KrispCall Vs Unitel Voice

KrispCall vs Unitel: Which Is the Best Virtual Phone System For Business Builders?

The availability of advanced VoIP features, affordable pricing structure, 24/7 human support, and a user-friendly interface make KrispCall the best virtual phone system for business builders compared to Unitel. Strengthen your business telephony and expand your reach with KrispCall.

Why Is KrispCall The Best Unitel Alternative?

Since KrispCall offers local, mobile, toll-free, and vanity phone numbers from over 100 countries packing a comprehensive set of features, which are more handy and expansive than Unitel, KrispCall stands out as the best Unitel alternative. With KrispCall, you also get to leverage several other advanced VoIP features like Unified Callbox, live call monitoring, number masking, IVR, etc., that Unitel doesn’t provide all wrapped up at an affordable subscription package.

About Unitel

Unitel is a cloud-based business phone system provider that has been in operation for more than 20 years (established in 2011). The company is located in Naperville, Illinois, just outside Chicago. The mission of the company is to offer businesses something different than traditional PBX, which is a cloud-based solution with all the features of a professional business phone system without the complexity, high costs, or technical requirements. Over the past decade, Unitel has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses transform their call centers and customer service.

about unitel

KrispCall: A Reliable Business Telephony & Call Center Solution!

KrispCall is one of the market’s leading providers of virtual cloud phone systems. With innovation at its core and a commitment to redefining telephony standards, KrispCall equips you with everything you need to grow and prosper, from cloud phone systems and virtual phone numbers to call center software.

The KrispCall products have several call management features, including its proprietary Unified Callbox. The features facilitate the handling of a large volume of inbound and outbound calls, helping to resolve customer issues and queries rapidly.

KrispCall Prices & Plans

KrispCall provides three pricing plans – Essential, Standard, and Enterprise- tailored for businesses of all sizes and types. Choose one pricing plan that meets your requirements and take advantage of several VoIP features.

$ 15 USD

Per user per month

Calling & SMS charges applicable

Recommended for Small Businesses, Startups & Freelancers

$ 40 USD

Per user per month

Calling & SMS charges applicable

Recommended for Mid-size Businesses & Call Centers



Calling SMS charges applicable

Custom solution for teams with varying needs. Upgrading to Enterprise plan

$ 12 USD

Per user per month

Calling & SMS charges applicable

Recommended for Small Businesses, Startups & Freelancers

$ 32 USD

Per user per month

Calling & SMS charges applicable

Recommended for Mid-size Businesses & Call Centers



Calling & SMS charges applicable

Custom solution for teams with varying needs. Upgrading to Enterprise plan

Why do Unitel Customers Move to KrispCall?

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A Virtual Phone System Your Business Can Rely On

Unified Callbox To Bring All Conversation in One Place

KrispCall’s Unified Callbox feature centralizes all telephony communication, including calls, contacts, messages, notes, recorded calls, and voicemails in one place. This allows users to collect the required information without switching between tabs or windows, saving time and effort. This feature is exclusive to KrispCall and is a good reason for Unitel users to migrate to KrispCall.

Wide range of Advanced Features

Customers moving from Unitel to KrispCall are also attracted by KrispCall’s advanced communication, team management, and workflow management features. KrispCall offers several features like Unified Callboox, message and contact pin, unlimited call recording, call notes, contact tagging, number sharing, call monitoring, call masking, IVR, ACD, etc, which are completely absent in Unitel.

Wide Platform Compatability

While Unitel keeps users tied to their phones with the option of only a mobile app, KrispCall sets you free. With both web and mobile apps (Android and iOS) along with a browser extension, KrispCall lets you seamlessly manage calls from any device. No matter where you are, whether on your computer, laptop, or phone, KrispCall keeps you connected and productive.

International Virtual Phone Numbers For Global Reach

Virtual Phone Numbers from over 100 countries

With KrispCall’s virtual phone numbers, you can expand your business reach to an international level. All you have to do is choose a suitable number from the pool of local, toll-free, mobile, and national numbers in over 100 countries and give your brand the perfect number that resonates with your audience.

Stay Connected With Multiple Phone Numbers

KrispCall lets you buy not one, two, three, four, or five virtual phone numbers but allows you to purchase as many cloud-based phone numbers as you want. Just sign up to KrispCall, log in, select virtual numbers, and purchase them. After that, use those virtual phone numbers to stay connected with international partners, clients, or anyone else without geographical barriers.

Phone Number Sharing With Team

For businesses on a budget, Krispcall’s number-sharing feature is a game-changer. The number-sharing feature lets you share one virtual phone number with other team members. It means multiple agents can handle calls and talk to customers using the same phone number, fostering collaboration and teamwork.

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Affordable Yet Reliable Call Center Suited For All Businesses

Solution That Grows with You

KrispCall offers a scalable phone system that helps you seamlessly adjust your telephony requirements as you upscale or downscale your business. You can easily add or remove users and features as you want. This flexibility makes KrispCall a reliable choice for businesses of all sizes and types.

Integration Option With Existing Business Software

Krispcall provides easy integrations with popular CRM software and business tools such as Hubspot, Pipedrive, Zapier, Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho,, Bitrix24, and many more. This integration synced all contact logs, interactions, and customer data between KrispCall and CRM software, allowing users to call from any platform (KrispCall or CRM software).

Live Human Support 24/7

KrispCall prioritizes providing excellent customer support. Our support agents work round the clock to ensure excellent customer service. KrispCall provides 24/7 live human support with the provision of one-on-one assistance. That being said, day or night, weekday or weekend, KrispCall’s team is just a phone call, chat, or email away.

Why do Businesses Choose KrispCall over Unitel?

KrispCall offers many benefits to businesses, including access to virtual numbers in more than 100 countries, compatibility with various platforms, integration options with many business apps and CRM software, and advanced VoIP features, which makes KrispCall a better choice than Unitel for businesses. Moreover, KrispCall offers cloud phone solutions that are affordable, flexible, reliable, scalable, and secure at the same time- something that every business wants.

KrispCall Vs. Unitel

Group 3unitel logo
  • Plans
  • Essential - $15, Standard - $40,
    Enterprise - Customized Solution
    Start-Up - $9.99,
    Unlimited - $24.99,
    Office - $29.99
  • Duration
  • Monthly/AnnualMonthly
  • Unified Callbox
  • VectorGroup 4
  • International + Toll-free Numbers
  • VectorVector
  • International Phone Numbers
  • 100+ Countries USA
  • Shortcodes/Short Numbers
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • Number Porting
  • VectorVector
  • Pin Contact
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Pin Message
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call Recording
  • VectorVector
  • Pause/Resume Call Recording
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Recording Playback Fast Forward
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call recording Limits
  • Unlimited Limited
  • Storage
  • Unlimited Limited
  • Call Filters
  • VectorGroup 4
  • SMS Filter
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call History
  • VectorVector
  • Voicemail
  • VectorVector
  • Voicemail Filter
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Bulk Contact Import
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call Notes
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call/Contact Tagging
  • VectorGroup 4
  • DND for Member Notifications
  • VectorVector
  • DND for Contact Notifications
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Open and Closed Conversations
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Private Chat With Members
  • VectorVector
    Call Handling
  • Number Sharing
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call To Cellphones/Landlines
  • VectorVector
  • Call Blocking
  • VectorVector
  • Call Monitoring
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call Forwarding
  • VectorVector
  • Custom Caller ID
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call Transfer
  • VectorVector
  • Call Mute
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Call Hold
  • VectorVector
  • Block Contact
  • VectorVector
  • Phone Trees (IVR)
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Automatic Call Distribution
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Custom Greeting Messages
  • VectorVector
  • Call Hold With Custom Music
  • VectorVector
  • Voicemail Custom Greeting
  • VectorVector
  • Voicemail In Email
  • VectorVector
  • Forward to Cellphones
  • VectorVector
  • Contact Management
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Email Support
  • VectorVector
  • Call From Any Number
  • VectorVector
  • Ring All Devices
  • VectorVector
  • Call Notifications
  • VectorVector
    Available Platforms
  • Web App
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Android App
  • VectorVector
  • iOS App
  • VectorVector
  • Browser Extension
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Windows App
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • Mac App
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • Linux App
  • Coming soon Group 4
    Call Center
  • Multiple Agents
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Agent Groups
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Ring Strategy
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • Hubspot
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Pipedrive
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Zapier
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Salesforce
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • Zoho
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Google Workspace
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Bitrix24
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Zendesk
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • API and Webhook Access
  • Coming soon Group 4
  • Developer Support
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • VectorVector
    Data and Analytics
  • Call Analytics
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Reports
  • Coming soon Group 4
    Types of Customers
  • Small Business
  • VectorVector
  • Large Enterprises
  • VectorGroup 4
  • Medium-scale Business
  • VectorVector
  • Freelancers
  • VectorVector

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Without any doubt, KrispCall is the best Unitel alternative because KrispCall offers everything that Unitel provides with some additional handy features.

    Small businesses choose Unitel because Unitel offers cloud phone solutions at a cheap price. Like Unitel, KrispCall also offers cost-effective cloud phone solutions for small businesses with more features and benefits at nearly the same price as Unitel without compromising on quality. That’s why Krispcall is the best Unitel alternative for small businesses.

    Unitel offers a cheaper virtual cloud phone service. However, KrispCall offers a more advanced and more comprehensive set of features than Unitel. So for the price, KrispCall offers better value for money than Unitel.

    You can easily switch from Unitelto KrispCall by contacting our support team. You’d need to submit a signed Letter of Authorization along with your carrier and SID. We provide seamless transitions to ensure that your business’s telephony service remains uninterrupted.

    Yes, you can keep the same phone number while switching from Unitel to KrispCall. KrispCall offers a Number Porting service through which one can effortlessly transfer the old number from another service provider to KrispCall. Also, to make sure that your telephony communication isn’t interrupted during the process, we provide you another virtual number for temporary use.

    Both KrispCall and MightyCall facilitate remote working environments and provide several features for successful remote work. However, KrispCall stands out as the better option for remote work with its budget-friendly solution that is suitable for businesses of all sizes. On the top, you get extra features such as a Unified Callbox, DND mode for agents, contact tagging, call notes, and open and closed conversations that set it apart from Sonetel regarding remote working.

    Krispcall provides a better platform for call center setup. KrispCall offers more features at an affordable cost, making it a better option for call center setup. Call, SMS, Voicemail filters, contact tagging, pinned conversations, Unified Callbox, open and closed conversations, DND modes for agents, etc., are some of the key telephony features in call centers. Unitel lacks these features, making it a less ideal choice compared to KrispCall.

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