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How to Call China From Australia?



How to Call China from Australia

With today’s technology, staying connected with friends, family, or business in China is simpler than ever.

Calling China from Australia can be a straightforward process if you follow the right steps. With the vast distance between the two countries, it’s essential to ensure you have the correct phone number and dialing sequence to connect with your loved ones or business partners in China. 

In this guide, you will learn the simple steps to make an international call to China from Australia. 

🔑 Key Highlight

  • To initiate an international call from Australia to China, start by dialing ’00’, which is Australia’s international exit code. This code signals to the telephone carrier that you are making a call to another country.
  • The dialing procedure varies slightly depending on whether you are calling a mobile number or a landline in China. Mobile numbers do not require an area code, while landlines do.
  • When calling a Chinese mobile number from Australia, you still start with 0011 (the exit code) followed by 86 (the country code), and then the 11-digit mobile number.
  • Be aware that there is a time difference between China and Australia. Depending on the specific locations and whether daylight saving time is in effect, China is generally 2-3 hours ahead of Australia.
  • Use VoIP services like WeChat and Google Voice that allow you to make calls over the internet, often at a lower cost than traditional phone lines.

How to Call China from Australia?

To call China from Australia, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Dial the International Dialing Code: Start by dialing ’00’, which is the international exit code for Australia. This tells the telephone carrier that the number you are about to dial is for another country.

Step 2: Dial China’s Country Code: Next, dial ’86’, which is the country code for China.

Step 3: Dial the Area Code: Depending on which city you are trying to call in China, you will need to enter the area code. For example, Beijing’s area code is ’10’, Shanghai’s is ’21’, and Guangzhou’s is ’20’.

Step 4: Dial the Local Number: Finally, enter the local phone number, which typically consists of 7 or 8 digits.

For Example, To call Beijing Tiantan Hospital in China, you would have to dial 0011 +86-10-67098001, where 0011 is Australia exit code +86 is  China country code, “10” is Beijing’s area code, and “67098001” is the local number of Beijing Tiantan Hospital.

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How to Call China from Australia on Mobile?

To call China from Australia on a mobile phone, dial the international exit code (+0011), followed by China’s country code (86), the area code for the specific region, and then the local phone number, with the area code and local number separated by a hyphen if necessary.

To call China from Australia on a mobile phone, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Dial the Australian exit code, which is 0011.
  • Step 2: Dial the country code for China, which is 86.
  • Step 3: Dial the mobile number you are trying to call. China mobile numbers are 11 digits long and start with 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 191.

Example: To reach the China University of Geosciences, you would dial 0011 +86 27 6788 3995, where 0011 is Australian exit code, “+86” is the China Country code, “27” is the area code of Wuhan, and the rest “6788 3995” is the local phone subscriber number of University of Geosciences.

How to Call China from Australia on Landline?

To call a landline number in China from an Australian landline, dial the international exit code 0011, followed by China’s country code 86, the area code for the specific region, and then the local landline number. Remove the initial 0 from the area code or mobile number if it appears.

Calling China from an Australian landline is a simple process. Here’s what you need to do:

Here is a summary of the steps:

  • Step 1: Dial the Australian exit code 0011.
  • Step 2: Enter China’s country code 86.
  • Step 3: Dial the area code for the specific region in China.
  • Step 4: Enter the local number of the person you are calling.  If the area code or mobile number starts with a 0, remove that 0.

Example: To reach Guangzhou Medical University, you would dial 0011+86 20 3710 3000, where 0011 is the Australia exit code, “+86 “ is the China country code, “20” is the area code of Guangzhou, and “3710 3000” is the local subscriber number.

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Thing to be considered while calling China from Australia

Here are some things to be considered while calling China from Australia 

1. Mobile vs Landline

The dialing procedure differs slightly between calling a mobile number and a landline in China. Make sure you know which type of number you’re calling. 

For example:

  • Mobile number: If you need to call a mobile number the same rules apply as anywhere else and it will usually cost more than a landline; however, one nice thing is that you will not have an area code to deal with.
  • Calling a landline: When calling a landline in China from from Australia , you need to include the Australia country exist code, China county code and area code. Chinese Area codes are now usually 1, 2 or 3 digits long, but back in the day can be as much as 4 digits, which usually must be dialed when calling from outside the area.

2. Area codes

You need to dial the correct area code while making a landline call in China. In China, every city or area has its own area code; if you leave this out, the call might not connect. For example:

City Area CodeCity Area Code
Zhongwei955Dingxi (0) 932
Beihai(0) 779Cangzhou(0) 317
Jiaozuo(0) 391Songyuan(0) 438
Yingkou(0) 417Nachong(0) 839
Gauangyan(0) 839Shanghai 21

When making a call from overseas, you must dial the international dialing pattern, China’s country code, the area code, and finally the local number.

3. Exist Code

You must enter the correct exit code to indicate that you are making an international call in order to start a call from Australia to China. This changes a little based on the phone type you are using:

  • From a mobile phone: You can press the zero key until the “+” sign appears, which is an alternative to dialing “0011”. For international calling, the “+” sign serves as a global exit code.
  • From a Landline: You should dial the Australian exit code “0011” before the rest of the number.

4. Time zone 

The time difference between China and Australia can range from no difference to 4 hours ahead, depending on the specific locations and whether daylight saving time is in effect.

Here’s a table summarizing the time difference:

Location in ChinaLocation in Australia (Standard Time)Time DifferenceLocation in Australia (Daylight Saving Time)
Mainland China (CST)Western Australia (WST)No Difference (Same Time)
Mainland China (CST)South Australia, Northern Territory (CST)1.5 Hours Ahead3.5 Hours Ahead
Mainland China (CST)Queensland (EST)2 Hours Ahead 4 Hours Ahead
Mainland China (CST)South Australia, Northern Territory (CST)2 Hours Ahead 4 Hours Ahead
Hong Kong (HKT)Same as Mainland China
Macau (MOT)Same as Mainland China

Alternative Ways to Make International Calls to China

1. Virtual Number

To make an international call to China, Chinese virtual numbers are an excellent alternative for making international calls to China. Unlike traditional telephone numbers, virtual numbers are not tied to any specific geographical location. This means you can purchase a virtual number for China from anywhere in the world.

This will result in a huge reduction in the cost of international calls, particularly for small enterprises that use several phone lines. Virtual numbers are also a good and appropriate substitute because they are easily available and can be purchased from a variety of cloud-based companies.

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2. Using VoIP Apps Linke WeChat

This popular software in China lets users make free audio and video chats to one another. If you’re calling someone who uses WeChat, it’s a useful and maybe free choice.

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3. VoIP Services

The ability to make calls via the internet at possibly lower prices than traditional phone lines is provided by voice over internet protocol (VoIP) providers such as Google Voice and Rebtel. To select the best option, compare several suppliers and plans.


Making a phone call to China from Australia is simple. With the right dialing technique (i.e., exit code, country code, area code, and phone number), you can make a regular phone call. Nevertheless, the cost of this technique may vary based on your phone plan.

You must be aware of the types of numbers you are connecting, location area codes, and timezone before dialing. Try alternative methods for an affordable and easy way to connect.


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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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