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How to port Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall?



How to port Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall

Do you want to port your existing Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall? Are you juggling between where and how to start? Don’t know whom to contact and what documents to submit? 

If yes, then worry not.

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process to port Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall. Also, we will talk about the requirements you need to follow and the documents you must submit. So, let’s get started.

Porting Requirements (To Be Considered Before Porting Out Your Telstra Phone Number)

There are a few things you should consider before beginning the porting process. Listed below are some important things to keep in mind:

1. The Number Must Be Portable

First and foremost, you must make sure that the Telstra phone number you wish to port to KrispCall is portable. You can’t port unportable numbers. 

To check whether your phone number is eligible for porting or not, you can use our KrispCall’s Number Porting Eligibility Checker tool. Just enter your phone number, select the number type from the list, and check for eligibility. 

2. The Number Must be Active

The next thing to consider before porting out your Telstra phone number is the activation of the phone number. You must ensure that your phone number is active and in use throughout the porting process. 

Hence, don’t cancel your current plan with Telstra until your porting process is complete. Canceling the plan may result in the deactivation of phone numbers, directly affecting the transition process.

3. Clear Outstanding Payments

You should also clear all unpaid bills related to call charges, equipment fees,  phone bills, or any other bills with Telstra. You will need to present those clearance bills to our team during the porting process. Failure to give clearance bills may delay the process. 

To avoid unnecessary delay, it is always a good idea to make sure that you have cleared each outstanding bill before moving forward with the number porting.

4. Submission of Necessary Documents & Information

Other than ensuring the portability of numbers and clearing outstanding bills, you must submit correct and up-to-date documents and information to KrispCall, which includes.

Telstra Mobile Phone numbersTelstra Local Phone numbers
Regulatory Compliance Documents (Proof of ID & Proof of Address)Regulatory Compliance Documents (Proof of Local Address)
Most recent phone bill (Last 30 days)
CAAA form Letter of Authorization (LOA)

MNP (Mobile Number Porting) Spreadsheet

Note: The submitted documents must follow the format suggested by KrispCall.

Also Check: How to port Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall?

Information and Document Requirements (To be submitted to KrispCall)

Some information and documents you need to submit to KrispCall include;

1. Phone Numbers

The first information you need to submit to KrispCall is the phone number itself. Provide the necessary information about the phone number and make sure it is active.

In addition, make sure that the phone number is in E164 format. The E164 number format begins with a (+) sign. This is followed by the country code, the area code, and the phone number. For example, +[61][xxxx][xxxxx].

Note: If you wish to port multiple Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall, include details about each number.

2. RC (Regulatory Compliance) Bundled Approval

Another important document you need to submit while porting the Telstra phone number to KrispCall is RC (Regulatory Compliance) Bundled Approval. RC bundled approval is mandatory for obtaining an Australian number from KrispCall. It is like a Know Your Customer (KYC) form and serves as proof of identity and address.

The requirement for regulatory compliance is different depending on the number you are looking to port. For a Telstra mobile number, you need to submit an electronic copy of proof of ID and proof of address. But when it comes to the Telstra local/landline number, an electronic copy of proof of local address will suffice.

This is a one-time requirement. It means if you already have an Australian number from KrispCall and your RC has been approved, you don’t need to submit another one to port a new number. 

3. Letter of Authorization (LOA)

If you wish to port out Telstra Toll-free and local numbers, you need to submit a signed Letter of Authorization dated within the last 30 days. The LOA proves your ownership of the number and permits KrispCall to port numbers from Telstra.

A Letter of Authorization must have the signature of the authorized user or owner of the phone number(s) and include an Australian local non-PO Box address.  Also, the username and service address on your LOA must match the ones provided by your current carrier. 

LOA Template for Telstra Phone Number

4. CAAA (Customer Authorization Agent Appointment) form

Another document you need to submit is the CAAA form. You must fill out the CAAA form if you wish to port your Telstra mobile phone number. The CAAA permits a person other than the account holder to authorize phone number porting.

That being said, this form essentially gives legal permission to the appointed agent (KrispCall in this case) to port a phone number on your behalf. The CAAA form contains details about the customer and mobile service number.

Here is the sample of the CAAA Template

5. MNP (Mobile Number Porting) Template

MNP is a service that allows you to keep your existing mobile phone number when you switch to a new service provider in Australia. 

You need to submit the filled MNP spreadsheets when porting your phone number to KrispCall. MNP contains information about phone number, account number, date of birth, and desired port date.

Here is the sample of MNP (Mobile Number Porting)

6. Phone Bill

Likewise, you must provide a scanned or electronic copy of your latest phone bill (dated not more than 30 days). For all numbers you want to port, make sure the bill has the account number and authorized user’s name. 

How to port Telstra phone numbers to KrispCall?

To port Telstra phone numbers to krispCall, follow these steps:

Step 1: The first step is to ensure that your number is portable. We offer a “Number Porting Eligibility Checker tool” that can test the portability of your phone number. If you encounter any problems using the tool, you can contact our support representative via Live Chat or email us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Step 2: If your number is eligible to port and you haven’t purchased any Australian number before (if Regulatory Compliance has not been approved previously), you need to get your RC approved. For Telstra local numbers, proof of local address is enough for RC approval. However, for a mobile number, you need to submit proof of ID as well as proof of address.

Step 3: Once your RC bundle is approved, you need to verify your phone number. For mobile users, our carrier provider will send an OTP to verify if your number is active. Upon receiving it, you need to send the OTP to us. Once the number is verified, we will then proceed with porting.

Note: Once your number is verified, the porting will be complete within three working days if the documents are accurate and submitted on time.

Step 4: Submit necessary documents like phone bills, LOA (for local numbers), CAAA form and MNP template (for mobile numbers), via email at [email protected]). Ensure that all the necessary documents and information are included in the correct format.

Step 5: As soon as your documents have been verified, our support agent will work on switching the carrier from Telstra to KrispCall. In the event that your number is not eligible for porting, our team will provide enough information to assist you in trying again.

Note: Your phone number must remain active during the entire porting process.

Step 6: You will be notified immediately by phone, email, or message once the porting process has been completed successfully. Now, you can access the number easily through KrispCall.

Step 7: Now you can cancel your Telstra membership


How do I transfer my Telstra phone number to another carrier?

You can transfer your Telstra phone number to another carrier easily. Simply contact the new service carrier, fill out the LOA or CAAA form and MNP template, submit the necessary documents, and you are good to go.

How long does it take for Telstra to release your phone number?

Telstra usually takes 2 to 10 days to release your phone number.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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