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Introducing the KrispCall Pipedrive Integration



Introducing the KrispCall Pipedrive integration

Transform your sales process with seamless communication – Introducing you to the KrispCall Pipedrive Integration 🤝 – A powerful duo ready to take your sales game to new heights. 🤩

Integrating KrispCall with Pipedrive lets you fully utilize seamless communication and streamlined sales processes. You can easily make and receive calls and access your CRM contacts directly from the Pipedrive interface without switching between applications.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dig into Pipedrive, examining its advantages when integrated with KrispCall, showcasing its features, providing simple steps to integrate KrispCall with Pipedrive, and interpreting its various plans and pricing options. 

Without further delay, let’s dive into the article. 👇


  • Users can make and receive calls directly from the Pipedrive interface with KrispCall Pipedrive integration.
  • Call logs and other essential data are automatically synced between KrispCall and Pipedrive.
  • KrispCall Pipedrive integration setup is straightforward.
  • Access complete customer history within Pipedrive without the need to switch between apps.

What is Pipedrive?

Pipedrive is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage customer data and relationships, track sales activities, and create and optimize marketing campaigns.

Is Pipedrive limited to CRM? Then why don’t people get contact management software?🤔

👉 Pipedrive has a lot more to offer than basic contact management software.


Pipedrive is designed especially for sales analysis, lead nurturing, and pipeline follow-ups. Whether you’re a business owner, sales agent, project manager, or lead manager, Pipedrive offers customized support based on your specific role and needs.

With Pipedrive CRM, you can create and manage different sales stages and crawl leads through each stage. With that, you’ll receive valuable notifications and reminders of what actions you should take at each stage of the sales process.

Additionally, Pipedrive allows you to track the progress of each lead, making it easier to analyze your sales team’s performance. Further, its integration with other business tools like email, spreadsheets, and communication platforms can definitely streamline your sales pipeline management.

How Does the KrispCall Pipedrive Integration Work?

KrispCall cloud telephony system seamlessly integrates with Pipedrive. Here’s how KrispCall Pipedrive Integration works: 👇

1. Installation: To begin, users must install KrispCall and Pipedrive on their respective devices.

2. Integration setup: To integrate KrispCall with Pipedrive, users can link the two platforms together during the setup process.

3. Syncing Contacts: KrispCall syncs contacts with Pipedrive, allowing users to access CRM contacts directly into the Pipedrive interface.

4. Activate the Click to Call feature: Enabling this feature lets you make and receive calls from Pipedrive contacts, displaying caller information.

5. Automatic Logging: Call details, such as duration, participants, and notes, are automatically logged into the corresponding Pipedrive contact. Users can keep their CRM records up-to-date without manual updates.

6. Trigger Actions: You can automate your workflow and save time by automating actions like creating tasks, sending follow-ups, and logging call details according to call events.

What are the benefits of Integrating Pipedrive with KrispCall?

Integrating Pipedrive with KrispCall brings you a lot of benefits to streamline your sales and communication, including: 👇

Avoid Switching between applications

With KrispCall Pipedrive integration, you can seamlessly make and receive calls while accessing essential data, eliminating the need to switch between KrispCall and Pipedrive, saving you valuable time and effort.

Workflow Automation

It is now possible to seamlessly communicate with your customers without leaving Pipedrive. All data and information syncs automatically, including call details, duration, participants, and notes that can be logged directly into Pipedrive.

Better Call Handling

Enhance your call-handling capabilities with KrispCall integrated with Pipedrive. You can access contact information and past interaction details, allowing you to be prepared ahead and tailor more personalized and effective interactions with your customers.

Visibility and task tracking

In Pipedrive, you can view the status and activities of your calls, providing valuable insights into your agent’s call performance and progress. Additionally, after each call, you can create follow-ups and set reminders, which allows you to take instant action linked with specific deals and contacts.

What are the use cases of KrispCall Pipedrive Integration?

Sales Team

The integration between krispCall and Pipedrive enables users to make and receive calls from within the Pipedrive interface. Additionally, all call activities, such as call logs, call notes, and call recordings, can be automatically synchronized with Pipedrive, creating a centralized system for managing customer interactions. 

This integration also helps sales agents save time by eliminating the need to switch between tabs. This enables them to focus more on closing deals and improving their productivity. 

Marketing Team

Integrating KrispCall with Pipedrive enables marketing teams to keep track of inbound and outbound calls associated with their marketing initiatives directly within Pipedrive. This helps them monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns. 

Additionally, syncing call data with Pipedrive ensures that the leads generated from calls are appropriately assigned and followed up, optimizing the lead management process.

Remote Team

It doesn’t matter where you’re located; the integration provides a centralized platform for initiating and managing calls for remote teams. 

Also, remote team members can stay connected on the go by accessing Pipedrive call functionality, integrating KrispCall into their existing devices, and facilitating productivity outside the office. 

Furthermore, This helps teams work more efficiently and stay connected regardless of location.

What else can I do with KrispCall & Pipedrive?

With KrispCall integrated into Pipedrive, you can effortlessly enhance your sales calls. Also, you can explore features like call recording, analysis, and improving your sales processes in one platform. 

👇 Here are some of the things that you can do with KrispCall and Pipedrive Integrations:

Access the complete customer history from Pipedrive

You can seamlessly access the customer journey from Pipedrive by integrating it with KrispCall. No more need to switch between apps to view customer history, allows you to save time and effort and keep all communication channels in a single interface.

With that, you can get valuable insights before making and receiving calls, allowing you to provide personalized and effective communication with customers. 

Facilitate effortless communication through a “Click-to-Call” link

KrispCall Integration with Pipedrive offers a feature called ‘Click-to-Call‘ that enables customers to connect with customer support representatives with just a single click, without manually dialing the phone number. 

Facilitate effortless communication through a “Click-to-Call” link

👉 For example, when a customer is browsing your website or app and needs assistance, they can simply click on the ‘Click to call’ button and the call will be automatically directed to a customer service representative. This eliminates the need for the customer to search for a phone number or email address, making the process more convenient and efficient.

Easily synchronize contact information between KrispCall and Pipedrive

Easily synchronize contact information between KrispCall and Pipedrive

Any changes made in Contact Information KrispCall or Pipedrive will automatically be synchronized, minimizing the risk of duplicate and mismatched contacts. It also ensures contacts are accurate and up-to-date on both platforms. Furthermore, it eliminates manual entry, saving both time and resources.

Track entire call details on KrispCall and Pipedrive

You can use KrispCall and Pipedrive to keep a systematic record of all your call details, such as call duration, call notes, voicemails, inbound and outbound calls, missed calls, calls received, and transferred calls. This will provide valuable insights into your agents’ performance, customer satisfaction, and areas for improvement. 

How to Get Started with the Pipedrive Integration?

Integrating KrispCall with Pipedrive is an easy task. Follow these simple steps to integrate KrispCall with Pipedrive: 👇

  1. Sign in to your KrispCall account.
  2. Go to settings, click the integrations option, select Pipedrive, and click the connect button.
  3. A new window will prompt, asking you to log in to the Pipedrive account you want to integrate with KrispCall.
  4. Once you successfully log in, it will ask you for a few permissions. Click Allow and Install and move to the next steps.
  5. After giving permission, your account will be integrated with KrispCall, and you’ll find Pipedrive in the integration section.
  6. Click the toggle button to activate Pipedrive.
  7. Click on the three dots icon next to Pipedrive; you’ll find the Edit and Delete options.
  8. Click edit, explore general settings, workflow settings, connected numbers, and advanced settings options, and make changes accordingly.
🔍 For more details: How to Integrate Your Pipedrive Account with KrispCall

What is the pricing of KrispCall Pipedrive Integration?

KrispCall offers affordable plans starting at just $12/month if billed annually. You can also schedule a free demo to experience the benefits of KrispCall.

Here is the pricing list for KrispCall Pipedrive Integration:

PlansPricingPipedrive IntegrationRecommended For
EssentialStarts at $12/user/month (billed annually)Small Businesses, Startups & Freelancers
StandardStarts at $32/user/monthMid-size Businesses & Call Centers
EnterpriseBased on RequirementsLarge-size businesses with varying needs


KrispCall Pipedrive integration is an affordable and efficient solution that can help businesses manage complex customer relationships, track sales, and create accurate reports. With seamless communication and streamlined sales processes, companies can quickly scale their operations and achieve consistent growth.

KrispCall’s comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly integration platform offers the tools to ensure seamless communication and collaboration. It allows businesses to increase their productivity and efficiency, making it an ideal solution for companies that value efficiency and must keep up with their sales.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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