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SMS Notification: A Comprehensive Guide



SMS Notifications Definitions Tips And Examples

Are you 🧐 missing out on regular important updates from your clients, colleagues, and business partners? Do you want to reach a more 🎯 target audience for your business, but don’t know how?

If yes, don’t worry, we have one solution for you, i.e. SMS Notifications. If you are a business owner or manager, who is looking to engage with customers through digital communication and don’t want to use the traditional marketing tool anymore, then unleash the power of SMS notification service that can transform your connectivity with the audience.

In this blog, you will get to learn everything about SMS Notification. Furthermore, we will cover the best tips, benefits, and some examples of it & many more.

🔑 Key Highlights

  • SMS Notifications are those messaging alerts to a user’s mobile device that provide reminders, timely updates, and information from various business organizations.
  • SMS Notifications remain in the SMS inbox when they are swiped.
  • Push Notification is an effective marketing channel with a 5 to 10 times higher CTR rate than email.
  • SMS Notification incorporates a 90% open rate.
  • SMS notifications are powerful marketing tools that can be useful for business growth through social media engagement, inventory alerts, feedback, and surveys.
  • The opt-in process can help users receive messages through a third-party app on their mobile phones in SMS Notifications.

Let’s get started ⬇️

What are SMS Notifications?

SMS Notifications are reminders or alerts sent to a mobile phone through a short text message limited to 160 characters. Users don’t need to download a separate app for it. These notifications are commonly used by business organizations, and financial institutions to send messages to their target audience.

It will appear directly on the user’s mobile phone when an SMS text message is sent. For that process, it requires a proper cellular network. It can be generally seen in a lock screen or notification center.

With SMS Notifications, businesses can easily communicate with their target customer audience. You can create a promotional SMS marketing campaign through audience segmentation and various marketing strategies that offer exclusive promotional discount packages through alert notifications. Users must opt-in to receive notifications and text messages.

SMS Notifications can be used for personal purposes as well in various fields like bill payment reminders, daily task lists, grocery lists, etc. The combination of email marketing with business texting apps through SMS notification can be helpful for any kind of business.

SMS Notification Examples 

Customer Support Alerts and Notifications

The SMS text messages that alert customers with a notification about the issues or problems that they are facing are known as Customer Support Alert Notifications. Many Call Centers utilize SMS Notification as a tool to grow their business. It takes just a few clicks on their cell phones for customer support service to send alerts and notifications to their customers who have queries.

One of the prime message examples of Customer Service Alerts on how to use SMS notifications is:

Hello [Customer’s Name],

We have received your inquiry ticket (#23242) regarding your recent issue with the application. Our support team is currently investigating the issue and will provide an update shortly. Please reply to this message if you have any concerns. 

Thank you for your patience.

[Company Name]

Coupons and Discounts Notification Alerts

The SMS text messages that have a limited duration for a certain period are called Coupons and Discount Notification Alerts. They are usually SMS marketing campaigns that pop up on the user’s mobile device which is used to promote the products with coupons and discounts to attract customers.

These are just a few examples of SMS messages on how businesses can use SMS Notification through coupons and discounts. 🔽

Hi [Customer’s Name], 

Get 20% off your favorite [CATEGORY] just for you! Use code AMAZON13 before it’s gone in 24hrs!

[Company Name]

Hi [Customer’s Name], 

Get 30% off your favorite [CATEGORY] just for you! Use code UDEMY23 before it’s gone in 48 hrs!

[Company Name]

Appointment Reminders/ Alerts

The SMS Notifications or SMS messaging that give alerts to a user’s mobile phone by giving a gentle reminder about the appointment dates are known as Appointment Reminders or Alerts. Dental Clinics and Hospitals can use SMS notification to give their patients an exact duration of time. Also, Booking confirmations and event management can be used for appointment reminders as well.

The text message example of how businesses can utilize SMS Notifications is:

Hi [Customer’s Name],

REMINDER: Your dental appointment is tomorrow at [TIME]. Please be on time!


[Company Name]

Banking SMS Alerts

The SMS text messages that are used to alert users with notifications of current banking factors like account debits and credits, bill payment reminders, cash withdrawals, and deposits are known as Banking SMS Alerts. Many Financial Institutions and Banks use SMS notification to aware customers of their current financial status.

The message example of Banking SMS alerts is:

Dear [Customer’s Name],

$200.00 has been withdrawn from your account. If the transaction was not done by you, please reply ‘NO‘ immediately. For any inquiries, please call our 24/7 customer service at [Customer Service Number]

Thank you for banking with us.

[Bank Name]

Marketing & Promotion SMS Alerts

The SMS text message notifications, marketing campaigns, and marketing messages from the business that alert users’ mobile phones with the promotion of new products in the market are known as Marketing & Promotion SMS Alerts. Mainly, E-Commerce businesses use SMS notifications as a marketing channel to keep their customers engaged and aware of the company’s current products and services.

The message example of Marketing & Promotion is:

Dear [Customer’s Name]

New arrivals on SALE! Check out our latest collection of  [CATEGORY] before they’re gone!

[Company’s Name]

What are the Benefits of SMS Notifications for Business?

SMS Notifications offer a variety of benefits for businesses that help in the enhancement of customer experience and engagement.

What are the Benefits of SMS Notifications for Business

Here are some of the few reasons why SMS Notifications are important for growing your business:

  • Budget-Friendly: SMS Notifications are cost-effective and a budget-friendly tool meaning they can reach a larger audience due to low prices. SMS text messages require minimal cost and are cheaper than social media ads and Search engine marketing.
  • A better method of communication: SMS Notifications are better for real-time communications. Two-way communication with customer interaction like text messaging, verification of accounts, and password resets via SMS marketing channels. Also, Emergency Alerts can be sent to employees working in the office for the safety concern.
  • Increase Customer Engagement: SMS Notifications are an important part of business for better engagement of customers. SMS Message incorporates a 90% open rate that boasts higher open rates, guaranteeing the messages are seen and properly acted upon.
  • Upgraded Operational Efficiency: Businesses can utilize SMS Notification to improve internal coordination and optimize operational processes. Users can opt-in to get delivery updates and inventory alerts through SMS messaging along with managing staff schedules for proper operational efficiency and business growth.
📖Also Read: Reasons Why Your Text Message Didn’t Get Delivered

Best Tips to Send Effective SMS Notifications 

Best Tips To Send Effective SMS Notifications

Here are some of the best tips for effective SMS Notifications:

1. Get Approval and Permission:

Before sending any SMS notification, you should get consent or permission from the receiver. Otherwise, the receiver could think of it as spam text messaging SMS. Obtaining genuine user approval helps build trust and gives users proper information on why the notification is being sent to them and what advantages could they get from it.

2. Keep Messages Brief, Short, and Clear:

When sending SMS notifications, you should be aware of the character limit which is up to 160 characters. So, Make sure you convey your text messages to your target audience in a brief, clear, and concise way.

3. Personalization of Messages:

Personalizing text messages with first names or their nicknames can help to build a strong connection between the sender and receiver. Using the receiver’s name can grab attention, and create a sense of familiarity and a more positive brand perception.

For example, if you have a dental appointment tomorrow, you can use SMS notifications as 

Instead of this (Reminder: “Dental Appointment tomorrow!”), You can try this

(“Hi [Full Name], you have an upcoming dental appointment scheduled for tomorrow, at [Time]. We look forward to seeing you!”)

4. Beware of the Time Zone:

If you have your clients abroad, and you want to send them promotional offers about your brand through SMS notifications, then you need to be aware of the time zone. The clients might be sleeping, or be in an important meeting, and when you send them the notification, their mobile phones might be in Sleep mode or Do Not Disturb mode and thus, they might not respond or it could disturb them.

5. Make sure your SMS Provides Value to the Recipients:

When sending any SMS notifications to your recipients, make sure they provide a proper value to the receivers. The SMS messages should be informative and relevant or useful to your target audience, otherwise, they might be marked as spam or irrelevant.

6. Include Clear Call-to-Action:

A clear Call-to-Action or proper SMS campaign is needed to send marketing messages for proper desired responses from the recipients. Businesses can build a sense of urgency or emotional connection in the mind of recipients or customers by incorporating various CTAs like Hurry Ends Soon”, “Limited Time Offer”, “Don’t Miss Out”, “Last Chance to Grab, etc. These are some of the SMS marketing messages.

SMS Notifications Vs Push Notifications: What are the differences? 

We have discussed the SMS Notifications. You might have heard about the Push Notifications as well. The following differences show you which communication channel either SMS or Push is better for your mobile device according to your needs.

Before we dive into the differences, Let’s talk about what Push Notifications are exactly. Push Notifications those notifications are pop-up alerts on mobile devices or web browsers that require a reliable web connection to be used properly. Push Notification is a powerful channel like SMS notification with brief alerts.

Here are the key differences between them. 

SMS NotificationsPush Notifications
There is two-way communication for both the senders and recipients.In Push Notifications, There is one way of communication where only the sender can convey their messages.
It has a limited length of 160 characters.Push notifications can include multimedia content and longer SMS messages.
The key difference for SMS Notification is that they don’t require an internet connection, but must require a cellular network or cellular data.Push Notification requires an internet connection and a good wi-fi signal.
Sending SMS Notifications can incur costs.Push Notifications don’t incur any costs, as the SMS text messages are sent over the internet.
It can be used by all mobile users, whether it is basic, old, or smartphone.Push Notifications can be used on various browsers and compatible applications through Android devices or iPhones and are mainly used by smartphone users.
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Send Instant SMS Notifications with KrispCall’s Bulk SMS Feature

KrispCall Bulk SMS Feature

You can send SMS Notifications or SMS messages instantly with KrispCall’s Bulk SMS feature. You can reach your target audience by delivering personalized messages, promotions, and other marketing campaigns directly to the customer’s mobile devices. You can easily set up the Bulk SMS feature with KrispCall through the following process:

  1. Sign in to the KrispCall dashboard.
  2. Choose phone numbers by selecting the location (country) with the capability of SMS.
  3. Then, Go to the Bulk SMS campaign and write or compose a message.
  4. Finally, Send and schedule the message by selecting the group of recipients or your target audience.

Here are the main reasons why you should choose KrispCall’s Bulk SMS feature for proper cloud communication with your customers.

  • Personalization of Messages
  • Cost-Effective
  • Easy to set up with a good user interface
  • Flexibility & Scalability

With higher conversion and higher open rates, the Bulk SMS feature is the best option for sending SMS notifications. You can get to use KrispCall’s exciting VoIP features at just $15 per month per user

Try KrispCall’s Bulk SMS feature to send several messages all at once. Book a free KrispCall demo to see whether your business meets the requirements according to the needs.


SMS Notification is an important part of the business organization to get their business intact. Not only it is a marketing tool for business purposes, but can also be useful for daily personal purposes to make communication with loved ones better.

With SMS Notification, you can get booking confirmation, delivery updates, financial updates, etc. The SMS message informs customers about the recent updates and status of any product or business they have subscribed to. 

With KrispCall’s amazing VoIP features, Short Message Service Notification can be utilized properly by businesses. The users can unsubscribe links as well if they feel like they are unsatisfied with the product.


What is the limitation of SMS Notification?

The limitations of SMS Notification are as follows:

  • Risk of Information Overload with High Volume
  • Dependence on Cellular Networks
  • Limited Content-Length
  • Doesn’t Support Multimedia

How can I ensure that the SMS notification is coming from the verified business?

You can ensure the SMS notification is coming from the verified business by checking their Sender ID, verifying contact information, looking for a brand logo for authenticity, confirm through the official channel of the verified business.

What type of businesses use SMS Notification?

Retailers, E-commerce, Financial Institutions, Telecommunication Companies, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, etc mainly use SMS Message Notification.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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