513 Area Code

Get a 513 Area Code Phone Number in Cincinnati, Ohio Instantly

Get hold of multiple 513 area code phone numbers and use them for business and personal purposes. With 513 local phone numbers, you can grow your business numbers and enjoy the following benefits:

Establish a local presence for your business in Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Middletown.
Simple set up Quick activation-Effortless termination.
Synchronize communications across multiple devices with area code 513 numbers.
Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability with 513 area code numbers.
Advanced modern communications that enhance employee productivity and customer satisfaction.
513 area code location

Own 513 Area Code Phone Number

Area Code 513 Location: Where is 513 Area Code Coming From?

Area code 513 is located in the southwest part of Ohio, USA. It serves six counties: Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Warren, Brown, and Preble and cities such as Mason, Middletown, Cincinnati, and Cleves.

Below is the tabular illustration of the top 30 locations (based on the population) served or covered by area code 513 in Ohio.

City/Town Country TimeZone
Cincinnati, OH Clermont Eastern
Hamilton, OH Butler Eastern
Middletown, OH Butler Eastern
Fairfield, OH Butler Eastern
Mason, OH Warren Eastern
Oxford, OH Butler Eastern
Lebanon, OH Warren Eastern
Norwood, OH Hamilton Eastern
White Oak, OH Hamilton Eastern
Forest Park, OH Hamilton Eastern
Bridgetown, OH Hamilton Eastern
Finneytown, OH Hamilton Eastern
Sharonville, OH Hamilton Eastern
Monroe, OH Butler Eastern
Blue Ash, OH Hamilton Eastern
Loveland, OH Hamilton-Clermont-Warren Eastern
Monfort Heights, OH Hamilton Eastern
Trenton, OH Butler Eastern
Mack, OH Hamilton Eastern
Springdale, OH Hamilton Eastern
Northbrook, OH Hamilton Eastern
Forestville, OH Hamilton Eastern
Dent, OH Hamilton Eastern
Reading, OH Hamilton Eastern
Montgomery, OH Montgomery Eastern
Harrison, OH Hamilton Eastern
North College Hill, OH Hamilton Eastern
Beckett Ridge, OH Butler Eastern
Madeira, OH Hamilton Eastern
Wyoming, OH Hamilton Eastern
Show more  show less

How to quickly buy an area code 513 phone number?

Buy a 513 area code phone number with KrispCall; Create a KrispCall account and log in>go to settings> Choose the USA from the country list>Enter 513 in the advanced filter & search>Pick a number from the list and buy the number>complete the payment process and activate the number. After the process, make communications.

area code 513 cities

513 Area Code History – Where Does a 513 Area Code Originate

513 area code is one of the 86 original area codes created by AT&T in 1947. It was originally established to serve southwest Ohio, including Cincinnati. It was necessary to update some of the numbers in 513 to area code 937 due to the split in 1996. As a precaution, relief planning began for this area code to prevent exhaustion.

Why Choose 513 Area Code Number for Business?

Take advantage of advanced communication features for your personal and business communications. Benefit from the local market while providing top-notch customer service.

Establish a local presence in Ohio’s northern region.
Present your business as a local brand to the locals of northern Ohio. Prove to them that you care about providing excellent service and outperforming your rivals regardless of the base of your business location.
Elevate your acceptance rate and boost your sales.
Improve your call acceptance rate in the local market using local and custom 513 area code vanity numbers. Improve better employee work rate and productivity and provide the best customer service that helps to increase profits for your business.
No special equipment required
No special hardware devices are needed to acquire and communicate with 513 area code phone numbers. You can effectively continue your calls and other communications with your existing devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs, and others. Download the KrispCall app, and you’re good to go.
Powerful standard PBX features
Take advantage of the advanced and powerful PBX features of 513 area code phone numbers with the KrispCall mobile app. Utilize the boosted calling features like Call Blocking, Call Forwarding, Call Monitoring, Number Sharing, Phone Trees (IVR), Call Transfer, and many more for effective business communication management.
513 area code number

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 513 Area Code Business Phone Number

Integrate the latest and most enhanced calling features into your communications. Automate calls, integrate third-party software, analyze communications, and prepare reports effortlessly using VoIP features bound to 513 area code numbers.

Group 19297
Global Calling

Expand your customer base worldwide with Krispcall global calling features for making instant calls across borders.

Call on Hold
Calls On Hold

Keep the calls on hold to get further support/assistance for the clients whenever necessary, without losing their calls.

Call Transfer

Instantly route customer calls to another line or agent who can better deal with their queries. Don’t keep your clients waiting

Shared Number

Number-sharing option allows you to receive calls across multiple devices. Improve your customer response by eliminating missed calls.

Call Forwarding

Instantly route business calls to your cellphones and landlines whenever necessary. Make sure you are not missing out on clients when not in the office.

Call Recording icon
Call Recording

Record calls to monitor client requests and team performance. Use recorded calls as a guide for improving customer service and employee training.

Group-19312 (1)
Call Filters

Narrow down the call logs with Krispcall call filters. Efficiently screen through your incoming, outgoing, and missed calls.

Group-19315 (1)

Don’t lose touch with your clients when you are unavailable. Allow clients to drop you a voicemail so their queries never go missing.

DND mode for Agents
DND mode for Agents

Switch to the Do Not Disturb mode and automatically shift incoming calls to voicemails to increase your focus on the work at hand.

Call Analytics Icon
Call Analytics

Optimize your marketing campaigns, call handling and team performance with insight driven phone call analytics data.

Group-19315 (2)
Contact Tags

Sort clients and teams using the contact tags feature. Tag contacts to customize your dashboard for better navigation.

Group-19311 (1)
Call History

View the entire conversation history, incoming and outgoing call logs, and messages in one unified dashboard.

Group-19315 (3)
Caller ID

Set location-based caller IDs for outbound international calls. Localize your number to improve the chances of reaching potential customers in new markets.

Unified Callbox

Connect with your team and customers instantly without switching apps, using an all-in-one dashboard that handles calls, SMS messages, voicemails, and multiple other options.

Custom Greeting

Enhance the calling experience for your clients. Record personalized greeting messages, so your customers feel comfortable during calls.

Areas of Application for Area Code 513 Phone Number

Practical ways businesses use 513 area code numbers.

Utilize the 513 area code phone numbers for private and professional use. Handle your communications for personal and business according to your requirements. Communicate and work professionally with your clients to impress them and get better outcomes.

personal use

Acquire multiple 513 area codes phone numbers for private and professional use and use them as a second phone number. Separate your personal and business communications using different numbers and appear professional and get better results.

734 area code for business phone systems

Integrate 513 area code phone numbers in your company’s phone system to promote your business as a local brand in Cincinnati and other surrounding areas. Save your business communication expenses using 513 phone numbers.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Use 513 area code phone numbers in your call center software to cut down communication prices for both your business and customers with low outbound call rates.

For proper marketing and sales

Make use of multiple local vanity phone numbers sales and marketing. Invest in top performers and eliminate underperformers at your will. Increase your revenue and increase workforce rate using 513 area code phone numbers.

Other areas of application

Use 513 area code phone numbers and benefit from its advanced features for other purposes such as home security. Use it anywhere to make and receive calls, texts, MMS, video calls, and other features.

How to get a 513 Area Code Phone Number Online?

Buying 513 area code phone numbers only takes a few moments with KrispCall. Follow the steps and own the 513 area code phone number in minutes. You must have valid payment details to complete the process.

From the country list, choose the USA and input 513 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Complete the payment process after you've selected the number.
Submit your valid documents for verification if required.
513 area code phone number

Port Your 513 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

With KrispCall, you can also effortlessly port your existing 513 area code numbers. KrispCall provides an extra number during your porting process to keep your communication activities. The number will appear as your existing number for your outbound calls, and all your inbound calls will be redirected to it. Go on with your business without altering your business communication.

Nearby Area Codes

Location Area Code
Cleveland, OH 216
Akron, OH 234/330
Toledo, OH 419/567
Mentor, OH 440
Grove City, OH 614
Athens, OH 740
Beavercreek, OH 937

Frequently Asked Questions

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Area code 513 is a prefix indicating the number is trailing from Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Warren, Brown, and Preble counties.

Country USA
State Ohio
Major cities Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Middletown
Time Zone Eastern
Telephone number format +1(513)-XXX-XXXX
Zip code 45201, 45011, 45015, 45005

513 area code is in the United States of America, Ohio(OH). It serves 6 counties: Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Warren, Brown, and Preble.

All the cities inside Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Warren, Brown, and Preble counties have 513 area codes in the Ohio state. 

Some major cities are Cincinnati, Hamilton, Middletown, and Fairfield.

No, the 513 area code is not in California. Area code 513 is in the US state of Ohio. California has numerous area codes, like 213,209, 415,530, etc. 

Area code 513 is a part of the NANP (North American Number Plan) designed to serve 6 counties of Ohio. It serves 6 counties Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Warren, Brown, and Preble.

513 area code follows the Eastern Standard Time Zone.

It depends on the features provided by the service provider. 513 area code phone numbers with KrispCall support phone calls, SMS, MMS video calls, etc. 

Area code 513 can be a scam if you don’t buy from legitimate service providers. Scammers often offer free area code phone numbers. Always buy 513 area code phone numbers from reliable service providers like KrispCall.

Anyone who has 513 area code phone numbers can make outbound calls. It could be a scam or a business call. Always be careful and run background checks on the caller using the information provided during the call.

513 area code serves numerous towns and cities in the Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, Warren, Brown, and Preble counties of Ohio. Cincinnati has 45201-45299; Hamilton has 45011-45015; Middletown has 45005, 45042, 45044, and 45050; and Fairfield has 45011, 45014, 45015, and 45018.