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Australian Phone Number Example: Everything You Need to Know



Australian Phone Number Example [With Country Code 61]

Are you struggling with dialing Australian phone number formats? Unsure about including country code and area codes? 

Well, the Australian phone number example can clear up all your confusion.

Understanding the international format of Australian numbers is crucial for successful calls, especially since 57% of C-level buyers prefer phone contact.

This guide equips you with everything you need to connect with anyone in Australia, from understanding area codes to dialing procedures. Discover step-by-step instructions for making international and domestic calls, with clear examples. We even explore cost-saving methods to ensure your calls are budget-friendly.

So, why wait? Let’s get started🚀


  • Australian Phone numbers have country codes, area codes, and number prefixes, which are essential for directing calls to the right place.
  • Australian phone numbers can be written in different formats, with or without country and area codes, and knowing when to include them is crucial for accurate dialing.
  • Landline numbers are fixed to specific locations with an area code, while mobile numbers are portable and start with a mobile prefix.
  • To call Australia, dial the international access code, followed by the country code “+61”, and then the specific area or mobile number, skipping any leading zeros, ensuring a successful connection.
  • KrispCall provides different types of virtual Australian numbers; you can make calls from anywhere without worrying about network issues and roaming charges.

Understanding Australian Phone Number Components

Phone numbers might seem like just numbers, but they’re essential for getting your call to the right place. A typical phone number consists of several components that help route calls efficiently to their intended destinations.

Let’s look at the three important parts of a phone number: 

1. Country Code: If you’re calling a number outside your country, you must use a short code (usually 1-3 digits) that tells the system which country you’re calling. For instance, Australia uses +61.

2. Area Code: These digits indicate a specific geographic region within your country. For example, in Australia, the area code for Sydney is “02,” while for Melbourne, it’s “03.” Area codes function like city names in an address, helping you narrow down your call’s destination. The number of digits and their specific purposes can vary depending on your location.

3. Phone Number Prefix: This part of the phone number, often the first few digits following the area code or local prefix, identifies the mobile network operator📡 and specific service area. For example, in Australia, if you see the prefix “04,” it typically indicates a mobile number. Mobile number prefixes can vary depending on the country and the mobile network provider.

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Australian Phone Number Formats

In Australia, phone numbers can be written in various formats, with or without❌ country and area codes. Here are a few examples:

  • With Country Code and Area Code: +61 3 XXXX XXXX, Example = +61 3 5772 0900
  • With Area Code Only: (03) XXXX XXXX, Example = 03 5772 0900
  • Without Area Code: XXXX XXXX, Example = 5772 0900 

When should you include the country code and area code?

  • Domestic Calls: If you’re calling a number within Australia from within the country, you typically only need to dial the area code followed by the local number. For example, to call (03) 5772 0900 locally, you dial 03 5772 0900.
  • International Calls:  If you’re calling an Australian number from outside the country, you must include the country code (+61) followed by the area code and local number. For example, to call (03) 5772 0900 from abroad, you would dial +61 3 5772 0900.
  • Writing Numbers: When writing Australian phone numbers, the area code is often included in parentheses, especially for domestic numbers. However, for international numbers, the country code is typically prefixed with a plus sign (+).

Understanding these formats and when to include the country and area codes can help you dial Australian phone numbers accurately, whether you’re making domestic or international calls. 💡

Also Read👀: How to Call Australia from the US?

Australian Major Cities Phone Number Example

In Australia, major cities have unique phone number formats specific to their regions. Understanding the Australian phone number format for landline☎️ and mobile services empowers you to place calls to Australia effortlessly. Explore further with examples of phone numbers from some of the most frequently contacted cities in the country.

Australian Phone Number Example:

An Australian phone number is structured as +61 2 XXXX XXXX


  • “+61” is the country code for Australia.
  • “2” is the area code for the specific region
  • “XXXX XXXX” represents the unique subscriber number.

Australian Phone Number Example: +61 2 9231 3688

When calling from outside Australia, you leave out the first zero in the area code.

Australian Phone Number Example

Examples of Australian Cities’ phone numbers

Cities Australia Phone Number Format
Brisbane+61 7 3163 8111
Canberra+61 2 5124 0000
Melbourne+61 3 9342 7000
Queensland+61 7 5202 0000
Sydney+61 2 8382 1111

Australian Mobile Number Example

An Australian mobile phone number is structured as +61 4 XXXX XXXX


  • “+61” is the country code for Australia.
  • “4” indicates it’s a mobile phone number.
  • “XX XXX XXX” represents the unique subscriber number.

Australian Mobile Number Example: +61 412 345 678

Examples of Australian Cities’ phone numbers

CitiesAustralia Mobile Number Example
Brisbane+61 412 345 678
Canberra+61 432 987 654
Melbourne+61 421 876 543
Queensland+61 456 123 789
Sydney+61 409 234 567

Difference Between Landline and Mobile Phone Number Format

The primary difference between landline number and mobile phone number formats lies in their structure and usage.

Landline Phone Number Format:

  • Consists of an area code and a local number.
  • Area codes are specific to geographic regions or cities.
  • The format varies by country but generally includes a set number of digits.
  • Generally not portable; tied to a specific physical location.
  • Example: (02) 9234 5678

Mobile Phone Number Format:

  • Starts with a mobile prefix and subscriber number.
  • Mobile prefixes often indicate the mobile carrier or type of service.
  • Generally portable; can be used across different regions or countries.
  • Example: 0456 123 789

Therefore, landline numbers are fixed to a location with an area code, while mobile numbers are more flexible and portable, starting with a mobile prefix.

How to Call Australia?

Many international calls fail to connect because individuals may not be familiar with the correct steps, including the international call prefix and the accurate phone number of the intended recipient. It’s important to remember that international calling can be straightforward when the correct procedure is followed.

How to Call Australia

How to Call Australian Landline Number?

To call an Australian landline number, follow these steps:

  1. Dial your country’s international access code. This is usually “00” or “+”.
  2. Dial the country code for Australia, which is “+61“.
  3. Skip the leading zero in the Australian area code. For example, if the area code is “02” (for Sydney), you would dial “+61 2“.
  4. Dial the remaining digits of the Australian landline number, including the local area code and subscriber number.
  5. Then, press the call button and wait for the call to connect.

For example, if you’re calling a landline number in Sydney with the local number “9342 5678”, you would dial “+61 2 9342 5678“.

How to Call Australian Mobile Number?

To call an Australian mobile number, follow these steps:

  1. Dial your country’s international access code. This is usually “00” or “+”.
  2. Dial the country code for Australia, which is “+61“.
  3. Skip the leading zero in the Australian mobile prefix. For example, if the mobile number starts with “04”, you would dial “+61 4”.
  4. Dial the remaining digits of the Australian mobile number, including the subscriber number.
  5. Then, press the call button and wait for the call to connect.

For example, if you’re calling an Australian mobile number with the number “0421 345 678”, you would dial “+61 421 345 678“.

You may also like👍: How to call Australia from the Philippines?

How to Get an Australian Phone Number from KrispCall?

If you’re outside Australia and need an Australian number for personal or business purposes, look no further than KrispCall’s virtual Australian numbers. With no reliance on physical hardware, you can enjoy the perks of local presence, cost-effectiveness, insights, easy number porting, enhanced productivity, and seamless scalability for your business growth.

How to Get an Australian Phone Number From KrispCall

To get virtual Australia phone numbers online, follow the simple procedure below.

  1. Create a KrispCall account.
  2. Select Australia & Enter the city or state of your required number.
  3. Select the type of phone number you need.
  4. Make payment & Submit your documents for verification.
  5. Start making & receiving calls right away from your mobile or desktop app.

Wrapping Up…

Whether you’re dialing a landline in Sydney or reaching out to a mobile number in Melbourne, understanding when to include country and area codes ensures your calls reach their intended destinations efficiently. 

Knowing the format of an Australian phone number is like having a map before a road trip; knowing where you’re going ensures you reach your destination smoothly.

If you’re looking for a convenient solution to get an Australian phone number, consider KrispCall’s virtual numbers. With KrispCall, you can easily obtain a virtual Australian number for personal or business use and connect with your global audiences remotely from a single app without the hassle of physical hardware.


What is the country code for Australia?

The country code for Australia is +61.

How are Australian telephone numbers structured?

Australian telephone numbers consist of a country code (+61), followed by an area code specific to the territory or state, and then the local subscriber number.

What role does the mobile indicator play in Australian phone numbers?

The mobile indicator, usually the first digit after the area code, tells us if the number is for a mobile phone. For example, “4” indicates a mobile phone number in Australia.

What is the trunk code in Australian phone numbers?

A trunk code is a prefix used when dialing long-distance calls within Australia. It is typically “0” and is followed by the area code.

How do I dial an Australian phone number from a mobile phone?

To dial an Australian phone number from a mobile phone, simply enter the country code (+61), followed by the area code and the local number.

What is Australian telephone number routing?

Australian telephone number routing involves directing calls based on the country code, area code, and subscriber number to ensure they reach the intended destination.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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