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Top 30 VoIP Questions to Ask Before Implementing & Selling VoIP



VoIP Questions to Ask Before Implementing & Selling VoIP

Are you looking to upgrade your traditional phone system or install a new type of cloud telephone system in your business for seamless communication? Then VoIP is an excellent option as it offers rich functionality and low costs.

But before shifting your entire business communication setup to the internet-based communication system it is always a wise step to clear all the doubts and questions regarding your new VoIP communication requirements. 

Here in this blog, we have compiled the top most VoIP questions to ask from the vendors before installing VoIP wireless phone systems in your business or VoIP for home.

Furthermore, if you are an ideal VoIP Service Provider or VoIP Reseller, then this list of questions will help you to understand your new customers if you ask their pain points and satisfy them with your answer immediately before selling VoIP telephone systems.

So, let’s start and begin with questions!

VoIP Questions to Ask Before Implementing in Business or Residential

Here are the most VoIP questions you need to prioritize to ask with your VoIP Providers or Resellers.

1. What is VoIP?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is to communicate with other people over a broadband internet connection instead of an analog ( regular) phone line. 

It helps you manage call logs efficiently with clients, enables you to make a conference call, easily track call duration, wait times, holds, sends online fax, text message, SMS, and more.

2. How does VoIP work?

VoIP converts phone calls into digital packets of shortened data and transmits them via internet or Ethernet cable or a robust Wi-Fi signal. 

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It travels around the world in less than a second online using an IP address instead of the wired infrastructure using landline systems.  

VoIP works with Local Area Network router connections notifies your VoIP service provider to assemble the call when you make a telephone number.

It verifies the connection and interchanges your phone call data packets with the person you want to connect with. 

3. What is a virtual number?

A virtual phone number is a telephone-based number that isn’t directly associated with a person or business. You can also trace response rates from specific marketing campaigns, whereas VoIP is left behind in this feature. 

4. Is there any limitation to using VoIP phone systems?

Yes, there are a few limitations to using VoIP phone systems. It declines immediately when power is off or outages occur, and the service provider may not offer backup power. 

You should research VoIP services well at the starting. Some don’t connect straight to emergency benefits through emergency services numbers and also may or may not offer directory service. 

5. Can I still make phone calls using VoIP?

Yes, you will be able to make phone calls using VoIP. VoIP is phone lines technology that works through the internet. You will get features such as call forwarding, waiting, caller ID, inbound recording, and more. 

It enables cordless phones, phone systems, computers, or mobile phones to make or receive calls. 

6. How much does VoIP phone service generally cost?

VoIP phone systems range from $100 and $500 per complete plan with ongoing costs with features of maintenance service fees. However, it can cost between $10 and $25 per plan per user per month.

7. What is the call quality of a VoIP phone?

The call quality of VoIP phone or cloud communication relies on the rate of packet travel and the reliability of your internet. 

It provides a better improvement in VoIP call quality compared to traditional phone systems. It also provides features such as better HD voice technology which aspect faster internet download and uploading voices during communication. 

8. How many calls can I make at a time with VoIP?

It depends on your devices and the number of users connecting VoIP that supports three simultaneous calls. However, it also varies based on the equipment. 

VoIP phone service handles numerous calls at once, which stands as its strength. Phone lines never get busy, and they can help connect people from anywhere. 

9. Does faxing work with VoIP?

It may not be possible for traditional fax machines to transmit faxes over VoIP lines, so you will want to use an online faxing solution. However, some VoIP providers like Krispcall provide unlimited online faxing with other plans according to its VoIP plans. 

10. Do I need to sign a contract?

According to VoIP service providers, it is flexible and varies month-to-month service for business VoIP, which saves money. 

Some of them provide annual plans, and be careful of some yearly contracts on the market; they may require payment upfront. 

11. Does the computer need to be online for anyone to make a call?

If you have installed a VoIP calling application on your mobile or computer, then yes. You can make a call, and you need to be online, or you can integrate your computer with other VoIP- enabled systems access through your internet. 

12. Do I need an existing VoIP phone in order to use this service?

The answer is no; you don’t need to have an existing VoIP phone. You can also go with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) tactics with your VoIP provider because VoIP phones adhere to accepted internet standards.

You can use the VoIP App on your desktop, laptop, or smartphone instead of a desk phone to make VoIP calls.

13. Is it possible to adjust the VoIP phone system?

Yes, flexibility and scalability are one of the benefits of VoIP. You can customize the VoIP phone system according to your demand, and VoIP degrades the cost of infrastructure upgrades. 

 A VoIP service provider can mount to an almost infinite number of users or locations. KrispCall can be one of the best choices to fulfill all your demands.

14. What are international calling rates for VoIP?

The cost of a call varies depending on the nation, phone provider, and manner of communication, and it might be as little as two cents per minute in some countries. So it’s better to check the calling rates of different VoIP service providers before making a choice. Most of the providers mention call costs on their websites. So it’d be a good place to start.

15. When I switch to VoIP, will I lose any business features that I have from landlines?

VoIP is introduced to provide more features at reasonable prices for better efficiency and performance. 

Every provider ensures to include every feature that your current landline provider doesn’t offer. 

16. Can I record the calls?

Almost every service provider has some plan that includes a call recording feature. Choose the plan that fits your budget since the recording is securely saved offsite. 

Both inbound and outbound calls execute with call recording and have on record for training and legal purposes. 

17. Does VoIP require a lot of bandwidth?

For regular quality calls (landline quality), it requires 90 Kbps download and upload — with more importance on the upload speed.

For HD call quality, it requires 200 Kbps download and upload. Is your internet fast enough to support VoIP calls? Test your internet speed. Based on the download and upload speeds, you can divide these by the required bandwidth numbers mentioned above.

18. Where can I find out what internet speed I need for VoIP?

Well, test your internet speed by searching “ Internet speed” there will be options, click on it, and based on the download and uploads estimated by that website, you will know your internet speed is enough to support VoIP or not. 

19. What is the main difference between VoIP and Landline? 

Landline phones are provided with some limited basic features such as receiving, making, providing the limited connection. Conversely, VoIP is robust in providing a wide range of features such as call recording, virtual receptionist, IVR, auto-attendant, call forwarding.

20. What service and support can we expect with VoIP or VoIP service Providers? 

Good VoIP service providers provide service and support such as:

  • Initial installation and setup free
  • Feature upgradations
  • International and local phone costs
  • Staff training and support fee 
  • Maintenance charges

21. What equipment do I need for VoIP to set up?

No need to expend money on expensive stuff for VoIP selling. You need: 

  • High-speed internet such as DSL or a local area network. 
  • A computer, adaptor, or specialized phone

These are the top VoIP questions you need to clear before signing a contract or paying a bill. Make sure to do your research before purchasing a VoIP phone service.

It is better to use a traditional phone system to VoIP migration checklist and make a list of questions based on your business communication requirements.

Now it’s time for the bonus part for VoIP Providers and Resellers. 

Top Questions to Ask Before Selling VoIP Phone System

22. How many international calls do you make?

For a business hectic life, if you’re too engaged in phone calls, need unlimited SMS, want to record, and forward the calls of clients’ from anywhere nationally or internationally.

VoIP phone systems are the backbone of every international call. Simply, you need to subscribe to an unlimited plan.

23. Are you interested in auto-attendant features in your VoIP telephone system?

 An excellent VoIP provider should provide auto-attendant features. An auto-attendant feature is a virtual receptionist that refers callers to the proper people or departments that are a must-needed feature in modern tech, and stability in the market.

24. What type of industries do you run? 

Well, VoIP is for everyone and every industry. VoIP has robust features that every sector, every industry requires at some of the business.

25. Do you want to transfer the business number to VoIP?

It’s easier to transfer the business number, phone number, or landlines with your VoIP service provider; they will take care of everything. You may need to give them some instructions and authorization to transfer the number, but that’s all there is to it.

26. What features do you want in your VoIP phone system?

You will have features such as call recording, call forwarding, call routing, mobile apps, desktop apps, CRM integration, click to dial, screen-popping, call queueing, softphones and many more must be included when you think of selling VoIP.

27. Do you want to use VoIP as your branding?

There’s a VIP VoIP class by some VoIP providers that make you the front face of your business selling VoIP telephone solutions, and also it comes with your brand image.

28. Do you send business text messages?

VoIP covers every customers’ needs and requirements, and it also provides features of business text messaging as some of the customers prefer texting over making calls.

Most of the VoIP phone system providers or solutions provide business SMS texting features that offer unlimited messaging together with notifying the clients or updating about every activity.

29. Which type of number do you need? A local number or a toll-free number?

If you require new telephone numbers, check the inventory for your local area codes, as well as toll-free and vanity numbers. Check to see if they provide virtual numbers, which are a cost-effective solution to add incoming phone numbers to your company.

30. Is your goal to generate a high-quality VoIP sales lead?

You take care of a few things for generating high-value VoIP sales leads. 

  1. Make a high potential leads
  2. Learn about VoIP marketing
  3. ConductPPC campaigns 
  4. Do Telemarketing
  5. Use Digital Marketing

Final thoughts

You can regret your decision later in terms of price, quality services, and 24/7 support if you choose a new VolP provider without researching and understanding the underlying principles, which can harm your business.

When you ask these questions, you should be able to determine which VoIP provider is an excellent fit for your personal and business needs.

Upgrade Your Traditional Phone System with KrispCall Cloud Telephony

KrispCall is the best cloud telephony that provides various features that VoIP customers and resellers have to take care of.  

It helps for seamless communication for business and personal with rich features such as call forwarding, IVR, CRM, call recording at reasonable prices to connect people from anywhere. 

Your demands and requirement will be the priority with KrispCall. KrispCall improves your work efficiency, gives the motive to perform better together with better customer experiences and satisfaction.

KrispCall Support team is always welcome your questions and grateful to answer your all questions with unlimited doubt session. You can even take Schedule Free KrispCall demo now, to test whether the Cloud telephony system meets your telecommunication needs or not.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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