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Introducing the KrispCall ActiveCampaign Integration 



Are you an ActiveCampaign user and struggling 🧗 to reach your audience and effectively communicate your message? Say goodbye to the hassle with our latest integration, KrispCall and ActiveCampaign!

KrispCall ActiveCampaign integration improves your customer engagement experience, gives you easy access to call analytics, allows you to exchange information for team collaboration, and more.

What is ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign is a cloud-based platform that integrates email marketing, automation, and customer relationship management (CRM) to help organizations grow and prosper. Its objective is to deliver data-driven decision-making, enhance customer relationships, boost sales and revenue, and optimize and simplify marketing and sales operations.

While ActiveCampaign primarily focuses on email marketing, it provides a range of additional features beyond that. Here are some of the standout features of ActiveCampaign standard campaigns, automated campaigns, RSS-triggered campaigns, and autoresponder campaigns.

What can I do with KrispCall & ActiveCampaign Integration?

  • Call Logging and Recording: The integration enables users to effortlessly record call information and audio files straight into their ActiveCampaign profile. This functionality guarantees precise documentation of all interactions with potential leads and existing customers, facilitating future reference and analysis. 
  • Click-to-Call Functionality: Users can start phone calls right from their ActiveCampaign dashboard by clicking a button. This makes calling easier and eliminates the hassle of switching between different apps.   
  • Real-time Call Notifications: Users who have integrated their accounts receive instant notifications of incoming calls directly from their ActiveCampaign dashboard. This guarantees they don’t miss any important calls and enables them to reply to customer questions and queries quickly.
  • Automated Call Work Flows: Connecting with ActiveCampaign enables users to establish automated call processes according to predefined triggers and actions. For instance, users can automatically send follow-up emails or assign tasks to team members depending on particular call results or customer reactions.
  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics: The integration offers users advanced reporting and analytics capabilities. They can analyze call data alongside other customer interactions recorded in ActiveCampaign, gaining valuable insights into customer behavior and the effectiveness of their campaigns.

What are the Benefits of Integrating ActiveCampaign with KrispCall?

When ActiveCampaign is combined with KrispCall, businesses of any scale can enjoy numerous advantages. Here are a few of them:

  • Improves Customer Engagement Experience: KrispCall integration with ActiveCampaign gathers information about customer interactions. With this information, agents can give customers personalized help and fix issues quickly.
  • Optimized Lead Conversion Efforts: The combination of KrispCall and ActiveCampaign allows you to see important customer details. Using this information, you can find potential leads and adjust your marketing efforts to suit them better. It also makes customers happier by giving them what they want.
  • Improves Team Collaboration: Improving team collaboration means making it easier for people to work together. With the integration of KrispCall and ActiveCampaign, your remote team can conveniently retrieve call recordings and notes, facilitating efficient information exchange and collaboration among team members.
  • Easy Access To Call Analytics: This integration allows you to review comprehensive call analytics within ActiveCampaign, enabling a deeper insight into customer conversations.
  • Efficient Call Management: Through this integration, you have the capability to review comprehensive call analytics within ActiveCampaign, enabling a deeper insight into customer conversations.

What are the steps to Get Started with ActiveCampaign Integration?

You can start the ActiveCampaign integration by following these simple processes.

  1. To begin, sign in to KrispCall.
  2. In the Settings menu, select the Integrations option located under App Settings. Then, click on the Connect button next to ActiveCampaign to start the integration.
  3. In doing so, a new pop-up window asks you to enter the URL and API Token of the ActiveCampaign account you want to integrate with KrispCall. Fill in the URL and API Token and hit the Submit button.
  4. To get the ActiveCampaign URL and API Token, you must log in to your ActiveCampaign account, navigate to Settings, and select the Developer option.
  5. By following these steps, you will successfully integrate KrispCall with ActiveCampaign.
  6. To activate ActiveCampaign integration, click the Toggle button in the integration window.

You have now successfully integrated your ActiveCampaign account with KrispCall. Following the integration, you can customize settings and control your preferences through General Settings, Workflow Settings, Connected Numbers, and Advanced Settings.

Contact our support team via chat, phone calls, or email if you have any questions.

👉For a more e detailed integration guide, check out How to Integrate Your ActiveCampaign Account with KrispCall

What is the cost of KrispCall ActiveCampaign Integration?

The cost of ActiveCampaign integration is zero. This means you can connect your ActiveCampaign account with KrispCall for free. But, to use KrispCall with ActiveCampaign, you need to sign up for one of the three pricing plans.

KrispCall follows three pricing plans, which are as follows:

  • Essential: $15/user/month
  • Standard: $40/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom


Integration of KrispCall with ActiveCampaign is an exceptional business tool. It makes customer communication easier, records important information, and allows teams to work together.

With features like call recording, real-time notifications, and easy access to analytics, KrispCall integration makes handling customers easy. The best part is that the cost of ActiveCampaign integration is zero, but you need to sign up for one of the three pricing plans to use it.                    

So, whether you’re a small or big business, KrispCall can help you connect with customers and grow your business smoothly.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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