01200 area code

Get a 01200 Area Code Phone Number in Clitheroe

Get your hands on KrispCall’s exclusive 01200 Area Code virtual number and take your business to the global stage. Enjoy seamless communication in Clitheroe and the surrounding areas. Don’t miss out – sign up today.

Create a local presence in Lancashire County.
Easy installation - Cancel anytime.
Manage business communications across numerous devices.
Unparalleled flexibility & scalability with 01200 area code phone numbers.
Top-notched communication features for employee productivity & customer experience.
area code 01200 location

Own 01200 Area Code Phone Number

What is Current 01200 Area Code Location?

The current 01200 area code location is Clitheroe, Lancashire, United Kingdom. The area code also covers other surrounding towns like Bolton-by-Bowland, Chatburn, Gisburn, and Slaidburn.

On the right side, we have a tabular illustration of the top locations covered or served by area code 01200 in Lancashire County.

City/Town County TimeZone
Hartlebury Worcestershire GMT
Arley Worcestershire GMT
Rock Worcestershire GMT
Bewdley Worcestershire GMT
Cutnall Green Worcestershire GMT
Clows Top Worcestershire GMT
Cleobury Mortimer Shropshire GMT
Kinlet Shropshire GMT
Great Witley Worcestershire GMT
Stourport-on-Severn Worcestershire GMT
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How to buy a 01200 area code phone number?

To buy a 01200 area code number, sign up with KrispCall, Go to Settings> My Number > Add New Number > Select UK from the County list > Advanced Filter > Enter 01200 and match to the first part of the number or you can choose the phone numbers city wise. Then choose your 01200 number, make payment, submit necessary documents, & start making & receiving calls and texts after the number activation.

Area code 01200 cities

01200 Area Code History – Where Does an Area Code 01200 Originate?

The 01200 area code was introduced on 16th April 1995 as part of the PhONEday event, a nationwide program to introduce new area codes in the UK. Prior to the PhONEday event, the area code was 0200 and the historic mnemonic code was BO0. This code was derived from the initial letters “B” and “O” in Bolton-by-Bowland.

The area code number was changed to accommodate the growing population and increase the supply of phone numbers in Lancashire County.

Today, the 01294 area code is used for both landlines and mobile phones. It is a popular area code for businesses and organizations in the Clitheroe area, as it gives them a local presence and makes it easy for customers to call them.

Why Choose 01200 Area Code Number for Business?

Gain a strong presence in Clitheroe by utilizing 01200 area code numbers for your business. Take advantage of advanced communication features to not only rule the local markets but also provide unparalleled customer experiences.

Establish a local presence in Clitheroe, UK
Get a 01200 local phone number to give your business a local presence that appears more established regardless of your business operation. Attract customers from the Clitheroe area and create strong ties to that location.
Improve Community Engagement
Make your business seem more credible and reliable to customers who prefer local services. Showcase your commitment to the region and its people to serve them better than your competitors if your business is actively involved in the Clitheroe community.
No special equipment is required
Own a 01200 area code phone number without any additional hardware installation. Communicate and make business deals with your existing devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, PCs, tablets, etc. Simply signup and install the KrispCall app from the PlayStore or Appstore.
Unleash the power of advanced features
Get hold of enhanced communication features, like call recording, voicemail, call analytics, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), and many more to provide better customer service and increase productivity.
01200 area code number

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 01200 Area Code Business Phone Number

Leverage VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system with a 01200 area code business phone number and take advantage of various VoIP features to enhance your business productivity, customer engagement, communication, and efficiency regardless of how big or small your business is.

Areas of Application for Area Code 01200 Phone Number

Use 01200 area code phone numbers in various areas for business and personal applications. Maintain balance in your private and professional communications to align with your specific needs. Work and communicate like a professional and leave a long-lasting positive impression on your clients.

734 area code for business phone systems

Get two or more area code 01200 phone numbers and use them as your second phone numbers for personal and professional use. Keep your private phone calls and messages separate from your professional life and maintain balance in every aspect of your life.

734 area code for business phone systems

Use 01200 UK phone codes in your business phone systems to create a strong local presence in Clitheroe and the surrounding areas and build trust with local customers. Integrate it into customer support and route phone calls to appropriate departments and agents based on their nature.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Utilize 01200 area code phone numbers in your call center to make outbound and inbound phone calls, gather data on total call volumes, route calls to the right departments, improve customer satisfaction, and save the cost of calls among others.

For proper marketing and sales

Use 01200 area code UK vanity phone numbers in your marketing materials and advertising campaigns to attract local customers and increase response rates. Know which marketing campaigns are generating more phone calls and customer engagement.

331 Area Code phone number

Use 01200 area code numbers for home security because they have advanced communication features. Use it anywhere that involves making and receiving calls, sending and receiving text messages, or MMS.

How to get a 01200 Area Code Phone Number Online?

Purchasing 01200 Area Code Phone Numbers takes only a few minutes with KrispCall. In minutes, you can follow the steps to obtain an area code 01200 phone number. All you need is a valid payment detail.

Select the UK from the country list and enter 01200 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Make payment after you've selected the number.
Submit your documents for verification if required.
01200 area code phone number

Port Your 01200 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

Don’t let your 01200 area code phone numbers hold you back. Upgrade to KrispCall and enjoy all the benefits of a modern VoIP solution. We’ll handle the porting process for you, and you’ll get a temporary number to use until your number is ported.

Nearby Area Codes

Location Area Code
Blackburn 01254
Burnley 01282
Bradford 01274
Blackpool 01253

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The 01200 area code is a prefix included in the UK country codes that are used as the dialing code for Clitheroe and the surrounding areas. When you see a phone number with a 01200 area code know that it is from Lancashire County, specifically the Clitheroe area. It was introduced on 16th April 1995 during the PhONEday event. It was created as an overlap to the old area code 0200.

Country United Kingdom
County Lancashire County
Major Towns Bolton-by-Bowland, Chatburn, Gisburn, and Slaidburn
Time Zone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Telephone Number Format +44 (01200) XXX XXX
Dialling Code Inside the Ardrossan area/ Inside UK: 01200 XXX XXX

Outside the Ardrossan area/ Outside UK: 0044 01200 XXX XXX

The 01200 area code is located in the Northwest region of the United Kingdom and serves Lancashire County which includes major cities like Bolton-by-Bowland, Clitheroe, Chatburn, Gisburn, and Slaidburn.

No, the 01200 area code isn’t in Scotland. It is in Clitheroe, a town in Lancashire, England. Hence, if you receive calls from a phone number with the 01200 area code know that the number is based in or around the Clitheroe area in the UK, not Scotland. The area codes for Scotland are 0156, 01506, 01431, 01387, 01463, 01776, etc.

Area code 01200 is a legitimate phone code used in Clitheroe and its nearby towns.  It isn’t a scam code. However, it can sometimes be a scam if you do not acquire it from a legitimate service provider.

Usually, free virtual phone numbers with 01200 area codes tend to be scams and are used for conducting fraudulent activities. Therefore, always get 01200 area code phone numbers from legit phone number providers like KrispCall.

There are some ways to know who calls you from the 01200 area code. They are:

  • Look up the phone number online.
  • Do a background check on the caller.
  • Check local business directories.
  • Use caller Id apps like Truecaller.

Ps: Anyone having a 01200 area code phone number can make a call from both inside and outside the Clitheroe area.