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How To Choose the Right CRM For Your VoIP Business?



How to Choose the Right CRM for Your VoIP Business

With countless available choices, selecting the perfect CRM can feel overwhelming. Even though you already have CRM🤝, are you still sure that it is the right option suitable for your VoIP business?

Having the wrong CRM can sometimes leave you with issues like scattered customer data and inefficient communication channels. 

But you dont have to worry; we can help you with that! You can streamline your business operations by choosing the right CRM software that best aligns with your needs.

👉 In this blog, we will cover – how to choose the right CRM for your VoIP business, 3 popular CRMs available in the market, and factors to consider when choosing the right CRM. ✅


  • VoIP business’s integration with CRM benefits both customers and agents.
  • CRM software helps to improve sales and marketing by generating more potential leads.
  • Choosing the right CRM for your VoIP business requires understanding the needs and features necessary for your business.
  • Integrating your VoIP business with CRM enables many advanced CRM features that enhance customer experience, agents’ productivity, and overall business growth.

Why does a VoIP business need a CRM?

Why does a VoIP Business need a CRM

Integration with CRM (customer relationship management) can provide numerous benefits to VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) businesses. It can be beneficial for both business and customer.

Some of the reasons why a VoIP business can acquire from integration with CRM are:

1. Improves Customer Service

With integration with CRM, VoIP businesses can centralize customer data. Through this,  you can see the history and services taken by customers. As a result of this data, you can provide personalized and efficient support to your customers. 

For instance, CRM systems often provide ticketing features that help resolve issues by tracking and prioritizing customer inquiries. Thus, this ensures that no request falls through the cracks. Making data-driven decisions can also boost customer retention and improve customer service

2. Increases Employee Efficiency

CRM aids in achieving efficiency with automated tasks like scheduling callbacks, logging calls, routing calls, and recording notes. It manages all basic interactions in automation, which helps agents focus on complex interactions. It also allows tracking features to track agents’ call duration, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction. 

Furthermore, having a CRM system allows you to have a unified collaboration where agents can see data even if they are in different departments. For businesses, time plays a vital role. So, by utilizing this system, you can reduce manual data entry, minimize errors, and bring departments closer together. As a result, employees can increase their efficiency.  

3. Enhances Sales and Marketing

CRM software improves sales and marketing by generating more potential leads. It captures quality potential leads through calls to target sales outreach and marketing campaigns. It also helps to track the sales pipeline and opportunities and manage leads. Analyzing customer sales data helps with better decision-making.

The fact remains CRM systems often integrate with marketing automation tools. So, with this, your business can also use those to create personalized email campaigns and deliver them to your targeted customers. Then, you can track the effectiveness of its marketing efforts in real-time.

🧐 Check Out: CRM User Experience Showdown: HubSpot, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Pipedrive Compared.

How To Choose The Right CRM For Your VoIP Business?

Choosing the right CRM for your VoIP business requires understanding your business’s needs and features. CRM offers various options that can be suited to your business. 

Some of the guides to choosing the right CRM are:

1. Identify Your Needs 

Your needs and requirements may depend on various factors, such as company size, total budget allocation, and features needed. Considering those factors can help you to choose the right CRM for your VoIP business.

2. Analyze CRM Options

CRM offers various features and integration options with third parties. Explore CRM features that fit with your VoIP businesses as they are feasible to scale. CRM helps to grow your business alongside your needs. Reviewing the existing customers’ insights can be a plus point in choosing the best CRM. 

3. Evaluate and Shortlist

Many CRMs offer free demos or trials to test whether they fit your workflow. So, choose your CRM wisely for better workflow and ease of interface. While shortlisting, you can consider the following factors: your business needs, features, budget, security, user-friendly interface, and integration with third parties.

4. Make Decisions Based On Goals

CRM plans vary based on pricing, features, and interface. Inspect their pros and cons before considering a plan. Choosing the right plan will benefit your long-term goals. I hope your CRM can support your business’s evolution and growth now and in the future.

What are the popular CRM options for your VoIP business?

CRM offers seamless compatibility and various integrations that can be just the perfect fit for you. You can choose from several CRM programs available on the market; among them, the popular ones are:

HubSpot CRM

Hubspot CRM

The popular CRM, HubSpot, is known for its automation capabilities and robust marketing functionalities. It offers a wide range of features for any business size, including deal tracking, contact management, and email marketing. It is easy to use and integrates with other third-party tools.

Integrating your VoIP business with HubSpot CRM software enables call recording and call tracking and automates call logging features. With its contact and lead management capabilities, you can have significant benefits. Through this, your business can easily import and organize their contacts, segment them based on various criteria, and track their interactions.

🥰 You Might Also Like: How to Turn HubSpot CRM into a Top Sales Engagement Platform

Pipedrive CRM


Pipedrive CRM primarily focuses on a sales-oriented approach. It offers features that help to boost sales team productivity and streamline the sales pipeline. Pipedrive provides real-time insights, improved lead management, automation opportunities, and scalability for your business.

Pipedrive integration with VoIP businesses can acquire fully customizable CRM, actionable data insights, seamless integration, powerful automation tools, and data protection. For instance, your teams can schedule activities and set reminders within Pipedrive. This ensures that no important tasks or opportunities are missed.

🔗 Related: Best Pipedrive Phone Integrations: Optimise Your Business Calls

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM offers a wide range of features for your business. These include customer management, lead management, collaboration and communication with the team, Mobile CRM, sales and marketing automation, and customization options.

Integration of Microsoft Dynamic 365 with your VoIP business enhances customer interaction by enabling real-time access. It provides customer details such as call recording, call history, and call logs on the same platform, eliminating the problem of switching between apps. Since it offers a unified platform, modular structure, and seamless integration with the Microsoft ecosystem, it has been a top choice for businesses. 

📚 Also Read: Best Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business VoIP Providers

What are the things to consider when choosing the right CRM for your VoIP business?

CRM software offers various business features. So, to choose CRM software to enhance your VoIP business, you can consider the following things for the right CRM: 

1. Understand your needs

To identify the goals, you must list the needs you want to achieve from CRM. These may include streamlining the sales pipeline, providing better customer service, or generating leads. Otherwise, you can ask yourself these questions to have a clear vision:

  • Whom do you focus on more?
  • Customer support, Sales team, or both?

2. CRM Features for VoIP

When selecting a CRM for your VoIP business, you should evaluate specific features that help enhance your VoIP integration. For example, ensure that features like click-to-call, automatic caller ID, and call logging are included. 

You should also consider features that can track call metrics and gain insights into customer interactions. Moreover, you should seek customer service functionality, automation, and reporting. In addition, it generates reports of customer information, such as customer interaction call data, and automates tasks to enhance efficiency, which is helpful for businesses.

3. CRM selection considerations

Businesses must consider several factors while selecting a CRM system. These include their specific business requirements, integration capabilities with their VoIP system, ease of use, mobile accessibility, scalability, customization options, integration with other systems, analytics and reporting features, and the level of customer support and training provided by the CRM vendor.

Additionally, you should also choose a CRM that provides robust data security. These security measures help to protect customer information. Lastly,  allocate your budget and determine the best CRM software plan and pricing that fits your budget. 

Overall, thoroughly analyzing these aspects allows you to maximize your business efficiency. 

👉 Related 10 Best CRM Software Examples and Their Use Cases


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is businesses’ software and strategic plan for efficiently interacting with their customers. Integrating your VoIP business with CRM enables many advanced CRM features that enhance customer experience, agents’ productivity, and overall business growth.

Choosing the right CRM for your VoIP business requires considering many factors so that it can lead to a positive outcome. While many VoIP providers offer the best VoIP service with ease of integration, KrispCall is one of the best and most powerful service providers because of its sophisticated features and ease of integration with CRM.

KrispCall offers many advanced features, including VoIP features such as a unified callbox, voicemail, call analytics, SMS forwarding, and more customization options. It also provides seamless integrations with popular CRM software to enhance functionality and boost efficiency.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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