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How Long Does Number Porting Take & Why?




Did you know you can switch your service provider and keep the same phone number 📱? It’s called number porting!!

Number porting usually takes a few hours to a few days and can be affected by several factors, such as the number type, location, service providers, etc.

You might have considered changing your service provider but didn’t because you didn’t want to lose your number. But fear not! It’s not as difficult as it sounds. 

Well, you might also wonder 🤔 why it takes so long. So, let’s start with the concept of number porting, how long does number porting take, the essential documents to port a number and some factors that may affect how long it takes to port your number.


  • Number porting transfers the existing phone number from one service provider to another.
  • On average, porting a number might take about 7 to 8 days.
  • While porting a number, you must include certain documents, such as Proof of ID (POI), letter of authorization (LOA), and customer service record (CSR).
  • Some factors that may affect how long it takes to port your number include Inaccurate or Missing documents, delayed response from your current provider, Complexity of the number, and so on.
  • KrispCall offers number porting services that allow you to port your number easily.

What is Number Porting?


Number Porting is the method of transferring your existing phone number from one service provider to another. It is also called phone number portability and can be done for phones or landlines.

This service helps you retain your existing number when switching service providers. Changing or losing your existing phone number means that your customers or contacts won’t be able to reach you without updating them about your new number. 

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How Long Does It Take To Port A Number?

Porting a number can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on factors or complications. Likewise, The porting process cannot be specified as it depends on various factors, such as the carrier involved, number type, location, and accuracy of information.

Porting a number from one provider to another takes 7 to 10 days, depending on the complexity and circumstances of the respective number porting.

Some factors also speed up or slow down the number of port times, which are discussed in the following section.

Factors That Speed Up The Number Port Time:

  • The customer is on standby to approve the request to port their number.
  • All the required documentation is filled out correctly and matches the carrier’s records.
  • The number has no complex features like multiple lines or specialized services.
  • Both the customer and the carriers respond promptly throughout the process.

Factors That Slow Down The Number Port Time:

  • Delays in response from either or both of the customers or the carriers.
  • The port order rejection generally occurred due to the incorrect information provided in the documentation.
  • Additional information or documentation is requested by the airline that delays the process.
  • If the number has advanced features like call forwarding,  multiple lines, or voicemail.

Why Do Porting Numbers Take So Long?

There are various reasons why porting a number can take so long, even if there are no issues and problems that might delay the process. 

Porting your number means switching your existing provider to a new one, but nobody likes having their customers taken away. Carriers or providers may not want their customers to switch to their competitors, so they might make the process tedious and frustrate their customers, who might withdraw their porting idea. 

The porting process requires proper coordination between the existing and new service providers. They must communicate and exchange information accurately and adequately to prevent delays. 

The table below shows how long porting a number takes between different carriers.

Service ProviderEstimated time to port a number
KrispCall3-4 weeks at most [3 Business days]
RingCentral15 to 30 business days
Nextiva5-10 business days
8×85-10 business days
VerizonMobile: 4 hours to 24 hours, Landline: 2-4 business days
VonageUp to 10 business days
OpenPhoneUS numbers: 5-7 business days, Canadian numbers: 10-12 business days

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What documents are needed to port a number?

The documents required by your existing provider and new provider can vary. Some of the essential documents that you need to port a number are:

  • Proof of Identity (POI): This is used to verify the customer’s identity.
  • Letter of Authorization (LOA): To confirm that the customer is the rightful owner and has consented to the number porting.
  • Customer Service Record (CSR): To understand the customer’s past records.

7 Factors That May Affect How Long It Takes To Port Your Number


1. Rejections For Number Porting

When you want to port your phone number to a new provider, you can face rejections sometimes. This means they didn’t accept your request to port the number. Different reasons can cause these rejections, such as:

  • The PIN you provide is invalid.
  • You provide an incorrect account number.
  • The signature on the form is unauthorized or not valid.
  • Your information doesn’t match what your current provider has on file.
  • There are spelling errors in the submitted information.

2. Phone Number Location

Suppose you wish to move to a different phone provider and already have a phone number. Your phone number’s location may occasionally impact the porting process, as it can influence the timing of the number porting. 

Various rules and regulations based on the region or location mustn’t be neglected when you port your number to a different provider. Some places may not allow number porting, and sometimes, your new service provider may not be available for the locations you plan to relocate to.

3. Complexity Of The Number 

All the numbers to be ported may not be the same and might vary at different levels. Some numbers that may include advanced and other call routing features may be more challenging to port than others.

If your number has multiple extensions and advanced call routing features, porting those numbers may be complex. Different types of numbers, such as phone numbers and landlines, have their own requirements that must be fulfilled. 

4. Volume Of Requests

The volume of requests is the total number of requests the service provider receives to port a number. Sometimes, if many people request number porting, this can create a large volume of requests, leading to delays in porting all the numbers requested in a timely manner.

During peak time or high porting demands, the providers should allocate the resources carefully to meet the requirements so that no porting delays may occur.

5. Number Type

Number type is the category or kind of number you use and want to port. Mobile numbers, landline numbers, and VoIP numbers are prevalent numbers. Your service provider must know the type of number you want to port. 

How easily you can transfer your number to a different provider depends on the type of number you have. The procedures and conditions for porting different numbers vary among carriers. 

6. Communication And Coordination With Providers

If your current voip service provider and your new provider don’t communicate properly, then there might be delays and problems in the smooth process of porting your number. You should also speak with them equally and provide the necessary information so that the porting occurs easily.

Coordination between service providers is also equally important to port your number successfully. Without proper communication, the providers can miss out on overlapped details about the account that should be looked at mutually. Due to this, Unusual delays and problems might occur more frequently.

7. Special Circumstances

The number type and some uncertain circumstances can majorly delay the number porting. If your account has underpaid bills or outstanding balances, then it might be difficult to verify the account. 

Some business numbers also require extra verification and documents to port. This might result in delays and take longer to complete the porting process than the usual ones.

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Porting Implications in Terms of Locations

Porting a number can differ by location. Porting a number in some feasible locations with enough infrastructure can be easy, whereas it can be difficult to port the same number in remote areas.

If you’re porting a number within the carrier’s local region, then it might be less complicated and take place in a timely manner.

Let’s look at the list of countries and their estimated porting times. It can vary depending on several factors.

CountryEstimated Port Time
United StatesMinimum 3 business days
FranceMinimum 8 business days
FinlandMinimum 5 business days
JapanMinimum 3 business days
PolandMinimum 7 business days
IndiaMinimum 7 business days
CanadaMinimum 5 business days
AustraliaMinimum 4 business days
GreeceMinimum 7 business days

Port Your Number Easily With KrispCall Number Porting Service


If you’re looking to port your number to a new service provider, you must be looking for a reliable one that will make the porting process easier without any delays or unnecessary problems. KrispCall is one of the leading telephony systems that offer number porting services. 

Unlike traditional systems that follow complex number porting procedures, KrispCall provides a reliable and efficient process for porting your number. 

To port your number with KrispCall, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a KrispCall account: First, visit the KrispCall website and log in using your credentials. You can register and login if you don’t have an account.
  1. Check number portability: After you log in, you can check whether your number can be ported. The website has a number portability check tool.
  1. Provide necessary information: After checking the number portability, you should provide all necessary documents and details about your existing phone number and service provider so that they can process further.
  1. Initiate the porting process: After you have provided all the necessary information and documents, as they requested, it’s up to them to start the porting process.
  1. Complete the required paperwork: You must provide all the requested documents, such as a Letter of Authorization (LOA), proof of ID (POI), and Customer Support Record (CSR).
  1. Wait for the porting process to complete: After fulfilling all the requirements, you should wait for the porting process to complete, which might take a few days.
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Porting a number has always been difficult, but you can easily port your number if you follow all the providers’ instructions properly. You can keep your existing number without any limitations and switch your provider if you need to upgrade your provider.

The interaction between providers plays a vital role in easing and fastening the porting process. Proper communication between the service providers is critical to eliminating unusual delays.

If you want to port a number, first of all, you must learn about the provider you’re willing to switch to and provide all the necessary information to ease the porting process. Porting your number easily with KrispCall takes only a few days and is not lengthy.


Can we port a toll-free number?

Yes, it is possible to port a toll-free number. It works just like a regular number porting.

Can I still use my number while the phone number is being ported?

Yes, you can still use your number while it is being ported. However, a short service interruption is likely to occur sometimes.

Is every phone number portable?

No, not every phone number is portable. Specialized numbers and landlines in some areas might not offer this option.

How long does it take for a number to be transferred to a new SIM?

Transferring a number to a new SIM might take 1-2 business days to complete.

How much does it cost to port a number?

The cost of porting a number may vary depending on the service provider and the specific circumstances. You can contact particular customer support to learn about the cost of porting a number, as it varies between service providers.

Is it possible to find out if my number is ported?

Yes, you can find out if your number has been ported. You can contact your new service provider for updates on the status of your porting request.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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