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Introducing the KrispCall Zapier Integration



Introducing the KrispCall Zapier Integration

Are you tired of juggling through countless apps and platforms while managing your business communications? 🤔 Managing calls, texts, emails, and records, across various channels and sites, feels tedious & overwhelming 😩, and the worst part: handling all of them manually. 

Want to Automate your tasks like sending SMS reminders and creating tasks based on added contacts— Sounds like a dream, right?

But it’s not. It’s the reality. Introducing KrispCall Zapier Integration, through which you can automate all kinds of hefty, time-consuming, and repetitive tasks related to your business telephony. In this blog, you will learn the full potential of using KrispCall + Zapier, how to use it, its use cases in the current market, and its benefits. 

So, Let’s get started. 💪

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a powerful workflow automation software used to link and connect multiple web applications and services. Currently, it offers integration of more than six thousand web applications and automates more than billions of tasks each month. With Zapier, you can create automated workflows called “Zaps” without the need for any coding knowledge: just a simple trigger and action set-up. 

Zapier is like having a middleman that helps applications communicate with each other, even though they don’t communicate natively. It helps you with all sorts of tasks, like organizing your messages, saving your files, or even reminding you about important events. 

For example, if you would like to create an automatic workflow that adds contacts in your phone system whenever a new lead is added to your spreadsheet, you can do it using Zapier and VoIP integration, such as KrispCall. 

What are the benefits of Integrating Zapier with KrispCall?

The benefits of Integrating Zapier with KrispCall are:

  • Monitoring and task tracking: Zapier connects KrispCall with other apps, allowing users to keep track of tasks and receive updates. As a result of this visibility, areas for improvement can be identified easily. 
  • Improved Lead Generation: By integrating Zapier with KrispCall, businesses can automate lead generation and lead nurturing processes, resulting in qualified leads being passed to sales. The sales team can focus on high-quality leads, track lead behavior and engagement, and create targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Automate repetitive tasks: With Zapier + KrispCall, you can set up triggers and actions that automate everything from sending follow-up emails to data syncing and other mundane tasks. This saves time and energy and helps you focus on more important tasks. 
  • Collaboration with thousands of apps: The KrispCall-Zapier integration allows seamless connectivity between KrispCall and more than 6000 apps. By collaborating and sharing data across more platforms, you will be able to work more efficiently.

How does the KrispCall Zapier Integration Work?

KrispCall + Zapier integration works in a trigger and action workflow. Triggers are events that initiate workflows. Likewise, an action is an event. Zapier performs after the trigger occurs. So, the working mechanism is you create a zap, define a trigger, and select the action. 

With KrispCall’s Zapier integration, these Actions and Triggers are available:


  • New SMS_MMS: Triggers whenever a new text message or MMS is received. 
  • New Voicemail: Triggers whenever a new voicemail arrives in the system. 
  • New Contact: Triggers whenever a new contact is added.


  • Add Contact: Add a new contact in your workspace. 
  • Send SMS/MMS: Allows you to send text and other multimedia messages after some trigger. 
  • Delete or Update Contact: Delete/Update single or multiple contacts in your workspace. 

How can you use KrispCall Zapier Integration?

You can use KrispCall Zapier integration to do a lot of things such as automating routine tasks and workflows related to your phone system. Some of the example use cases of KrispCall + Zapier integration in various industries are as follows:

  • Creating, updating, and linking tasks from several workflow management tools, such as Asana, whenever a new SMS or MMS message is received in KrispCall, optimizing the overall workflow. 
Create tasks in Asana when new SMS or MMS messages are received in KrispCall

KrispCall + Asana

  • You can use KrispCall + Zapier integration to save your time by automating contact creation and SMS sending whenever a new schedule or appointment is timed on scheduling software such as Calendly. Or, you can also do vice-versa, i.e., whenever a contact is added in KrispCall, you can schedule an appointment with some departments in Calendly. 
Create KrispCall contacts for new Calendly invitees

Calendly + KrispCall 

What else can I do with KrispCall & Zapier?

You can do a lot of things with KrispCall + Zapier, from creating leads to adding contacts, you can automate your overall workflow. Here is the list of some automation tasks that you can do with KrispCall and Zapier integration. 

Send SMS messages for new Acuity Scheduling appointments via KrispCall

As a business entrepreneur, you might struggle to effectively communicate details and changes to the clients, resulting in problems like missed scheduled appointments, no-shows, and wasted time for business. However, with Zapier Integration with KrispCall, you can create a zap connecting KrispCall and Acuity Scheduling to send SMS messages to the clients whenever a new scheduling appointment is made in Acuity Scheduling. This streamlines appointment reminders, enhancing customer engagement and organization efficiency. 

Send SMS messages for new Acuity Scheduling appointments via KrispCall

Acuity Scheduling + KrispCall

Create Leads in when new contacts are added in KrispCall

With KrispCall + Zapier integration, you can connect KrispCall with This helps businesses to manage leads across multiple platforms, reducing lead fragmentation and inefficiencies in the sales process. By integrating KrispCall with, businesses can create leads automatically when new contacts are added to their phone system, simplifying the overall lead management process. 

Create Leads in when new contacts are added in KrispCall

KrispCall + noCRM

Send SMS messages via KrispCall for new paid orders on Shopify

Businesses can spend a lot of time sending order confirmation messages, and customers who do not receive updates on their orders are likely to feel uncertain and dissatisfied. To solve the exact same problem, you can use KrispCall + Zapier to connect with e-commerce sites like Shopify to automate your confirmation with SMS automation. With every new paid order on Shopify, you can automate the SMS sending process to your contacts via KrispCall.

Send SMS messages via KrispCall for new paid orders on Shopify

KrispCall + Shopify

Add new Pipedrive leads as KrispCall contacts

With KrispCall, you can integrate Pipedrive with the help of Zapier. Don’t want to lose any leads and tell when a prospect is calling you without any manual data entry, you should definitely check KrispCall. Zapier integration with KrispCall helps businesses to add new Pipedrive leads as contacts on KrispCall so they can easily call them and have their details ready. 

Add new Pipedrive leads as KrispCall contacts

Pipedrive + KrispCall

Create Trello cards for new SMS or MMS messages received in KrispCall

Handling your To-Dos’ can be a real chore, especially with due dates, labels, and attachments. But imagine if you could simplify things using task-management tools like Trello along with automation using integration. Well, with the KrispCall integration via Zapier, you can now easily create and update Trello cards whenever you get a new SMS or MMS message.

Create Trello cards for new SMS or MMS messages revceived in KrispCall

KrispCall + Trello

Create KrispCall contacts from new Google Sheets rows

Importing the existing contacts or adding each contact in your phone system based on your customer spreadsheets is pretty much a hefty task. With KrispCall integration with Zapier, you get the power to automate your contact syncing with popular spreadsheets like Google Sheets. You can create contacts on KrispCall whenever a new row is added to your Google sheet. 

Log new incoming SMS and MMS messages in KrispCall into Google Sheets rows

KrispCall + Google Sheets

How to Get Started with the Zapier Integration?

Getting Started with the Zapier + KrispCall integration is as easy as a walk in the park. Just follow these simple steps, and you are ready to automate stuff with Zapier integration. 

Step 1: Create an account on KrispCall and log in with the same credentials

Step 2: Goto “Settings”, and then “Integrations” under the App Settings. 

Step 3: Click the Connect button below the Zapier. 

Step 4: Now, login to your Zappier account or create one if you don’t have one. 

Step 5: After logging in, click on the Create Zap button and select a trigger or action based on your workflow

Step 6: Search for KrispCall, select the trigger/action available, and click on Continue.

Step 7: Once the event is set, connect using KrispCall’s API key and Secret Key, and click on  Yes, Continue to KrispCall button

📓 Note: To get KrispCall’s API key and Secret Key, go to Settings > Developer option, and copy the keys using the copy button. 

👉For a more detailed integration guide, check out: How to Integrate Your Zapier Account with KrispCall.

What is the pricing of KrispCall Zapier Integration?

The pricing of Zapier integration with KrispCall is free of cost, which means you don’t have to pay any additional charges to integrate. This powerful integration of Zapier is a part of all the subscription plans of KrispCall: from Essential to the Enterprise

Here is the list of KrispCall’s pricing plans

  • Essential: $15 /month per user
  • Standard: $40 /month per user
  • Enterprise: Customizable (Request a custom quote)

👉 Also Read: Best Zapier VoIP Integration: Automate Business Communications


KrispCall with Zapier is a powerful tool to automate all sorts of business tasks related to business telecommunication. Businesses can save time and money, reducing operational costs and the headache of doing repetitive and monotonous tasks with this comprehensive yet affordable integration of KrispCall + Zapier. 

Along with Zapier, KrispCall also offers several other integrations such as HubSpot, Pabbly Connect, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Pipedrive, etc with an exceptional QoS of guaranteed 99.99% uptime.

Therefore, if you are searching for a one-stop solution for all your local and international business communication, definitely check out KrispCall as it offers a wide range of advanced call management features at an affordable price starting at just $15 per month.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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