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5 Creative Ways to Use Bulk SMS for Customer Engagement



creative ways to use bulk sms for customer engagement

After all, a business’s primary goal is to keep customers engaged, and this is the secret strategy for success. Getting customers is a big investment for companies but keeping them interested is a different task.

That is where Bulk SMS comes in as the rescuer. It is a strategy popularly used by businesses to send a high volume of messages to a large number of people directly on their mobile phones.

But why should you use Bulk SMS? – Because it’s more effective. SMS is often read more than emails or social media posts. Whether you’re communicating one-way deals, promotional messages, friendly reminders, asking for feedback, or just checking up on your customers, Bulk SMS offers effective ways to connect with your customers.

Without any delay, let’s dive in and discover effective ways Bulk SMS can boost customer engagement. 👇

5 Creative Ways to Boost Customer Engagement Using Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS can help businesses reach multiple people in a single hit. It’s relatively inexpensive, fast, and has high open rates.

It can be used for promotions, notifications, and customer services. With that said, let’s discover creative ways to boost customer engagement using bulk SMS:

1. Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Craft Compelling Subject Line

The Subject Line is the first thing your customer sees. It should capture their interest at first glance. Make sure the subject line is short and easy to read and that it reflects the actual message. Finally, personalize your customer service to make them feel special.

2. Send Exclusive Offers and Discounts

Send Exclusive Offers and Discounts

Develop and send personalized offers and discounts to every customer based on their specific needs and shopping history. Try to make them feel that they are receiving some VIP treatment with these offers.

Give them a reason to act now by sending powerful yet specific messages such as Limited offer for you only, 50% off on the first 100 orders, Flash sale, etc. This way, you involve your audience with this sense of urgency and increase engagement.

3. Announce Newly Launched Products

Announce Newly Launched Products

Amaze your customers with a teaser about your product or services through SMS. Provide them with a little information or description of your product to build upon their curiosity. Lead your customers via bulk SMS campaigns to enable them to learn more about your product or to motivate them to buy—by inviting them to product launches or webinars.

4. Send Helpful Tips and Content

Send Helpful Tips and Content

Don’t rely solely on advertising. Use bulk SMS to send valuable content to your customers, increasing their interest and loyalty to your brand. For instance, if you sell fitness equipment, you can add exercise tips and healthy recipes. This will increase people’s trust in you and their continued purchases.

5. Customer Survey and Feedback

Customer Survey and Feedback

Distribute surveys and request customer feedback to obtain useful information. Get to know your customers and engage with them about their personal opinions, favorite products, and challenges. Aside from showing them that you value them, you will also be using the data to help you improve your products and services. You can send out an SMS notification to remind them to complete the survey or to thank them for their feedback.

✅ Check Out: Best Mass Texting Services to Reach More People Instantly

Maximize Reach & Customer Engagement in One Go with KrispCall’s Bulk SMS

When it comes to sending Bulk SMS, KrispCall stands out as a reliable platform. Its bulk SMS feature allows you to send messages to a large number of customers in one go, thus increasing your reach and customer engagement. In addition, it doesn’t matter if you’re not working or on a trip; the automatic sending feature will still deliver your messages even when unavailable. 

KrispCall Bulk SMS Feature
KrispCall Bulk SMS Feature

KrispCall offers an easy-to-use and user-friendly Bulk SMS feature that doesn’t require technical skills. The interface is user-friendly enough to be effortlessly navigated. Additionally, KrispCall offers not only cost-saving services but also cost-effective solutions for all businesses, ensuring the best ROI for businesses.

Book a free KrispCall’s demo now!


Bulk SMS is a powerful yet underutilized tool for businesses to communicate with customers and strengthen their bonds. Through bulk SMS, business owners can communicate quickly and easily with their customers while saving a lot of time and energy. Furthermore, bulk SMS makes marketing easy and simple by sending promotional text messages directly to customers’ mobile devices in bulk. 

For an enterprise that needs an easy-to-use platform for sending bulk SMS messages, KrispCall is a great option. The bulk SMS functionality KrispCall provides makes it easy to send messages, promotions, or updates straight to your customers’ mobile phones.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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