion by 2028. This shows that there will be many opportunities for businesses to use SMS marketing to reach a wide audience. 

SMS doesn’t require any internet connectivity or specific apps, unlike social media or email.  This accessibility ensures that your message can reach individuals who might not be active on other platforms. Hence, Bulk SMS ensures inclusivity in your outreach strategy. 

Increased Engagement

Through SMS, businesses can directly interact with customers, having meaningful conversations and engagement. Thus, consumers can easily reply, ask questions, provide feedback, or even participate in surveys.

This two-way communication can enhance your business’s workflow. Furthermore, you can integrate SMS with chatbots. This seamless integration not only improves response times but also ensures round-the-clock availability for customer queries and support.

Cost-Effective Solution

Sending bulk SMS can reduce the cost of advertising in newspapers, on television, or through direct mail. Yet, it is one of the most effective and affordable marketing strategies, providing direct communication with high open rates, wide reach, and personalized messaging. 

Unlike traditional marketing methods, it ensures that your marketing efforts reach the right people at the right time. Hence, the bulk message offers a budget-friendly option for businesses of all sizes to engage with their audience effectively. So this is why using a bulk SMS service is efficient for your business.

Who else can use mass text messaging for competitive advantage?

Strategically using bulk text messaging, you can more effectively maintain a healthy connection with your stakeholders. It also allows you to improve outreach, enhance communication, and offer personalized experiences to customers. Through this, you can ultimately achieve your desired objectives and stand out in the industry.

However, beyond businesses, mass text messaging is used by various entities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, healthcare providers, event organizers, and retailers. By using this, entities can gain a competitive advantage and improve their communication with their target audience.

SMS Marketing is Important for Mobile Marketing

SMS marketing is a key player in mobile marketing. It is one of the most effective and convenient techniques for reaching more potential customers. The small portion of the information included in text messages has a staggering 98% open rate in just a few minutes, and no other marketing tool offers such an efficiency rate. 

Even though technology has vastly jumped over the years, people still like text messages. To prove this point, one research suggests that 96% of smartphone users use text. It is, therefore, evident that SMS marketing is a vital component of mobile marketing. Unlike email, which might get buried, or social media posts that compete for attention, text messages deliver your message right away, straight to the palm of your target customers. 

Improve Communication Relationships through Bulk SMS

Improve Communication Relationships through Bulk SMS

Using bulk SMS, you can send text messages to a large group of people at once. It is the most concise and to-the-point way to communicate with customers. In fact, this is an efficient and cost-effective way to reach out to the target audience. Leverage the benefits of bulk SMS and enhance your business communication efficiency, build rapport with customers, and drive business growth. 

These text messages allow customers to receive updates, promotions, and personalized greetings. This short information builds meaningful conversations that most customers like. 

You can send bulk text messages nationally and internationally. Compared to emails or social media posts, SMS boasts phenomenal open rates, exceeding 90% in some cases. Here are some of its most common uses:

  • Keep customers informed with order confirmations, shipping details, and appointment reminders. 
  • Send timely updates or reminders to staff regarding meetings, schedule changes, and company announcements. 
  • Send birthday wishes demonstrating that you value your customers.
  • Utilize bulk SMS for task assignments, deadline reminders, or progress updates. 

What are the ways a business can use a Bulk SMS Gateway?

There are several ways that a business can use a bulk SMS gateway. Firstly, you can send reminders about meetings and appointment schedules to bulk people at once. Secondly, you can keep up-to-date with your business to customers. 

Let’s look out for major uses:

Increase sales with SMS Marketing

With the high open rates and wider reach out, there is no doubt that a bulk SMS is the most efficient way to increase your sales. Further, you can also send new product launch dates and offers easily. These text messages are short and informative, which customers can easily understand. It ultimately increases their interest in the product, ultimately boosting sales. 

Send reminders about appointments and meetings

Sending reminders via email is not effective, as customers might not open the message. But if you send quick reminders through text messages, leads can easily learn about their meetings and appointments if they have forgotten them. The beneficial point is that you can send these messages to a large group of people at once.

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Send a notification to inform them about the situation

Bulk SMS is the best way to inform customers about a system crash or power failure. For instance, when an ISP service provider is down, they can easily send the notice to a large group of people through bulk SMS. This notification helps customers to know about the situation instantly.

Keep customers up to date about business and regain their interest

Communicating with customers is important to keep their interest high in your business. In addition, loyal customers appreciate when you send personalized messages. For this, bulk SMS is the perfect and easiest way to send text messages to all leads at once. You can also update them about your campaigns and services to gain interest. 

Confirm the order made over the telephone

Bulk test messaging services are the easiest way to send messages about an order made over the telephone. These messages let customers know that their order has been confirmed. 

👋 You May Also Like: Creative Ways to Use Bulk SMS for Customer Engagement

Boost Reach & Engagement with KrispCall Bulk SMS Feature

SMS software offers many opportunities to streamline their communication with customers. Due to its cost-effective solutions, high open rates, and ability to deliver personalized messages, you can have productive results and build better relationships.

Nonetheless, if you are looking for a reliable SMS software provider, we recommend KrispCall, as it is easy to set up and allows you to provide personalized services through its advanced features. This includes In-app call analytics, voicemail, custom greetings, etc.  Also, with its competitive pricing plans, KrispCall ensures that your businesses get maximum ROI from their investments in bulk messaging services.

Here are the steps to set up your BUlk SMS campaign with KrispCall:

  1. Sign up with KrispCall and log in to your Dashboard.
  2. Get a phone number from your desired country with SMS capability.
  3. Go to Bulk SMS Marketing campaign and compose a message.
  4. Select a group of recipients and send/schedule the message.

Final Words

Utilizing Bulk SMS in your marketing strategy can be an effective way to reach out and engage with your target audience. Regardless of your business size, bulk SMS allows your business to send timely updates, promotions, and reminders that can significantly impact customer engagement.

Moreover, it provides a direct and cost-effective means of communication. So take the opportunity to revolutionize your marketing strategy with Bulk SMS and take your business to new heights.


What is Bulk SMS Marketing?

Bulk SMS marketing is a way to send a large number of text messages directly to mobile phones, often for promotional purposes. It’s a powerful tool to reach a wide audience quickly and directly.

Is Bulk SMS expensive?

Bulk SMS costs can vary depending on the provider, message volume, and features needed. Generally, the SMS marketing cost per SMS is between $0.01 and $0.05.

What types of businesses are using Bulk SMS Software?

Many businesses, including enterprises, banks, media outlets, major airlines, travel agencies, retailers, and healthcare providers, can benefit from using bulk SMS software. 

Can Bulk SMS be used for marketing campaigns?

Absolutely! Bulk SMS is one of the most effective tools for marketing campaigns. With its ability to have high open rates and immediate reach, it’s perfect for sending time-sensitive offers, promoting new products, and reminding customers about sales to your website.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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