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How VoIP made Work from Home effortlessly possible?



voip work from home

A pandemic in 2020 caused businesses to go remote, which marked the largest “work from home” practice. The revolution of remote working is here to stay, well into the year 2021. A Gartner survey shows that 74% of CEOs, CFOs, and financial leaders would welcome remote working permanently post-pandemic.

Remote work is becoming the “new normal”, and companies should be prepared for a virtual work environment. Investing in a VoIP system is the best way to achieve a seamless transition.

The key to success is good communication, especially when working remotely. However, it can also be quite challenging. VoIP promises to help you build an effective communication channel even for remote work. But how does it do that?

How does VoIP facilitate “Work from Home”?

VoIP systems implement an agile and flexible communication framework for businesses. Advanced VoIP features allow companies to create a collaborative and real-time working environment for employees on a virtual platform, enhancing the digital customer experience. VoIP provides the following features for businesses to work from home:

1. Complete Portability

VoIP systems are portable. You only need a working internet connection to migrate your communication system home. Businesses that use IP phones can easily connect their phones to a home office through an internet connection.

Employees that use softphones can resume communication using laptops, computers, mobile phones, etc. The transfer of VoIP communication systems from the office to the employee residence is quick and inexpensive because there is little or no infrastructure required.

2. Remote Maintenance

VoIP system issues are usually resolved remotely. You don’t need an in-house phone technician or spend the additional cost of equipment maintenance. VoIP service providers maintain hosted VoIP systems from a remote site. And most of them offer 24/7 real-time monitoring.

Remote configuration and repairs also eliminate the need for on-site maintenance. Also, instant online repairs prevent disruption. Employees can work as efficiently from home as they work in the office.

Also Read: The Pros and Cons of Having a Virtual Workspace

3. Call routing

VoIP systems allow calls to be instantly diverted to different devices with the click of a button. When employees work from home, they must cross-communicate virtually. You can transfer incoming calls to other employees by using call routing features. Hence, a person who is responsible for customer service can respond promptly to their questions.

Call routing also allows incoming business calls to be diverted to a landline number or mobile phone, so employees are readily available to customers even in a home environment.

4. Cheaper Communication

The communication bills can be a challenge for businesses to implement work-from-home policies. Communication charges vary between employees based on their location. However, VoIP eliminates the variation in phone charges.

You can purchase virtual phone numbers at a standard cost that remains consistent for employees across different locations. Also, the VoIP system results in a reduction of 50% of telecom costs for companies.

You can also purchase international numbers at ease from VoIP providers. This allows you to carry out calls at half the cost of traditional phones. As communications are more frequent while working remotely, communication costs contribute to a large part of operating expenses. When you work from home, investing in a VoIP system can help you save a large portion of those costs.

5. High employee visibility and accessibility

VoIP systems serve as a central hub of information. Employers can receive valuable information about employee activities via VoIP systems. Employers and managers can also use VoIP systems to monitor employee activities virtually in order to enhance productivity. 

Team leaders can determine employee productivity based on call metrics and lead generation metrics by accessing calling data from VoIP systems.

6. Improved Productivity

VoIP improves team productivity by integrating automation into regular communication channels. If you work from home, you cannot easily get in touch with your colleagues as easily as in an office setting. You can automate call routing by using VoIP features such as call queueing, interactive voice responses, and call forwarding. Customers can contact the right person quickly.

Automating calls can reduce the chances of manual errors. It also prevents miscommunication between employees working in different locations. According to Cisco, 77% of small businesses improved their productivity using VoIP features. A VoIP service provider can provide businesses with intelligent calling features and call strategies.

7. Improved Security

Data breaches and cyber-security can be a challenge if employees are working in residential areas. A home internet connection is not as secure as an office internet. So there are higher chances of a data breach or data loss.

VoIP phones offer multiple security advantages to curb security threats. Companies can prevent data loss if they have a data backup system in place. Employers using VoIP systems can enjoy a secure virtual environment thanks to technologies like encryption, better identity management, etc.

8. Improved customer analytics

One of the challenging tasks of working from home is ensuring that customers are unaffected by the transition. Working from home can dampen the daily interchange between teams and lead to customer needs being unmet.

VoIP helps rectify any customer challenges employees face virtually. Advanced call analytics features of VoIP can help you better track customer calls to understand their needs.

Voicemail and call recordings are tools that enable team leaders to monitor employee calls and help them have better conversations with customers. A VoIP system empowers managers to make data-driven decisions regarding customers based on call data, such as holding time, processing time, lead conversions, etc.

In a Nutshell,

Virtual workspaces are inevitable for businesses in the current age. Its portability and the flexibility it offers are boundless. It’s a safe, secure, and inexpensive solution at the same time.

So if you are willing to give better dynamics to your business, a VoIP telephony system can be the best way forward. And for a flexible and reliable remote working solution for your company, you can give KrispCall a try.

KrispCall is the latest state-of-the-art VoIP service on the market. KrispCall eases businesses’ transition to a work-from-home environment by improving employee visibility. KrispCall offers a unified dashboard called “callbox” for employee management.

A workspace communication tool and VoIP are combined in the dashboard. Team leaders can create teams, administer incoming and outgoing calls of each employee, listen to call recordings, tag customers to identify potential clients, etc., using the dashboard.

KrispCall provides advantages in terms of cost, employee visibility, and productivity, as well as improved customer service to remote workers.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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