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Business Process Outsourcing: A Definite Guide 



What is business process outsourcing

Are you feeling frustrated 😤 of balancing multiple responsibilities, struggling to increase efficiency, and missing out on opportunities due to limited resources?

You can save a significant amount of time by outsourcing services to Business Process outsourcing companies. This will allow you to focus on important aspects of your business.

In this article, you will learn about Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and its benefits. How it emphasizes efficiency, cost reduction, and global expansion.

🔑 Key Highlights

  • Business Process Outsourcing is the practice of hiring another organization to handle a particular task, process, or service on behalf of one’s organization.
  • 5 types of BPO services: Offshore, Nearshore, Onshore, In Front & Back Front
  • KrispCall is a virtual cloud phone telephony system that offers a reliable telephony system for modern business.
  • Before choosing the best BPO provider one should examine its type, identify your needs, make sure the BPO partner you selected meets your needs, transition, and training

What is Business Process Outsourcing? 

Business Process Outsourcing is the practice of hiring another organization to handle a particular task, process, or service on behalf of one’s organization.  The BPO industry originated in manufacturing, but companies across all industries, from profits to non-profits, are adopting the practice.

Business Process Outsourcing

For instance, an organization might hire an accounting firm to manage finances if they can’t afford it or don’t need an in-house accounting department. 

Businesses usually outsource two kinds of work: back-office functions & front – office functions.

The back office functions include things like IT services, accounting, human resources, quality assurance, and payment processing. Implementing this methodology ensures the optimal performance of core business functions.

The front office includes customer relations services, marketing, and sales.  Organizations can outsource the entire departments like HR or specific functions- payroll. Start-up companies outsource both back and front-office tasks as they don’t have the resources or staff to perform them. 

However, an established company might outsource a task after an analysis determined that an outsourced provider could do the job better at budget-friendly costs.

What are the Benefits of Business Processing Outsourcing Services? 

Business Process Outsourcing can help businesses grow in various ways as it allows them to focus on their core part of the work while non-core and time-consuming tasks to specialized service providers. 

Business process outsourcing
  • Improved efficiency: Outsourcing the non-core part of the business can increase efficiency. As the work is handled by the expertise in the related field. This enables integration with the customer satisfaction data, employing appropriate methods and effective work plans.
  • Lower costs:   The ability to reduce labor costs is one of BPO’s main benefits. By outsourcing to locations with lower labor costs, companies can acquire competent professionals without paying high rates associated with industrialized nations.
  • Focus on core business: The small and time-consuming works are provided to external service providers. This strategic approach makes the company to focus on its core parts and prioritize parts of the work. 
  • Technology and Infrastructure Savings: To remain competitive, outsourcing organizations frequently make investments in cutting-edge infrastructure and technologies. These developments can help businesses without requiring them to make large initial investments.
  • Global expansionScalability and flexibility:  By engaging in BPO, a company can facilitate its entry into a foreign market, fostering rapid growth and enhancing overall operational efficiency. The external expertise and resources obtained through outsourcing contribute to the company’s ability to navigate and succeed in a foreign business environment.

What are the types of Business Process Outsourcing?

There are different types of business process outsourcing (BPOs) that are customized to meet different business needs.

Business Process Outsourcing
Types of Business Process Outsourcing

1. Offshore BPO

Offshore Business Processing or offshore BPO can benefit your business no matter what industry you’re in or what country you operate in. Also, it refers to the practice where companies outsource their important business tasks or projects to other countries. This type of outsourcing is designed as a way to save costs while increasing productivity.

2. Nearshore BPO 

Nearshore business process outsourcing refers to the way of contracting the services of vendors geographically closer to countries. 

For businesses in the US, this could include Canada, Mexico, and Central America. This form of outsourcing is usually implemented when specialized skills are available at a lower cost in a nearby nation. But certain factors, such as time zones or language proficiencies, need to be taken into concern. 

An example of this is when a Silicon Valley company outsources IT and coding services to specialists in Canada, or when a Canadian company outsources marketing services from a marketing firm in the U.S.

3. Onshore BPO

 It is the act of outsourcing and receiving services within the boundaries of a country. In other words, a vendor in one city, state, or province can be contracted for services provided to businesses in another city, state, or province. 

This can be prompted by several factors, such as the availability of specialized skills in certain regions, or local differences in rates and costs.

4. Back Office

A back-office business process outsourcing arrangement involves the delegation of non-customer-facing functions such as information technology, accounting, business process automation, human resources, quality assurance, etc.

A variety of BPO subtypes have emerged, including IT-enabled services (ITES) BPO that employs IT analysts, Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), which involves paralegals or advisors and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), which also employs individuals proficient in specific programs. 

This strategic outsourcing allows businesses to concentrate on their fundamental mission, sidestepping the need for resource-intensive internal training and onboarding processes.

5. Front Office 

Front-office BPO refers to customer-facing services such as technical support, customer service, sales, and marketing. Due to their technical nature, these services can often be performed off-premises. 

Firms can save money and gain access to highly skilled personnel with specialized knowledge by outsourcing web development, customer support, and other front-office activities. Businesses usually outsource two kinds of work back-office functions and front-office functions.

What is a BPO Call Center?

A BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) call center is a collective of agents collaborating with companies seeking to outsource their customer service functions.  These centers often handle queries for multiple organizations concurrently. 

They aim to make clear the illusion that customers are interacting directly with representatives of each respective company. BPO call center agents are typically well-trained in customer support and possess sufficient knowledge about the client and organizations enabling them to address a diverse range of potential inquiries.

BPO Call Center Services: 

Business Process Outsourcing manages the business operations and supply chain management as it allows a company with services like: 

Inbound Call Center

Agents at an inbound call center to handle incoming calls from current clients or potential clients. Businesses can gain services like: 

Customer support

BPO call centers can provide basic customer care and support, such as answering questions from clients and potential clients about the company’s goods and services, addressing grievances from clients, setting up appointments, and providing technical assistance and troubleshooting for IT-related problems.

While larger companies usually have customer service teams on staff, smaller companies with tighter budgets usually contract out this work to business process outsourcing (BPO) companies.

Order processing

Businesses that let customers buy their goods or services over the phone or those (like e-commerce companies) that require help with order processing duties like placing requests, collecting payments, and tracking orders, rely upon BPO call centers to manage these procedures and activities. 

This provides the flexibility essential during times of high call volume and also does away with the necessity for firms to create internal departments. 

Dispatch services

Inbound call center dispatch services, which comprise coordinating and dispatching resources in response to customers’ requests and guaranteeing smooth routing of incoming calls to the right departments or personnel are a popular service provided by BPO call centers to enterprises.

For industries (such as field services, transportation, maintenance, etc.) where timely resource deployment is crucial, prompt and accurate dispatch services are essential. A taxi service provider is a common illustration.

How to choose the Right business process outsourcing (BPO) provider?

Selecting a BPO partner requires greater consideration rather than just picking the BPO facility you find. It is essential that you carefully analyze your company’s goals, specifications, and current procedures before choosing a BPO partner. You’re looking to identify the perfect match.  

1. Identify Your Needs for BPO

Conduct an in-house evaluation of your needs and processes to figure out what you need before looking for a BPO vendor. Build a scorecard based on your needs, targets, and top priorities. Based on your evaluation, you can then create a shortlist of your top choices when you consider feasible vendors. 

Find a partner who focuses on attaining objectives. Check for case studies and results on the possible partner’s website, or get feedback and appraisals from previous customers. 

Seek out a reputable, experienced partner. It is more likely that a BPO center getting references and successful results from outsourced services with other companies in your industry will deliver successful outcomes for you as well.

Make sure the BPO partner you select is professional and communicative. Even when functioning in a different time zone

2. Make sure the BPO partner you selected fits your needs

Although it may seem apparent, you won’t be able to provide your clients with an omnichannel customer experience if you outsource to a call center that lacks multi-channel support understanding.    

BPO centers offer a wide variety of services, so it’s critical to figure out whether the center you’ve chosen has experience in the particular sector you desire to outsource.  

In addition, you should look out for indications that your business process outsourcing (BPO) partners are highly skilled and experienced in your sector, business processes, or the specific services and outcomes companies you require.

3. Contract Negotiation

The contract should be finalized with details about the specific processes, service levels, performance metrics, pricing, and termination provisions.

4. Transition and Training

  The BPO provider works with the company to understand the processes, migrate data and systems, and train their team on the specific requirements and protocols.

5. Service Delivery

The BPO provider assumes responsibility for the outsourced process, managing it according to the agreed-upon standards. This may involve dedicated teams, specialized technology, and continuous improvement initiatives.

6. Performance Monitoring and Reporting

The BPO provider regularly reports on key performance indicators (KPIs) like accuracy, efficiency, turnaround time, and customer satisfaction. 

The company monitors these reports and provides feedback to ensure ongoing optimization.

How KrispCall Helps to Enhance Business Process Outsourcing?

KrispCall is a virtual cloud phone telephony system that offers a reliable telephony system for modern business.  That can enhance Business Process Outsourcing in several ways. It is integrated with features like Unified Callbox that  Manage all inbound, outbound, and internal calls from a single interface.

Secure Your Call Center Business with KrispCall Top Notch High Incryption Virtual Call Center Software
Secure Your Call Center Business with KrispCall Top Notch High Incryption Virtual Call Center Software

Smart Call Routing through which calls are routed to the most competent agent based on availability.  To help identify areas for improvement and guarantee regulatory compliance, call logs, and monitoring are kept for coaching and quality assurance purposes through Call Monitoring and Recording. Also, the Number Sharing Feature allows a single phone number to be shared by several workers by preventing missed calls and guaranteeing that all customer concerns are immediately addressed.

In addition, KrispCall offers affordable pricing plans suitable for BPOs of all sizes. Reduced Infrastructure Costs: Eliminate the need for expensive hardware and software investments with a cloud-based solution.


Business process outsourcing, or BPO, is a strategic approach that allows companies to concentrate on their core competencies by assigning some jobs, procedures, or services to outside vendors.  They allow businesses to focus on core competencies. 

Cost-effective solutions are managed by BPO contact centers, such as KrispCall, for services like order processing, dispatch, and inbound customer support. Finding the ideal BPO partner requires determining needs, evaluating industry knowledge, and making sure the two work well together that increase your internal business functions.

The virtual cloud phone system from KrispCall improves BPO by providing cost-effective solutions, call monitoring, and intelligent call routing, which raises agent productivity and lowers operating expenses.


What are outsourcing companies?

In outsourcing, third parties assume specific business tasks or entire functions on behalf of other businesses. The tasks can range from routine administrative tasks like payroll and data entry to specialized work like marketing, software development, and customer service.

What is BPO customer service?

Customer service is one of the most well-liked and significant subsectors of the BPO industry. It seeks to represent a company by offering clients outstanding support and direction. Businesses can attain greater levels of operational excellence, customer centricity, and creativity with the aid of BPO customer service.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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