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How to Tell If Someone Blocked Your Number?



How to tell if someone blocked your number

In this modern era, it’s now easier and faster to communicate with the people you want to talk to. 

However, sometimes, people deliberately block your phone number to stop communicating with you. But you will never be notified about it. 

And what’s more frustrating is to find out whether the person has blocked you or you are simply experiencing technical issues. 

Therefore, in this blog, we’ll guide you on how to tell if someone blocked your number on Android or iPhone. 


  • You can simply call or message them to know whether or not your phone number is blocked.
  • If your message and voice call hasn’t been delivered consistently, it is possible that your contact has been blocked. 
  • If you receive an automated response, it means your number hasn’t been blocked. 
  • Sometimes, your messages or calls will not reach them due to technical issues. 

Can you really know if someone blocked your number?

There is no way to be 100% certain to find out if someone has blocked your phone number without asking them.

Neither Android nor the iPhone has yet introduced a feature to notify users about it. But you can try a few steps to determine whether your number has been blocked or not. 

One method is to call the suspected person. Normally, when you call someone, you hear three to twelve rings before going to voicemail, but when you call a blocked number, it will ring only once and then go straight to voicemail. 

Then, it might be possible that your number has been blocked. 

How to tell if someone blocked your number on your iPhone?

How to tell if someone blocked your number on your iPhone

It’s easier for everyone to block any contact on an iPhone, but it’s hard to decide whether any person has blocked your number. 

Even though you don’t get any notifications, you can still try various steps to find out about it. Here are the points that users can follow to determine if a suspected person has blocked you:

Undelivered Text Message 

To determine whether or not your phone number is blocked, you can send them a text message.

If your message is sent to them, you will get a “delivered” notification underneath it. But if your SMS delivery status is “undelivered” all the time, then it could be an indication that your number has been blocked. 

Nevertheless, there are several technical reasons that can affect when you send messages. Therefore, it’s not always a sign that your number has been blocked. If you’re blocked, then, see here on how to text someone who blocked you on iPhone.

🔍 Have a look at What Does Sent as Text Message Mean

Call goes straight to voicemail

Users can also find out whether or not their number is blocked by calling the suspected person.

Usually, you will hear three to twelve rings prior to going to voicemail. If the person has blocked you, the call will instantly go to voicemail after one ring.

However, it might also occur due to their phone being off or they have enabled the do not disturb mode. 

Consider trying a few more times, and then if the one-ring voicemail still continues and doesn’t get a call back, it’s a sign that you might be blocked.

🔍 Also Read How to Leave a Voicemail Without Calling Someone’s Phone

Check the color of your text messages

In regular messaging apps, users will be notified if their messages are delivered or not. Messages that aren’t delivered usually say, “message not delivered” underneath the green bubble. 

If you’re using iMessage to chat with other iPhone users, and your messages instantly turn green, it could be a sign that your messages have been blocked.

iMessages are sent over the internet and appear in a blue bubble while sending text messages between iOS users. 

The messages are appearing blue, and you aren’t still getting any response, checking the delivery status is a good way to find out whether your number has been blocked.

Moreover, iPhone users can also enable “Read Receipts,” which will pop up the notification if the person reads your message.

Receive automated replies

iPhone users can use a special feature that helps you set up automated responses to let their contacts know they aren’t available at that time and will get back to them later. 

If you receive an automated response, it’s an indication that they haven’t blocked your number. 

Mask your number and call again

When you try to call them multiple times, but it’s still unreachable, then you can call them by masking your phone number. 

Call masking is a feature that helps you to hide your real number while making a call. Then, if it rings normally or the person answers the phone call, it is possible that your number has been blocked. 

You can use this feature by dialing *67 before you type the phone number. Or you can get a phone number from KrispCall, which provides a custom caller ID feature that allows users to mask their phone numbers. 

👍 You May Also Like: Best Apps to Change Phone Numbers When Calling Someone

Hide your caller ID

By disabling caller ID, users can call the person without showing the number at the receiving end. It helps you to check whether it’s just your number that’s having issues connecting to another device. 

You can turf off your caller ID in a few simple steps:

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Locate and tap “Phone.”
  3. Click on “Show my caller ID.”
  4. Disable caller ID.

Nevertheless, people can silence unknown callers by enabling via settings. 

Use a different phone number or device

Users can try to contact them with different numbers or phones if the person’s number is still unreachable after trying several times. 

If you are still unable to contact them, it might occur due to a technical issue with the receiver’s phone. 

However, if the contact is reachable from another number or device, it is possible that your number has been blocked.

How to tell if someone blocked your number on Android?

How to tell if someone blocked your number on Android

The contact blocking feature in Android phones is essential for multiple reasons. It helps you to stop annoying calls from scammers and telemarketing.

However, sometimes, people also block their friend’s numbers to stop communicating with them. 

Here are a few steps to check out if someone has blocked your phone number on an Android phone. 

If your call goes straight to voicemail

There might be several reasons that your call goes straight to voice call. It occurs due to unstable networks or the person is unavailable to respond to calls. 

But when your call always goes to voicemail instantly after one ring, then it is possible that the person blocked your number. 

Nevertheless, it’s still not believable because it also could happen due to other technical issues. 

Text messages do not get delivered 

This is another method to find out whether or not someone has blocked your number on their Android phone. 

You have to send them a message; if it is sent, you will see a green text bubble, and if it is not sent, you will be notified, saying “undelivered.” 

If your text messages did not get delivered all the time you try, there’s a high probability that your number has been blocked. 

Get automated messages

Focus Mode is an essential feature available on Android phones that enables you to set up automated messages. 

Then, it will automatically respond to other people if the user is busy. If you receive an automated message, it’s assured that your number hasn’t been blocked.

Delete the phone number and search in your contacts list

If your calls and messages have not been consistently delivered, you can find out about it by deleting the person’s phone number thereafter if you see whether or not the number reappears as a suggested contact on your phone. 

If the number appears, you haven’t been blocked, but if the person’s name or number doesn’t appear, it may be possible that you might be blocked. 

Call from a different number or device

If users can’t reach out after trying multiple times, you can try to call them via different numbers or devices

If the call goes normally or the person responds to the call, it is possible that your number has been blocked. 

Hide your phone number

If you are still unable to find out whether your number has been blocked or not, you can call them by hiding your phone number

If your call or message reaches them, then it’s possible that the person has blocked your number. 

Here are a few steps that you can follow to hide your phone number. 

  1. Open “Settings.”
  2. Click “Applications,” and then tap “Phone.”
  3. Locate and click on more settings
  4. Click on “Caller ID.”
  5. Select “Hide Number.”
✅ Check Out: How to Make a Private Call With Your Number on Any Phone

Your Next Step: Have patience 

There is no 100% assurance that you can ensure that your number has been blocked. You have to keep patience and wait for their callback or messages.

Your call or SMS might not reach them due to their network or internet issues, and their phone may be switched off, in airplane mode or in Do Not Disturb mode (DND). 

If the person’s phone is dead, they will contact you sometime later after their phone gets charged. 

Nonetheless, if you have been blocked, your message will never reach them, and they will not contact you back. 

Are you blocked by someone? Use KrispCall Custom Caller ID to Find Out

use KrispCall custom caller ID to tell if someone blocked your number

Don’t know how to call someone that blocked you? well, firstly you can try to reach them through a different number. 

Users can buy a virtual number from KrispCall that allows them to display a specific phone number when making calls. 

By using the KrispCall custom caller ID feature, you can ensure that the number you want to display is visible to the recipient of your call, which can be helpful in determining if your number is blocked or not. 

If you want to explore more, Book a KrispCall’s free demo now!


If you suspect that someone has blocked your contact, there are a few indicators to consider.

For instance, if your call goes straight to voicemail after one ring or your text messages are not being delivered. It could be a sign that your number has been blocked. 

If the color of your text changes or you get an automated reply, that could be another sign that someone blocked your number. 

Additionally, you can call or text from different numbers or devices to clear your doubt. 


Is there a way to find out if someone has blocked your number?

There is no guaranteed way to find out if someone has blocked your number. However, users can call the person that they suspect is blocking their number. Normally, you can expect to hear three to twelve rings, but when you get blocked, you will hear only one ring, and it straightly goes to voicemail.

How to tell if someone blocked your number without texting them?

Users can try multiple steps to know if someone blocked their number without texting them. For instance, you can call from a different number to know if their contact is reachable or not.  

If someone blocked your number, will it ring?

Typically, when you call a person, you hear the regular number of rings before going to voicemail. But if your number has been blocked, you will hear a single ring before going to voicemail. 

Can you leave a voicemail if your number is blocked?

No. Even though you send your voicemail to them, the recipient will not get it. Instead, it will go to another inbox for blocked numbers.

If someone blocks you and you leave a voicemail, will they get it?

When your number is blocked and you leave a voicemail, as aforementioned, it will not go to the recipient’s inbox. Rather, it will be directed to a separate location for voicemails from blocked numbers. 

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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