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How To Identify a Fake Text Message?



How To Identify a Fake Text Message

Scammers are always creative 💡 when it comes to stealing your information and money. But you don’t have to worry, learn how to identify a fake text message and be a savvy mobile phone user.

The fact is you cannot stop fake text scams but you can protect yourself from any further harm that it may bring to your table. So, let’s focus on the bright side and focus on what is possible.

By the end of the blog, you can completely understand how fake text messages work, how you can identify fake text in different ways, its preventive measures, and solutions to block text messages that are fake for your business.

👓 Key Highlights

  • Fake Text Messages are a well-known scam process that has evolved with time to steal personal and business information and money.
  • The reason you are getting fake text messages is that your number or information is somehow leaked online.
  • Based on suspicious sender information and message content you can learn how to identify a fake text message.
  • KrispCall texting feature helps to block fake text messages and to protect business messaging. 

What is a Fake Text Message?

A fake text message is simply a text that is sent by scammers to scam individuals and businesses but pretends to be from a legitimate source. 

As everyone owns mobile phones, there are high chances of people getting scams by getting tricked into providing money, and personal information or even getting their devices infected with malicious software or spyware.

What is a fake text message

In addition to evolving with time, Fake text messages have also evolved in terms of technology. These days different automated software is available that helps scammers to forward messages in bulk. They usually have a library of pre-written templates for different types of scams. 

With the help of AI-powered 🤖 tools, they can even analyze your online behavior and communication patterns to make messages more genuine.

Scammers usually present themself as legitimate sources by making them look like your bank, big brands, or delivery services. They often take advantage of current events and popular trends to make the message seem more relevant and believable.

Being cautious with sudden text messages is important; refrain from disclosing personal information or clicking links without confirming the sender’s legitimacy.

Why Do I Get Fake Text Messages?

You cannot deny the truth that you will get fake text messages at least once in your lifetime. The 🤔 reason why you get these scam texts is because your personal details such as your phone numbers or emails are leaked somewhere or by someone and the scammers simply stores them to scam you.

Why do I get a fake text message

Scammers tend to send messages in large bulk through numbers, emails, or social online accounts by collecting the personal details of multiple individuals at once. Even if a small percentage of receivers fall for these scam texts the reward that scammers 📈achieve is high. 

The reason why you get scam text might be quite broad to understand, but overall it is to access certain information from you.

Here are some of the reasons why you are getting unwanted text messages:

  • To access your personal details such as your name, address, email, picture, phone number, social security number even your family member details.
  • Login details for your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok.
  • To track your every movement, location, and geolocation data.
  • To get your financial pieces of information like banking details and passwords, credit card numbers, and mobile banking passwords.
  • To share and sell your sensitive data to other parties.
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10 ways on how to identify a fake text message 

Fake text messages in general are good at grabbing their reader’s 🧐attention. It gets people alarmed either by activating a sense of panic or by making them overly excited. Due to this people tend to act before thinking. 

During early 2020 a well-known example ‘fake Amazon text message scam‘ was introduced where you receive spam text messages. Once you open the message link it redirects you to phishing websites that declare you a prize winner. To receive the price, you need to enter your number, and bank details, and with excitement lots of people believed the scam was legitimate.

There are certain ways through which you can identify the 🔎patterns of unwanted messages based on senders’ information or message context. If the message is not related to you in any way possible but addresses specifically for you then 

10 ways on how to Identify a Fake Text Message

Here are 10 ways through which you can identify fake text messages based on suspicious sender’s information and suspicious message contents:

1. Foreign Country Code

What is the possibility for you to get messages from different countries? If none then you need to be wary of unknown senders number. Every location has a specific foreign area code, if the message is from somewhere you have no connection with then that can be something that you don’t want to reply to. 

2. Irregular phone number

Real phone numbers follow a standard phone number format like (xxx-xxx-xxxx) for the US. Whereas fake scammer’s numbers can be identified if the sender’s number has too many or too few phone number digits.

3. Alphanumeric senders id

Alphanumeric senders ID also known as caller ID, Alpha tag is a distinctive name or phrase that pops instead of numbers for example (John119). While Businesses do use alphanumeric senders ID it has been popular among scammers.

4. Irrelevant messages

Sometimes you can receive irrelevant messages mistakenly from unknown numbers that are not related to you. But if the message is completely irrelevant to you, or from an irrelevant sender then the message may be spam text and it’s better to delete or block the sender.

5. Big brand names

If you have not connected with big brands and you get messages from them then the chances are you are getting spam messages. If you have no idea if the text is from legitimate companies or not then you might end up being the victim of a scam. 

6. Request personal information 

Whether it’s a legitimate company or not asking for sensitive information via text is not ok.  When you receive such information asking for your personal information then you must be cautious.

7. Grammatical errors, misspellings & bad formatting

The text sent by scammers sometimes contains grammar errors or the formatting of the text is not good. It may be due to carelessness or to avoid spam filters that block messages. There will be certain scam text errors (Amazon with Amezon).

8. Attachment of suspicious links

Messages with suspicious links are mostly attached in spam text that redirects you to phishing websites from which malicious software might get downloaded. These suspicious links are mostly to lure you by offering random gifts, and free money.

9. Urgent tone

Fake text message’s tone usually alerts readers by either making them excited or making them panic. It makes you act immediately before you can process the full detail example (Your credit card is blocked! Click Here to avoid a 20% penalty).

10. Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication is a type of text scam that is done by sending a message and asking you to send the given verification code or to click the link to verify the process example “URGENT! Your account is at risk. Verify your identity by clicking this link: [Suspicious Link]. Don’t respond if you didn’t request this.”

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What to do if you receive a fake text?

Just because you received a fake text message doesn’t mean you are in 😌great danger, It is pretty common in recent days to receive a fake message. Just remember your privacy is ❎never 100% secure but you can prevent yourself from further harm by knowing what to do ahead of time.

These are some of the things you can and cannot do when you receive a fake text messages:

What to do if you receive a fake text?

1. Never open the suspicious link attached to the message

Fake text mostly comes with an attached suspicious link, the best thing you can do is not to open the link. No matter how tempting the fake text message may seem just delete it. Once you open the suspicious link anything can happen such as identity theft, or download malware, at worst they will directly gain access to your device.

2. Do not replay

Replaying to a fake text confirms that the number is still active and is a genuine user. Replying “STOP” is not enough to unsubscribe, sometimes scammers just want a simple response, which leads to more spam messages. Your information might also be sold to others, meaning you will find yourself getting more messages.

3. Verify the sender

 Make sure to verify the sender’s details before assuming messages as spam directly. Not all unexpected text message are fake, some might be from real sources. In that case, you might miss out on important information that is sent to you.

4. Block the number

When you identify the fake text the most simple solution is to block the number or sender source immediately. It’s hard to identify what kind of harm, certain fake messages can cause so it’s better to block the number.

5. Install digital security software

Prevention is better than cure, by opening fake messages your device has a high risk of being affected by malware. So it’s better to install updated security software to protect against malware or any possible threads.

6. Report the message

At times, text message scams may be linked to major text scams or notorious scam incidents. During such occurrences, consider reporting them to your mobile carrier or the appropriate authorities, like the Federal Trade Commission in the United States.

Block Fake Text Messages and Protect Your Business Messaging With KrispCall  Texting Feature

Accidentally opening fake messages can cost you😧 everything from losing your personal data, and misusing business details to financial fraud anything can happen. If you use regular numbers to share your business-related conversations and information then that’s a ⛔warning sign for your business.

block fake text messages and protect your business messaging with KrispCall

KrispCall is a virtual phone system that helps you block Fake Text Messages and Protect Your Business Messaging. It is important to keep your important information safe in case any bad thing occurs in the future. With KrispCall’s advanced features, you can prevent yourself from spam messages and their problems.

Here are some of the ways through which KrispCall can boost your business performance and protect your business from fake text messages at the same time.

1. Advanced security

KrispCall ensures that your business information stays safe as security is the top priority of KrispCall.  It constantly improves and updates its security every day, with your data and communication security in mind. It possesses the capability to monitor security threats and identify necessary security patches for comprehensive protection and blocking spam texts.

2. Cloud storage

With cloud storage, your messages are highly secured as messages are automatically backed up and synchronized across multiple devices. Assuring that a recent copy is always available, even in cases of device malfunction. It offers measures such as data encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems, resulting in more comprehensive protection.

3. Multiple sharing

You can communicate and message by sharing a single number with multiple members. In case of your absence if important information is received then on your behalf other members can reply to it. It is important to have business flexibility that you cannot achieve through your regular messages.

4.  Bulk sms

KrispCall not only helps protect your business but it also enhances your business productivity. The process of sending bulk SMS utilizes a service provider to transmit a considerable number of text messages to various recipients simultaneously. You can simply compose a message, create a list of contacts to whom you want to deliver the message, and send or schedule the message.


The fake text message is one of the widely spread 🚫illegal suspicious activity that exists among us. Due to such text scams, individuals and businesses have to deal with huge problems every year. It cannot be eased completely but can be controlled up to some extent.

KrispCall texting features help you not only 👊prevent fake text messages but at the same time allow you to enhance your business performance. It offers solutions that protect your business’s important messaging and stores safely in case of any harm.

Sign up for KrispCall today to stay away from fake text messages and its after math.


1.Can you get scammed by opening a suspicious text message?

You can’t get scammed just by opening a suspicious text message as long as you don’t reply, click on suspicious links, or share any personal information. Receiving unwanted text messages and opening them doesn’t mean you’ve interacted with the scammer. 

2. What is sms phishing?

SMS phishing also known as Smishing uses fake text messages that trick people to download malware, sharing sensitive information, or sending money to cybercriminals.

3. What happens If I reply to a text message scam?

Experts advise not to reply to scam text messages because it can confirm that your number is still in use. Which can even allow hackers to access your personal or financial information or send more scam text messages.

4. How to report scam text messages?

To report scam text messages copy the message and forward it to 7726 (SPAM). This assists your wireless provider in identifying and blocking comparable messages in the future. Also, report it within the messaging app you use by finding the option to report junk or spam.

5. How to identify a fake text message based on senders number?

You can identify a fake text message based on senders number if the number don’t have standard formate for example (xxx-xxx-xxxx) for the USA. Or if the area code of the number is from different location that is irrelevant to you or your business.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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