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How AI and Cloud Telephony Works Together to Improve Contact Centers?



How AI and Cloud Telephony Work Together

Imagine a contact center that is focused to increase your customer experience as well as assisting your agents. A well-improved contact center that saves your time as well as cost.

That’s what you get in this article!

Stick to the end of the article, you get to know that how AI and cloud telephony works together to improve contact centers.

We also provide you with basic knowledge regarding contact center, AI, as well as best cloud telephony & contact center software providers.

Let’s begin!

What is a Contact Center?

Contact Center refers to a sector that handles consumer contacts via several channels. Contact center agents connect with consumers via email, texting, chat, and social media in addition to managing incoming and outgoing calls.

In order to accommodate changing consumer tastes and offer the seamless, omnichannel experience that customers have grown to demand, businesses must build flexible and dynamic contact centers.

Why use a Contact Center?

Contact centers provide comparable solutions to call centers, but with extra choices of channels available to clients, assisting both your company and your consumers.

Customers increasingly engage with businesses using a variety of digital tools, including chat, messaging apps, email, & social sites.

To offer omnichannel customer support, modern dynamic contact centers keep up with these expanding channels and leverage cloud-based technologies.

What is Cloud Telephony?

Cloud Telephony refers to the virtual phone system that allows performing phone calls through internet service available.

Cloud telephony functions by splitting your audio into little digital sequences that are transferred across the internet as data to the call receiver.

What is Ai Cloud Telephony? AI Cloud Telephony is a phone system hosted in the cloud, that is comprised of AI-enhanced capabilities for automating tasks, personalizing customer experience, and optimizing communications.

Cloud Telephony & Contact Center: Both with KrispCall

Generally, Cloud telephony is used in every contact center because the contact center is not only about performing calls, it also allows to connect with customers via chats, emails, or social media sites.

So, you cannot imagine a contact center without cloud telephony in this digital era. Cloud telephony is the most in the contact center.

Basically, the contact center which used cloud telephony is known as a cloud contact center.

You should use KrispCall Cloud Telephony, it is a solution that converts any devices in a potential call using internet services.

KrispCall could be the best option for your contact center. KrispCall supports cloud telephony to perform phone calls through internet access, as well as KrispCall also offers contact center software.

KrispCall Contact Center

Contact center software is a platform that lets organizations manage numerous communication lines like phone, email, live chat, instant messaging, SMS text, and social media sites. 

KrispCall, an AI-based contact center, is a superior option over traditional contact centers, which allows you to establish many touchpoints with your customers.

With KrispCall’s cutting-edge communication technology and comprehensive collection of services, you can reach out to more clients and satisfy their expectations.

What are the Benefits of Cloud-based Contact Center?

Some of the benefits of implementing a cloud-based contact center are:

Quick set-up and installation

Cloud contact centers’ set-up time is much shorter. While no hardware is usually required, you can customize anything in minutes rather than months.

You won’t have to deal with endless IT support requests because onboarding employees is immediate.

Reduced initial and ongoing costs

A cloud-based contact center eliminates the need to budget for real estate, backup power (generators), multiple network carriers, security audits, and staff to troubleshoot client software.

High-quality results

Professionals in the cloud contact center industry have made significant investments in their networks to guarantee maximum redundancy.

Because client contacts are conducted via the internet, service providers employ various network backbones to improve reliability and response.

Enhance Agent Performance

Workers can offer an exceptional client experience if they have the correct tools. With an integrated dashboard adjusted for each sort of client query, cloud contact centers such as KrispCall bring agents in control.

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Designed for working from anywhere

Cloud contact centers offer the greatest flexibility since many organizations now operate from both home and office. Everyone is connected with each other no matter where they are.

Contact centers built in the cloud are designed to function on a number of gadgets and platforms. But end-to-end security is critical for consumer and worker privacy when individuals operate remotely.

What is AI?

The term “Artificial intelligence (AI)” is a large field of computer science that focused on the development of intelligent machines or computers that can do tasks that would typically need human intelligence.

How is AI used in the Contact Center?

AI can be used in a contact center in 2 ways. They are:

1. Support agents with AI

When an agent is on the phone with a customer, AI can operate in the background and handle some of the hard liftings of searching a knowledge base for answers, allowing the agent to focus on the customer contact.

Whenever the details are supplied to the agent, he or she can quickly examine the results, decide what will work best in each scenario, and relay the response to the customer.

Whenever a client delivers data in written words or visuals in the form of an email or a chat session, AI performs better. Accents, translations, and other ambiguous input are removed, allowing automated processes to understand the data and respond appropriately.

AI can connect directly with customers through a bot provided, it produces reliable information in a consistent manner.

2. AI can perform analytics

To begin, predictive contact routing examines critical pieces of data like whether the caller is a high investor, what items they purchase, their sales record, expected future behavior, and other essential indicators.

Those analysis helps to route calls to the agent with the finest collection of abilities to successfully deal with the client.

Speech analytics techniques can be used in contact centers to evaluate recorded client calls (post-call analytics).

When a vocal inflection exceeds a certain threshold, AI can detect it and learn when and why consumers become irritated and possibly leave, after listening to those call records.

Speech analytics techniques can also be utilized in actual time to evaluate a caller’s attitude and inflections to detect when they are irritated, or angry.

It can contribute to the avoidance of a bad interaction, resulting in happier customers and enhanced brand loyalty.

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How does Contact Center AI work?

Contact centers with AI use Google’s top AI technology to provide human-like interaction. It includes:

Audio to text: In many languages, accurately translate audio to textual using telephony-oriented models, despite phrasing, vocabulary, or accents.

Text to Audio: Translate text to a voice that sounds natural.

Natural language processing: Using Google machine learning, extract information from unorganized text.

Dialogflow: Create multi-device and multi-platform conversational experiences.

CCAI is supported by these technologies in 3 major ways:

Agent Assist: Delivers real-time coaching to human agents during client encounters via chat or phone.

Virtual Agent: Delivers conversational self-service with the option of transferring to a human agent if needed.

Insights: Natural language processing is used in this application to determine call drivers and attitudes from client conversations.

CCAI is already benefiting a wide range of enterprises within industries, whether they use cloud contact center platforms or on-premises deployments.

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How AI helps to Improve Contact Centers?

AI has the potential to provide cloud contact centers a much-needed boost, eliminating a slew of problems while also providing new customer care capabilities that can vastly improve the customer experience. With the help of the AI telephony system, the work is much easier and faster than before.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming a wide range of technology applications, including cloud contact centers.

It’s not only about quicker processing and availability around the clock; AI also opens up new opportunities. Let’s have a look at what we’ve got:

1. Assure Quick Response

Robots, of course, do not require sleep, rest, or vacations. The greatly desired goal of 24/7 service can be difficult to accomplish, particularly for small to medium-sized organizations.

Some inquiries will always require the assistance of a live agent. However, AI can be a useful tool for contact centers, especially in assisting consumers with their problems in time.

2. Analyzing Massive Amounts of Data

Analyzing huge amounts of data is one thing AI can do that people have trouble with. What may appear to be an impossible task to a human can be made simple by a computer.

3. Identifying the Intentions of Customers

Artificial intelligence extends from simple parsing of voice inputs to recognizing a customer’s genuine intents.

AI employs a mixture of machine learning & natural language processing to guess the genuine intentions behind a call based on previous evaluations of similar meetings.

benefits of AI in cloud telephony

Analyzing the context of a client’s inquiry could help them move through a contact center more quickly and easily, while also generating data to illustrate what the consumer truly wants – and, more importantly, how they feel.

Connecting consumer intent with past contact information can genuinely revolutionize the customer experience.

4. Solving IVR Issues

Obviously, speech recognition can assist clients to skip long IVR lines, but customers, on the other hand, are frequently annoyed by voice-enabled IVR.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies properly comprehend what a client is trying to accomplish with their call, using natural language processing.

As a result, consumers either receive immediate assistance or are sent to a contact center agent with the right experience.

5. Live Agents Become More Skilled at Resolving Problems

AI-driven contact centers can assist live operators by, for example, delivering real-time solution suggestions based on an AI-informed evaluation of a customer’s previous contacts. As a result, issues are resolved quickly.

Likewise, by considering aggregate consumer interactions, AI can recommend the most useful responses to the most common inquiries made by consumers.

This can be put into your Skill Set or FAQ area, which can be accessed by agents internally and customers externally.

Customer satisfaction grows as a result of more efficient agents and consumers while reducing the cost of a contact center.

6. Intelligent Call Routing Maximizes Problem Resolutions

A bunch of enterprises still utilize human agents to direct calls to the correct section or service representative. That’s just not an option for a contact center coping with huge call traffic.

Whereas preprogrammed “Press 1 for Sales, 2 for Customer Service…” answering machines are common, AI technology takes this to the next level.

The software could now automatically evaluate and prioritize calls based on caller history, details of problems they’re trying to solve, or even voice pattern analysis.

Those are some of the benefits of AI in Contact Center which simply help to transform your contact center.

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Winding Up: How AI and Cloud Telephony Work Together to Improve Contact Centers?

Nowadays, every business organization enhances its traditional contact center towards a cloud-based contact center, as well as implements AI in the contact center.

AI could work more effectively with cloud contact centers rather than traditional contact centers. AI & cloud telephony can be combined together to improve the contact center more effectively.

Cloud telephony offers you to connect with customers all over the internet by performing calls along with emails, text messages & social media sites. Whereas, AI can be used to improve customer experience by analyzing their intention or behaviors.

AI helps to evaluate customer attitudes & what they need, while cloud telephony offers you to perform those calls through the internet. AI improve customer support service as well as assist agent.

Cloud telephony & contact center software is most to run a cloud-based contact center in an organization along with AI supports.

When talking about cloud telephony & contact center software, you should always prefer the KrispCall. KrispCall offers you the cloud telephony service as well as contact center software. You can simply implement AI supports in KrispCall.

KrispCall helps you to always remain active & competitive in the business market.

You can enjoy the free demo with KrispCall, you just need to sign up with KrispCall first to continue.


What is a Cloud Contact Center?

Cloud Contact Center is a cloud-based service that manages a company’s entire incoming and outgoing client communication, as well as connecting clients through emails, SMS, or social sites.

Which are the best Cloud Contact Center Providers?

The best cloud contact center providers are:
1. KrispCall
2. RingCentral
3. 8×8

Why implement AI in a Contact Center?

The main reason behind implementing AI in the contact centers is improving customer experience & assisting agents.

Which company offers the best Contact Center Software?

KrispCall offers the best contact center software.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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