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How to Keep Your Phone Number When Leaving a Company?



how to keep your phone number when leaving a company

Most companies provide business phone numbers to their employees for handling business as well as personal phone calls ☎️.

In other scenarios, companies also allow you to port your phone number to their phone plan.

You have complete access to the number as long as you work for the company. But if you have to leave the company, 🤔 can you take your phone number with you?

The answer is yes. You can keep your phone number when leaving a company without much trouble.

Many companies permit their employees to take their phone numbers with them after quitting the job.

In this article, you will briefly learn about,

  • Number porting and its working process
  • Can employees port their phone numbers?
  • How to start the number porting process when leaving a company?
  • Cost and duration of number porting process
  • And more.

What is Number Porting? How does it work?

  1. Local phone number porting: Ports landline numbers
  2. Mobile phone number porting: Ports mobile phone numbers

Number Porting is the process of transferring your current phone number from your current phone service provider to a new one. In general, there are two methods of number porting:

Number porting removes the hassle of getting a new local or mobile phone number and allows you to move your previous data to your new phone service provider.

Number porting is easy and simple. To start, you need to connect with your new phone service provider. 

What is Number Porting How does it work

You have the right to choose any new platform you like. Your old phone service supplier cannot refuse to transfer your phone number and has no right to keep it at any cost.

Your new service provider will contact your current provider if necessary to speed up the process. The duration of the number porting process depends upon the time your current provider takes to respond to transfer the number. Usually, the process lasts 1-4 weeks or less than 30 days.

During the number porting process, make sure your phone number remains active. Do not cancel the subscription plan with your current phone service provider before the number porting process is completed.

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Can Employees Port their Company Phone Numbers?

Yes, most companies allow employees to port their company or work phone numbers to another platform when they leave the company. Whether it’s the business phone number the company provided or your personal phone number, you ported to the company’s phone plan.

However, some won’t allow it, and you cannot do anything because you don’t own the work phone number, but the company does. In this situation, all you can do is request your boss’s permission to port the phone number and hope he gives it.

Check Your Company Phone Number for Porting

Find out if your company’s phone number can be ported or not. 

How to Start the Number Porting Process when Leaving a Company?

A few key things happen while initiating the number porting process. This process requires the participation of the company’s current provider and your new phone service provider. Let’s have a look.

1. Get permission from your company to port your current phone number from the company’s phone plan to another platform.

2. Your company will inform their phone service provider about transferring your phone number to your new phone service provider.

3. Contact your new phone service provider and provide all the necessary information about your phone number. (You may not be able to give account access or billing information of your current platform as it belongs to the company.)

4. Your new phone service provider will contact your company’s phone service provider to transfer the phone number into their platform.

5. Your company’s phone service provider will review all the documents and start the number porting process.

➡️People also read: The Scopes & Challenges of Business Phone Number Porting

What is the Cost of Number Porting?

The cost of porting your existing phone number to cloud telephony can be very high. But KrispCall ensures an easy migration to the cloud at the most affordable price.

However, you should contact your current provider to check whether they charge number porting and early termination fees.

If so, you can ask your current provider to cancel any extra charges. The fees involved in number porting may be different between phone service providers.

How to Port a Phone Number into a Cloud-Based Phone System?

Unlike traditional phone systems, cloud-based mobile phone systems use very advanced cloud technology to manage phone numbers.

There are many phone systems like KrispCall and Google Voice where users can port their phone numbers from other phone service providers. 

In the case of number porting, users can easily start the process by placing a Porting Authorization Code (PAC) request on their new cloud phone service provider’s dashboard. However, if you don’t want to keep your number while switching providers, you should request a Service Termination Authorisation Code (STAC) instead of PAC.

After placing the request, the cloud phone service provider will contact the user and ask for necessary information, like a PAC code for their personal number and service provider.  

The cloud phone supplier may contact your current phone service provider if necessary. It will handle all the number porting processes and inform the user once the process is complete.

👉 You may also like: The Cheapest Ways to Get a Phone Number to Port

Steps to Port a Phone Number into KrispCall when Leaving a Company

There are a few key steps that you need to follow when porting a phone number into KrispCall. Here are some of them:

Step 1: Sign up for KrispCall‘s cloud telephony service.

Step 2: Go to your dashboard and click on “My numbers”.

Step 3: Click on the “Port Number” button.

Step 4: Enter your phone number and its provider and click on “Request”.

Step 5: Wait for KrispCall to contact you and ask you for the necessary information.

Step 6: Wait for the number porting process to complete. After it has been completed successfully, you can use the phone number via KrispCall.

🤳 Contact our teams to port your phone number into KrispCall

What are the Benefits of Number Porting?

Number porting has made it easier for people to use their personal number instead of getting a new number while shifting to the latest phone service provider. Here are some of the major benefits:

1. Upgrade Phone Plan by Shifting Service Provider

If you aren’t happy with your current phone service provider’s phone plan, you can easily port your phone to a new one with a better phone plan. The best thing is you don’t have to change the phone number.

2. Easy-To-Process

The number porting process is straightforward. There are only a few formalities that people have to think about when porting a phone number, such as giving information to the new phone service provider. 

The process is also mostly inexpensive. However, sometimes, there are porting charges and early termination fees. You can request that your service provider eliminate these extra fees.

3. Keep the Previous Data Safe

Number porting allows you to transfer your previous data to a new phone service provider. That means even if you change platforms, your data, including phone logs, messages, etc., will remain intact in your new platform.

4. No Need to Change the Phone Number

The main objective of number porting is also its main benefit. Since you can easily shift your phone number from one phone service provider to another, there is no need to get a new phone number.

Nowadays, mobile phone numbers are used for bank accounts, social media, etc., so it’s a good idea to keep your phone number.

Also Check Out👉: How to Make a Private Call With Your Number on Any Phone?

To Summarize

Employees can take their phone number with them when leaving a company if the company gives them permission. The number porting feature makes it easy for them to keep their contact number.

With number porting, you can change the phone service provider without changing the phone number. However, you should know the PAC code when switching to another service provider.

But you should remember the phone number is registered under the company’s phone service provider, so your company has to be responsible for transferring the number.

KrispCall will help you ease the number porting process. It is a powerful virtual cloud phone system that can port phone numbers from most other phone service providers. 

Book a demo to learn more about KrispCall and how phone number porting works over here.


🔗 How long is the number porting process?

The number porting process can last 1-4 weeks. The length of the process depends upon how quickly the user’s current phone service provider responds to their new phone service provider.

How many times can I port a phone number?

Porting a phone number is unlimited. You can port your phone number and change the phone service provider as many times as you want.

😀 How do I know if my number has been ported successfully?

Your new phone service provider will notify you after the number porting is successfully completed.

😖 Can a phone service provider refuse to port a number?

A phone service provider cannot refuse your request to port your phone number to a new platform. It may charge porting charges or early termination fees, but it has to port the number.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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