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How to Call Scotland from USA?



how to call scotland from us

Want to stay in touch with a friend, family member, business client, or relative in Scotland but worried about high international calling rates?

Do you need guidance for making easy international calls from the USA ?😉

In this blog, you’ll learn how to call Scotland from the US on Mobile phones, landlines, toll-free numbers, dialing number formats to call Scotland, alternative ways to make calls over Scotland, and some challenges with solutions.

So stick to the end and seamlessly perform calling over Scotland from the US.

🔑 Key Highlights

  • US-Scotland call rates range from $1.50 to $1.70 per minute. (depends upon carrier)
  • Scotland follows the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone, which is UTC +0:00.
  • You can make affordable calls to Scotland from the USA using options like VoIP apps, virtual phone numbers, and calling cards.

Let’s get started.✨

What is an International Call to Scotland?

International calls to Scotland mean performing calls over Scottish landlines, mobile numbers, and toll-free numbers of Scotland from other countries.

To perform calling overseas, you must follow a specific international phone number format followed by exit code, prefix, area code, and phone number otherwise, you won’t be able to make international calls from the US.

👓 Note: Before making an international call, make sure to check if your phone system supports international calls. Contact your phone service provider to make sure international calling is enabled on your number. If not, ask them to enable it to perform international calling.

How to call Scotland from the US? 🤔

To call Scotland from the US, you must enter the US exit code first, followed by the Scotland country code, area code (in case of landline number), and then the 8-10 digit phone number.

how to call scotland from the us

Follow the simple steps below to call in Scotland landline or mobile phone from the United States:

  1. Dial 011, the exit code of the USA.
  2. Dial 44, the Scotland country code.
  3. Dial the area code of a specific location, which is 2–3 digits.
  4. Dial the correct phone number, which is 10 digits.
  5. Click on the call button to perform calling over Scotland. 
Also Read👉: How to call UK from US

1. How to call Scotland’s landline number from the US?

To call the Scotland landline number from the US, Dial the US exit code – Country code of Scotland – Area Code – Landline Number

To call Scottish landlines from the US, 

  1. Dial the US exit code (011)
  2. Dial the Scottish Country code (44)
  3. Dial the Area Code (2 or 3 digits)
  4. Finally, the Landline Number (10 digits)

Format for calling Scottish landline number from the USA

Dial: 011 – 61 – Area Code(XXX) – Landline Phone Number (XXXX-XXXXXX)

💡 Your number should look like this

👉For example, 011-44-01224-12345678

2. How to call Scotland mobile number from the US? 

To call the Scottish mobile number from the US, Dial the US exit code – Country code of Scotland – Mobile Phone Prefix – Mobile Number

  1. Dial exit code of US (011)
  2. Dial the country code of Scotland (44).
  3. Dial the mobile phone prefix (07)
  4. Enter the remaining eight-digit number

Note: Always dial the 07 prefix for mobile numbers when calling Scotland from the US.

Format for calling Scotland Mobile number from USA

Dial: 011 – 44 – Mobile Phone Prefix(07)–  Mobile Number (XXXX-XXXX)

💡 Your number should look like this

👉For example, 011-44-07911 123456

Note: Mobile phone users may be able to use a calling app that will automatically dial the correct exit code and country code.

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3. How to call Scotland’s toll-free number from the US?

To call the Scotland toll-free number from the US, dial Exit Code (011) – Country Code (44) – Toll-free Code – Phone Number. To call Scotland’s toll-free number from the US, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the USA exit code, i.e., 011.
  2. Dial Scotland country code, i.e., 44.
  3. Dial the toll code of Scotland, which is of three digits (0800, 0808, or 0500)
  4. Dial the remaining phone number.

Format for calling Scotland Toll-Free number from USA

Dial: 011 – 44 – Toll-Free Code – Mobile  Number (XXXX-XXXX)

💡 Your number should look like this

👉For example, 011-44-0800-1234567

👉Also read: How to call Costa Rica from the US easily

What are the things that you need to know before dialing Scotland from the US?

There are several factors to consider when calling landline, mobile, and toll-free numbers in Scotland from the US to prevent any problems. Here are some of the factors

US Exit Code

Before performing a call over Scotland from the US, enter the exit code of the USA. US exit code (011) indicates to your carrier that you are performing an international call.  Your phone call will be routed outside the U.S. using this international code.

Note: Since Scotland is not part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). To make a call over Scotland, you need to dial the exit code 011. 

Scotland Country Code

When making an international call to Scotland, country code 44 indicates you are leaving the United States and entering Scotland. Since Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom, it uses the same country code ‘44’.

Area Code of Scotland

Following the exit code and country code, the Scottish area codes are the next thing to consider. The area code identifies the city or region where the phone number is located. You must dial the area code when calling a specific location in Scotland.

For example, if you want to perform a call over  Glasgow, you must dial 141, which is Glasgow’s area code. Here is a list of area codes of Scotland:

Area Code Location Area Code Location 
Newton Stewart01837Stornoway01880

Note: It’s important to note that not all areas in Scotland follow the format of 01 followed by two or three digits. 

Types of Phone Number in Scotland

In Scotland, there are different types of phone numbers: local, mobile, and tollfree. There are ten digits in the Scottish phone number. Dialing a phone number requires a specific format, which should be followed while performing a call over Scotland. 

For example, when calling a local number, dial the exit code and country code, followed by the area code of the city where you want to perform the call and the rest of the ten-digit number.

Time Zones of the US and Scotland

The USA and Scotland are in different time zones. The USA follows Eastern Standard Time, whereas Scotland follows Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). When it is 10:00 AM EST in New York, it is 3:00 AM GMT in Scotland.

Also check out👉: How to Make a Private Call With Your Number on Any Phone?

3 Alternative Ways to Make International Calls to Scotland 

Since international calling over a landline phone and a sim can be very expensive. Business calling or personal calling to international numbers are charged extra, so here are some alternative ways to make international calls to Scotland with a very cost-effective method:

1.  Using Virtual Scotland Numbers 

Since a virtual phone number works over the internet without requiring any physical SIM card, you can easily perform internet calling from anywhere on any device.

Consider purchasing a Scottish number if you wish to expand your business in Scotland and avoid extra charges on international calls. To start making international calls from the US, sign up for a reliable VoIP phone system like KrispCall, establish a contact center, and connect seamlessly to Scotland without any headache of dialing a lengthy phone number.

2. Using non-VoIP Apps Like WhatsApp/Messenger/Signal

Another alternative to making calls in Scotland is using VoIP applications such as Messenger, WhatsApp, and Signal. These applications allow you to perform phone calls and video calls over the Internet without any charges.

To initiate a calling over VoIP application and use its service, both the caller and receiver must install the application and create an account.

3. Using Calling Cards

Using phone cards, telephone cards, or international calling cards, calling cards is another alternative for performing international calling over Scotland. Using prepaid calling cards, you can make long-distance, domestic, and international calls from your cell phone or landline.

The following are some ways to use calling cards for calling:

  • You can purchase a calling card, i.e., from a store or online.
  • Dial the provided access number.
  • Enter your unique PIN.
  • Dial the international number (Where you want to perform calling)
  • Make sure to check your remaining balance.
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How do you make business calls to Scotland from the US using KrispCall?

Making business calls to Scotland from the US using KrispCall Cloud Telephony is a very cost-effective solution. With KrispCall’s virtual phone number, businesses can perform seamless calling without incurring high international rates, using any internet-connected device such as a PC, computer, mobile, or tablet. 

Make easy calls to Scotland from the US with just a few clicks, easy to use interface, and avoid the annoying process of dialing lengthy phone numbers just by using KrispCall.  These simple steps will walk you through the process of making international calls to Scotland using KrispCall’s VoIP service. 

Step 1: Sign up for your account on KrispCall.

Step 2: Login using the created credentials.

Step 3: Configure Your KrispCall Account.

Step 4: Purchase a Scotland virtual phone number.

With Krispcall telephony, you can easily communicate and collaborate with your business team or family or friend in Scotland while staying in the US at an affordable price. Furthermore, the exceptional features of Krispcall, like CRM integration, global calling, call monitoring, call tracking, and analytics, ensure seamless connectivity regardless of location.

Step 5: Start Dialing Scotland phone numbers.

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Business Phone Call Etiquette in Scotland: Dos and Don’ts 

✅ Dos

  • The first thing you need to do is greet your customer with a polite tone.  As soon as the receiver receives the call, start the conversation with polite greeting phrases such as “Good morning” or “Good afternoon.” 
  • Prefer using titles and last Names, Address your callers with Mr..,  Ms…., Mrs, etc., before their names. This demonstrates professionalism and respect.
  • Engaging in small talk before diving into business discussions is a good idea. By doing so, you can establish a personal connection.

❎ Don’t

  • Don’t jump directly into the business conversation after the greeting. Ask questions about the receiver’s day, their well-being, and so on in order to get to know them better.
  • Interrupting the speaker during the middle of the conversation is considered impolite and informal. So, before asking a question, wait for the speaker to finish sharing their thoughts and ideas.
  • Maintain professionalism by avoiding making business calls during the weekdays.
  • Always begin a conversation with a formal greeting and close it with a formal closing as well. Show your gratitude to them for giving you their valuable time and for a meaningful conversation.
Also Read👉: Business Phone Etiquette Guide

What are the tips to save money while calling from the US to Scotland?

Previously, many businesses used to spend a great chunk of money on business communication, but lately, the scenario has changed drastically. Today, businesses save up to 50-60 % of their phone bills using the VoIP cloud platform and replacing traditional phone systems.

Here are some tips that might help you with money while calling Scotland from the US:

  • Choose a cloud-based VoIP phone system. 
  • Get a Scotland virtual number with unlimited or discounted calling with a flat rate or bundled plan.
  • Paying per-minute charges is more costly than choosing a subscription-based plan, so choose according to your business communication needs and budget.
  • Schedule your calls during off-peak hours to take advantage of lower rates during these times since there is often a time-zone difference.
  • Business owners who make a lot of calls to Scotland can save money with Wholesale VoIP Minutes. So consider planning with the service provider.
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What are the Challenges of calling Scotland from the US?

Although calling Scotland from the US is easy, here are some challenges you may encounter occasionally, but don’t worry we will guide you with solutions

challenges calling scotland from us

Dialing format

Dialing the numbers to Scotland from the US can be troublesome because of the lengthy number-dialing process. For performing a phone call over Scotland from US, you need to strictly follow the dialing format, which is first entering the US exit code­, followed by Scotland country code (44), area code (2-3 digits), and then the remaining 7-10 digits numbers.

Solution: Consider using the Virtual phone number of Scotland, establish a local presence over Scotland, and start calling without dialing a lengthy dialing process.

Connection Issue

You can also face challenges due to connection issues when you call a Scotland phone number from the USA. This issue happens if you are in an area with low cellular network coverage.

Solution: Use a better broadband connection or ethernet, and contact the service provider.

Roaming Charges

Roaming charges are high when you use a local number from the USA to make calls on your cell phone. Therefore, it is always best to verify whether your provider offers an international calling plan.

Solution: Look out for a better pricing plan and choose the right one that suits your business communication needs.

Cost of Calls

International calling or long-distance calling costs are usually high. Use an app or service offering cheaper or free calling rates.

Solution: conduct research on different providers and choose a reliable provider like Krispcall for minimal rates and better customer support and assistance.

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Final Words 

Now, you must be clear on how to perform international calling over Scotland from the US. So cut off your heavy international calling fee and connect to Scotland with a cost-effective solution. There are various options to choose from to reduce international costs, so be wise and choose a method that suits your business’s communication needs.

Switch to a reliable and cost-effective VoIP service provider like KrispCall If you’re tired of dealing with issues while making international calls or paying costly calling charges. Moreover, sign up today, purchase a Scottish virtual number, relish its advanced features, and instantly connect to Scotland from the US.


How to dial Scotland from the US on an iPhone?

To call Scotland from the US on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  • Launch the Phone app and ensure you are on the Keypad view.
  • Enter the “+” symbol by pressing and holding the “0” key until it appears.
  • Key in the country code of the number you’re calling, then input the local number.
  • Tap the Call button to initiate the call

For example, to call a number in Scotland, you would dial +44 followed by the 2-3 digit area code (without the initial zero) 

Note: The United Kingdom, including Scotland, uses 44 as its country code.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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