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What Does Outgoing Call Mean? Everything You Need to Know



What Does Outgoing Call Mean Everything You Need to Know

What do you mostly use your phone for?  Maybe you use it for entertainment, taking photos, studying, making outgoing calls, or for your work, like handling customer service hotline calls.

In the past 2 decades, phones have taken a wild turn from just being able to make incoming and outgoing calls to making everything possible on a small screen.

However, phones were initially created for one purpose—to make and receive calls. If people had not needed to call one another, phones might not have been invented.

Today, we’ll discuss (a part of) the original intent of why the phone was created.

Let’s talk about Outgoing calls.


  • Outgoing calls refer to calls that depart from the caller’s phone to the receiver’s phone. It distinguishes calls made from the caller’s perspective.
  • Making and receiving calls are essential functions of phones and communication networks. Outgoing calls allow users to contact others actively.
  • Outgoing calls are important for businesses to maintain communication with employees and customers. They allow for quick personal interactions to address issues.
  • Complex customer problems are often best solved through real-time dialogue in phone calls compared to written communication like emails or texts.

What Does Outgoing Call Mean?

Outgoing is a synonym for departure. So, basically, outgoing calls are calls that depart from the caller’s phone and arrive at the receiver’s. For example, if you make a telephone call from your landline to a friend.

In telecommunications systems, the ability to make outgoing calls is an essential element of the communications service. Telephone networks and mobile devices allow users to make outgoing calls and receive incoming calls.

The terms “outgoing calls” and “incoming calls” are used to distinguish calls made or received from the perspective of telecommunications providers. Telephone operators may charge different rates depending on whether the call is incoming or outgoing.

In the telecom industry, designating a call as outgoing or incoming is a standard way to determine its direction through the network infrastructure from the telecommunications operator’s perspective.

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Why are Outgoing calls essential for businesses?

Establishing good communication with employees and customers is essential to the success of any business. Although technologies such as mobile phones, social networks, and Internet calling are relatively new, they have significantly changed how organizations interact.

Although new options are available, traditional phone calls are an important method of business communication. Recent studies show that more than half of customers still prefer calling small businesses. 

Other reasons why phone calls are necessary is because:

They are quick and personal.

Phone calls allow for a personal approach that can benefit business and sales relationships. Speaking directly to customers over the phone will remind them of your business in a memorable way. Moreover, returning missed calls promptly helps resolve issues for customers.

Phone calls are the second most personal form of communication after face-to-face interaction. They allow issues to be addressed immediately compared to delayed text, email, or dealing with missed calls. This ensures problems can be fixed when the customer contacts you.

The personal touch of a phone call is more likely to be responded to immediately than any other digital correspondence that relies on quick responses.

They build brand loyalty.

Taking the time to personally interact with customers over the phone can pay off in the long run. Small personal touches and memorable interactions can bring more future sales.

People develop stronger attachments to brands that they associate with positive phone experiences. When customers call a business, they receive full attention, which allows them to make an impression and drive positive referrals to others. Repetitive, quality phone conversations can keep people coming back.

Even though some people think phone conversations are outdated, they’re still a valuable sales method. Phone interactions help resolve questions quickly, speeding up the progress of successful transactions.

They are useful for more technical and complicated problems.

Some customer issues, especially technical or complex issues, are better resolved through a direct phone call than through indirect communication methods such as text, chat, or email.

Providing phone support allows for real-time dialogue where instructions can be dynamically adjusted based on customer feedback and questions. Phone calls also facilitate more empathetic and smoother interactions than written communication.

Conversing with customers over the phone helps people have a deeper connection. Subtle emotional context and cues influencing the discussion can only be recognized through live voice conversations, not text alternatives.

Phone support promotes a level of personalized understanding that would not be possible without face-to-face human interaction and conversation. Complex difficulties often benefit most from problem-solving communication conducted by phone conversation.

They boost your digital marketing.

Marketing is essential to promote products and services to target audiences. This is important because it allows businesses to build long-term customer relationships and increase revenue over time.

To promote your business effectively, you should use multiple different marketing channels. Digital advertising is so effective because about three out of four phone calls are for purchases. Outbound calling helps increase call duration and conversion rates.

These calls can be made through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems provided by your VoIP service provider. VoIP services allow calls to be made over the Internet instead of traditional landlines, enabling sophisticated call routing and distribution across locations.

VoIP providers like KrispCall offer this technology directly to individuals or organizations to make online phone calls easier.

Lastly, Smartphones are popular.

Mobile devices are almost constantly accessible, with 91% of people having a phone within arm’s reach.

A call intelligence company, Invoca, predicted that the number of calls from smartphones to businesses would reach 162 billion. This was back in 2019 and the number has likely risen since then.

Many mobile users will search online for unfamiliar businesses. However, when consumers reach the purchasing stage, 75% of consumers say a phone call is the quickest way to get a response.

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Outgoing vs. Incoming Calls

Incoming caller ID refers to the number displayed when a call is received, revealing who is contacting you. The incoming caller ID on your mobile shows the number calling from a smart or landline phone. Incoming caller ID reveals who is contacting you by showing their number for incoming calls.

Outgoing caller ID is the number shown to others when you place a call so they know who is reaching out.

Without using caller ID, the recipient will not know the identity of the calling party, only seeing an unknown number.

The phone converts incoming caller ID into a phone number that can display the assigned contact name from the address book if it matches a stored entry. Phones also allow distinctive ringtones to be assigned to different caller IDs.

Incoming denotes a call being received, while outgoing is for placing a call out.

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Difference Between Outgoing and Cancelled Calls

A contact is selected from the call log, and the green call button is pressed to start dialing the number. This is an outgoing call. As soon as you press the green call button, your phone will start dialing the number.

The call connects and starts ringing at the other end. A few seconds later, the outgoing call is answered. In this case, the outgoing call was successfully connected to the other person.

The dialer screen reappears again as another contact is selected from the phonebook. This time, the red end call button is pressed immediately after dialing starts.

This is known as a cancelled call. As soon as you press the red end button while dialing is in progress, the call will get canceled.

So, the main difference is that an outgoing call gets connected, while a canceled call ends the dialing process midway.

What does outgoing calls on iPhone mean?

Outgoing calls on iPhone indicate the act of making a phone call from your iPhone to another phone number. Here is the guide for making an outgoing call from your iPhone.

  • Making an Outgoing Call: In order to initiate a phone call from your iPhone to another phone number. You will need to open the Phone app, tap the Keypad, and enter your desired phone number. Now, press the green call button to initiate the call.
  • Outgoing Call Record: After you make an outgoing call, all the outgoing calls are recorded in your iPhone’s call history. It contains the phone number dialed, the duration of the call, and the date and time of the call. You can easily access this list anytime by just tapping the ‘Recents’ icon in your Phone app.
  • Call Charges: The cost of outgoing calls depends on the service plan you have chosen and the location of the recipients, whether domestic or international. Domestic calls are usually cheaper, but one should always be careful when making international calls to avoid unexpected charges.

Switch to KrispCall Business Phone Service

KrispCall Business Phone Service

KrispCall is one of the most trusted business phone number providers in the market. It is specially designed to address the needs of both personal and business communication. 

Moreover, it provides a wide range of numbers for businesses, such as mobile, local, toll-free, and vanity numbers, at an affordable rate. It offers phone numbers from over 100 countries.


Krispcall is integrated with advanced features. Some of these features are:

Unified Callbox: It eliminates the need to constantly switch between tabs by allowing businesses to handle all their calls and messages within a single platform.

Call Routing: It redirects calls directly to the right departments reducing the customer wait times and improving customer experience. 

Voicemail to email: This function sends the voicemail messages received on your phone system directly to your email address. The message can be in the form of audio or text.

Call Notes: It will enable the user to track important call details and actions after a call. This will provide access to the call information and help to provide a tailored experience to customers by studying the past experience.


Some of the benefits of the features associated with KrispCall are: 

Unlimited nationwide phone calls: KrispCall allows you to make unlimited phone calls within the country without worrying about exceeding limits or additional charges.

Unlimited text messages: KrispCall subscribers will be able to send unlimited text messages to their contacts and stay connected at all times.

24/7 reliable customer support: This will allow businesses to stay active 24/7 and provide constant support to customers.


In short, outbound calls are an essential part of personal and professional communication. They enable real-time conversations that help build relationships and resolve customer issues quickly.

Although technology has evolved, the primary role of making outbound calls to interact with others continues. For businesses, in particular, being contactable through calls helps create positive experiences that promote loyalty.

Moving to a cloud phone system like KrispCall will deliver quality, cost-effective calls on a global scale. With built-in communications management tools, they help optimize business processes and customer service.

Overall, understanding the importance of outgoing calls is essential to making effective use of your phone.


What does Cancelled call mean?

A canceled call is a phone call that ends even before the call is completed. This could be either intentional, by one of the parties involved or due to some other technical issue. 

What does an outgoing call mean when they do not reply?

When an outgoing call goes unanswered, it simply means that the recipient did not pick up the call or respond to it within the duration of the ringing. This can be caused by several reasons, such as the recipient being busy, unavailable, or intentionally not answering the call. 

Other reasons may include the recipients’ phones being turned off or being out of coverage and facing signal issues. 

What does outgoing call 2 seconds mean?

An “outgoing call 2 seconds” indicates that the call was initiated but lasted only 2 seconds before being terminated. This could be done either by the caller or because the recipient did not respond to the call.

Is it possible to make outgoing calls to international numbers?

Yes, you can make outgoing calls to international numbers. To do so, dial the appropriate international dialing code, followed by the country code and area code (if applicable), and then the recipient’s phone number. 

However, availability and costs depend entirely on the phone service provider you choose and the international calling plans or charges.

How much does an outgoing call Cost on different networks?

The cost of outgoing calls may differ depending on various factors, such as your location, the phone plan you have purchased, and whether the call is domestic or international.

Phone carriers usually offer a variety of plans with different rates, such as pay-as-you-go plans, prepaid plans, and postpaid plans. Besides, the rates for international calls are already supposed to be expensive due to interconnection fees and international tariffs.

So, it is recommended that you check with your phone carrier or look at their website for detailed information on call rates and any applicable fees.

What does outgoing call mean on WhatsApp?

An outgoing call on WhatsApp indicates that the call was initiated by a user to another WhatsApp user or a phone number using the WhatsApp application. 

This means the user is trying to make a voice or video call to contact another person using WhatsApp’s calling feature.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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