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5 Ways Conversational AI is Improving Customer Experience




Customer satisfaction is now the most important determinant of success for a company – no longer is it just about product or pricing.

If customer experience (CX) remains the new battlefield of competition, then artificial intelligence (AI) will remain the most effective weapon.

As more and more companies discover the benefits of artificial intelligence, they are able to improve customer service and cater to customers’ needs.

Humans have an inherent need to have something. We use technology to find the best insurance policy for a particular situation, book a flight or taxi, turn the light on in the living room from our bed, or find directions to a restaurant. Conversational AI agents are increasingly able to anticipate our needs and meet them for us.

There is still a long way to go before conversational AI is fully embraced. Despite this, some of its strategic benefits can already be seen from its large-scale implementation.

Natural language interaction with machines is made possible by conversational AI, a groundbreaking technology. By enabling seamless cohesion between man and machine, we can facilitate a drastic change in how we interact with man-made objects.

With digital technology, humans are able to solve problems in a new and effective way, and previously inaccessible technology is made available to everyone without any learning curve.

How does AI improve customer experience?

With artificial intelligence, you can improve customer retention rates, strengthen customer engagement, and increase brand loyalty. Though it doesn’t substitute for humans, it increases efficiency and helps remove low-hanging fruit from your customer service teams, such as answering frequently asked questions.

A Customer Experience platform integrates artificial intelligence, such as conversational AI, to boost interactions with users. It improves retention rates and brand loyalty.

Conversational AI improves Customer Experience

Other technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language understanding, can also be integrated with AI to streamline customer interactions and break down communication barriers.

Artificial intelligence is put into action in two ways: through chatbots that engage customers and through product recommendations that are based on their behavior. There are many possibilities associated with artificial intelligence.

Work Process of the Conversational AI

Conversational AI makes use of a variety of technologies. With the help of advanced technology, conversational AI simulates human interactions as closely as possible. These technologies follow these steps:

1. Accept the Inputs

In order to make Conversational AI work, users must first input their inputs. Both text and speech are acceptable input formats. Text recognition technology is applied if inputs are given in the written form. Alternatively, voice recognition technology can be applied when input is spoken.

2. Comprehending

Natural language understanding (NLU) technology is used for text and voice recognition. Before any kind of response can be formed, the application reads the inputs to understand the user’s intent.

For instance, companies can utilize conversational AI to understand responses in a variety of languages. Basically, this is one of the most challenging aspects of a chatbot’s work process.

3. Creating response

To produce responses in a language humans can understand, Natural Language Generation (NLG) is used. Dialogue management is used to create responses after deciphering the intent of the human. The computer-generated responses are then converted into a language that can be understood by humans.

4. Delivering response

In the final step, users are shown the response created in the previous step. In either case, the system produces human speech artificially or delivers it as text. Only this method is used by Alexa and Google Assistant to generate their responses.

5. Learn from experience

A conversational AI system may also be able to learn from its past interactions and enhance future responses. As the application accepts suggestions, it learns to provide better responses in future conversations.

conversational AI


How does Conversational AI Improve Customer Experience?

1. Offer proactive and personalized customer service

With the help of AI applications like machine learning and predictive analytics, you can discover how users experience problems and even give insights into what’s causing them.

Your business can personalize real-time customer experiences by implementing Customer Service Automation tools like AI chatbots at certain customer touchpoints and remain proactive at the same time.

With chatbots, businesses stay one step ahead of the curve, offering users an effortless experience and solving any potential problems as soon as they arise.

During the research phase, they can offer tips and advice to researchers or offer assistance with placing orders. They will effectively transform your brand’s reputation and enhance your customers’ experience with it.

2. Fewer contact center calls

When it comes to handling calls and resolving customer questions, it is challenging to have the right number of agents available.

The use of conversational AI in contact center softwares brings an alternative to relying on customer service agents to resolve issues. By doing so, customers can resolve problems without needing to contact customer service. Agents are notified when issues need to be escalated or if the customer requests it.

Conversational AI chatbots are adept at solving issues. Most customer complaints can be automated because they are minor repetitions. Automating contact center calls helps reduce the volume of calls to reduce agent burdens and frees them to focus on pressing issues that cannot be automated.

3. Streamline workflows

Using AI chatbots to resolve customer queries is a great idea. These efforts may take the form of conversations initiated at designated touchpoints on your website, and answering commonly asked questions, or offering assistance during the application or purchase process.

Customer service representatives can then focus on more complex tasks. A chatbot can route customers to the most appropriate support even if it is not able to resolve a problem, such as a live agent or a knowledge base article.

4. Answers across all channels

Messages via instant messaging or social media have become a popular way for people to connect. Your ability to reply should be the same whether the contact comes through Instagram Messenger or WhatsApp.

The use of Conversational AI simplifies the process of providing a personalized and complete customer service experience for each interaction while keeping your voice and tone consistent. Add videos, carousels, buttons, or forms to spruce up your answers and make them more interesting.

5. Greater personalization

The best benefit of using Conversational AI is to personalize your bot: knowing your customers, knowing their needs, and being able to provide them with solutions according to those needs will make you stand out from the competition.

Integrating artificial intelligence allows you to answer users’ questions in a way that is empathetic and to provide recommendations that reflect their preferences. You are more likely to convert prospects into customers if your service is personalized.


The use of artificial intelligence is gaining momentum across the globe. As a result, the use of artificial intelligence will lead to increased customer engagement. By improving your user’s experience, you can take advantage of these technologies.

Artificial intelligence can make your communications with customers and business partners more productive. It’s just a matter of exploring it properly!

Conversational AI provides the hyper-personalized customer experiences we expect as we gradually emerge from the post-pandemic world. A conversational AI system does not rely on scripts or rules, so it facilitates real-time communication with customers, so conversational marketing is greatly enhanced.

Conversational AI will be a competitive advantage for organizations that embrace it early. Currently, artificial intelligence systems are in rapid development. In an industry with a high level of competition, failing to adapt quickly often means you’ll be left behind.

While your competitor’s system provides a host of capabilities and can meet a wide range of customer needs, yours is limited to the basics and will not be able to fulfill customers’ needs.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence is a great advantage to implementing into your customer service process. Don’t forget that satisfied customers become loyal customers, and loyal customers bring your company greater benefits.

KrispCall is an artificial intelligence-driven cloud phone system for businesses that streamlines internal and external communications.

By automating your customer support tasks with personal greetings, voicemails, auto attendance, IVR, and more, KrispCall helps you provide the best possible customer support.

Get a Schedule Free KrispCall demo now to learn how it can benefit your customer service needs.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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