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Live Call Monitoring: How It Transforms Call Center Operations



Live Call Monitoring How It Transforms Call Center Operations krispcall feature

Customer satisfaction is the key to business success. But as a business top-level manager or owner, how will you determine if your customers are satisfied with your service when you can’t even hear the real-time customer interaction with your staff?

But you don’t have to worry anymore. With live call monitoring software, you can know what is going on during the live calls, what conversation is going on between your employees and customers, and how well your agents are solving customers’ queries by adhering to compliance and industry standards.

In this blog, we will discuss the ins and outs of live call monitoring, including its benefits for the company, best practices, and how different departments use it.

What is Live Call Monitoring in the Call Center?

Live call monitoring in the call center is listening to the live, ongoing, or recorded phone calls between an agent and a customer.

Today, in this digital world, live call monitoring is used not only to monitor phone calls but also to track customer service interactions on different communication channels like live SMS, social media, live chat, and MMS text messaging.

Technically, call centers use this feature to monitor their agent performance and check the quality of their customer support.

There are different methods available to monitor a call. You can listen in on a live call, barge in an ongoing call, whisper in a live call, and listen to recorded calls.

  • Call Listening: It occurs when a supervisor listens to a live call between a customer and a call center representative without both parties knowing.
  • Call Barging: It occurs when an expert (supervisor/manager) joins ongoing phone calls and converses with both parties (customer and agent) involved in the call.
  • Call Whispering: This occurs when a supervisor can join live phone calls to advise their employees without the customer on the other end hearing it.
  • Call Recording: Unlike other methods, call recording does not involve monitoring live conversations. It involves recording the inbound and outbound calls for future use.

How does Live Call Monitoring Help to Transform Call Center Operations?

A call center department is an integral part of any business. Here, incoming and outgoing calls are made, and leads are converted into actual customers.

How does Live Call Monitoring help to Transform Call Center Operations

One of the best ways to smooth call center operations is by implementing live call monitoring. It helps to transform call center operations by:

1. Real-Time Insights into Agent Performance

Supervisors or managers can join ongoing calls between a customer and a call center agent to know how their agents are talking to customers and whether they are providing quality customer service or not.

Thus, they can give immediate feedback to their agents if they detect any informal tone or notice that they are not performing well.

Also, through live monitoring of calls, supervisors will know about areas of knowledge and skills where their agents need to catch up.

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2. Quality Assurance and Training

You can ensure that the overall quality of your contact centers adheres to a high standard of excellence by monitoring your calls. Monitoring of calls provides a comprehensive analysis of both inbound and outbound calls.

By analyzing those calls, you will know whether your service level meets your customers’ expectations and where you need to improve your strategy. Thus, you can train your agent accordingly.

3. Improving Customer Experiences

Live monitoring of calls also helps to enhance customer support service. When a manager senses that a call center agent is having difficulty addressing customer inquiries during a call, managers can step in to guide the agent. As a result, customers’ queries will be promptly and effectively addressed, improving cx.

Also, when agents know that calls are being monitored, they become motivated to provide high-quality customer service, maintaining a professional tone.

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4. Enhancing Agent Accountability

Monitoring calls in real-time holds agents accountable for their performance. Knowing that their managers or supervisors are listening to their calls makes agents more likely to follow the company’s rules and regulations and take all the necessary steps to resolve customers’ inquiries.

Agents will think twice before breaking those rules. While this practice may appear to be controlling, it helps to improve agent performance and customer satisfaction.

5. Boosting First-Call Resolution Rates

Live call monitoring ensures that no customer’s queries are unanswered. Agents can get help from their supervisors if they cannot resolve customer issues during phone calls. It ensures that every customer issue will be resolved on the first call, eliminating the need for follow-up calls.

In this way, with the back support of supervisors, call center agents can provide timely customer support, boosting first-call resolution rates.

6. Increase Operational Efficiency

Real-time monitoring of phone calls provides businesses with insights into areas where they can improve, where they are doing well, and where they are falling behind.

Through these insights, businesses can take proactive measures to level up their working processes, reduce costs, and train their employees on specific skills.

7. Compliance and Security

Live call monitoring ensures compliance by ensuring agents follow company policy and industry standards while conversing with customers on the calls. Moreover, it enables supervisors to identify and address potential data breaches.

Best Practices to Implement Live Call Monitoring in Call Center

Best Practices for Implementing Live Call Monitoring in Call Center
  • Set a clear goal: Before installing call monitoring software, know the reason behind implementing call monitoring. Determine whether you are implementing it to improve your customer service or want to monitor your agent performance. If you want to monitor your agents in real time, decide who and when you want to monitor them.
  • Select the proper software: You should purchase live call monitoring software from the right provider. Check whether the software has a user-friendly interface and has all the features you are looking for, like call listening, whispering, recording, and call analytics.
  • Complete call coverage: You should ensure that the chosen software provides comprehensive call coverage, that is, 100% of calls. Complete call coverage ensures that you will not miss any crucial interactions.
  • Hold retro meetings: The primary benefit of live monitoring call center software is that it provides real-time insight into your agent’s work ethic. But, to maximize this benefit, you should share those insights with others within the company. It is, therefore, necessary to organize retro meetings. In this meeting, top-performing agents can share their best practices and strategies for effective communication with other company employees.
  • Reward top performer: Real-time monitoring lets you know which agents are doing best in their job. When you find someone doing a good job, you should let them know and 🥇reward them. You can encourage positivity in the call center by acknowledging and rewarding good work.
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Train Your Remote Agents with KrispCall Live Call Monitoring Software

Call monitoring software is necessary for every company with a customer service, sales, or technical support team. By monitoring calls in real-time, managers can improve the quality of calls made by their agents. If you are looking for reliable call monitoring software, go with KripsCall live call monitoring software.

With KrispCall live call monitoring software, you can effectively train your remote agents. It comes with call recording and call listening features. It allows businesses to record every outgoing and incoming call made by their remote teams.

Also, its call listening features allow top-level managers to listen to the ongoing calls between staff and customers from anywhere.

With these features, companies can analyze the customer support service provided by their employees and the satisfaction level of customers. Also, with these insights, they can make the best decision to welcome call center digital transformation.


To conclude, real-time monitoring of calls provides several benefits, such as boosting first-call resolution rate, increasing efficiency, providing real-time insights into agent performance, enhancing customer service, fraud detection, etc.

Nonetheless, only installing the call monitoring software doesn’t guarantee the highest level of agent efficiency and customer satisfaction. You must strictly follow monitoring best practices for implementing live call monitoring, like setting clear goals, defining call coverage, rewarding the best employees, repeatedly holding meetings, etc.

If you’re interested in implementing reliable monitoring software, KrispCall calls monitoring software is the best. The software offers a wide range of call quality monitoring capabilities. And the biggest share is that it comes at an affordable price.

✋ Get a KrispCall call monitoring software to improve your customer experience & services. Sign up for a free Demo trial and see the difference for yourself!


1. Who uses Call Monitoring Software?

Call center, sales, and marketing departments use call monitoring software. Call center departments use call monitoring software to ensure that customers receive proper information and that call quality standards are maintained during phone calls. They also use it to maintain average handling time.

Likewise, the sales team uses this software to train new agents, give appropriate feedback, and simplify sales workflow. Additionally, marketing teams use this software to understand how sales reps present products and services to customers, prospects’ reactions, and specific marketing campaigns’ effectiveness.

2. How much does the Call Monitoring Software cost?

Call monitoring software can cost tens to hundreds of dollars per month per user. Various providers have different price ranges. Usually, the cost ranges from $15 to $100 monthly. However, with KrispCall, you can get call monitoring features for free by only paying a $15 sign-up charge and phone number charge.

3. What features to look for in a live call monitoring software?

You should look for the following features in live call monitoring software:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Call Recording
  • Call Analytics
  • Call Listening

4. Name some of the best Call Monitoring Software providers.

Some of the best call-monitoring software providers include:

  • KrispCall
  • Zendesk
  • Freshdesk
  • Twilio Flex
  • Acefone
  • Cloudtalk
  • Talkdesk
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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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