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13 Proven Strategies to Get Clients for Virtual Call Center



how to get clients for virtual call center

Are you looking for ways to get clients for your virtual call center? If so, you’re not alone.

A lot of businesses are making the switch to virtual call centers in order to take advantage of the many benefits they offer. But, if you’re not careful, attracting clients can be a challenge.

When it comes to finding clients for a virtual or call center business, there are a number of proven strategies you can put into place to get your business up and running – and thriving – in no time at all. These strategies will bring clients for BPO and call center businesses knocking down your door in no time!

However, the challenge is to decide which strategy works best for ideal clients and your business. So how to get clients for virtual call centers and what are the proven strategies to get clients?

In this article, you’ll know how to get clients for call centers with the help of 13 proven strategies and signs that companies are looking to outsource BPO/Call center services.

Before we get there, let’s learn about virtual call centers first. 

What is a Virtual Call Center?

A virtual call center uses cloud technology and is not stationed in a physical location. It can be a remote office or even a home office. Virtual call centers are growing in popularity, as they offer many advantages over traditional call centers.

Unlike an on-premise call center, a virtual call center requires an internet connection to handle inbound and outbound calls. 

For businesses, virtual call centers provide the ability to expand business operations more quickly and easily without the need for additional physical space or employees.

For workers, virtual call centers give the flexibility to work from home and other convenient locations.

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What is a Virtual Call Center Representative?

A virtual call center representative, also known as a virtual call center agent, is an employee in a call center who handles inbound and outbound phone calls of clients. Generally, they address client queries and client complaints from home or remotely instead of the office workspace.

The importance of safeguarding digital assets in the virtual call center industry cannot be overstated. With high-profile clients often relying on the services offered, it is critical to be aware of theft and cybersecurity risks that could compromise sensitive information. Setting up a robust system for data protection can provide peace of mind and bolster client confidence in your services.

The call center representative follows a sales telemarketing script while interacting with the clients. Their goal is to make relationships with clients and solve their issues. They play a big part in converting potential clients into actual satisfied clients too.

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How to Get Clients for Virtual Call Centers: Top 13 Proven Strategy

Usually, virtual call centers get clients when clients themselves contact them. But this isn’t enough for businesses to get clients as much as they estimated. 

A centralized call center itself needs to set up different remote call centers and train its agents with quality customer service experience to get clients.

These strategies help call centers to give the best possible services and interactions to clients without complications.

🔔 Don’t Miss: What is Call Center Ring Strategy and Why It Matters?

1. Participate in Virtual Events

Virtual events are a great way to get exposure for your new call center, connect with clients, and generate leads. 

There are a variety of different types of virtual events, so there’s sure to be one that’s a good fit for your business. Here are a few community and virtual events you can participate in to promote your business:

  • Online webinars
  • Twitter chats
  • Facebook live events
  • Instagram live events
  • Pinterest parties
  • LinkedIn groups
  • Private slack channels

Each of these virtual events provides an opportunity to connect with potential customers and promote your call center. If you’re unsure which event is right for you, reach out to your target audience and see what interests them. Then, find an event that aligns with your goals and start promoting your call center business.

Attending international trade shows and conferences is one of the best ways to get international clients for call centers.

Tips on how to participate in community or virtual events to get new clients for your call center:

  • Find events that are relevant to your call center. For example, if you specialize in customer service, look for events that customer service organizations host.
  • Reach out to the event organizers and let them know you’re interested in participating.
  • Prepare a short presentation or pitch that you can give at the event. This will help you get the attention of potential clients.
  • Follow up with the people you meet at the event. Send them an email or give them a call if you have their contact details.

2. Partner with a BPO Agency

Being in the call center industry, you know that one of the best ways to get clients is through partnering with a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) agency. 

This allows you to work with a company that already has a solid reputation and a large client base. In turn, this can help you to build your own client base and reputation in the industry.

Companies often look for BPOs to outsource their work. That’s why call centers need to get in touch with BPO agencies so that they will outsource their clients asking for call center services to you. It’s a win-win scenario for both your call center and the BPO agency.

According to Breezy, 57% of businesses use partnerships to acquire new customers. So, it’s a no-brainer for a virtual call center to do the same.

When partnering with an agency, there are a few things to keep in mind.  First, you need to find a BPO agency. Then you want to ensure that the agency is reputable and has a good relationship with its clients. 

Second, you want to make sure that you are able to offer the agency something of value in return for their help in getting you, clients. And finally, you want to ensure that you have a contract that outlines the partnership’s terms.

Learn About: BPO Vs Call Center: How they are different.

3. Implement an employee/customer referral program

A survey suggests that 92% of people trust referrals from friends, families, or anyone they know. These people are 4 times more likely to become a client when referred by someone they know.

An employee/customer referral program is a great way to increase your company’s client base. You can quickly expand your reach and build your brand by providing incentives for employees and rewards for active customers to refer new clients.

When referral marketing is in play, 50% of employees are likely to refer if offered a direct incentive. Also, 69% of clients are interested in trying a business if it gives good rewards.

When designing a referral program, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to decide what type of incentive or reward you’ll offer. Will it be a monetary reward, free products, or something else? 

Second, you’ll need to set some guidelines for who is eligible to receive the incentive. For example, you may only offer the incentive to employees who refer new clients who make a purchase.

Third, you’ll need to promote your referral program to ensure that employees and customers are aware of it. You can do this through email, social media, or in-person events.

4. Use Multichannel market

As a call center owner, you know that providing excellent customer service is one of the most important things you can do to attract clients. And in today’s world, multi-channel marketing is the best way to provide the high-quality service your clients expect.

With multichannel marketing, you provide support through a variety of channels, such as phone, email, live chat, and social media. This allows your clients to choose the most convenient channel for them and get the help they need when they need it.

Offering multichannel customer service has a number of benefits for your business. It can help you reach more clients, provide better service, and boost your bottom line. 

According to a report, 52% of businesses use three or four channels to reach more consumers. If you’re not currently doing multichannel marketing, now is the time to start.

5. Create an ad campaign

Creating an advertising campaign can be daunting, but luckily there are a few tried and true methods that can help you get started. First, you’ll need to determine your goals for the campaign. In our case, the goal is to get clients. Once you know your goals, you can start to create an ad campaign strategy.

Second, you’ll need to choose your audience. Who are you trying to reach with your ads? Once you know who you’re targeting, you can create your ad campaign creatively. By creating a series of ads that target your ideal client, you can increase the chances of getting them to use your services.

Next, you need to choose the right platform for your ad campaign. Where will your ads be seen? Will they be on TV, on social media, or in print? This is where you’ll decide on the look and feel of your ads and the messaging you want to communicate. You can focus on the benefits of using a call center, such as cost savings, convenience, and 24/7 tech support.

Finally, you’ll need to determine your campaign budget. How much are you willing to spend on your ad campaign? Once you have a budget in mind, you can start to plan your ad campaign schedule.

6. Competitive intelligence

There is a famous saying, “Keep Your Customers Close and Your Competitors Closer.” 

If you manage a call center, you know that having up-to-date information on your competitors is critical to your success. After all, if you don’t know what they’re doing, you can’t adjust your own strategies to stay ahead of the game.

That’s where competitive intelligence comes in. Competitive intelligence is gathering information on your competitors and using it to improve your business. It’s a crucial part of any call center manager’s job, and it can give you the insight you need to make your call center the best it can be.

Building a competitive intelligence system can be challenging, but it’s well worth the effort. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Define your competitive landscape. CI programs should focus on direct and indirect competitors that offer similar services.
  • Set up a system for gathering information. This can include everything from monitoring social media to conducting research to attending.
  •  Leverage technology to streamline the data collection process. For example, to gather competitor pricing information, an AI price scraping tool can extract the necessary data without you having to gather it manually.

7. Grab leads from websites

There are many ways to generate leads from websites. You can run ads, create landing pages, or use forms to capture contact information. You can also use chatbots to engage with website visitors and collect leads.

The most important thing is to ensure that your website is designed to make it easy for targeted visitors to find what they’re looking for and take the next step.

These days the initial instinct of a client is to search for the business they are looking for through search engines like Google and social media platforms. That’s why it’s important part to launch yourself ahead of other call centers by owning your own website.

If clients come searching from social media, it’s a little easier to reach your website since you will definitely put it on social media. 

However, if they look for virtual call centers on Google, you need to really step up your game by improving your website ranking. For this, you will have to pump your SEO to optimize your website content and rank your web pages higher so clients can easily find you. Get an SEO expert to start improving your website.

Additionally, here are a few tips to help you grab leads from your website:

  • Use clear and concise calls-to-action (CTAs)
  • Include a firm offer on your landing pages
  • Use pop-ups and chatbots to capture leads
  • Make it easy for visitors to reach you with a click-to-call widget
  • Add newsletters, etc.

8. Boost the email campaign

Email campaigns are a great way to promote your cloud-based call center. They can help you reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. But the question is, how many prospects are you emailing in a single day? 

If you are sending the emails manually, then you can never reach be able to boost your conversion rate. That’s why you need to automate your email campaign in order to send hundreds of emails without breaking a sweat. There are many email automation tools that can help you email more prospects and increase your chances of getting clients to contact you.

For this, you should definitely look into email marketing platforms that are suitable for your current budget and needs. Some of the biggest companies rely on Mailjet, MailChimp, or Aweber, but if you’re just starting out and cannot afford those, there are many other affordable options to consider. If you’re unsure where to start, check out these great Aweber alternatives as doing your research is a crucial step to a successful email marketing campaign.

However, before you start your email campaign, there are a few things you should know:

First, you need to make sure you have a good list of email addresses. You can either build your own by collecting email addresses from your website or social media followers. 

Quick Tip: get an email list of startup businesses and give them the best offer that they can’t resist.

Once you have your list, you need to create a compelling email that will encourage people to buy your product or use your service. This means your email needs to have a strong subject line, an engaging message, and a call to action.

Finally, you need to track your results so you can see how well your email campaign is performing. This means looking at things like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

9. Stay active on social media

Your virtual call center should have a social media presence to stay relevant and engage with your audience. Posting content on social media is a great way to generate leads and drive sales. But what kind of content should you be posting?

Your social media content should be a mix of informative and promotional content. You should post content that educates and informs your customers, as well as content that promotes your products or services. A good mix of both is content marketing that will help you build thought leadership and brand awareness.

In addition to posting your own content, you should also be active on social media. This means liking and commenting on other people’s posts and sharing relevant content from other local businesses. Being active on social media shows that you’re engaged with your audience and that you’re interested in what they have to say.

A statistic suggests that 40% of consumers expect businesses to respond within one hour on social media. So as a call center specializing in customer service, make sure to give your clients the best service to grab their full attention.

Here are a few tips to help you stay active on social media:

  • Post regularly. Make sure you’re posting new content on a regular basis. This will keep your followers engaged and coming back for more.
  • Respond quickly. When someone leaves a comment or asks a question, give a quick response to increase the interaction with the audience.
  • Use hashtags. Hashtags can help you reach a wider audience and connect with like-minded people.
  • Share other people’s content. In addition to sharing your own content. Thankfully it’s easy to streamline content creation with modern tools. For instance, with easy AI photo editing you can tweak, adjust and enhance images before publishing them to your social feeds.

10. Get in touch with lost clients

Many call centers don’t make it a priority to get in touch with clients who they’ve lost contact with. However, this is a crucial part of maintaining a successful business. Getting in touch with lost clients can help you reactivate them as customers, increase positive reviews, and reduce churn.

According to an article, there is a 20-40% chance of getting back lost clients in comparison to a 5-10% chance of converting a lead into a new client acquisition.

There are a few different ways to get in touch with lost clients. You can reach out to them via email, social media, or even good old-fashioned snail mail. Whatever method you choose, make sure you personalize your message and show them that you’re truly interested in reestablishing contact.

If you’re not already making an effort to get in touch with lost clients, now is the time to start. You may be surprised at how easy it is to reactivate them as customers and how beneficial it can be for your own call center’s purpose as a whole.

11. Teach Your Customers by Providing informative resources 

There are always common questions that call center agents to need to answer regularly to clients. This could be repetitive and increases queue time for other important queries. 

The best way to address this is by providing a FAQ section on the business website where clients can easily find answers to those basic questions.

Such a strategy can reduce the total call volume in the call center and queue time. Eliminating such calls can help agents to focus on clients with urgent or difficult issues.

Call centers can create step-by-step tutorials on their knowledge base for clients to handle such basic queries.

  • Use a ticketing system

One of the most popular methods for call centers to handle clients’ requests is using a ticketing system. It enables call centers to automatically store all the customer information and type of their queries.

Ticketing systems help call centers to organize all the queries in proper and safe order so that nothing is missed. Also, it assists in prioritizing the queries on the basis of their submission time and the difficulty level of the issue.

  • Reduce queue time

Although call centers cannot exactly determine the exact queue time so that they can minimize the time clients have to wait in the queue by using call center queue management strategy, they can work their way around depending on their experience.

Call centers need to deeply monitor different KPIs to evaluate the average queue time. It also helps them to identify what areas are forcing clients to wait for more than usual.

This way they can improve the performance of their system and agents to give services to clients as fast as possible.

Set a Follow-up routine

Not all call center clients provide customer feedback on how their experience was during their interaction with call center agents. Such feedbacks are real insights to see how the call center is providing services to the clients.

Call centers need to follow up with their clients to get feedback through surveys, feedback boxes, phone calls, or customer interviews. Some call centers offer incentives to clients for providing honest feedback.

12. Marketing and cold calling Campaigns

Call centers need to focus on different marketing campaigns to attract customers. Businesses need to come up with marketing schemes for new and old clients so that make efforts to contact call center agents.

In such situations, agents need to follow a strong script to make sure clients buy the scheme.

On the other hand, call centers can arrange cold calling campaigns to contact a list of potential clients. Call center agents already have the contact details of clients collected through various campaigns.

13. Hire quality call center agents

One of the most basic issues businesses has that decreases their client number is the performance of the call center agents. So, it’s very important for call centers to hire quality call center agents.

An agent should have patience, fluent communication skills, empathy, and confidence to deal with any type of client and their problems. HR must look for these qualities in the candidates when hiring an agent for the call center.

Check Also: 12 Important Call Center Skills Every Agent Should Have

  • Regular training sessions

Call centers need to regularly provide training sessions to their call center agents, especially for new agents. They need to provide core knowledge of company values, product details, various tools, etc.

Call centers need to train the agents to handle all the questions and complaints of clients to give a better customer service experience.

One-time training isn’t sufficient. They need to regularly conduct training for call center agents to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and improve their skills.

Along with you can also provide

  • Provide Call center scripts.

Every call center needs a powerful script to handle all kinds of customer interactions. These scripts contain all the dialogues and possible answers to deal with clients, especially challenging clients. For example, Telemarketing Scripts for Cleaning Services.

However, writing a script isn’t enough. It may sound great to you but may not perform as expected. So, call centers need to perform A/B testing to examine the efficiency of call center scripts.

A/B testing or split testing allows the call center to compare two different versions of the call center script to check which provides the best performance. It’s a wonderful method to determine what the client actually wants to hear.

What are the signs that show a company is looking for BPO/Call Center Services?

Here are the signs that indicate a company may be looking for BPO/Call Center services:

  1. Job postings: If the company is advertising new job positions related to outsourcing, such as vendor management or process improvement roles. etc.
  2. Requests for proposals (RFPs): If the company releases RFPs or invites vendors to submit proposals for outsourcing specific business processes.
  3. Online searches and inquiries: The company conducts online searches or makes inquiries about BPO services on forums, directories, or social media platforms.
  4. Declining performance: The company experiences challenges in managing specific business processes or notices a decline in performance, indicating a need for external support. Examples are companies losing clients, firing employees, decreasing sales, etc.
  5. Organizational changes: The company undergoes restructuring, reallocating resources, or creating new departments to focus on core competencies and consider outsourcing non-core functions.
  6. Technology upgrades: The company invests in new technologies or systems and seeks BPO services to assist with integration, implementation, or ongoing management.
  7. Market expansion or scaling: The company plans to expand into new markets, launch new products or services, or scale operations, requiring additional support that BPO services can provide.
  8. Industry trends and competition: The company observes industry trends or notices competitors leveraging BPO services, prompting them to consider outsourcing to stay competitive.
  9. Consultations and partnerships: The company seeks consultations with BPO service providers or forms partnerships to explore outsourcing options and gain insights into potential benefits.
  10. Cost optimization initiatives: The company seeks ways to reduce operational costs, and outsourcing specific functions can be an attractive solution.

While these signs indicate a company’s potential interest in BPO/Call Center services, it’s important to approach them with further research and conversations to understand their specific needs and explore how your BPO services can address their requirements.

The 3 Pillars That You Should Focus On to Succeed in a Virtual Call Center

In 2022, running a successful virtual call center is a difficult task for small call center, but it isn’t impossible. There are three main things a business should prioritize to succeed in a virtual call center.

1. Team Members 

The first pillar of all successful virtual call centers is their team members. Especially, call centers that focus on training, retaining, and rewarding team members have the upper hand to establish a healthy virtual workplace atmosphere.

2. Technology

The second pillar for managing all the team members mainly call center agents is technology. To run a virtual call center smoothly, businesses require a set of software and tools.

Today, most call centers use call center software offered by cloud-based phone systems which optimize the performance and integrate necessary tools into one single platform.

3. Customer experience

The third pillar of a successful call center is customer experience which is outmost the main role of a call center to provide and manage an excellent customer service experience. Generally, call centers serve customers by answering their queries and solving problems.

👋 Take a look at: Best Customer Experience Platforms to Watch This Year

To wrap up

The virtual call center is an important asset for any business. It provides a direct passage for clients to interact with the company.

It deals with all the queries and complaints that a client has to give a good customer service experience.

However, a virtual call center cannot work with only software. It needs a set of strategies that works the best to give the best performance and satisfy the clients. 

By using the above 13 strategies you can get call center contracts for your businesses.

Also, analyze your business and figure out which strategy will work best for you. Sometimes a little trial and error can be a great idea to find out what suits the best for you.

Generate High Paying Clients using KrispCall’s Virtual Call Center

Today, many cloud-based phone systems offer call center software for all kinds of businesses. Among them, KrispCall is proving to be one of the effective platforms to interact with clients and provide your best services.

KrispCall focuses on how to improve the customer experience and improve the agent’s performance. That’s why it has included powerful features such as third-party app integration, sales automation, click-to-call widgets, etc to cover all the areas of your ideal virtual call center.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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