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Google Voice Not Working: 7 Common Issues and Their Solutions



google voice not working common issues and solution

Google Voice 🔊 is a powerful telephony tool ⚙️, but people often face problems using it due to its limitations and some common issues. Sometimes, it might not work effectively on your devices due to various factors. 

Troubleshooting those problems and resolving issues can be a better option for you. But if the problem persists, you might consider switching to its alternatives.

There are various alternatives to Google Voice in this broad landscape. KrispCall is one of the best and most trusted VoIP service providers by many users because of its satisfactory customer support. It also offers a wide range of functionality and solves issues without hesitation. 

In this blog, we will cover Google Voice, its common issues faced by users, its limitations, and the reason for not working with Google Voice. We also cover why you should choose alternatives like KrispCall for your phone 📞 service.

What is Google Voice?

Google Voice is a VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) service offered by Google that allows one to make and receive phone calls through the Internet. It offers advanced call-handling features such as call forwarding, voicemail transcription, call blocking, and SMS forwarding with affordable international calling options.

google voice home page

Google Voice for Business is a telecommunication service provided by Google that primarily targets business entities. It offers a range of functions, including free calls within the US, team call forwarding, number transfer, and compatibility with Google Workspace products.

Google Voice is a versatile communication tool for both individuals and businesses. It is an application that has been adopted by startups to make calls and voicemail, call and SMS filtering, new business calling, and integration with Google Workspace, making business communications more efficient, accessible, and professional.   

7 Most Common Google Voice Problems & Solutions

Google Voice is considered a top player in the VoIP industry. However, it falls short of being the solution for all your communication requirements. Google Voice users often face various issues, such as app-ranging problems, difficulties in call reception, messaging sending failures, sound quality, and porting challenges

To address this problem, we’ll troubleshoot the 7 most common issues you can face using Google Voice. We’ll also guide you to alternatives to Google Voice, like KrispCall, which solves those issues without hesitation and offers satisfactory customer support.

most common google voice problems

1. Incoming Call Does Not Ring

The problem of “Incoming Call Does Not Ring” for Google Voice is one of the major concerns that may lead to missed calls and poor communication. This usually arises due to wrong configurations, wrong forwarding phone numbers, or sometimes due to device problems.

It can be resolved by checking and updating the call forwarding setting on the Google Voice website and on the device to find out the problem. To address the concern about calls not ringing when they come in, using another device to test the service and check the permissions can be helpful.

2. Not Receiving Incoming Calls

The Google Voice issue of “Not Receiving Incoming Calls” can be unpleasant, leading to missed calls and communication disruptions. Those problems can arise with call forwarding settings or poor internet connectivity.

To resolve those issues effectively, users can follow various steps, such as checking call forwarding settings on their device, verifying forwarding settings on the Google Voice website, and ensuring a stable internet connection.

Troubleshooting those aspects and implementing required actions helps users resolve issues of not receiving incoming calls and ensure they stay connected without missing important calls. 

If the call forwarding is not the issue, check the internet connection. If you still face the issue, check whether the app is updated. This shall solve the issue of not receiving incoming calls. 

📖 Readers Also Search For: How to Turn off Call Forwarding?

3. Failure to Send Messages

Receiving a “Failure to Send Messages” issue on Google Voice can disrupt effective communication and frustrate users. These issues can arise from various factors, such as app settings, poor internet connectivity, and software glitches.

Users can troubleshoot those problems by ensuring a stable and reliable internet connection. A poor connection can cause messages to fail to send. Checking and adjusting the internet connectivity settings on their device can fix those issues.

You can follow these steps to address the message issue. 

  • Check the internet connection and internet connection settings in your device.
  • Check if the app update is available
  • Clear the cache of the application
  • Uninstall and reinstall the application. 

4. Google Voice Sound Quality Issue

Another problem Google Voice users can face is poor sound quality during conversations. The voice becomes quite unclear and disturbing and leads to distortions. This issue can affect the quality of interaction among users that normally takes place, resulting in frustration and may even affect business. 

This can be resolved by ensuring a reliable network, especially when making WI-FI calls through the Voice App. Sometimes, issues cannot be resolved independently, so make sure you have a premium plan, as the free plan limits your customer support. 

5. Can’t Make International Calls

To make international calls, Google Voice users must buy a premium plan. The free Google Voice plan only allows users to make domestic calls within the United States. For international calls, they need to upgrade to a paid plan such as Google Voice For Google Workspace

With the premium plan, you can make international calls with Google Voice. However, even the premium plan is not immune to issues and glitches. First and foremost, remember that you can buy calling credits. However, it is impossible to purchase calling credit via the app for iPhone users. Moreover, users are only allowed to have a maximum of $70 in their account account.

However, if you update to Voice for Google Workspace, you may pay as much as $20 per user per month. After all these hassles, you might not be able to make international calls sometimes. 

If you cannot make international calls, try restarting your device first. If this does not work, check the calling credit in your account. If you have the required amount of credit, check if Google Voice is available in the country you are calling.

6. Can’t Find Your Number 

One of the common issues typical Google Voice users encounter is “Can’t Find Your Number.” This problem can arise to the customer, after a period of inactivity in Google Voice App. This can be frustrating, especially for businesses relying heavily on Google Voice for business communication.

To resolve this problem, users should ensure they are active on Google Voice and that all necessary fees are being paid. They should use Google Voice numbers regularly and ensure payments to avoid deactivation and regain the used number.

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Similarly, if you have ported your number and have not paid the required fee, your service will be revoked, and you might not be able to find your number. To address this problem, you can simply check if you have paid your fees after porting the number. If you have not paid the fees, ensure you pay them in time, and your service will continue. 

7. Can’t Access the Google Voice Account

Last but not least, users can encounter the issue “Can’t Access the Google Voice Account.” This issue can arise due to various factors, such as incorrect browser type, connectivity problems, using an outdated browser version, or deactivating an account for inactivity. 

To resolve this issue, the user should ensure stable internet connectivity and use recommended browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge. They should also regularly use the Google Voice App to prevent account deactivation and loss of access. 

If the problems persist after troubleshooting, users should consider an alternative VoIP platform like KrispCall for a better experience and satisfactory support.

Google Voice Limitations

Google Voice is a phone service provider that can be used to exchange information with customers over the Internet. It offers various advanced call-handling features for businesses.

google voice limitations

Sadly, Google Voice has many limitations you might consider before considering it your VoIP platform. Here is a list of limitations that caused issues for some past users, though you might encounter them.

1. Limited Coverage

Google Voice has a service area catering exclusively to the United States and Canada, in North America, along with select European countries. Hence, if your business spans across international boundaries or interacts with customers and departments globally, Google Voice may not be a suitable choice for you.

2. Limited Number of Features and Integrations

Google Voice lacks some of the features that are available with other VoIP providers. For example, it doesn’t offer conference call support. It has options for call forwarding and international calls, but it has limited use. 

Google Voice App restricts the country’s access to users. The free version is only accessible in the US. Whereas the paid version is only available to a limited number of countries. The limited countries are the US, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

It’s also worth noting that despite being a Google product, Google Voice doesn’t seamlessly integrate with Google services such as Google Chat or Google Meet.

3. Difficulty in Verifying Certain Services

Sometimes, certain online platforms or services may not allow you to confirm your Google Voice number. This can become a problem when trying to sign up for an account on a product or service requiring phone number verification.

4. Privacy Concerns 

Lastly, there are some privacy concerns surrounding the use of Google Voice. To be more precise, Google Voice stores and processes all kinds of user information, including call history, Short Message Service (SMS) messages, recorded conversations, voicemail greetings, voicemail messages, and other data to provide the service that might raise privacy concerns.

5. Strictly permitted to Premium Rate Numbers

Google Voice for business restricts calls to premium rate numbers such as those in the United States that start with “900″. Callers are charged additional fees for unrelated long-distance calls. To make these calls, they should use their native dialer app or other phone service.

👉You might also be interested in How to Use Google Voice Without a Phone Number. 

Having Problems with Google Voice? Try Using KrispCall

Users repeatedly encounter many issues when using the Google Voice App, which fails to provide the desired service. Try Using KrispCall. If you’re experiencing difficulties using Google Voice, it may be worth exploring an alternative, like KrispCall.

krispcall home page

KrispCall offers a wide range of features, integrations, and global coverage in a telephony communication service. It provides advanced VoIP features like Unified Callbox, Call Forwarding, and Conference Calling at an affordable cost.

Here is the list of reasons you should consider KrispCall as your VoIP platform for business.  

1. Wide Coverage 

KrispCall offers wide coverage in over 100+ countries, allowing businesses to handle incoming calls from customers and employees. It provides businesses and contact centers with global solutions for efficient communication and customer engagement in global markets.

2. Affordable Pricing 

KrispCall offers one of the most competitive pricing in the market. What’s better is there are no hidden charges or additional fees for using this Cloud-based phone system. Here is a snapshot of the pricing range of KrispCall.

  • Essential: $12 Per user per month
  • Standard: $32 Per user per month
  • Enterprise: Custom

3. Excellent 24/7 Customer Service 

It offers excellent 24/7 customer support. With their 24/7 availability, customers can contact the support team anytime and receive the guidance they need. Our team will provide proper guidance, whether it’s a technical issue, support, billing query, or FAQ.

4. Wide Range of Features

KrispCall provides a range of advanced VoIP features to enhance businesses’ communication and productivity. It offers different call-handling features, such as a Unified Callbox, Shared Phone Number, Call Transfer, Global Calling, and Call Transfer.

5. CRM Integrations

With KrispCall, you can seamlessly integrate with popular CRM(Customer Relationship Management) platforms such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho. With CRM integration, users can access customer information within their CRM interface, including call history, call logs, and notes.


In summary, Google Voice is a powerful cloud-based phone system. However, it has a number of issues that have been a big problem for the regular user. If you also use Google Voice, there is a good chance that you have come across one or maybe more issues. 

You can cover the points mentioned above to learn about these common issues and how to solve them. Even though Google Voice has a strong presence in the VoIP industry, it is no longer free from limitations. If you’re feeling frustrated by the constraints of Google Voice, you may want to explore alternatives such as KrispCall.

With KrispCall, you can access a wide range of features, integrations, and global coverage. It also provides affordable and affordable, VoIP features like Unified Callbox, Call Forwarding, and Conference Calling. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I use Google Voice with my existing phone number?

Certainly! You can use Google Voice alongside your phone number by going through a process known as porting. Once your number has been successfully transferred, you can make and receive calls, exchange text messages, access voicemail, and enjoy features.

2. Does Google Voice track my calls and messages?

Yes, Google Voice tracks your calls and messages. Google Voice collects and stores your information for future reference.

3. Why is Google Voice not working on my iPhone?

Google Voice does not work on your iPhone device, and the reason may vary depending on various factors such as app version updates, services, connectivity issues, or conflicts with other apps on your phone.

Here is a step-by-step solution to this problem:

  1. Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  2. Make sure your app is updated to its latest version. If not, then you can update from the App Store.
  3. Go to Google Voice Settings and turn off the “Do Not Disturb” Mode.
  4. Ensures Google Voice is connected to your connect number if you change your phone.
  5. Make sure you have enough credit to make international calls.
  6. Check the status of the Google Voice Service website. You can check the website if Google Voice is down to ensure its status.

4. Why is Google Voice not working on my Android?

There are various reasons Google Voice might not work on your Android devices. These include connectivity issues, outdated app versions, services, and conflicts with other apps on your phone.

Here is the step-by-step solution to overcome this problem:

  1. Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  2. Make sure your app is updated to its latest version. If not, then you can update from the Play Store.
  3. Go to Google Voice Settings and turn off the “Do Not Disturb” Mode.
  4. Ensures Google Voice is connected to your connect number if you change your phone.
  5. Make sure you have enough credit to make international calls.
  6. Check the status of the Google Voice Service website. If Google Voice is down, you can simply check the website to ensure its status.

5. Is Google Voice compatible with all devices?

No, Google Voice is not compatible with all devices. That being said, Google Voice offers compatibility options for these devices:

  • Android
  • iPhone
  • tablet
  • iPad
  • Personalized computer
  • Laptop
  • Desk phone.

6. What are some common technical issues with Google Voice?

Some of the common technical issues with Google Voice include:

  • The Incoming Call Does Not Ring
  • Not Receiving Incoming Calls
  • Failure to Send Messages
  • Google Voice Sound Quality Issue
  • Inability to Make International Calls
  • Can’t Find Your Number 
  • Can’t Access the Google Voice Account
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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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