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15 Best Home Improvement Telemarketing Scripts that Actually Works



best home improvement telemarketing scripts

Are you looking for the best home improvement telemarketing sales scripts that will convert prospects into customers more easily? 

Well, your wait is over now!

We have compiled several home improvement telemarketing scripts for you so that you don’t have to hire an expert or incur extra expenses for telemarketing scripts.

These pre-built 15 home improvement telemarketing scripts will make your work more manageable and quicker. You can answer and pitch the customers with these telemarketing scripts anytime.

And, HEY! 👋  With these telemarketing scripts, we have brought its different ways of working, and various samples to a better understanding of telemarketing scripts for home improvement only for you. 

Are you ready? 🏃‍♀️

Let’s drive in to get to know the best home improvement telemarketing scripts that effectively work in 2022.

However, at first!

What is Home Improvement Telemarketing Script?

Home improvement telemarketing scripts are pre-written sales scripts the call agent or business representative uses to sell home improvement products or services to the call recipient (customer).  

It serves as a focus for the agents to be more involved with the recipients, rather than focusing on what to say next.

Sales telemarketing scripts assist the call center agent to get a prospect to agree to a deal or services and sign a contract. 

Moreover, it keeps the agent comfortable with keeping the prospect engaged and interested by preparing them to answer questions.

Home Improvement Telemarketing Sales Scripts: Why do builders and agents use them?

Prior to working with clients, agents need to learn about telemarketing and the scripts they use. You can use it to increase the monetization of your business by distributing advertisements to clients. It’s easy to learn, be productive, and self-development. 

The benefits of scripts in telemarketing to encounter home improvement clients are: 

  • Develop a more personalized and engaging customer service strategy
  • Build an instant connection with your cleaning company’s customers
  • Make appointments and generate leads
  • More accurately characterize technical issues
  • Can contact more clients than with in-person sales calls.
  • To increase your sales territory, sell services from afar.
  • To achieve measurable results
  • Sell services to both current and potential customers

Home improvement agents benefit from this because it assists them in estimating the client’s interest in the goods or services a business offers. 

When is the Best Time to Use Telemarketing Scripts to Close the Prospects?

For instance, agent A has called a client every Monday morning and received no response. In contrast, there’s a call agent B that has been calling the same client every Wednesday. Call agent B manages to receive confirmation for a demo meeting in the coming week. 

Most of us now know that the weekday is the one variable that changes. You may believe that the day and hour of the phone call are insignificant, but it has a huge impact. 

On a Wednesday or Thursday, between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m., is the optimal time to make cold calls. However, the worst time to call is between 6:00 a.m. and noon on Mondays.

To succeed in telemarketing, you’ll need a lot of tenacity and patience. They do, however, give some of the greatest training for freshly hired agents.

Here are some of the most efficient telemarketing scripts to aid your growth.

15 Best Home Improvement Telemarketing Scripts to Close the Prospects

Below are 15 home improvement telemarketing scripts to help you close the sales and make your business work faster than ever before by giving effort to the scripts.

1. The “Now or Never” Approach

It is a classic telemarketing script’s closing tactic that causes buyers to experience FOMO, or “fear of missing out.” It adds “exclusive, limited-time offers” to generate a sense of urgency. The idea is to offer your client that final push they need to say “yes.”

You may inform them that only a few things are remaining in-store and that they won’t be able to get the inventory or service later because it is a limited-edition item. You can also use words like “last chance,” “ends soon,” “today only,” “don’t wait,” and so on as trigger words.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #1:

It is a good chance to share that people who sign up next week receive a special [X percent] discount. That’s something I don’t want you to miss out on.

Why does it work?

In general, we enjoy having a variety of choices. That is why customers continue to compare products, services, and providers to obtain the best prices.

At the same time, we’re hardwired to avoid missing out on opportunities. That’s why the now or never sales closing strategy appeals to customers who require just one more reason to make a decision.

When to use the “Now or Never” Approach

You can use this strategy if you perceive that a customer is persuaded but is still hesitant to sign up for home improvement. However, before providing a discount, ensure you’ve established a value.

During the call, you can also inquire if your consumers are considering your competition. It will assist you in negotiating with them or providing appropriate discounts.

Also Read: Telemarketing Scripts for Cleaning Service to Close Deals Faster

2. Options Technique

You present your client with all conceivable and available options in this telemarketing script. It denies the client from responding with a binary yes-or-no response and instead considers different possibilities.

So, rather than presenting a single product or service, you provide consumers with a menu of choices for home improvement. However, you should limit yourself to no more than two or three possibilities.

You may, for example, inquire if the client wants a 3-month, 6-month, or 1-year subscription. Do not, however, inquire if they want to buy a subscription or not, as this will provoke a binary reaction.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #2:

Based on your house and surrounding areas, believe this improvement procedure would be the most amazing for your home improvement?

Which one do you want to go with: [X] or [Y]?

Why does this method work?

People prefer to believe that they decide to buy or not buy the services or products from your business. They do not want to be convinced by providing them options, but when you’re supporting their pride, that could help you win the deal.

When to use” Options Technique”?

You can use this strategy if you see the buyer is unsure about the usability of home improvement. 

If the buyer’s budget is a constraint, you may also use this telemarketing script to close the prospects. To assist people in getting started, you can provide the basic version (rather than the advanced/pro) version.

It’s worth noting that many people believe that the more options they have, the better their chances of obtaining a deal that meets their exact requirements. The more options people have, though, the less likely they are to make a choice.

As a result, while operating this strategy, don’t provide too many options, confusing.

3. The Assumptive Close

The notion of self-fulfilling prediction underpins this script. That is, if you believe in something, it will come true.

In this case, an agent considers that their product meets the customer’s needs. So, the next stage is to talk about transactions.

You may, for example, explicitly inquire as to when they would like to begin the paperwork.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #3:

Agent: When should we begin the implementation process for your home improvement?

Client: oh! I want to know when I should expect this to arrive.

Agent: Depends on which tier do you prefer: [X tier] or [Y tier]? and I’ll get the papers ready right away if you send me [X financial details].

Client: I’m not sure to whom I should send the invoice but also wish to [home improve] this as well?

Why does the assumptive close method work?

When using the assumptive close technique, the customer has two options: believe you or distrust you. However, they are more likely to believe you because of your/your business’s reputation. It keeps the customer from considering why they shouldn’t buy the product from a competitor.

When to use “the Assumptive Close”?

You might use this telemarketing script if you believe your product/service is exactly what the client is seeking.

Use this strategy to meet your revenue goals while maintaining your profit margins.

Discounting is sometimes used by brands to gain market share.

Before providing the discounts, ensure you have (or can receive) the necessary approvals. Otherwise, later declining the offer will create a negative brand image.

4. Maintaining non-offensive behavior. 

Some clients are tough to work with because they do not want to relinquish control. They’ll stick to their “no,” but with the correct questions, you can turn that “no” into a “yes.”

You can convince them to sign the contract by remaining unnoticeable (despite the friction).

Maintain a pleasant behavior during this process.

  • Repeat their grudges.
  • Assume you’ve traded with these issues before for a similar client.
  • Explain the results your clients have had from your service.
  • Inquire if you can proceed with the dealing.

Home improvement telemarketing script example 4#:

As you can see, our [home improvement plan] is an excellent match for your [surrounding/Specification]. That’s how [other clients] got beyond that stumbling block. I strongly advise you to do the same, and you’ll be glad you did. So, shall we go ahead and register you?

Why does it work?

People often make decisions without thinking about why they want to accomplish something.

This telemarketing script to close the prospects gets customers to think about their goals/problems, how your entity fits into the picture, and why they shouldn’t take it.

When to use “Maintaining a non-offensive behavior”?

Apply this method if you notice that the offer is about to go cold for no apparent reason.

Being non-offensive benefits you in still another manner. You can gather feedback on how to improve your product or service to fit the needs of this particular group of clients.

Don’t Miss: 12 Most Client Engaging Merchant Services Telemarketing Script

5. Sharp Angle Close-up 

The “If I – Will You Close” approach, a.k.a the “Sharp Angle Close”.

You can use this strategy with clients who want to say “yes,” but only on certain terms. Normally, these conditions are not included in the contract.

For example, the client requests a five percent interest rate reduction on the mortgage payment. Even if this reduction isn’t included in the home improvement, you can still close it by asking for anything else in exchange.

You can explain that you’ll only make this deal if the customer agrees to complete the transaction today. This strategy gives the prospect the impression that they have won the deal. It will also result in a business.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #5:

Would giving you a [home improvement freebie] persuade you to sign the deal today?

I can assure you that if you sign the contract today, we will fulfill [a particular request from the customer]. What do you think of that?

Why does it work?

Both clients and agents benefit from this arrangement. Clients benefit from a higher discount, and agents move closer to meeting their quarterly (or monthly) revenue goals.

When to use “Sharp Angle close up”?

Agents engage this strategy primarily at the end of the quarter to meet their revenue/sales targets.

6. Offering a Savings

Discounts are a tried-and-true method of closing prospects. Good deeds are not forgotten. Giving your customers a discount will certainly give them another reason to say yes.

Discounts come in a variety of forms. Free delivery, bonuses, cashback, and vouchers, for example.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #6:

If you commit tonight, I can get you an additional [X percent] discount.

You can get priority in the implementation queue if you join up today.

When to use “Offering a savings”?

Use this script to meet your revenue goals while maintaining your profit margins.

Discounting is sometimes used by businesses to gain market share.

Before providing the discounts, ensure you have (or can receive) the necessary approvals. Otherwise, later declining the offer will create a negative business image.

7. Reverse Close Technique

When an agent receives a positive NPS (Net Promoter Score), they typically ask for referrals at the end of the script process.

Conversely, in the reverse close strategy, you ask for a referral ahead of time to stimulate their interest in your product.

Offer a gift/reward in exchange for their recommendation to get the most out of this strategy.

For the gift, you could provide something general like cards or stickers, or personalize it with items like print t-shirts or towels.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #7:

I hope you find our [solution/product/services] satisfactory home improvement. Do you have any other contacts in your network who could be interested in this solution? And as a token of our appreciation, 

we’d like to provide you with [reward/referral bonus].

We just created a referral program to reward our referral partners with rewards.

[Details on the prize]

I’d like to ask you to share any contacts you have who could be interested in our [product/solution/service].

Why does it work?

The consumer (whom you’ve asked for a referral) likes the motivation or feels good about being generous. In this sense, you’re boosting your relationship with them.

Furthermore, 92% of clients trust recommendations from people they know. So, if you approach a buyer through a referral rather than approaching them directly, you’ll have a greater chance of closing the purchase.

When to apply the “Reverse Close Technique”?

You can operate the reverse close technique when you suspect that the customer is not paying attention to you. It will assist you in regaining their interest by altering the conversation’s flow.

8. The 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 rule specifies how much talk should be balanced healthily. An agent must do 80% of the talking with the customer and try to avoid the remaining issues.

Listening is the key to a successful closing the prospects. It assists you in understanding the customer’s problem areas.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #8:

Although the 80/20 call center rule isn’t a closing approach, it might assist you in selecting the best option.  

In this principle, closes are also expressed as questions rather than statements. Sentences that begin with “I’d like to” or “Perhaps, we can” are not closures. However, queries that begin with the words “Are you,” “Can you,” or “Will you” are not. As a result, select your words carefully.

9. The “Ask for Opinions” end.

In this script, an agent inquires about the prospect’s thoughts on the product. Searching for feedback is an effective technique to charm a client to say yes. It can also be a useful tool for identifying flaws in a product or service.

You may, for example, inquire about their thoughts on an insurance policy they’ve been considering. Inquiring about your client’s thoughts makes them feel more invested in the business.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #9:

How likely are you to buy our [product/service] on a scale of 1-10?

[Prospect’s response]

(If it’s close to a 10, that’s fantastic.) Could you tell me what’s holding you back from awarding it a perfect 10?

That’s disappointing (if the score is really low). Could you please provide some feedback on where our [product/service] appears to be lacking?

Pay attention to what your prospect has to say about your product. If there’s a misunderstanding about features or solutions, make it clear.

If everything else checks out, but the score is still too low, realize that your product/service may not fit their needs. If the score is high, suggest the benefits they will receive from your service and other options that will solve their problem in its entirety.

Why does this method work?

People enjoy expressing their viewpoints. When you use this method to close the prospects, the customer feels like they’re a part of the decision-making process. 

They don’t think you’re trying to sell them something. Instead, you’re more concerned with how you can help them. Commitment is, in a nutshell, the driving force behind this closing strategy.

When to use the “Ask for Opinions” technique?

This method can be applied to practically any situation. It assists you in establishing a bond with the consumer.

10. Close to the Needs

In this strategy, you speak with the client to determine how much money they can save or how much return on investment they can expect from collaborating with you. It’s a simple method to illustrate why your product is valuable to them.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #10:

I estimate you will see ROI by [Y date] if we deploy by [X date]. That means we’d have to wrap things up by [X date]. Is there enough time for you to decide that amount of time?

I understand you stated that you must have a solution in place by June 27, 2022. Working backward from that date and taking into account implementation and training time, it appears that we’ll need a signed contract by June 27, 2022 to fulfill the deadline. Is it possible for you to commit to that signing date?

Why does it work?

It works due to its requirements because you give the buyer quantifiable values, the close strategy works.

When is it “Close to the needs”?

Use this strategy when you see that your product or service directly solves some of the prospect’s biggest pain areas, but they aren’t sure how they’ll benefit from it.

But don’t take anything for granted. Allow the client to express their requirements. Check off the ones your product/service can help with once you have that list.

When to use the “Close to the needs” technique?

Use this strategy when you need to address objections while also getting a commitment.

11. Complaints Appeal 

This strategy demands asking questions that prompt any objections your client may have. The agent in this scenario asks highly precise questions about the product. It allows the prospect to openly discuss any concerns regarding the product.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #11:

Allow me to respond to this for you. [Respond to the objection]

I hope this information is useful. Please let me know if you have any more concerns. I’d be joyful to talk about it with you.


Please explain why we should not proceed with this transaction, [Name]. If there’s anything I can do to assist you in your decision, please let me know.

Why does it work?

Both customers and agents are looking for a partnership that they can trust. They tend to respect each other’s abilities, have a good understanding of each other’s enterprises, and think that their partners will keep their promises.

The complaints appeal strategy encourages open communication (for anything or anything that may arise in the future related to the partnership), which is essential for long-term relationships.

When to use the “Complaints Appeal”?

When a customer objects, it indicates that they are interested in your product or service. However, they do require some explanation.

This strategy is also useful for customers who have put off purchasing because they are concerned about the product.

12. The Approaching Event

Customers are given a tight deadline to make their judgments using this closure strategy. You can mention policy or regulatory changes out of your control and prevent the consumer from receiving the present offer.

You can provide additional discounts, features, or services, as well as more flexible contract conditions.

However, ensure that your client receives approval from legal, accounting, and other departments in time to sign the contract. Otherwise, you’d be sacrificing something valuable for the sake of a sale.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #12:

This offer is only valid till June 27, 2022. Is it possible to get a commitment from you today?

I understand that [resolving the problem] is a top priority for your team. But I’m concerned that, due to [a close event], we won’t be able to offer [product/service] at this price. You would not want to lose out on this opportunity, and I hope you decide before June 27, 2022. In the meantime, I’ll prepare the papers.

Why does it work?

People make decisions more quickly when they are pressed for time. This part of human psychology is used in the approaching event technique. It raises the odds of concluding a deal by setting a tight deadline.

When to use “Approaching Event”?

It is a common tactic used by an agent of telemarketing when launching new products or features. It assists them in making a product or service while also defining the market’s readiness to use that product.

Alternatively, they can use the contract if the buyer stretches the contract for no apparent reason.

13. The Issue Close

You use this strategy to figure out the client’s objections and come up with remedies for them. It builds on the lead qualification process, which entails determining the likelihood of a deal.

You can ask something like, “Now that you’ve viewed this product, does it meet all of your home’s improvement requirements?” If the answer is yes, you can proceed to close the deal. If the answer is no, you can inquire why your solution fails to address the issues.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #13:

Is there anything else you’d like to know that I didn’t cover? Please let me know if you have any further queries.


That’s great. Thank you for joining us. I’m sure you’ll appreciate it as much as my other clients have.

So, how do you want to pay for this right now?

Why does this method work?

This strategy works because it guides the buyer toward purchasing while concentrating on their requirements and priorities.

When to use the “The issue Close” technique?

Use this strategy when you need to address objections while also getting a commitment.

14. Summary Close

Before telemarketing script, you may use the summary close to list how the product or service will benefit your prospect.

It’s useful for deals that take a long time to complete. Multiple departments will frequently collaborate on a single deal. As a result, the prospect will value a summary and be that much closer to saying yes.

Home improvement telemarketing script example #14:

I hope you’re ready to move forward now that we’ve seen how our [product/solution] addresses your [problems]. Right now, I can send you the contract. Does that appeal to you?

Why does it work?

This method works because it assists customers in visualizing what they are purchasing and how it will meet their needs.

When to use “Summary Close”?

When you’re confident that the prospect understands the benefits you’re offering, you can use the close summary strategy. Before asking for a close, be sure you’ve adequately addressed any objections.

Doesn’t it appear to be simple?

Not so fast, my friend. Even if you now know how to close, there are a few common errors we’ve seen agents make (ourselves included).

The 5 mistakes to avoid in telemarketing scripts while closing prospects

Before using any of these home improvement telemarketing scripts to close the prospects, you should understand some basic principles.

Follow these guidelines for what not to do as an agent.

  1. Don’t be a snob when it comes to communicating. It can include chewing gum on the phone, background noise, and not speaking clearly. These can dishearten your prospects of closing a deal.
  2. Don’t make snap judgments. If a prospect is hesitant, it suggests they haven’t made up their mind yet. It isn’t a simple yes or no question. You can use the issue closing method to persuade them to say yes, but don’t take anything for granted.
  3. Never claim to know something if you don’t. You should always check and understand if you are unsure about an area of the goods or service you are offering. Customers value honesty.
  4. Avoid being defensive. When it comes to pricing, this behavior is clear. Any defense of the product/service could raise a red signal for the prospect. A better strategy is to emphasize the benefits customers receive from your offering. You may also provide reasonable explanations for why different clients select different solutions.
  5. Avoid being suspicious. While closing deals, there will be rejections and objections. As a result, various closing techniques have been developed. Continue to pursue prospects and leave the door open for them to return.
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To Sums Up

You’ll encounter a wide range of scenarios and clients during a telemarketing career. You can’t (and shouldn’t) take a one-size-fits-all strategy to everything. 

It’s critical to understand various telemarketing scripts’ approaches and strategies for various industries and clients.

However, you should learn one more thing: working more efficiently.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be closing deals every day. Some days will be spent waiting to respond to a proposal, while others will be bargaining.

So, how are you going to keep track of various leads in your telemarketing channel?

When cold calling, you need a modern cloud-based telephony system that is capable of making calls and providing call monitoring, call recording, IVR, Voicemail, and other great features.

Krispcall can assist you with that. Several prominent companies and best call center agents trust the robust features of Krispcal Call center software to convert the prospect into high-paying clients. 

Krispcall allows you to maintain track of all ongoing activities, due tasks, lead stages, and more without being distracted. You can schedule a free demo to discover how it can help you to convert quality clients who provide you with recurring income. 

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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