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A Complete Guide To Enterprise Meeting Software Solutions



Enterprise Meeting Software

Since the pandemic, the popularity of online meetings has grown extremely fast.

 It has become a common way for enterprises, especially software development teams, to have important discussions even when people are in different places.  

This is because video conferencing is easy, effective, and convenient. You only need a computer, phone, or other device with an internet connection. 

There aren’t any other requirements, making face-to-face meetings simple even when far apart.

Therefore, in this complete guide to enterprise meeting software, you will understand what it is, its importance, and how you can choose the right type for your organization. 

Let’s get started. 👇


  • Enterprise meeting software is a video conferencing tool that enables effective business meetings virtually through features like video calling, screen sharing, recording, etc.
  • It is designed specifically for large companies’ needs, including security, integrations, admin controls, and scalability.
  • Investing in enterprise meeting software helps keep meetings on track, share files in real time, and collect questions in various ways.
  • Enterprise software is important for saving travel costs, improving communication, increasing productivity, promoting connectivity, and saving time and money overall.
  • Choosing the right enterprise software involves matching features to technical communication needs, types of meetings, and fitting collaboration tools to planning/decision-making meetings.

What Is Enterprise Meeting Software?

Enterprise meeting software is a video conferencing tool that enables effective business meetings. This software has features helpful for companies, such as cloud-based meetings, screen sharing, recording meetings, and organizing meetings by department.

Enterprise meeting platforms are designed specifically for large companies’ needs. They include built-in security, easy integrations, admin controls, customer support, and more. 

For example, Microsoft Teams is an enterprise meeting software solution. Teams is a video conferencing platform for big companies to use for virtual meetings and collaboration. It has features that make it very useful for businesses.

With Teams, you can start video meetings with your coworkers with just one click. You can also share your screen to show presentations or have collaborative working sessions. The chat feature allows for quick messaging about projects, too. 

Because it’s from Microsoft, Teams is reliable and scales well as more people join meetings. Many businesses trust it to handle all their video needs for keeping remote teams connected through virtual interactions and file sharing, making it a good example of enterprise meeting software.

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Why Invest In Enterprise Meeting Software?

According to Statista, companies invested about 913 billion dollars worldwide on enterprise software in 2023, 12.4% more than the year before. Like most parts of the tech industry, the enterprise meeting software market has grown significantly in recent years, doubling market revenue between 2010 and 2020

Also, a Gartner report showed that in-person enterprise meetings will drop from 60% to 25% in 2024. However, in a virtual meeting, it’s tough to keep it moving at a good pace, track questions, and keep everyone on the same page. 

Nevertheless, Enterprise Meeting software can help with this. It provides tools to collect questions, share files in real-time, and keep private information private. Tools like chat, video, audio, and shared documents let you gather information from people in different ways simultaneously. 

With enterprise software, an IT team can set things up the same way for everyone and push updates and fixes from central control. In this way, when a whole team can work from different places, it can be easier to collaborate virtually. Therefore, you should invest in enterprise meeting software.

Importance Of Enterprise Meeting Software Solutions? 

Enterprise Meeting Software

Enterprise meeting software solutions are hugely beneficial for a business. Here are some of the importance of enterprise meeting software solutions: 

1. Saves On Travelling Costs

When teams use enterprise meeting software, people don’t have to travel as much to meet face-to-face. Flying people across countries or even to a different city can cost a business a lot of money for plane and other travel expenses. 

With enterprise meeting software, workers can see each other virtually, so they don’t have to travel in person as often. This saves companies thousands of dollars that would have gone toward sending employees places for meetings. The money saved on travel can be used for other important business costs.

2. Improves Communication

Enterprise meeting tools make teams communicate better even when people are far apart. With screen sharing and other collaboration tools it can be easier for team members in different locations to discuss about projects, check in on tasks, and make important decisions together. 

When people can instantly chat, see each other face-to-face, and work on the same files live at the same time, there are fewer chances for miscommunication. Employees also feel more connected to their coworkers and leaders. Projects move along faster because communication happens effectively across distances using enterprise meeting software.

3. Increases Productivity

When a team uses enterprise meeting software, it helps them work more efficiently, even when they’re apart. Collaboration through video calls, file sharing, chat, and other tools allows employees to have productive meetings without wasting time on things like lengthy commutes. People save time they would have spent traveling and can get right to discussing projects. Teams don’t lose momentum if one member can’t make it in person. 

Employees avoid distractions and stay focused during calls with these virtual meeting platforms. As a result, businesses see higher output and more work getting finished since productivity isn’t slowed down by people being in different locations.

4. Promoting Connectivity

Enterprise meeting software helps remote teams feel more connected to each other even though they’re apart. Seeing coworkers on video calls and interacting through chat makes employees feel less isolated. They can bond more easily over collaborative documents and discussions. 

This builds stronger relationships between team members who otherwise might not know each other as well due to distance. Employees also better understand company updates and priorities through these virtual meetings. Everyone stays on the same page regardless of location. 

5. Saves Time And Money

The software helps companies to save valuable resources in a c ways. First, it saves time previously spent organizing and attending in-person meetings. Employees don’t have to commute or take time out of their schedules to meet face-to-face. They can collaborate virtually while continuing their regular work. This prevents thousands of hours from being lost to meetings each year.

It also saves money on facilities, equipment, and overhead. Companies no longer need to pay for large conference room spaces, equipment upgrades, catering, utilities, and maintenance for in-office meetings. Switching to virtual meetings reduces infrastructure costs that burden annual budgets.

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Tips To Choose The Right Types Of Meetings Software 

When choosing enterprise meeting software for your business, there are some things you should consider to make sure you pick out the right software, such as: 

1. Typical Feature Sets Of Online Meeting Systems

Evaluating the features of enterprise software is an important part of choosing the right one. Many platforms offer standard features such as video calling, screen sharing, screen recording, surveys or polling options, annotation tools, and file integrations capabilities. 

It’s good to research what utilities different solutions provide. That way, you can match the software with the most useful tools for your company’s needs regarding virtual meetings. Comparing standard features across programs helps you pick the enterprise solution with the right team collaboration tools.

2. Technical Communication Features

When selecting enterprise meeting software, technical communication features are very important. People often need to share confidential documents, show 3D models, explain complex diagrams, and work on files simultaneously in technical fields. If meeting software doesn’t allow visual collaboration through screen sharing, whiteboarding, or co-editing files, explaining technical stuff can be much harder. 

Paying attention to elements like ethical considerations, document design, use of graphics, technical accuracy, and usability can help teams select a platform that enhances communication about technical work instead of hindering remote collaboration.

I. Ethical Considerations

When picking an enterprise meeting software, consider how well it protects privacy and handles sensitive work files. Look for features that secure documents and conversations and customize who can see what. Virtual meetings must follow legal and workplace guidelines to build trust.

II. Document Design

Read reviews on how easy or hard software is to create well-organized files, slideshows, and handouts on the platform. Good formatting options help make complex topics clear remotely. Templates save time and make materials look professional.

III. Use of Graphics and Visuals

See if you can draw and share diagrams to illustrate concepts or brainstorm. Screen annotation tools let people draw on slides virtually. Some platforms have special whiteboarding for planning step-by-step. Visuals make technical discussions easier to follow when meeting online.

IV. Technical Accuracy

Check support forums to see how well the software works for its intended uses without glitches. Can others’ technical problems disrupt discussions? Sturdy features help IT staff keep their focus on their actual work and stop wasting time troubleshooting issues on the platform itself.

V. Usability and User-Focus

Get a trial to try out the layout, toolbox options, and meeting controls. Are they organized for quick comprehension under pressure? Feedback from real users shows how smoothly software functions during online meetings versus just on paper. Usability and user focus help remote collaborations succeed.

3. Fitting Features To The Kind Of Meeting

When picking out a program for virtual business meetings, it’s essential to find one that matches the types of discussions your company usually has. Meetings happen for different reasons, like client presentations, brainstorming sessions, project check-ins, and training classes. Software with just basic calling and screen sharing won’t support specialized needs. 

If a company usually shows PowerPoint slideshows during talks, using voting tools could get feedback from everyone quickly without interrupting the meeting. Tools like digital whiteboards help make planning better when collaborating on new concepts. Choosing programs fitted to different kinds of meetings means online conferences will run smoothly no matter how teams connect and what they need to accomplish.

4. Meetings For Planning And Decision-Making

Many businesses rely on planning projects and making important decisions together. However, conducting this type of meeting online requires software with collaboration features that help the process, not slow it down. 

When picking a program, consider whether it facilitates cooperation and organization. This will ensure that online planning and decision-making run smoothly. The right software makes virtual collaboration on strategizing and problem-solving more efficient. That way, important coordination, and agreement can still happen productively, even remotely.


The best enterprise video meeting software gives big global companies flexibility and how much work gets done, no matter where employees are located. When using the right program, your teams stay focused, productive, and satisfied. Also, the people your company works with, like vendors, partners, and potential customers, will feel more connected to your business. 

Likewise, Enterprise meeting software allows companies to handle important tasks smoothly regardless of the changing world economy or workplace. Because of seamless online meetings, customers feel well taken care of. It’s a real advantage for any business worldwide if set up correctly.


What is virtual meeting software? 

Virtual meeting software is a tool that allows companies to conduct business meetings online rather than with all attendees physically present in one location. Participants use virtual meeting software to connect and participate in the discussion from separate remote areas instead of assembling face-to-face. 

Additionally, cloud Telephony apps like KrispCall integrate with popular virtual meeting software like Zoom, making meetings more effective and productive.

What is online meeting software?

Online meeting software is a tool for conducting meetings via the Internet. Other names for online meetings are remote meetings, virtual meetings, or web conferences. This technology allows people from all over the world to come together in one place.

What are the free online meeting software? 

Online meeting software are those through which you can use for free for your team meets up, sharing information, and live chat. Some examples of online meeting software are Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet,  Skype, WebEx, FreeConference, Zoho Meeting, etc. 

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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