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Gentle Reminder Meaning: How to Write a Reminder Emails



Are you frustrated with unnoticed and ignored reminder emails?😩 It can be challenging to remind someone of something without being forced or demanding, but you’re not alone in this journey.🤝

Crafting an effective reminder email is a tough task, whether it’s about following up on outstanding tasks, reminding someone about upcoming events, or gently prompting employees to reply.

In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at Gentle reminder emails, their significance, how to craft effective gentle reminder emails, attractive email templates for gentle reminders, and some dos and don’ts to keep in mind while crafting reminder emails.👇

🔑 Key Highlights

  • A gentle reminder is a polite and friendly way to remind someone to perform a specific action.
  • Reminders can take place in any form, including payment reminders, content promotions, meeting reminders, and so on.
  • Using aggressive words in reminders may lead to pressurize the recipients.
  • Starting an email with warm greetings and addressing the name will attract recipients’ focus and time.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the reminder to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.

Gentle Reminder Meaning: What is it?

A gentle reminder is a polite and soft way of communicating to remind or attract someone’s attention to take specific actions. It’s typically used when someone has forgotten to do a specific task or needs to be reminded to take action without being forced. 

Let’s understand it better by breaking it down:👇

Gentle: It’s about reflecting the positive tone. It must be friendly, kind, and free from harshness and violence.

Reminder: It’s more about recalling a memory to do something.

Gentle reminders are used to respect a person’s feelings and deliver information simultaneously. They can take any form, including emails, phone calls, and even face-to-face interactions.

What do you mean by a Gentle Reminder Email?

A gentle reminder email is about crafting a polite and friendly email that positively affects someone’s mind about pending tasks, deadlines, or other specific actions. It’s a skill of reminding someone of something without being forced or demanding. A gentle reminder email must be clear, concise, and to the point but without hurting someone’s sentiments.

Let’s understand it better with a gentle reminder email example:👇

Subject: Gentle Reminder: Request for information

Our request for information about [topic] was made on March 26, 2024, but we have not received it.

If you could provide the requested information as soon as possible, we would greatly appreciate it.

If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Your attention to this matter is highly appreciated.

Thank You

[Your Name]

Why gentle reminder emails are important?

Did you know that over 300 billion emails are sent daily, and the email open rate is only 26.8%? 🤯

Gentle reminder emails are important to maintain effective communication and ensure tasks are noticed.

Here’s why gentle reminder emails are important for you: 👇

  • Improved Follow-through: Gentle reminders gently push people who might have unseen tasks, deadlines, or commitments. A short and sweet email can have a positive impact on their motivation to perform specific actions.
  • Positive Relationship: A gentle and respectful tone avoids misunderstandings, fostering positive relationships with recipients.
  • Boost Engagement: Reminders can be an effective way to re-engage your audience. Sending courteous and well-timed emails can help you stay top of mind and keep your brand in the audience’s consideration for future purchases or events.
  • Improve Sales: It’s common for potential customers to show interest in your product or service but not make a purchase. A gentle reminder can encourage your customers to buy your products and services, significantly improving your sales.
  • Improved Workflow: A Gentle reminder email informs everyone about deadlines and expectations, facilitating smooth workflow and avoiding last-minute interruptions.

In addition, gentle reminder emails are crucial for maintaining effective communication, boosting productivity, and building a positive working environment.

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How to write an effective Gentle Reminder Email?

Crafting an effective gentle reminder email requires balancing professionalism and politeness to ensure your message or information is received positively by your audience. It’s a must to hit the right tone, intent, and correct details when writing reminder emails. 

👉 Here are some of the key ways to write an effective kindly reminder email:

Make it Simple and Straight

Simplicity is important while crafting a gentle reminder email. The email should clearly mention its objectives and be straight to the point. Avoid vast language and lengthy paragraphs. Also, communicate in a way that aligns with the purpose of the email.

For instance, your email subject line could include “Reminder: Team meeting at the conference hall at 10:00 AM sharp.”

Always Use a Polite Tone

It’s common for people to overlook emails. But you need to stick with your goals and craft reminder email them in a polite, respectful, and friendly tone. Maintaining professionalism and courteousness is as important as ever, even if the recipient has overlooked a previous communication.

Define the Purpose Clearly

Your email’s intent determines its outcome. You need to clearly state the purpose of the email in the subject line and opening paragraph. Whether you’re reminding someone about project deadlines, payment due, or just catching up, the recipients need to understand why you’re reaching out to them.

Add Necessary Details

Missing crucial details in emails can cause confusion and misunderstandings. Ensure you include all the necessary information in your email, such as the date, time, and location of any meetings, the payment terms, and other important information.

Send a Pleasant Reminder for No Response Email

Sending a gentle reminder can be an effective way to overcome unresponsive emails. But it’s important to note that reminder emails should include a positive and polite tone to avoid feeling forced and demanding to the recipients.

9 Best Gentle Reminder Email Templates Ready to Use

When composing a gentle reminder email, the tone and phrasing are vital in conveying the message without causing discomfort or upsetting the recipient.

Here are the gentle reminder email examples and templates you can edit and use.

1. Overdue Payment Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Reminder: Payment Overdue

Dear [Reciepient’s Name],

We wanted to kindly remind you that your payment for [Invoice/service] was due on [Due Date]. We know things can get out of hand, so we expect your attention to ensure everything is in order.

Please let us know when we can expect the payment, and feel free to contact us if you have any concerns or issues.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name]

2. Event Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Friendly Reminder: [Event name] is coming up!

Hi [Attendee Name],

We hope you’re excited to participate in the upcoming [Event Name]. We’re also excited to welcome you to our event on [Event date and time] at [Event location]. 

If you haven’t booked your spot yet, please RSVP [Link] (If available) and secure your place now!

See you there!

[Your Name/Event Organizer]

3. Appointment Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Upcoming Appointment Reminder

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. This is just a quick reminder that your appointment has been scheduled for [Date and Time] at [Location] or [meeting link] (if virtual).

Please let me know before then if you have any questions or need to make changes regarding the appointment.

Looking forward to meeting with you!

Best regards,

[Your Name/Company Name]

4. Content Promotion Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: You don’t want to miss this! [Content Name]

Hi [Subscriber’s Name],

We Hope you’re in good health. As a valued subscriber, we don’t want you to miss this exciting Content [Content Topic]. You can check it out here [Content Link].

As always, we hope you’ll enjoy it.

Thank you for being part of our community.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

5. Late Deadline Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Checking in: Deadline For [Project name]


I am following up on the [Project Name], which is coming up on [Date and Time]. I understand it’s hard to meet deadlines due to several circumstances.

Please let me know if you need any assistance or more time to complete the [Project Name] Project.


[Your Name]

6. Business Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Gentle reminder: Quarterly report due by [Date]

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am writing to remind you about the quarterly report which is due by [Date]. This report is crucial to track our progress and facilitate smooth business operation.

If you haven’t prepared the report yet, I request that you prepare and submit it by [Mention Deadline]. If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

We appreciate your attention to this matter.

Thank You

[Your Name] [Your position/Title] [Contact Information]

7. Late Payment Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Outstanding Payment

Dear[Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re well. Following up on our previous discussion about the unpaid [Invoice/Service/Product]. The payment is still overdue. 

Prompt settlement is essential for our operations. Please prioritize this and clear the balance soon.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

8. Follow-up Reminder Email Template

Subject: Following up on [Original Subject]

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re in good health. This is to follow up on the previous message regarding [Subject]. 

I understand you’re busy, but I would greatly appreciate your response. Please let me know if I can assist you. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

[Your Name]

9. Sales Gentle Reminder Email Template

Subject: Special offer only for you

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I wanted to remind you about the special offer we discussed recently. We are pleased to offer you this exclusive opportunity as a valued customer, but it is only available for a limited period.

Don’t miss out on this deal. [Point out benefits]

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any concerns or queries.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon

Best regards,

[Your Name/Company Name]

What are the tips to make successful reminder emails?

Effective communication strategies and attention to detail are essential to crafting successful reminder emails. Here are some pro tips to make successful reminder emails:

Be Polite and Concise

Crafting reminder emails is like talking with your friends or family—be nice and don’t let things go out of hand. Stick with your intent and avoid unnecessary fluff and overstuffed details.

Use Follow-up strategies

Keep your backup or follow-up email readily available while crafting your first email. This will help you save a lot of time and effort. Also, while following up with some, remind them of your previous email or interaction; this will help them know why you’re reaching out to them.

Greet the Recipient

Start your email with warm gestures like “Hi” or “Dear [Recipient Name]”. A simple warm gesture will give your email a personal touch, helping personalize the message and showing respect to the recipients.

Make use of Visual Elements

Adding visuals to the texts helps grab users’ attention and increase engagement. Make sure to add icons, bold text, and attractive pictures. Visual elements facilitate recipients’ taking specific actions and make your reminder emails stand out.

Include a Call-To-Action

Make sure to include a CTA button if you want your recipients to take specific action. You can add a button to RSVP, a link, or a confirmation request. Also, Make the CTA button stand out from the rest of the text. Use bright colors, a contrasting background, and a clear, concise message.

Consider Timing

Send reminder emails at a specific time, considering the importance of the message and prospect schedule and workload. Stop sending messages too frequently as this can be seen as pushy. Finally, consider automating the process if possible.

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What are the mistakes to avoid while writing a reminder email?

Keeping common mistakes out of your reminder emails will significantly improve their effectiveness and ensure that they prompt the action or response you desire.

Avoid these common mistakes while crafting a reminder email:

  • Being Demanding and Too Pushy: A reminder email should sound gentle and polite. Avoid being too aggressive while crafting your email. Being too demanding makes the recipients feel pressured, and you may not get the desired results. Finally, the tone of the reminder should be friendly and professional.
  • Being Overly Vague: One reason for unsuccessful outcomes is unclear instructions and purpose. Make sure you mention the purpose of the reminder in the subject line. Include all the crucial details that recipients need to be reminded of. Respect the recipient’s time and make sure your reminder is relevant and to the point.
  • Sent too Few or too Many Reminders: It’s difficult to find the right time and the right balance while sending reminders. But that doesn’t mean you should send a flood of emails that can frustrate the recipients or send a few emails that can be overlooked.  Instead of prioritizing your timings, it’s important to consider the recipient’s schedule and the urgency of the message to determine the appropriate timing and frequency of reminders.
  • Ignored to Provide Clear Details & Instructions: Overlooking crucial information can cause confusion and misunderstandings. Make sure you include clear and concise details that can be related to projects, tasks, or deadlines. Make sure your recipients have access to everything in the reminder to take specific actions.
  • Fail to Personalized Emails: Avoid making emails too basic. Instead, personalize your reminder to better connect with the recipients. You can personalize reminders with warm greetings or address their name. This adds a personal touch to reminders and facilitates engagement.
  • Ignore Proofreading for Errors: Grammatical and spelling mistakes are common errors while crafting emails. That’s why proofreading is essential to ensure your reminders are free of errors. Ignoring proofreading makes your reminder look unprofessional.
  • Ignore Follow-up When Required: Most of the time, the first email goes unanswered. It’s because either the purpose of the email is unclear – the email wasn’t sent at the right time – or the person isn’t interested.  A polite and well-informed follow-up will increase your chances of being noticed and appropriately addressed.


It takes time to get the desired results with gentle reminder emails. But it’s one of the best ways to get engaged with your audience. Remember the key aspects like maintaining a polite tone, professionalism, and empathy towards the recipients. Be patient and consistent in your follow-ups. Keep track of your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly. 

Tools like KrispCall’s Voicemail-to-email feature can enhance your communication efficiency. By effortlessly integrating this feature into your email workflow, you can directly receive voicemails in your inbox, ensuring no important messages are missed. 

As a result, communication becomes more efficient and response times are shortened, which leads to increased productivity and strengthens relations with clients, colleagues, and contacts.


What is the structure of reminder emails?

The structure of the reminder email should include a Subject Line, Greetings, Context, Reminder, CTA, and Closing.

What are the tools and software for sending Gentle reminder emails?

The tools and software for sending gentle reminder emails are Gmail, MailChimp, Zoho Mail, Hubspot, Active Campaign, etc.

What do you mean by soft reminder?   

A soft reminder is a gentle nudge that prompts someone to perform a specific action without letting them feel pressured.

What are the different types of gentle reminder emails?

The different types of gentle reminder emails include deadline reminders, payment due reminders, appointment reminders, and Friendly reminders for no response.

What type of tone is used for writing a gentle reminder email?

Writing a gentle reminder email requires a polite, friendly, and professional tone.

What do you mean by a subtle email reminder?

A subtle email reminder is something that should be sent to the recipients a little before the due date rather than immediately.

Why should I use & send a gentle reminder image?

You should use and send a gentle reminder image to remind someone about upcoming events, increase engagement with your audience, and improve sales.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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