01254 area code

Get a 01254 Area Code Phone Number in Blackburn

Obtain multiple personal and business phone numbers with the 01254 area code, no matter where you are with KrispCall. Enjoy seamless integration and enhanced communication options with 01254 local phone numbers.

Localize your business in Blackburn and the surrounding areas.
Quick Setup - Instant Activation - Effortless Termination Anytime.
Synchronize communications across multiple devices with the 01254 area code.
Exceptional Flexibility & Scalability with 01254 Area Code Numbers.
Advanced cloud telephony features to enhance productivity & customer experience.
01254 area code location

Own 01254 Area Code Phone Number

What is the 01254 Area Code Location?

The 01254 area code is located in the Blackburn town, including Accrington, Great Harwood, Brinscall, Darwen, Pleasington, Hoghton, Ribchester, Mellor, Wilpshire, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, and Whalley. The majority of 01254 numbers are landlines.

On the right side, we have a tabular illustration of the top locations served or covered by area code 01254 in Lancashire County, United Kingdom.

City/Town County TimeZone
Accrington Lancashire GMT
Blackburn Lancashire GMT
Billington Lancashire GMT
Darwen Lancashire GMT
Great Harwood Lancashire GMT
Hoghton Lancashire GMT
Mellor Lancashire GMT
Pleasington Lancashire GMT
Ribchester Lancashire GMT
Stonyhurst Lancashire GMT
Whalley Lancashire GMT
Wilpshire Lancashire GMT
Show more  show less

How to buy a 01254 area code phone number?

To buy a 01254 Blackburn area code number, sign up with KrispCall, go to Settings > My Number > Add New Number > Select UK from the County list > Advanced Filter > Enter 01254 and match to the first part of the number, you can choose the phone numbers city wise. Then choose your 01254 number, make payment, submit necessary documents, & start making & receiving calls and texts after the number activation.

01254 area code coverage

01254 Area Code History – Where is Area Code 01254 Coming From?

The area code 01254 was introduced during the PhONEday event on April 16, 1995, in the United Kingdom. The PhONEday event changed some geographical area codes and telephone numbers. In most area code numbers, “1” was added to the number after the initial zero. For example, 0203 was changed to 01203.

The number was changed to increase Lancashire’s telephone supply and to accommodate a growing population. Since the introduction of the 01254 area code, it has effectively served Blackburn and its neighboring areas by providing telephone numbers for residents, businesses, and other regional organizations.

Why Choose 01254 Area Code Number for Business?

Harness the power of the 01254 area code number to ace the local market in Blackburn, England, showcase your commitment to the community, improve customer service, and witness the transformation in your business operations like never before.

Establish a local presence in Blackburn
Establish a strong local presence in England’s northwest region, like Blackburn and its surrounding areas, with 01254 local numbers. No matter where your business is based, showcase yourself as an integral part of the community, personally resonating with your target audience.
No Additional Equipment
The beauty of area code 01254 lies in its simplicity of setup. There is no need to invest in physical hardware. Simply buy the area code number from KrispCall and seamlessly integrate this area code phone number on mobile phones, laptops, desktops, or any other electronic device you use for the business.
Gain Customer Trust
Connect instantly with your target audience by appearing as a local business. Customers are more likely to receive calls and trust the business when they get phone calls from familiar local numbers.
Advanced Call Management Features
Elevate your business call management with the advanced features offered by 01254 telephone numbers through KrispCall, like Number Sharing, Call Blocking, Call Monitoring, Call Routing, Call Transfer, IVR, and many more.
01254 area code

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 01254 Area Code Business Phone Number

Leverage VoIP features with 01254 area code business phone number and simplify your business communication with your team members and customers. Embrace the benefits of VoIP features, no matter the size of your business, and revolutionize how you connect with others.

Areas of Application for Area Code 01254 Phone Number

Use 01254 area code UK telephone number in Blackburn in the United Kingdom for personal and business purposes to enhance business productivity and an unparalleled customer experience.

734 area code for business phone systems

Get 01254 area code numbers for your personal use and use them as your second phone numbers. Separate your private communication from your business communication for better results and professionalism.

734 area code for business phone systems

Use area code 01254 in your business phone systems to represent your brand as local among Brentwood residents. Using 01254 phone numbers helps save unnecessary expenses on business communications.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Utilize 01254 area code phone numbers in your call center software to cut down communication costs for both your business and your customers with cheap outbound call rates.

For proper marketing and sales

Utilize 01254 vanity phone numbers for marketing and sales purposes. Target locals and businesses in Blackburn and the surrounding regions. Provide an excellent customer response rate to increase sales.

01292 area code phone number

Use the 01254 UK phone code number from anywhere you need to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, or MMS. From personal use (social media to location tracking) to SMB sectors to large enterprises.

How to get a 01254 Area Code Phone Number Online?

To get a 01254 area code phone number with KrispCall, all you need is to follow the below steps and require valid payment details.

Select the UK from the country list and enter 01254 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Make payment after you've selected the number.
Submit your documents for verification if required.
01254 area code phone number

Port Your 01254 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

Don’t let your 01254 area code phone numbers hold you back. Upgrade to KrispCall and enjoy all the benefits of a modern VoIP solution. We’ll handle the porting process for you, and you’ll get a temporary number to use until your number is ported.

Nearby Area Codes

Location Area Code
Clitheroe, Lancashire 01200
Blackpool, Lancashire 01253
Coppul, Lancashire 01257
Burnley, Lancashire 01282

Frequently Asked Questions

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01254 area code is a local area code phone number prefix in the United Kingdom that covers the Blackburn area of Lancashire and other surrounding towns and villages, including Accrington, Great Harwood, Brinscall, Darwen, Pleasington, Hoghton, Ribchester, Mellor, Wilpshire, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, and Whalley.

Country United Kingdom
County Lancashire
Major Cities / Towns Accrington, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Brinscall, Darwen, Pleasington, Hoghton, etc.
Time Zone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Telephone Number Format + 44 (01254) xxx xxx
Dialling Code Inside the Blackburn area/ Inside UK:  01254 XXX XXX

Outside the Blackburn area/ Outside UK: 0044 1254 XXX XXX

Area code 01254 is located in England’s northwestern region covering Blackburn, Lancashire and surrounding areas, including Accrington, Great Harwood, Brinscall, Darwen, Pleasington, Hoghton, Ribchester, Mellor, Wilpshire, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, and Whalley.

Area code 01254 is a legit area code that covers Blackburn, Lancashire, and the surrounding areas in the UK. However, area code 01254 can sometimes be a scam if you acquire it from an illegitimate service provider.

Anyone that has a hold of a 01254 area code UK phone number can make an outbound call. It could be a legitimate business call or even a scam call. Don’t share your personal information with unknown numbers, and be cautious about calls from numbers you don’t recognize.

Always check their online presence and do some background checks on the caller using their provided information on the call.

No, the 01254 area code is not in the United States. Area code 01254 is in Blackburn and its surrounding areas. The area codes in the United States include 205, 251, 256, 334, 659, 938, 303, 302, etc.