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Telemarketing Scripts for Cleaning Service to Close Deals Faster



telemarketing scripts for cleaning service

People think telemarketing scripts are important & effective only for big companies or enterprises. But in reality, telemarketing scripts play a vital role in small businesses like cleaning services as well. 

Telemarketing scripts for cleaning services help you to convert your prospects into cleaning business clients.

Just you need to understand some important techniques before writing telemarketing scripts. 

You should know how to handle an interrupted conversation with a prospect.

Don’t Worry!  

We provide you with the solution of how to write effective telemarketing scripts for cleaning services, its benefits, as well as different samples of telemarketing scripts for cleaning services in this article.

Read the article till the end to know the best telemarketing scripts for cleaning business clients no matter if it is  Residential, Commercial & Covid Cleaning, air duct cleaning business prospects.

What is Telemarketing Script?

Telemarketing scripts assist agents in their efforts to convert callers from prospects to customers. Instead of focusing on what to say, the agent can communicate with the receiver utilizing the script as a guide.

A telemarketing script should also prepare the caller to the field and answer inquiries, as well as build confidence in the agent to keep the prospect involved and interested. This, however, needs precise maneuvering and a well-thought-out approach.

What is the Telemarketing Script for Cleaning Service?

The telemarketing script is a step-by-step document procedure that calls center agents to use to pitch residential and commercial cleaning business owners’ prospects to convert the deal.

Telemarketing scripts are very useful in cleaning businesses so that the agents can counter the question from prospects.

Why do agents use telemarketing scripts to pitch for cleaning business clients?

Telemarketing scripts can be a powerful strategy for your cleaning company, and it’s a simple and productive approach to boost earnings and advertise your service to clients.

The advantages of using telemarketing scripts to get cleaning business clients are:

  • Create a more personalized and engaging service approach
  • Make an immediate connection with your cleaning business clients
  • Create appointments and leads
  • More properly describe technical difficulties
  • Compared to in-person sales calls, more clients can be contacted
  • Sell service from a distance to expand your sales area
  • To produce measurable outcomes
  • sell service to respectively current and prospective clients

The biggest advantage of telemarketing scripts for cleaning service company promotion is that it helps you to quickly assess your customers’ interest in your goods or service.

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Sample of Telemarketing Scripts for Cleaning Services

As we already discussed, telemarketing script is a critical strategy for cleaning services.

But, how to write telemarketing scripts for cleaning services?

Here, we provide you with several samples of telemarketing scripts for cleaning services below:

Sample 1: Telemarketing script for Residential Cleaning Business 

Cleaning floors, kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms are all things that a residential cleaning service specializes in. 

You can pitch the house owners or daycares, who are too engaged with their work and can’t give time at home. 

We have several different scripts for residential cleaning as a sample you can use in your conversation.

Cold Calling Script for cleaning companies


Hello, I am [your name], and I’m calling from [your company’s name] cleaning service. We’re a cleaning company specializing in residential or deep house cleaning. We want to know if you have currently used a cleaning service?

If the prospect says “Yes.”


When was the last time they looked for a cleaning service? How was their experience? Ask if they can share checked rates?

First, proceed with cleaning service, advantages of cleaning service, the service your company provides and lastly cost with offering some limited discount. Use the “Now and Never” strategy. 

If everything goes well, ask to schedule a 15-minute meeting on [insert date/time]?

If the prospect says “No.”

Maintain non-offensive behavior and try to analyze why they are saying” No.”

Ask a few questions:

Have they used any cleaning service before? When did the service get to them? Their experiences with them? Ask to share previous service costs?

Or you can also use the “The options technique” and elaborate why the houses like them require specialized cleaning. As a business owner or agent, offer a solution to assist the places and how our cleaning services will help you save time and provide pleasant satisfaction. 

Further, they are ready, schedule a short meeting on [insert date/time]?

Script for Voicemail

Hello, myself [your name] from [your company’s name]. My number is [your number]. We’re a certified residential cleaning company specializing in house cleaning in [your city name]. 

We understand that houses like yours require a specific kind of cleaning, and we’ve developed a technique that fits within the budget of the other homes we serve.

I want to speak with you about saving your money on cleaning services. You can contact me at [your number]. I’ll call you on [day] [morning/afternoon] if I don’t hear from you about a more convenient time to speak.

Follow-up Email (if requested)

Hello [their name],

As requested, here is some information about [your company’s name] for your reference if [their company name] needs a professional and productive cleaning service. We specialize in residential, as I said, and have a flexible strategy that uses technology to give you exceptional service while operating within your budget.

We aren’t your average cleaning service. Here are three primary causes for our differences:

  • We concentrate on our cleaners so they can concentrate on you

Choosing the perfect cleaner might be a challenging task. [Your company’s name] invests a significant amount of effort in recruiting, training, and keeping the best cleaners in the market.

  • Cleaning isn’t the only thing to do; communication is also essential.

[Your company’s name] understands that performing a good job involves more than just cleaning. We use technology to ensure that our consumers receive clear and consistent information about the work we conduct.

  • We can verify that no other cleaning business is more concerned with quality.

We spend extensively ensuring that we provide you with the best possible cleaning services, from the technology we employ to our quality checks. In everything that we do, we seek perfection. Our website: [your website] has additional information about it.

Please do feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require a quote.

Have a great day!

[your name]

[your company’s name]

For more details to writer commercial cleaning telemarketing script see the video.

Email to a Lead Who Asked for a Quote on Your Website

Hi [their name], 

Thank you for contacting [your company’s name] for a quote.

This week, are you available for a 15-minute meeting at your home to discuss your current cleaning needs? The goal of the on-site visit is for us to learn about your particular needs and show you how we maintain your place clean using technology.

Please feel comfortable responding to this email and let me know if you have any particular queries before the meeting.

We’ll be able to tell by the conclusion of the meeting if we’re a good fit for each other. 

I’ll call you if I don’t hear back by [insert day/time] in the next 24 hours.

Have a wonderful day,

[your name]

[your company’s name]

Sample 2: Telemarketing script for Commercial Cleaning Clients

Commercial cleaning business offers commercial cleaning, an organization that hires experienced cleaners to cleanse commercial buildings like schools, offices, medicals, etc., using specialized technologies.

We can pitch school principals, office owners, medical heads, and so on for commercial cleaning in their offices.

For commercial cleaning, we have several different scripts as a sample.

Cold Calling Script

Hi [name] ? 

(Prospect: Yes)

Myself [your name] here from [your company]. 

I’m sure you’re busy, and I’d like to respect your time, so I’ll keep this quick. My reason for calling is that [your company] specializes in professional cleaning services for office or commercial spaces by utilizing technology to offer clear and consistent information about what our cleaners need to complete.

I’d want to ask you a few questions with your permission to see if there’s anything we’re doing that you may benefit from. Would you be willing to spend just a few minutes with me if I kept to this schedule?

(Prospect: Yes)

Needs Assessment:

  1. What are you doing to keep your place clean right now?
  2. When was the last time you talked to another cleaning company about innovative ways to improve quality?
  3. Is there anything about the current cleaning services you’d like to change or improve?
  4. What impact do you think these changes would have on your company?

Summarize & Confirm:

  1. What you’re saying, in my opinion, is [recap what the prospect told you about their difficulties, challenges, and goals]. Is that correct/accurate?
  2. Is it fair to believe that if there were a method for you to [restate the most major difficulty] so that you could [summarize their most essential goal/objective], it would be worth discussing in more detail?

(Prospect: Yes)

Schedule Next Step:

Then how about I drop by your office for a 20-minute meeting?

You’ll be able to see our technology in action, and I’ll be able to show you how we utilize it to help our cleaners and create your personalized cleaning schedule for your area.

Do you have your calendar with you, [their name]? What day of the week would be best for you? Is it at the start or end of the week? Is it better to go in the morning or the afternoon?

Script for Voicemail

Hello, This is [your name] from [your company’s name]. My number is [your number]. We’re a certified commercial cleaning company specializing in office cleaning in [your city name]. We understand that offices like yours require a specific kind of cleaning, and we’ve developed a technique that fits within the budget of the other offices we serve.

I want to speak with you about saving your money on cleaning services. You can contact me at [your number]. I’ll call you on [day] [morning/afternoon] if I don’t hear from you about a more convenient time to speak.

Follow-up Email (if requested)

Hello [their name],

As requested, here is some information about [your company’s name] for your reference if [their company name] needs a professional and productive cleaning service. We specialize in commercials, as I said, and have a flexible strategy that uses technology to give you exceptional service while operating within your budget.

We aren’t your average cleaning service. Here are three primary causes for our differences:

  • We concentrate on our cleaners so they can concentrate on you

Choosing the perfect cleaner might be a challenging task. [Your company’s name] invests a significant amount of effort in recruiting, training, and keeping the best cleaners in the market.

  • Cleaning isn’t the only thing to do; communication is also essential.

[Your company’s name] understands that performing a good job involves more than just cleaning. We use technology to ensure that our consumers receive clear and consistent information about the work we conduct.

  • We can verify that no other cleaning business is more concerned with quality.

We spend extensively ensuring that we provide you with the best possible cleaning services, from the technology we employ to our quality checks. We focus on perfection in everything we do. Our website: [your website] has additional information about it.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any additional questions or would like a price.

Have a great day!

[your name]

[your company’s name]

Email to a Lead Who Asked for a Quote on Your Website

Hi [their name], 

Thank you for inquiring about getting a quote with [your company’s name].

This week, are you available for a 15-minute meeting at your office to discuss your current cleaning needs? The goal of the on-site visit is for us to learn about your particular needs and show you how we maintain your place clean using technology.

Please feel comfortable responding to this email and let me know if you have any particular queries before the meeting.

We’ll be able to tell by the conclusion of the meeting if we’re a good fit for each other. I’ll call you if I don’t hear back by [insert day/time] in the next 24 hours.

Have a wonderful day,

[your name]

[your company’s name]

Sample 3: Telemarketing Scripts for Covid Sanitization

Covid Sanitization could be done to any organization like school, business, restaurants, offices  & so on, to help them reopen or make them safe from Covid.

We can pitch every organization as well as house to offer covid sanitization.

Cold calling scripts for covid sanitization to pitch any organization is: 

Cold Calling Scripts

Hello [their name]

I am [your name], calling from [your company name]

We assist offices in restarting safely in the post-COVID world. Our cost-effective hygiene process can handle repeated sanitization in high-contact conditions comparable to your [type of establishment].

Would you like to know more?

If they say “Yes.”

A healthy and clean environment improves the safety of your employees and clients.

Please provide your contact information to easily schedule an appointment with one of our specialists to learn more about you!

Thank you for your attention and time. We will contact you as soon as possible!

Have a nice day,

Stay Safe!

Sample 4: Air Duct Cleaning Telemarketing Scripts

Here are some of the examples of air duct cleaning telemarketing scripts in different situations. 

Talking about Vents 

Talk about the assurance while talking about vents. 

For example: 

If your prospect tells 15 vents to clean talk, clearly inquire what types of vents are included such as “Are these vents including all of the supply, all of the returns, and any vents in the basement?” 

If yes, add them!

Talking about the Area 

Being sure with areas. Ask your prospect to give you the square footage of their home, and then estimate the vents. 

For example: 

If they give say, their house is 1500 sq. ft, assume there should be 15 vents in their home and one vent is for every 100 square. 

In the Case of Unsurety from Your Prospects

If your prospects are unsure about the count of vents and area measurement! You can lead a short conversation to understand!

For example: 

You: That’s okay if you’re unsure about the number of vents and square footage! May you tell me how many bedrooms does your home have?

After the prospect reveals, it’s upon you now to estimate roughly how large their house is. However, keep in mind, all houses are different, so you can only guess based on the size. 

Usually, houses have 15 vents if there are 2 Bedrooms, 20 vents if there are 3 Bedrooms, 25 vents if there are 4 Bedrooms. 

Remember to keep it simple. This will help you to do your business easily.

Those are the samples of telemarketing scripts for cleaning services in different scenarios, and you can apply them in your cleaning business.

For writing effective telemarketing scripts, we need to know different techniques before writing them.

Techniques for writing a strong Telemarketing Script for cleaning business clients

Writing action-oriented telemarketing scripts needs precise preparation and execution. For starters, the writing must be professional yet not so uninteresting that it fails to attract the audience. It also needs to be personal and connect with the receiver.

Some additional in-depth methods for writing a successful telemarketing script are:

  • Understand your prospects business challenges and their pain points

You need to understand your prospects’ business challenges first & the problem they are facing. You need to make sure the conversation will be worth it for them.

You have to understand what your prospect actually expect from your cleaning services. You have to make them understand how you can help them with their problems related to cleaning services.

  • Prepare yourself

Your prospects want to know that you understand them and that you care about their worries.  As a result, it’s not uncommon for individuals to interrupt the conversation with anxieties and objections, which may quickly escalate into a bad situation if the agent is unable to handle these issues.

To prepare for this, incorporate your prospects’ key objections and worries in the script so that agents are prepared to manage them if they arise.

Agents will be more prepared for unexpected interactions if these possibilities are addressed in the script.

  • It shouldn’t be just about you

Despite the fact that your script is marketing your product or service, the call should be focused on your prospect. A monotonous, repetitious speech on your product’s features and benefits will bore and turn off the prospect. 

Include exciting questions to ask prospects in the script that stimulate reactions, or better yet, have them ask you questions. When a prospect asks questions, it indicates that he or she is interested. Design a script that engages your prospects in the discussion.

  • Make taking action simple

We spoke about putting the prospect first, but when it’s time to sell, offer them a reason to act. Include calls to action when discussing product benefits, and offer engaged prospects every chance to say “yes”.

  • Add your unique selling proposition

Your distinctive element in the workplace is your unique selling offer. It’s what sets you apart from the competition and makes customers purchase from you. Your telemarketing script must stand out among the thousands of other scripts your prospects might hear.

State your distinctive point and how listening to you will benefit and improve the prospect’s life at the start of your script. They must understand how spending their time will pay off in the long run.

👉Editors Also Suggest: 15 Best Home Improvement Telemarketing Scripts that Actually Works 🧹🧽


The most significant advantage of telemarketing for business promotion is that it helps you to quickly assess your customers’ interest in your products or services. Telemarketing scripts can assist agents in converting callers from prospects to consumers.

Your prospects will feel like they are being talked to rather than sold to if you use an efficient telemarketing script that contains the recommendations above. We have already provided you with the tips & techniques for writing effective telemarketing scripts above.

You can even use the sample of telemarketing scripts for cleaning services that we provided above to handle the prospect in a good way by agents.

Sometimes, the prospect can interrupt the conversation with their objection & anxieties, so the agent should be prepared with the telemarketing scripts to handle such a situation.

Since telemarketing scripts are really beneficial for changing prospects to the customer, every organization needs to implement telemarketing scripts in their business.

Consider setting up a virtual call center, such as KrispCall, if you have a lot of telemarketing calls and need a time-saving alternative.

You can auto-dial prospects and get informed when someone picks up the phone with a KrispCall. This will save your time and money by eliminating the need for manual dialing.


👤 How do you pitch a cleaning service?

The thing you should know to write a cleaning service proposal are:
– Don’t focus too much on cleaning
– Explain why you do, what you do
– Illustrate how you differ from the competitors
– Inform them of your customers’ opinions on your services
– Explain how your offerings will benefit their company or individuals
– Express your commitment towards customers
– Do not forget to follow up

📞 What is Cold Calling?

The activity of contacting a prospective client who has not shown an interest in communicating with a customer support team or making a deal is known as cold calling.

⚔️ What skills do you need to be a Telemarketer?

The skills you require to become a telemarketer are given below:
– Knowledge of sales strategies and the ability to conduct sales and marketing calls.
– Computer abilities.
– Strong communication, negotiating, and persuasive skills, as well as a relaxed, confident telephone demeanor.
– Excellent team worker.
– Ability to communicate with customers and elicit responses.
– Result-oriented approach.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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