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Digital Customer Care: What It Is & Why Is It Important?



Digital Customer Care

We are no longer in the days when mobile or phone calls 📞 are enough for customer care.

Nowadays, the world🌍 is diverse, as are customers’ preferences, needs, and requirements. Many people use numerous online media 📱 to connect with brands or companies. 

Every company must implement a digital customer care strategy to compete, survive in the market, and provide efficiency and high productivity 📈. This approach enables businesses to deliver smooth customer experiences and maintain strong customer relationships.

But what exactly is digital customer care? How can you implement this in your businesses and why? Let’s begin with the explanations below 🚀


  • Digital customer care is a system that provides efficient and personalized customer support using multiple digital channels.
  • Digital customer service improves customer trust by providing effective responses within a short period of time.
  • Digital customer service platforms provide a dashboard that displays the overview of integrated channel information. 
  • Businesses should understand the customer needs, preferred channels and paint points for making digital customer service in practice.

What is digital customer care?

What is Digital Customer Care

Digital customer care refers to providing efficient and personalized customer support through multiple digital channels. This support system helps customers connect with businesses anytime from anywhere, outnumbering traditional channels such as phone or face-to-face meetings. It is known as digital customer service.

Basically, a customer can reach a company for help without walking into a store or picking up the phone, which is considered digital customer care.

For example, if you are from a design company, you will send personalized emails to customers to recommend the best quality of your products. Or, it can be done through AI chatbots with a pop-up on your website that directs the customer or reader to the product or service. 

Components of digital customer care

A digital customer service system helps the company provide personalized, efficient omnichannel support to solve customers’ problems as soon as possible. 

Some of the components of digital customer care are: 

  • 24/7 accessibility: Options like AI chatbots and written content can assist with basic customer inquiries, leading to 24/7 accessibility with self-service options. High accessibility provides flexibility for customers with different schedules, improving overall customer satisfaction. 
  • Omnichannel support: An omnichannel support system in digital customer care allows customers to contact the company through any preferred digital channels. This support system can increase the chances of sales across multiple channels. 
  • High efficiency with scalability: The use of AI-powered technologies in digital customer care can automate repetitive tasks, and chatbots efficiently handle customer inquiries. This ultimately provides more efficiency, helping more people in a wide range and improving response rates. 
  • Customized interactions for personalization: The digital care system uses AI tools and data analytics to recognize customer needs and offer personalized support through customer data. This makes it easy for customers to fulfill their preferred wants and get personalized services. 
  • Providing proactive service: Digital customer service strategy involves tools to support and identify needs before an issue arises. This process includes sending automated gentle reminders and identifying probable problems based on previous account activity. 
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Why does digital customer care matter?

Digital customer care means communicating with customers through digital channels and creating strategies to boost customer satisfaction. This approach is vital for businesses to generate sales, build customer interactions, and increase customer loyalty. Digital customer service matters because of the value it brings.

Here are some of the reasons that define the necessity of digital customer care:

1. Upscale operational efficiency

Digital customer care is often done through an omnichannel system consisting of AI-powered software to automate repetitive tasks. This helps to utilize time more efficiently and increase agent productivity by allowing agents to focus on complex issues. 

According to Freshworks, AI and automatic routing in incoming customer calls increase agent productivity by around 1.2 hours daily, and using them, businesses can upscale operational efficiency.

2. Powerful competitive edge

Customers are always willing to choose the business or brand with the best customer care support, which is why a system like digital customer service is important for setting your company apart from others. 

A survey even stated that 91% of customers are likely to make their next purchase after getting a good customer service experience. Brands that excel in digital customers can easily stand out from the competitors, making more profit and increasing the number of customers than others in the markets.

3. Accessible data-driven insights

With a digital customer experience, businesses can generate important customer behavior data and pain points. These datas give insights about customer wants and needs, their choices, and customers’ buying habits by analyzing data.

Since a good number of consumers want their needs and wants to be known by their customer service agents, this means that getting data-driven insights helps to reach the team target by developing a digital customer service experience.

4. Improving customer trust and brand reputation

Customers who receive effective responses to their inquiries from human agents are more likely to trust the brand, encouraging them to add online reviews and improve their reputation. 

Also, customer satisfaction achieved by using many digital channels is the stepping stone to a successful customer experience strategy. And this ultimately results in a positive brand image for a business.

📚 Also Read: What is Digital Customer Engagement? A Beginner Guide 

Advantages of digital customer care for contact centers

Proper customer support and increased customer satisfaction are crucial in contact centers. Contact solutions are the backbone of digital customer care, which provides numerous benefits.

Some of the benefits of digital customer care for contact centers are as follows:

Advantages of Digital Customer Care for Contact Centers

1. Cost efficiency

Contact centers eliminate the need for expensive hardware setup and IT infrastructure, saving businesses money that can be used for other important projects. They also improve agents’ experiences by freeing them from the hassles of handling automated work. The more agents are happier in their work, the better the workflow and the more cost-efficiency the business gains. 

Using different mobile apps or social media to interact with customers helps increase the chances of sales conversion, generating more revenue for the company.

2. Integration with multiple channels

Contact centers create a digital world, a unified communication platform for multiple channels. Integrating multiple channels, such as phone calls, emails, Instagram, and WhatsApp, into a dashboard enables a smooth and efficient omnichannel customer service experience. 

This creates a seamless path in the customer journey toward the businesses with integrated datas across multiple digital customer service channels. Eventually, this allows the customer to use their preferred channels without repeating information to the support team. 

3. Improved customer satisfaction

The core advantage of using contact centers is the customer satisfaction they provide. They ease the customer’s path throughout the process and offer digital customer service that allows customers to resolve their problems quickly. 

Since 78% of customers expect to get self-help service options, AI-powered tech can provide these services, fulfilling their expectations. Also, the digital customer support center helps to improve response times and create happier customer interactions, which boosts customer satisfaction. 

4. Access to advanced features

Contact centers offer many features designed to improve customer care and provide smooth workflows, such as analytics and reporting, personalization, and call center automation with AI using automated call routing to route calls to the right agents. 

This involves providing real-time analytics dashboards and reporting tools to monitor agent performance and decision-making. 68% of people expect personalized experiences with their brands, and the contact center provides personalized options to increase customer satisfaction. 

5. Flexible and scalable 

Contact centers are built to scale and provide flexibility at the top level. They offer the flexibility to remove or add any features or channels whenever your business needs to make changes or evolve.

This prepares you to meet customers’ demands while managing busy periods or peak seasons without the need for extra investments in hardware or infrastructure. Also, agents can work from anywhere, enabling them to work remotely, which can benefit agents’ experience as well as the scalability of the work. This improves the overall productivity of the business

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How can you adopt a digital customer care mindset?

The days of relying on only mobile or phone calls are gone. And to switch your business to a digital customer care strategy, you need to shift your cultural mindset and start adopting a new and modern approach. 

To adopt this, you must optimize and be comfortable with digital channels and follow the following things: 

  • Work on expanding capabilities: Check if your team is in the right channels that suit the customer’s preferences. You need to focus on using new technologies that extend the capabilities for handling customers’ inquiries and provide a self-service system.  
  • Use of the right technology: You need to be sure that the technologies you use are well-updated according to your needs. These include AI-powered features and functions, reporting, unified dashboards, and more.
  • Aim for consistent improvement: Start using multiple customer experience KPIs to monitor recent customer experiences. You should aim to improve every problem identified within a short period of time.  Collect feedback, work on it, and experiment with new tools that might solve customers’ problems and do it consistently. 
  • Optimize customer-centric strategies: When making decisions, you need to be customer-focused. This means using customer data, creating social media for customer inquiries, and empowering the work agents to focus on customer effort.  

Best practices for implementing a digital customer care

Digital customer care makes customers flexible when interacting with businesses. With the best implementation strategies, you can use it to increase customer experience. In turn, that requires adhering to some best practices.

Some of the best practices for implementing a digital customer care system are:  

  • Provide training to teams: You need to ensure that your team can interact with customers with a proper understanding. Leveraging the team’s skills and capabilities through different trainings allows them to be more confident and precise in solving customer problems. 
  • Update latest technology: The better the technology, the better the output. To implement a digital customer service system, you must update your technologies, such as AI-powered software and proper analytics and reporting. 
  • Choosing the suitable channel: To reach more customers, ensure you are in the preferred channel. This allows the customers to get you and enables you to present yourself in a suitable channel from where you can solve the customers’ issues. 
  • Analyze and monitor performance: You need to monitor and analyze the company’s overall performance and offer a digital customer service channel. Using different customer experience measurement tools can help you understand how your business is performing and work accordingly.
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Every business requires a digital customer care system to boost customer satisfaction. This digital customer service (DCS) encompasses an ultimate approach to understanding customer needs using multiple channels. By implementing this customer service in action, a normal business can switch to a competitor in the market.

Businesses allow customers to experience digital customer service using different self-service options and providing customer effort through AI bots and human agents. Putting effort into the right channel and optimizing customer-centric strategies can help you adopt a digital customer service mindset. With consistent improvements in training and the latest technology, every business can provide customer satisfaction.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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