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How to Manage a Call Center Team?



manage a call center team

Are you having difficulties in managing your call center team?

A call center is an integral part of modern business, and almost every business owns a call center managing a call center team is equally important as any other part of business.

Managing a call center team efficiently will ultimately help the business improve its customer service and customer satisfaction.

In this blog, we will discuss call center team management and some practices you can use to manage a call center team.

🔑 Key Highlights

  • Call center team management helps businesses manage call center processes.
  • Hiring the best employee is one of the best practices to manage a call center team.
  • Consider implementing a performance-based reward system to motivate and acknowledge call center teams
  • Support and train your team so they can continuously improve their skills and deliver top-notch customer service.

Let’s start! 🙂

What is Call Center Team Management? 

Call center team management is the process of managing call operations and call center teams’ daily operations. Call center team management helps businesses manage call center processes. 

To meet sales and customer experience (CX) goals, call center managers monitor different channels and try to mobilize their workforce as efficiently as possible. This helps the call center team function properly and efficiently.

what is call center team management

An organization’s call center management team aims to improve customer service and business operations by maintaining efficient and effective communication between customers and the organization.

Managing the call center team helps businesses with staffing, scheduling, performance monitoring, workforce management, training and development, and smooth operation of the call center.

Some benefits of managing call center teams are:

  • Improved customer service and customer experience.
  • Increased call agent’s performance.
  • Quality monitoring and assistance.
  • Employee training and development.
  • Allocating resources optimally
  • Customer insights and data-driven decision making
Also Read👉: Call Center Coaching: How to Coach Agents to Success

10 Best Practices for Effective Call Center Team Management 

1. Hire the best employee

Hiring the best employee is one of the best practices to manage a call center team. Well-trained and experienced agents can handle complex situations with ease. 

Hiring a good employee who meets your job description will enhance their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and customer-centric approach. 

hire the best employee

Additionally, experienced agents can promote a positive work environment by recognizing and rewarding performance and delivering top-notch customer service. 

Make use of different technologies like performance tracking and employee engagement tools for efficient call center management. Also, businesses should encourage open communication and flexibility to enhance team collaboration and enhance the calling experience.

👬Also read: Important Call Center Skills Every Agent Should Have

2. Perform Periodic Quality Assurances

You can manage the call center team by regularly assessing and monitoring the quality of calls and the performance of the agents. This quality assurance helps the manager to know whether the team is following guidelines and providing excellent service or not. 

Also, you can regularly monitor call recordings and live calls to evaluate agent performance. This monitoring call can help managers to know the efficiency and productivity of the agents. 

Routine quality assurance helps managers know the areas of improvement and helps agents provide better customer service by providing training programs.

3. Reward the Team with Bonus and Incentives for Better Performance

Rewards, bonuses, and incentives are the driving factors for an employee to enhance their performance. So, consider implementing a performance-based reward system to motivate and acknowledge call center teams. When agents’s efforts are not respected and valued, they become demotivated, which affects the work quality. 

Keeping your agents happy is important to keep your customers happy, so consider rewarding them based on their performance. You can also use a gamification method to keep motivated them.

4. Encourage out-the-box thinking

To manage a call center team and enhance the productivity of the agents, you should promote a creative and innovative environment. You should provide an innovative environment so that agents feel encouraged to suggest new ideas for problem-solving. 

encourage out the box thinking

To manage your call center team efficiently, empower the call center team with decision-making power so that they can provide good customer service and resolve customer issues on time.

5. Regularly Review Call Center Regulations

You should provide adequate information about the call center regulations to your call center teams. If the team stays up-to-date on industry regulations and compliance standards, they will operate within legal boundaries and avoid potential issues.

You should also provide adequate resources and support to your team so they can stay up-to-date on the latest regulations.

6. Outline and Share a Career Progression Path

Consider providing a clear career path for agents. You should foster a sense of professional growth in their organization by sharing opportunities for career advancement and skill development. 

You should promote agent growth so that agents remain motivated and satisfy customers to the best of their ability. By doing so, you can manage call center operations easily and deliver good customer service.

👬Also read: Call Center Adherence Best Practices to Boost Performance

7. Utilize Appropriate Technologies

You should consider providing access to technologies like Customer Relationship Management(CRM), Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) system, Interactive Voice Response(IVR) system, and AI-powered tools to your call center team. These features will help your team to handle calls better and deliver excellent calling service.

Moreover, to manage the call center team efficiently, provide appropriate technologies like Speech analytics, quality management, workforce management, multi-channel support, and real-time reporting and dashboards. These technologies help the call center team enhance operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and optimize team management. 

8. Give Agents Targeted Feedback

Consider giving constructive feedback to agents based on specific performance metrics. This feedback will help the call center team recognize teams and pinpoint areas for improvement.

You should encourage your team to open discussion and regularly review goals. Also, support and train your team so they can continuously improve their skills and deliver top-notch customer service.

9. Promote Empathy

Promoting empathy is a best practice in building a supportive and understanding work environment. You should consider providing comprehensive training to your call center team on active listening and emotional intelligence, encouraging open communication channels, and recognizing and rewarding empathetic behavior. 

To manage a call center team, you can implement regular team-building activities that can help strengthen interpersonal connections among team members. By providing empathy, give necessary support to your call center team to manage call center teams easily.

10. Strive for Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is one of the best practices that allow the call center team to enhance efficiency, call processes, and overall performance. You should encourage open communication environments for the continuous development of the agents.

strive for continuous improvement

You can manage your call center team better if you provide regular and genuine feedback and identify the areas that need improvement. Additionally, encourage call center teams to collaborate and team up to deliver a dynamic and responsive call center environment that continually strives to improve.

🔔This might be helpful for you: Call Center Coaching: How to Coach Agents to Success

Easily Manage Call Center Teams With KrispCall

If you are looking forward to managing your call center team, then choosing a reliable virtual call center software provider like KrispCall is an ideal choice. With 24/7 human support service and a wide range of call management features, KrispCall helps businesses easily manage call center teams.

easily manage call center team with krispCall

Features like a unified call box, call routing, call monitoring, simultaneous call handling, smart IVR, power dialer, in-app call analytics, and integrations help businesses manage call processes and boost agent’s productivity.

With call monitoring and analytics features, Businesses can track agent performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide training accordingly.  This helps the call center team provide efficient customer service and satisfy the customer 


Creating a positive work environment fosters a good work culture, It encourages teams to give feedback and work on their best possible to deliver top customer service. 

Moreover, invest in training and development, provide adequate resources, and encourage team-building activities to enhance your agent’s performance and provide an effective calling experience.

A functional cloud-based call center software like KrispCall is a must for businesses today to manage call center teams. Effective communication is key to delivering a top-notch calling experience. Manage your call center teams using features like regular performance monitoring, reporting, and analytics.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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