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How to Call Netherlands from Canada in Cheap & Easy Way?



how to call Netherlands from Canada

Are you trying to contact your family members in the Netherlands from Canada or are you trying to conduct a business call?

In this post, you’ll know different ways how to call the Netherland from Canada different locations using Mobile, Landline, Toll-Free numbers, and using VoIP & Cloud Calling.

As a bonus, you’ll get all the 

  • Netherlands dialing formats
  • Netherland area codes
  • Netherland country codes 
  • How to buy Netherland virtual number
  • Best time to call Netherland from Canda
  • And tips on calling Netherland from different mediums while you’re in Canada.

So, this guide will help you to make seamless personal and business calls from Netherland to Canada.

Let’s get Started.

International Call to Netherlands: What is it & Why does it matter?

Making a call to the Netherlands from another country is known as an international call to the Netherlands.

Suppose you’re calling from Canada to the Netherlands.

Because there are so many people living in different nations worldwide, making international calls to the Netherlands is essential.

The Netherlands is one of Canada’s biggest trading, investment, and innovation partners. It is a country with a long trade history, functioning as a crossroads for trade, investment, and technology transfer. It has a close link with Canada, with many Canadians living in the Netherlands.

Today, millions of people in the Netherlands are from Canada or have Canadian ancestors.

Travelers or expats, who live abroad or travel often prioritize calling their friends and family. Whether you’re homesick, want to tell a loved one how much you miss them, or need to communicate with a coworker who lives in another country, phoning abroad might be costly.

Types of Phone Numbers in the Netherlands 

The Netherlands offers various types of numbers, including

  1. Netherlands Mobile Phone Number – Example: 011 – 12 345 6789
  2. Netherlands Landline Phone Number – Example: 011 31 10 123 4567
  3. Netherlands Local numbers – Example: 15 123 4567
  4. Netherlands Toll-free Number – Example: 011 – 31 – 0080 – 023 2095 
  5. Netherlands Emergency number – Example: 112 for medical help and police

Different types of Netherlands Telephone Codes

It would be best to learn the different Netherlands calling codes before dialing an international call to the Netherlands.

Netherlands Country Code

The Netherlands country code is +31; this code needs to be dialed whenever you wish to call the Netherlands from other countries.

Country Code 
Netherlands +31

Canada Exit Code

Canada’s exit code is 011; this code needs to be dialed whenever you wish to call the other countries from Canada.

Country Exit Code 

Netherlands Area Codes

In the Netherlands, there are 141 different area codes. To make an international call from Canada to the Netherlands, you’ll need to know the Netherlands area codes. The Netherlands’ area code is two to three digits long. 

The area codes of the different locations of the Netherlands are:

Area Area code International format 
Rotterdam10+31 10 XXX XXXX
Zierikzee111+31 111 XXX XXXX
Tilburg13+31 111 XXX XXXX
Delft15+31 15 XXX XXXX
Hulst114+31 114 XXX XXXX
Bergen op Zoom164+31 164 XXX XXXX
Alphen aan den Rijn172+31 172 XXX XXXX
Naaldwijk174 +31 174 XXX XXXX
Ridderkerk and Zuidplas180+31 180 XXX XXXX
Enkhuizen228+31 228 XXX XXXX
Dieren313+31 313 XXX XXXX
Ede / Veenendaal318+31 318 XXX XXXX
Dronten321+31 321 XXX XXXX
Tiel344+31 344 XXX XXXX
Eindhoven040+31 040 XXX XXXX
Oss412+31 412 XXX XXXX
Heerlen045+31 045 XXX XXXX
Sittard046+31 046 XXX XXXX
Druten487+31 487 XXX XXXX
Raalte572+31 572 XXX XXXX
Epe578+31 578 XXX XXXX
Breda076+31 076 XXX XXXX
Zoetermeer079+31 079 XXX XXXX

Netherlands Emergency Number

Understanding how a new country’s emergency services operate when you relocate is critical.

If you migrated to the Netherlands from another European country, you could expect little change. In most European countries, the main emergency number is 112.

If you require an ambulance, dial 112 immediately.

The police in the Netherlands have numerous responsibilities, including keeping public order, assisting persons in danger, and enforcing criminal laws.

Suppose you have an emergency that necessitates the assistance of the police, dial 112. Also, you can phone 0900-8844 if you don’t have an emergency but still need to contact the police. Certain crimes can also be reported online in the Netherlands.

Emergency field Emergency number 
Police 112 or 0900-8844
Medical emergency112 

How to Call Netherlands from Canada: The Quick, Easy & Cheap Ways

To phone the Netherlands from Canada, you must follow a few steps.

Step 1 – Enter the Canada exit code 

Step 2 – Enter Netherland ( Country ) code 

Step 3 – Dial area code 

Step 4 – Finally, enter the phone number

For example 011 – 31- XXX XXXX 

There are several ways to call the Netherlands from Canada. The following are the details:

A. Using Conventional Methods

The traditional method of contacting the Netherlands from Canada is available. Compared to cloud telephony and VoIP services, using traditional cloud methods might be difficult and costly.

The conventional technique of phoning the Netherlands from Canada includes various options. They are.

1. Dial the Netherlands Landline Number from Canada

Dial: 0011– 31 – Area Code – Landline / Local Number

Example: Dial 011 31 10 123 4567 


  • 011 (Canada Exit Code): 011 is an exit code of Canada that you need to dial first while making a call to the Netherlands.
  • 31 (Netherlands Country Code): 31 is a country code or ISD code of the Netherlands. 
  • 10 (Netherlands Area Code): This is the area code of Rotterdam, Netherlands, as an example. Similarly, you can dial different area codes for a different location.
  • 123 – 4567 (Landline / Local Number): This is an example of a landline number that is usually seven digits long. 

2. Dial the Netherlands Mobile Number from Canada

The dialing format to call the Netherlands mobile number from Canada is as follows:

Dial: 011 – 31 – 9 digits mobile number 

Example: Dial 011 – 12 345 6789


  • 12 345 6789 (Mobile Number): This is an example of a mobile number in the Netherland. Mobile numbers in the Netherlands are nine digits long.

3. Dial the Netherlands Toll-Free Number from Canada

In the Netherlands, toll-free numbers are 11-digit business phone lines that cost the caller nothing to dial. Their area code makes them identifiable. The toll-free area code for the Netherlands is 0800.

To call a Netherlands toll-free number from within the country, dial 0800-XXX-XXXX. To call a toll-free number in the Netherlands from outside the nation, dial the exit code for the country you’re calling from, then the toll-free number.

For example, 0080 022 3485

The below is the format to dial a Netherland Toll-free number from Canada.

Dial: 011 – 31 – Toll-Free Prefix – XXX XXXX

For example, 011 – 31 – 0080 – 023 2095 


  • 0080 (Toll-Free Prefix): It is the Netherland Toll-free Prefix. 
  • 023 2095 ( Toll-Free number ): This is an example of a Toll-Free number in the Netherland. In the Netherlands, toll-free numbers with toll-free prefixes are 11 digits long.

B. Non-traditional approach to call the Netherlands from Canada

There are several non-traditional ways to call the Netherlands from Canada. On the other hand, calling over VOIP offers numerous advantages and is both easier and less expensive than calling from a landline with a phone number.

1. Using Cloud Telephony Like KrispCall

KrispCall is a cloud-based communication application that allows users to communicate online. SMS, MMS, and voicemails can all be sent and received via a mobile and desktop app, so it’s not just for VoIP calls.

KrispCall CRM

Krispcall’s actual uniqueness, aside from these standard capabilities, is its integrations: To help you optimize your workflow and boost productivity, it integrates with various tools, including Google Contact, Slack, HubSpot, Salesforce, Microsoft Teams, and Pipedrive.

Features of KrispCall

Can use KrispCall’s VoIP phone system to make long-distance international calls. It has developed apps for several platforms, including Android, iOS, and the web.

You can call back any missed calls and keep track of what the person wants to talk about.

Customers can make calls using many carriers or WiFi, allowing them to communicate with colleagues from all around the world.

It lets you buy numbers from over 100 countries in seconds, and it is trusted by over 400 enterprises worldwide.

Some other features of KrispCall: 

Advanced features: VoIP has a lot of functions, including call forwarding, blocking, caller ID, and voicemail, as well as remote management, automatic call distribution, and interactive voice recognition.

Better Call Quality: KrispCall has a superior call quality than landlines because it uses your internet connection. It provides users with HD voice over the internet with exceptional clarity.

Collaboration: VoIP conveniently connects with other systems and allows employees to work together via phone, video, web conferencing, or instant messaging, all from a single user interface.

KrispCall Pricing

Small businesses, startups, and freelancers will benefit from this approach with a monthly subscription of $15 per user and a user limit of 5.

This plan is ideal for Mid-size Businesses Popular, with a monthly price of $40 per user and unlimited users. 

This package is designed for large organizations that want customized solutions and unlimited users. 

KrispCall is Ideal for

KrispCall is a modern VoIP phone service with many rich and advanced features for any business. It enables you to buy numbers from over 100 countries in seconds, and it is trusted by over 400 businesses worldwide. It also makes international calls simple and inexpensive.

You might also be interested in:

2. Viber 

Viber is an instant messaging and VoIP application that lets your phone, video call, and chat with other Viber users from all over the world.


You might be wondering how it works. Viber lets you make free international calls using your 3G, 4G, or WiFi internet connection, no matter where you are. You should be warned, though, that if you go over your data allowance, you may incur roaming data charges.

3. Imo 

Another well-known VoIP application is IMO. The genuinely limitless high-quality voice and video calls are characteristics that set IMO apart from other apps. The app has been tested to provide better and clearer audio and video quality even with reduced connection speeds.


If you don’t have IMO, you should download and install it. Then, from anywhere in the world, you may use IMO to chat or make high-quality calls with your friends. 

4. WhatsApp

Whatsapp is a free application for mobile phones, tablets, and other computing devices and a VoIP system that allows users to send text messages, photos, documents, user location, audio/video, and other media files, among other media files things.


You may use WhatsApp to make voice and video calls to other phones. Before making calls, both phones (e.g., caller and called) require WhatsApp installation, and it supports a wide range of operating systems (OSs), including iOS, Android, Windows, Symbian, Blackberry, and others.

What is the Right time to call Netherlands from Canada?

To avoid missing calls, consider the time difference between the Netherlands and Canada in mind when arranging calls.

But don’t worry, knowing the time difference between the Netherlands and Canada will make things easier for you.

The Netherlands and Canada are eight hours apart in time. The Netherlands is eight hours ahead of Canada in time. If it is 12:00 p.m. in Canada, it is 8:00 p.m. in the Netherlands.

In Canada, you can call between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 a.m., local time. That would be 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Netherland time.

How can you get an instant Netherlands virtual phone number?

The following are the steps to obtain a Netherlands virtual phone number:

Step 1: Choose the suitable VoIP, such as KrispCall, for your needs.

Step 2: Choose a phone number from the phone numbers section or page.

Step 3: Choose the Netherlands or the country number you need from the list of countries.

Step 4: Choose a phone number from the list provided.

Step 5: Select the most appropriate subscription package for you.

Step 6: Get a phone number in the Netherlands.

If you follow those instructions, you’ll be able to get Netherland virtual phone numbers swiftly.

Challenges while calling the Netherlands from Canada

The following are some of the challenges you may encounter when contacting the Netherlands from Canada: 

  • Time zone. 
  • Call costs are a little expensive. 
  • Language and cultures.
  • Distractions.
  • Unexpected calls.
  • Call quality is unstable.
  • Lack of body language. 

Business Phone Call Etiquette in the Netherlands: Dos and Dont’s

Any culture’s foundation is built on attitudes and values. They are a reflection of how individuals think and act. Therefore, understanding attitudes and values are critical if you want to interact effectively with your opponents.

In the Netherlands, work is taken seriously. The Dutch take pride in working hard, doing a good job for their companies, and supporting others around them. 

This mindset is part of a formal approach to work that some outsiders would see as driven by a desire to follow the rules.

Below we have mentioned some points while doing business in the Netherlands: 

  • The Dutch have a history of being good timekeepers, so be on time. Being late, missing appointments, postponing, and altering appointment times can create doubts about commitment and even lead to the end of relationships.
  • When addressing coworkers, clients, and customers by their first names, do so only if asked; this is customary courtesy.
  • Expect meetings to be serious and direct, with everyone’s personal space respected.
  • When meeting clients and coworkers in the Netherlands, shake hands with everyone. Their handshake should be brief and strong, and you should tell each person your name.
  • In business, the Dutch dress conservatively, though standards and fashions vary greatly by industry: formal wear is common in banking. At the same time, open-neck shirts and jeans are common in the IT and entertainment sectors.
  • Don’t make any promises you can’t keep. Commitments are regarded extremely seriously, and they should only be made if they can and will be kept.
  • Mixing work and personal matters is not a good idea. Asking personal inquiries can come out as impolite at times. When you’ve built a good friendship, though, it’s regarded courteous to ask inquiries when the time comes.
  • Be specific when saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in business dealings. It’s considered confusing and unprofessional to say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no.’

To Sum, Up

Finally, consider your specific use case and which characteristics of a VoIP service will have the greatest impact. 

It’s important to plan when investing in technology like VoIP, so you don’t have to go through the entire process again in one, two, or even three years. 

Switching isn’t always simple or inexpensive, so find a solution that allows you to expand, add people, and benefit from expanded features.

However, we recommend Krispcall if you want a great system with key features at a fair price for small and large enterprises that make regular international calls.

Signup to learn why KrispCall is one of the best VoIP for international calls.


Is it possible to make a free call to Netherland?

Local calls are free, while international calls are a little expensive, like those between the Netherlands and Canada.

However, you may make free calls to Netherland using various free VoIP programs such as Viber, WhatsApp, and IMO so on.

What are the emergency phone numbers in the Netherlands?

The main emergency number in the Netherlands is 112 for both the medical fields and the police.

Is it expensive to call the Netherlands from Canada?

They are, indeed. However, charges vary depending on your carrier and whether you’re calling a landline or a mobile phone.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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