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What Does Cancelled Call Mean?



what does cancelled call mean

Have you ever seen a cancelled call in your call log? 

Everyone must be familiar with incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. However, cancelled calls may be a new term. So, what does a cancelled call mean? How is it different from outgoing, incoming, and missed calls? 

This blog will provide detailed information about the meaning of a cancelled call, how it differs from others, and the reasons for cancelled calls.

So, let’s get started.


  • A cancelled call is one that was started but interrupted before it reached the recipient.
  • Some possible reasons for cancelled calls include network-related issues, user-initiated cancellations, and device-specific issues.
  • A cancelled call doesn’t mean blocked.

What Does Cancelled Call Mean?

What Does Cancelled Call Mean by

A cancelled call means a call that was initiated but interrupted before it was connected to the person on the other end. In simple words, it is a call that never makes it to the recipient.  

Unlike regular calls, cancelled calls never establish a connection, so the other party’s (receiver) phone won’t ring, and this phone call doesn’t appear in the recipient’s call logs.  

Different reasons lead to cancelled calls (for instance, intentional cancellation and network issues). Sometimes, in an emergency, we dial the wrong number or call an unintended person from a contact number. After realizing you dialed the wrong contact number, you immediately cancel or end the phone call. Also, we cannot connect phone calls due to poor signal strength, technical glitches, and connectivity issues.

Does Cancelled Call Mean Blocked?

No, a cancelled call on a phone log doesn’t mean blocked. A cancelled call happens when a caller dials your phone number but gets disconnected before the connection is made. This indicates that an attempt was made to contact a recipient, but it was unsuccessful. 

However, blocked means a person intentionally stops you from reaching them through calls or texts. So, a cancelled call and a missed call are different contexts. 

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Reasons for Cancelled Calls

There are multiple possible scenarios for cancelled calls. Some possible reasons for cancelled calls are:

User-initiated cancellations

It means a call was canceled due to a user pressing the wrong button or being intentionally ended by the caller. For example, a caller mistakenly presses the hang-up button () after dialing the number; this is an unintentional cancellation. Also, sometimes, a caller may call the wrong number and instantly cut the call before connecting it; this is an intentional cancellation by the caller.

Network related issues

There may be several network-related issues for canceled calls, such as poor signal strength, technical glitches, the device being out of range, having trouble connecting to the cellphone network, and other connectivity issues.

Device specific reasons

A call can be cancelled for device-specific reasons. When you call a number, a device may not receive inbound calls if it is switched off or drained of battery power.

Cancelled Call Vs. Outgoing Call. What Is The Difference?

An outgoing call is one in which the caller initiates a call to reach the recipient, whereas a cancelled call ends before it connects to the recipient.

Let’s explore other differences between Cancelled calls and Outgoing calls.

Cancelled CallOutgoing Call
A call that ends before it connects to the recipient.The caller initiates a call to reach the recipient.
You dial a number but hang up before the recipient answers.You dial a number and attempt to reach the recipient, regardless of whether they answer or not.
Doesn’t appear as missed calls in the other party’s phone log.Appear as a missed call if missed to receive a call and appear as incoming calls if received.

What Does Cancelled Call Mean On iPhone?

A cancelled call on an iPhone means a call that was never made with another party or that ended before connecting to the person’s phone. The person you call never gets a ring, and missed calls are on their call log.

It commonly occurs on the iPhone when you call someone and hang up immediately after realizing you are calling the wrong or unnecessary person.

How to View Cancelled Calls On iPhone?

If you call someone and end the call before connecting the call, it will appear as a “Cancelled Call” in your call log. You can easily see the cancelled call on your iPhone’s call log.

To view the cancelled call on iPhone, follow the below steps:

1. Open the phone app on your iPhone.

Firstly, tap an icon that looks like a hand-held phone receiver on a green background.

Open the phone app on your iPhone

2. Tap Recent

After opening the phone app, tap Recents with the clock-like icon at the bottom of the screen.

Tap Recent

3. Tap the info button next to the caller’s name.

The Info icon is a circle with the letter ‘i’ inside that appears next to the caller’s name in the call log. Here, you will see the option that says cancelled calls. 

Tap the info button next to the callers name

How to Fix Cancelled Calls On iPhone? 5 Ways

Some of the ways to fix cancelled calls on iPhone are:

1. Restart iPhone

Sometimes, restarting your iPhone can fix temporary glitches or software bugs. To restart your iPhone, follow simple steps. First, press and hold the iPhone’s power button until the power off slider appears, then slide it. After sliding it, wait a few seconds for your phone to turn off.

2. Ensure you have a good signal

A weak signal is one reason calls are canceled, so ensure you have a strong cellular signal. You can check your signal bar in the top right corner, shift to where you can get better signal coverage, and try a call.

3. Ensure airplane mode is off

Sometimes, we accidentally turn on airplane mode, which may be the reason for cancelled calls. So, if your calls get cancelled, check whether your phone’s airplane mode is turned on or off.

4. Reset Network Setting

Resetting your iPhone’s network settings can resolve cancelled calls. Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings to reset network settings. Resetting the network will erase saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords, so you must reconnect to Wi-Fi networks after resetting network settings.

5. Update your iPhone

It’s better to run your iPhone with the latest iOS version. Sometimes software involves bugs that may cause cancelled calls; updating software can fix the software bugs.
First, go to Settings > General > Software Update.

If all these don’t work and you continue getting cancelled calls on your iPhone, it’s better to contact Apple Support or take your device to the Apple store. Sometimes, your phone may have hardware issues, and they can fix your problems.


A cancelled call ends before it connects due to accidental dialing, an unintended person, or technical or network issues. There may be various reasons for your call to get cancelled, such as device-specific reasons, network-related issues, or caller-initiated cancellations. 

It differs from missed calls, declined calls, and outgoing calls. It will not appear in the recipient’s call log as a missed call, and recipients will not notified that the caller ended the call or tried to call them. 

You can quickly fix it at home within minutes by restarting or updating your iPhone. Sometimes, you should contact Apple support; there may be hardware issues with cancelled calls.

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Do cancelled calls go through?

No, cancelled calls don’t go through. They are calls that were never made to the recipient’s phone. If you go through your call log and see a cancelled call, it means your call didn’t go through, and another party never gets a call from you.

What is the difference between a missed call and a cancelled call?

A cancelled call means a call that is placed but ends quickly before connecting, whereas a missed call is a call that goes through and rings at least once. 

Cancelled calls don’t appear, and missed calls appear in their call logs whom you called.

Does a cancelled call show up as a missed call on iphone?

A cancelled call is a call that is placed but ended quickly before connecting, so it will not show as a “Missed Call” in recipient call logs but will appear as a cancelled call in your logs.

Does a cancelled call mean they declined?

No, a cancelled call doesn’t mean the other party declined your call. It happens when you end a call before it gets connected.

What is the difference between a missed call and a declined call?

When you call someone and they click “Decline,” a declined call occurs. However, missed calls arise when you call someone and they don’t answer.

Can someone see a canceled call?

No, cancelled calls only appear in the caller’s call log. Since cancelled calls never happen, they don’t appear in the other party’s phone log.  

Does a cancelled call ring?

Cancelled calls are calls that are never made and connected to the other party, so the cancelled call won’t ring and get notified about the call to the other party.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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