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What are VoIP Calling Cards? A Complete Guide



You may have to contact your friends, 👪 family, and business partners who are living abroad. But calling from your cellular network can cost you high 😠international call charges. So, what’s the solution?

VoIP calling cards are your best international phone call partner 😀which is a cost-effective way to speak with your loved ones without breaking the bank. 

This guide will help you understand VoIP calling cards, their types, benefits, and features. We will also walk you through the information on how to choose the right VoIP card provider and how to start a VoIP calling card business.

📝In Short

  • You may have to contact your friends, 👪 family, and business partners who are living abroad. But calling from your cellular network can cost you high 😠international call charges. So, what’s the solution?
  • VoIP calling cards are your best international phone call partner 😀which is a cost-effective way to speak with your loved ones without breaking the bank. 
  • This guide will help you understand VoIP calling cards, their types, benefits, and features. We will also walk you through the information on how to choose the right VoIP card provider and how to start a VoIP calling card business.

What is VoIP Calling Card?

VoIP calling card is a prepaid card used to make phone calls using Voice over Internet Protocol technology. VoIP calling cards allow you to make domestic and international calls for a lower charge than traditional phone services. 

what is voip calling card

A VoIP calling card is a versatile and cost-effective solution for those who need an alternative to the good “old phone”. It also makes it possible to launch a calling card business with minimal expenses due to web portals for management and implementation in both prepaid and postpaid formats. 

Types of VoIP Calling Cards

The choice of calling cards depends on various factors, as they have different features and advantages. Knowledge of different types of calling cards can help one make an appropriate choice. The following are the most popular types of calling cards 👇.

Pre-paid calling cards

Pre-paid calling cards are the most common type of calling card. These cards help to pay a particular amount of calling credit. Once you use the credit, you must “recharge” the card. Thus, the pre-paid calling card is very convenient, as it allows one to control how many credits to pay simultaneously.

Post-paid calling cards

Post-paid calling cards work differently, so the account balance is not reduced every time a call is made. Instead, the users get billed monthly on the total minutes that they have used for the period the call was made. This means that all minutes available in a month are billed together. 

Rechargeable calling card

When you use up all minutes or the credit available, you can recharge these cards. Rechargeable calling cards are given to users by service providers, and users can recharge the card using an online banking app directly or cash over the counter.

Virtual calling card

The virtual calling card has no physical existence and is virtually available. The consumer gets the PIN of these cards through email and then the mail provides the individual with all the information required to check the card balance or use the card. 

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How does a VoIP calling card work?

VoIP calling cards utilize VoIP technology to let you call people abroad without spending too much money. First and foremost, when you get a VoIP calling card, it comes with a secret code called a PIN and a password. You can use these codes to sign up and start using the card.  

To make a call, you have to dial a certain number called an access number. Then, type in your secret code (the PIN) to prove it’s really you making the call. Once you’re verified, you can dial the number you want to call, just like you normally would.

After each call, the money you’ve spent gets subtracted from your card’s balance. If you’re running low on balance, you can add more money to your card by buying another one, paying someone who sells them, or going online to top up your account.

Benefits of VoIP Calling Cards

The important benefits of calling card solutions are that they allow users to make long-distance and international calls with minimum charges. The other advantages of calling card solutions are 👇: 

  • High voice quality: Unlike direct or cell phone calling, calling cards utilize VoIP technology for clear, uninterrupted voice chat. Traditional phone calls have frequent breaks, voice delays, and background noise that interrupt the call, making communication unclear and unreliable.
  • Easy account management: VoIP calling card providers frequently provide customer account management services, which may be accessed online. Users may use account portals to access call logs, check usage statistics, and top up their balances.
  • Low call charges: Call cards always reduce call charges, saving money. VoIP calling cards offer lower call rates than traditional calling cards, resulting in a significant decrease in calling charges. 
  • Device compatibility: The another major benefit of VoIP calling cards is device compatibility. That means users can use any device such as mobile, laptop, and more without any troubles.
  • Flexibility:  You can carry a calling card while you visit an international location or go on vacation. This ensures that wherever you are, you can always stay in touch with loved ones while saving call charges. 

Features of VoIP Calling Cards

These are some of the key features of VoIP calling cards 👇:

International calling capabilities

VOIP calling cards completely change the game of international calls and help people reach contacts abroad without geographical barriers. For people with a foreign family, friends, or trade partners, it is specifically favorable since there are no longer any geographical restrictions and calling charges.

PIN-less dialing

PIN-less dialing is exceptionally convenient. Users do not need to insert a PIN code every time they make a call, so they do not have to stack procedures and slow the process down. Furthermore, one does not have to remember authentication codes for each dial, which is more time-consuming than the operation itself.

Speed dialing

Speed dialing can be real-time, especially for people who find themselves frequently dialing international numbers. By setting up speed dial, you can conveniently store those commonly called numbers for quick access whenever you need them. This feature is particularly handy for individuals who have many international contacts they regularly keep in touch with.

Call detail records

Access to call detail records can be a valuable feature provided by some VoIP calling card service providers. With online access to these records, you gain visibility into your call history, which can be incredibly useful for several reasons.

How to use a VoIP calling card?

An international VoIP card is utilized through a device that can make VoIP calls, like a computer, smartphone, or VoIP phone. One also requires an internet connection of a specific minimum bandwidth that can maintain the VoIP call. 

Once a user buys an international VoIP card, they can redeem the PIN code on their VoIP account, or they must have software. Then, they can use the minutes available on the card to make calls to international destinations for a reduced cost compared to traditional phone charges 👇.

Here are simple steps on how you can use a VoIP calling card:

  1. Get a calling card: First, you need to buy a calling card either online or from a store near you.
  2. Call the access number: Use your VoIP phone or software to dial the access number provided on the calling card.
  3. Enter the PIN: Once connected, follow the instructions on the card and enter the PIN code that is also provided.
  4. Dial the number: After entering the PIN, dial the phone number you want to call, including the international code if needed.
  5. Start talking: Once you’ve dialed the number, the calling card will deduct the minutes used from the prepaid balance on the card, letting you talk affordably, whether it’s a local or international call.

How to choose the right VoIP calling card provider?

To choose the right VoIP calling card provider, consider the following key factors 👇:

  • Features: Evaluate the features that your provider offers, such as call management options, international language support, and data management, among other vital features. While at it, find options that align with your communication needs and those of the people you want to connect with through the call cards.
  • Budget: Consider your budget, including call rates and fees and some hidden charges associated with service provision. Choose the VoIP card provider offering competitive prices that resonate well with your financial plan.
  • Security: Consider the service provider that secures critical information, including authentication methods, data encryption, and other essential protective features.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Examine the quality of voice services, including whether they guarantee high-quality sound with limited connection delays, voice lags, or background noise.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLA): SLA is another parameter to be verified along with customer support. Be sure that the provider has a complete and reliable SLA. 

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Why choose a VoIP calling card over various International calling cards?

Several key reasons exist for choosing a VoIP calling card over various international calling cards.

Cost saving

The pricing of international calling cards is challenging and misleading; there may be additional fees or more minutes than advertised. Additionally, International calling cards may feature prices based on certain times when you purchase them. Therefore, choosing a VoIP call can be more cost-effective as it typically offers low chargers, even in international calls. 

Call Quality

You might face poor call quality and connection delays with international calling cards. But when you select a VoIP calling card, you can experience high-quality calls and smooth connections. VoIP systems use the internet connection to make and receive calls, ensuring that call quality is directly proportional to the speed of the internet connection.

Flexibility and Features

While basic international calling cards offer no features besides being a service provider, VoIP calling cards give users access to features like call forwarding, voicemail, and even a call log. These features provide users with a smooth experience and help them be more efficient. 

What are the applications of VoIP calling cards?

VoIP calling cards, which are prepaid cards that allow users to make long-distance or international calls at a lower cost, have several applications 👇:

  • Convenience: VoIP calling cards are popular because they are easily available for purchase, with most readily available online or in-store. In addition, VoIP card usage does not require users to download and install multiple software settings to make calls. All that is needed for a user is to dial the given access telephone number and then enter the provided Personal Identification Number.
  • Flexible Usage: VoIP calling cards are most widely used by frequent travelers and holidaymakers who need to contact their loved ones or business families back in their home country. In such a case, the user can avoid high charges for international calls and, thus, can smartly use the VoIP calling card to connect to whom they desire.
  • Business: VoIP calling cards can be used by businesses, especially employees who frequently call countries abroad. With such cards, companies can cut communication costs, enabling them to allocate savings to other strategies. Furthermore, the privacy protections ensured by the security of VoIP calling cards benefit businesses by protecting their sensitive information during calls.
  • Emergency calls: While it cannot replace your primary communication, a VoIP calling card is another option for emergency cases. If your traditional phone service becomes unavailable or interrupted, you can use a VoIP calling card to ensure you stay in touch for essential calls.

How to start a VoIP calling card business?

To launch a VoIP calling card business, it is necessary to adhere to the following steps 👇:

  • Dedicated server & hosting: To host your calling card platform, you will need a 24/7 power server that is reliable and always accessible. An uninterrupted internet connection is crucial to effectively running and controlling your VoIP business.
  • Secure calling card platform: Secure Softswitch is a better card platform for calling. Its billing is designed to manage both PIN-based and PINless authorization. You will need two types of permission to meet your customers’ preferences.
  • International route provider: Selecting international route providers should be essential when obtaining all countries’ calling minutes/routes. This is because it affects the route’s quality and, thus, the call quality, which might lead to customer dissatisfaction. 
  • Marketing strategy: A marketing strategy that integrates the website showing the prices of calling to other countries, the totals of certain retail outlets and their addresses, and the approved mode of payment is crucial in driving traffic to customers. Additionally, the pricing approach should be simple, enabling the users to make decisions quickly. 
  • Calling card prices: Determining the prices of competitive calling cards in the market is an essential aspect that helps attract customers. The process should directly meet the costs through a transparent pricing structure that considers the transactional fees and the monthly or minute rate to aid profitability and customer satisfaction.

📙 Have a look: VoIP Troubleshooting: How to Fix Common VoIP Problems?

What things are needed to start a calling card business?

To start a calling card business, the following things are needed 👇:

  • A PC with an Internet connection: A PC with a web interface to manage the calling card platform needs dedicated Internet bandwidth. A good Internet connection is mandatory in any segment of a VoIP business. In fact, it is highly recommended to have a second internet provider as a backup. 
  • A secure and reliable calling card platform: Low latency and fault tolerance Softswitch is mandatory for PIN-based and PINless authorization. Regarding PIN-based calling cards, the PIN indicates the authentication process, while in the PINless version, the calling card platform depends on an ANI signal for authentication. Your softswitch should be anchored to a billing system, which benefits the calling card business. A reliable billing system allows you to manage call rates, customer utilization, and revenue.
  • International Routes/Destination Provider Selection: For your calling card business, you must find the best long-distance provider to supply you with calling minutes/routes to all countries. After choosing the route provider, it is important to check the route quality. Finally, when all the required software and hardware have been obtained, you must select the appropriate marketing strategy.


VoIP is a cost-effective solution who required to make international calls constantly. Its advanced features and low international call charges make it one of the best partners to talk to your loved ones or business partners who are living abroad. 

Apart from low charges, it offers you high call quality, device compatibility, and flexibility. However, to gain all the benefits, you have to choose the right VoIP calling card provider that meets your needs and expectations. 

First of all, look out for features that the provider offers, consider the service provider that secures critical data, and examine the quality of voice services. Remember that choosing the right provider helps you to fully utilize the VoIP calling card feature. 


Are VoIP calling cards legal to use?

Yes, VoIP calling cards are legal to use. The Federal Communications Commission deemed VoIP a true means of telecommunications, and laws establishing VoIP gateways are not included in any law.

What features and functionalities are available while using a virtual calling app?

The features that are available in a virtual calling app are:

  • Call forwarding
  • Voicemail-to-email transcription
  • Call recording
  • Auto-attendant
  • Video conferencing
  • Instant messaging
  • Presence indicators

Does Voip Calling cards work globally?

Yes, VoIP phones work internationally. VoIP allows users to make phone calls over the Internet rather than using traditional phone lines, which means it can be used globally.

How can you use calling cards with VoIP services?

To use calling cards with VoIP services, follow this step: 

  • Get the dialer: First, you have to download a mobile dialer app from your phone’s app store.
  • Sign up: Next, you sign up by entering the PIN and password found on your calling card.
  • Start making calls: Once you’re registered, you can start calling. Just dial the access number and enter your PIN when prompted.

What is an international calling card?

It is a prepaid service that allows you to make international calls at a lower price. Calling cards can generally be inserted directly into the phone and used, so you do not have to enter a PIN for every call.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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