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Texting vs. Email: Which One is Better for Your Business?



Texting vs email: which one is better for your business

While smartphones and the internet have become increasingly intertwined in our daily lives, email remains the go-to choice for businesses due to its versatility in sharing documents and files. 

However, it’s essential to recognize that text messaging, despite its traditional perception, offers unique advantages, particularly in its accessibility without requiring an internet connection.

As we delve into this blog we will learn insights to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your marketing objectives.

Here in this blog, we will compare Texting vs email and find out the best messaging channel for your business. 

Let’s get started👇

What is Text marketing?

The process of sending and receiving brief messages in electronic format between two or more mobile devices via a cellular network is known as texting or text messaging. With billions of people using mobile devices globally, texting is a convenient and useful way to remain in touch.

Text marketing is a form of mobile marketing that involves sending promotional messages, offers, updates, and other communications to customers and prospects via text messages on their mobile devices.

 All the traditional and modern mobile networks and gadgets offer texting and using it doesn’t require any additional software or apps. 

Talking about the history, In December 1992 an engineer Neil Papworth of Airwide Solutions sent the first text message wishing a “Merry Christmas” to a Vodafone Network in the UK. According to a survey done among 2000 people by Leadferno found that 37.6% of participants said that text messaging is the most popular method of communication out of all the channels available.

Advantages of texting

Here are some advantages of text marketing to help you understand why you should take advantage of texting for your business.

  1. No need for an Internet connection: As text messages use cellular network infrastructure, there does not require an Internet connection to send a text message. 
  2. Time-Saving Communication: Text messaging allows for effective communication without the need for immediate cooperation, making it efficient and time-saving.
  3. High Open Rates: Text messages have high open rates that ensure time-sensitive messages are promptly seen by many people.
  4. Wide Reach: It offers a reliable communication channel to reach a broad audience.
  5. Cost-Effective: SMS text messages are a cost-effective mode of communication, particularly when compared to phone calls.
  6. High Engagement Rates: Text messages elicit quick responses due to their convenient nature, resulting in higher response rates compared to other forms of communication.
  7. Direct Line of Communication: Text messaging offers a personal connection with customers, making businesses more approachable and allowing customers to contact businesses via SMS anytime.
  8. Preference Over Phone Calls: Many people prefer receiving marketing materials via text message over other channels like phone calls and emails, making texting a preferred communication method.
  9. Ease of Response: Responding to text messages is easy and quick.  With a 4.5 times higher response rate than email, making interactions short, conversational, and casual.
  10. Cost-Effectiveness: Texting is generally affordable for businesses and much less expensive than phone calls, offering volume-based pricing that works out to a low cost per SMS.

Disadvantages of Text Marketing

Texting also has some disadvantages : 

  1. Misinterpretation: Texting causes misconceptions and misinterpretations because it lacks the body language, tone of voice, and facial emotions that occur in face-to-face communication.
  2. Distraction: Constant notifications from texting can be distracting and interrupting productivity. 
  3. Delay in Response: Texting causes response delays which can cause confusion and annoyance, especially in emergencies. 
  4. Limited Expression: The character limit in texting platforms can constrain the expression of complex ideas or emotions.
  5. Privacy Concerns: Text messages can be intercepted, hacked, or accidentally sent to the wrong recipient which can lead to privacy breaches.
  6. Texting While Driving: Texting while driving is a significant safety hazard and can lead to accidents or even fatalities.
  7. Health Concerns: Excessive texting can lead to physical issues such as text neck (strain on the neck from looking down at devices) and eyestrain.
  8. Social Isolation: Over-reliance on texting can contribute to feelings of social isolation or disconnection from real-life relationships.
  9. Depersonalization of Communication: Some argue that texting contributes to depersonalization of communication, as it reduces human interaction to typed words on a screen.

What is email marketing? 

Email, or electronic mail, is a method of sending and receiving digital messages across computer networks using the Internet connection. 

It makes it possible for people and organizations to electronically transfer files, messages, and other kinds of data across computers and devices. Email clients and webmail interfaces offered by email service providers are the usual means by which users access their email accounts. Email operates on a client-server model.

In the present context of advancing technology email is one of the most popular methods of digital communication. Professional messages are sent globally via email. Organizations use this channel to send and receive messages to their clients and employees.

 As it is one of the trusted and secure methods of communication, people rely on email to share their valued documents and data among preferred candidates. It is accessible to any kind of electrical device that  can connect with the internet 

Advantages and Disadvantages of email marketing 

Advantages of email marketing 

Here are some advantages of email marketing that are beneficial for your business.

  1. Wider Reach:  Email marketing can be used to reach globally as Email users in 2022 were to 4.26 billion and it is expected to reach 4.73 billion users in 2026.
  2. Targeted Marketing – Customers can receive more relevant material from campaigns that have been customized. 
  3. Improved Sales -Email marketing can increase sales and profitability through prompt and improved customization that nurtures leads and maintains relationships with customers. 
  4. Time-Saving – Automated email campaigns and pre-designed templates can save businesses time in executing marketing efforts
  5. Cost-Effectiveness – Email marketing is a relatively inexpensive marketing channel compared to other methods, with the ability to reach many customers at once
  6. Visibility – Email marketing provides measurable data on campaign performance, such as open rates, clicks, and conversion rates, allowing for optimization
  7. Identifying Engaged Customers – Email engagement data can help businesses identify their most valuable leads and customers
  8. Branding and Control – Emails allow businesses to maintain consistent branding and messaging aligned with their objectives
  9. Environment Friendly – Email marketing has a lower environmental impact than physical marketing materials

Disadvantages of email marketing 

While email marketing can be a highly effective tool for businesses to reach and engage with their audience it also has some disadvantages:

  1. Potential for Spam: The possibility of email marketing being spam is one of its main disadvantages. Recipients can mark emails as spam if they feel inundated with unwanted or irrelevant messages which would influence the sender’s reputation and deliverability rates.
  2. Low Open Rates: Even with targeted campaigns, not all recipients will open the emails. Factors like busy inboxes, timing, and subject line effectiveness can contribute to low open rates.
  3. List Decay: Email lists naturally degrade over time due to factors like email address changes, unsubscribes, and inactive subscribers.
  4. Legal Compliance: Email marketing is subject to regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States and the GDPR in the European Union. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, so marketers must stay informed and ensure their campaigns adhere to these laws.
  5. Resource Intensive: While email marketing can be cost-effective compared to other marketing channels, it still requires resources for list management, content creation, design, and analysis.
  6. Limited Engagement Metrics: While email marketing doesn’t always offer insights into recipient behavior beyond the email. Marketers may struggle to understand how email interactions translate into broader customer actions or engagement.
  7. Security Risks: Email marketing platforms and databases contain sensitive customer data, making them attractive targets for cyberattacks or data breaches. Marketers must implement robust security measures to protect subscriber information and maintain trust.

Texting vs Email Marketing

Here is the data that highlights the strengths of both channels that make it easier to make a choice between Texting and Email marketing. 

Response TimesThe usual text response time is lower than email which is 90 secondsEmails take much longer depending upon the individual
Open RatesThe open rates for  texts is higher then email which is 99%The open rate of emails is lower than text message and it is 34.51%
DevicesMobile devicesMultiple devices with internet connection
Click Through RatesSMS marketing has a more CTR and is 36% The average click-through rate for email is comparatively lower
Response RatesSMS response rate is higher then email which is 45% Email response rate is lower then text messaging which is 6 %
ROI Generally, text marketing provides lower ROI as compared to Email MarketingGenerally email marketing generates a higher ROI as compared to SMS Marketing
Conversion Rate Conversion Rate for SMS marketing is comparatively higher and is 29% The conversion Rate for Email marketing is lower then text marketing which is 15.22% 
Read RateReading rate for SMS marketing is comparatively higher and it leads to 42%while reading rate for Email marketing is lower and it  is 13%
Spam RatesSpam messages rate is lower in text marketing which is only 3%Higher spam messages  85% 
FeaturesProvide less featuresProvides multiple features: file types as attachments, a long text in a single message, using folders and tags to organize messages
Character length160 characters in 1page messageYou can write a long paragraph on a page.
FrequencyFewer messages sentHigher message volume

Common factors between Texting and email marketing 

Businesses use email and SMS marketing to reach their target audience and promote products or services. It helps them exchange information with others in a quick and personal way. 

Some common factors between texting and email marketing are :

1. Digital communication

Email marketing and texting are two digital communication channels which enable organizations a quick and personal way to connect with their clients.

2. Personalization

Using both text and email marketing businesses can customize their communications to specific clients by using personalization features.

3. Engagement

Both texting and email marketing have the ability to increase engagement with text messages having a greater open and response rate than email. 

4. Legal Regulation 

Legal restrictions apply to both texting and email marketing; companies must have recipient agreement and offer to choose not to participate.

5. Best Practices

Best practice for texting and email marketing include understanding and adhering to legal restrictions, obtaining recipient consent, respecting user data privacy, and messaging consistency across both channels.

Text messaging Using krispCall  

 A cloud-based phone system KrispCall provides an advanced business texting solution to improve communication and benefit your organization.  Using krispCall you can send bulk SMS at once. Not only this, with KrispCall you can enjoy more features suitable for your business text messaging.

business texting with KrispCall

KrispCall is a cloud-based phone system that allows you to give text messaging services to your valued clients as well as perform SMS marketing campaigns via your iOS and Android apps. 

Unified Callbox:  A unified callbox can help individuals and businesses in saving time and being more productive by eliminating the need to switch between different applications or different windows of the same app.

SMS and MMS Support: KrispCall enables the sending and receiving of text messages and multimedia messages providing a versatile communication platform.

Virtual Phone Numbers: With KrispCall, businesses can get virtual phone numbers from over 100 countries with SMS capabilities that enhance their global reach and accessibility.

Advanced Texting Features: KrispCall offers advanced texting features to promote brands effectively, engage with customers, and drive business growth.

Bulk SMS Marketing: KrispCall provides a Bulk SMS Marketing solution, allowing businesses to reach their target audience with personalized messages, promotions, and updates directly on their mobile devices.

😊📱 Experience the difference! Try Send Messaging Via KrispCall today

When Should You Use SMS Texting Vs Email?

Text marketing can be a better option for attracting attention in real-time circumstances as it has higher open rates and speedy delivery to clients’ mobile devices. Text marketing is particularly effective for immediate engagement and time-sensitive advertising. Its succinct form guarantees that your message goes right to the point, making it ideal for urgent notifications or limited-time offers. 

Email marketing offers an avenue for customized messaging, images, and in-depth material. Emails that are lengthier in length enable you to tell stories, highlight several goods or services, and strengthen your bonds with readers by providing relevant content. 


The decision between SMS and email marketing ultimately comes down to the audience’s preferences, the depth of content you need to transmit, and the immediacy of your message. Both channels are useful with their uniqueness and features.

Preferring a cloud-based telephony KrispCall you can make your business effective. As KrispCall is an all-in-one platform you should not switch to multiple tools while sending media files and documents. It is a trusted platform with users being successfully available in more than 100 countries.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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