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How to Call Mexico from the US?



call mexico from usa

Do you want to call someone living in Mexico from the US via your cell phone and landline phones? Don’t know how to call Mexico from the US? 

Although calling a Mexican cell phone from the US seems like a daunting task, let me tell you, this isn’t a difficult task at all. By following some steps and guidelines, you can easily place international calls to Mexico. So, what are those steps?

Worry not! In this blog post, we will delve into the steps to follow and some things to consider while dialing Mexican phone numbers from the United States. Moreover, we will also talk about three alternative, cheapest ways to make international calls to Mexico.

So, let’s get started.

What is an International Call to Mexico?

International calls to Mexico refer to phone calls made to Mexico landlines, mobile phones, and toll-free numbers from other countries other than Mexico.  

what is an international call to mexico

Before making an international call to Mexico, you need to make sure that your phone system enables international calls. 

For instance, if you are calling Mexico from your mobile number, then you must ensure that your phone service carrier has enabled international calls on your number. If not enabled, speak with your service provider to enable this service.

Not only this but to place a call to Mexico from overseas, you need to follow a specific international phone number format that is writing country code, area code, mobile number prefix, etc.

How to call Mexico from the US?

To call Mexico from the US, Dial the US exit code first, followed by the Mexico country code, area code (in case of landline number), and then the 7-10 digit phone number.

how to call mexico from the us

Follow the simple steps below to call in Mexico landline or mobile phone from the United States:

  1. Dial 011, the exit code of the USA.
  2. Dial 52, the Mexico country code.
  3. Dial the area code of a specific location, which is 2-3 digits.
  4. Dial the correct phone number, which is 7-8 digits.
  5. Click on the call button to initiate a call.

🤩For example,

To call Mexico from the US, dial:

  • 011-52-Area code-landline number (For Mexican landline number)
  • 011-52-mobile phone prefix-8 digit mobile number (For Mexican mobile phone number)
  • 011-52-toll-free code-toll-free-number (for Mexican toll-free number) 

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1. How to call Mexico landline number from the US?

To call the Mexico landline number from the US, dial Exit Code (011) – Country Code (52) – Area Code – Landline Number.

Here are the detailed steps to call Mexico’s landline number from the US:

  1. Dial the exit code of the USA, i.e., 011.
  2. Dial Mexico country code, i.e., 52.
  3. Dial the area code of the specific region of Mexico.
  4. Dial the Mexican landline phone number.

🤗 The correct format to place a call to Mexico landline number from the USA looks like this: 011 52 981 1234567


  • 011 is the US exit code
  • 52 is Mexico’s country code
  • 981 is the area code of Campeche
  • 1234567 is the Mexico landline number

2. How to call Mexico mobile number from the US? 

To call the Mexico mobile number from the US, dial Exit Code (011) – Country Code (52) – Mobile Phone Number.

Here are the detailed steps to call Mexico mobile number from the US:

  1. Dial the exit code of the US, i.e., 011.
  2. Dial Mexico country code, i.e., 52.
  3. Dial the mobile phone number.

🤗 The correct format to place a call to Mexico mobile number from the USA looks like this: +011 52 1234567890


  • 011 is the US exit code
  • 52 is Mexico’s country code
  • 1234567890 is the Mexico mobile number

3. How to call Mexico toll-free number from the US?

To call the Mexico toll-free number from the US, dial Exit Code (011) – Country Code (52) – Toll-free Code – Phone Number.

Here are the detailed steps to call Mexico’s toll-free number from the US:

  1. Dial the USA exit code, i.e., 011.
  2. Dial Mexico country code, i.e., 52.
  3. Dial the toll code of Mexico, which is of three digits.
  4. Dial the remaining phone number.

🤗 The correct format to place a call to Mexico toll-free number from the USA looks like this: 011 52 800 1234567


  • 011 is the US exit code
  • 52 is Mexico’s country code
  • 800 is the toll-free code
  • 1234567 is the remaining phone number

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What are the things that you need to know before dialing Mexico from the US?

You must consider some factors to make a successful call to Mexico landline numbers, mobile numbers, and toll-free numbers from the US, eliminating any pre-issues. These factors include:

1. US Exit Code

The first thing you need to know before calling Mexico from the US cell phone is the exit code of the US, which is “011”. When you dial the US exit code (011) before making calls, it tells the telephone system that you’re making a call outside the country. Exit code, also known as international access code, is always dialed first when dialing a number on a phone or landline keypad.

2. Mexico Country Code

The first thing to consider when making a call to Mexico from the USA is Mexico’s country code. The country code of Mexico is “52”. Dialing this code before initiating a call to a Mexican number shows that you want your calls to connect to Mexican phone numbers.

3. Area Code of Mexico:

After the exit and country code, the third thing you need to take into account is the Mexico area codes. The area code identifies the region or city where the phone number is. When calling a specific location in Mexico, you must dial the area code. For example, if you want to call in Acapulco, you must dial 744, which is the area code of Acapulco 

CityArea CodeCityArea Code
Mexico City55Mérida999
Guadalajara33Ciudad Juárez656
Toluca722Veracruz City229

4. Types of Phone Number in Mexico

It is also necessary to know about different phone numbers available in Mexico: local, mobile, and toll-free. The Mexican phone number has ten digits. Each phone number has its dialing format, which should be strictly followed when calling a Mexico number. For example, when calling a local number, dialing the area code of that specific city, which has 2-3 digits, is essential.

5. Time Zones of the US and Mexico

The last thing you need to know before making international calls to Mexico from the US is the time zone of the US and Mexico. The USA and Mexico are in different time zones. The USA follows Eastern Standard Time, whereas Mexico follows Central Standard Time. Also, Mexico is behind the USA by 1 hour. It means if it is 7 am in the USA, it will be 6 am in Mexico.

How much does it cost to call Mexico from the US?

The cost to call Mexico from the US starts from $3.50 per minute. The cost of calling Mexico from the US depends on the service provider and the method you choose. Suppose you are making international calls to Mexico from the USA using the local American landline and mobile number. In that case, it will be costly (starting from $3.50/minute) as high international roaming charges need to be paid.

Luckily, you can reduce high roaming charges by using alternative ways like virtual Mexican numbers, calling apps, and VoIP apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.

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What is the best time to call Mexico from the US?

If you want to make a call to the business and client in Mexico, then the best time to call from the US would be in the morning and afternoon, specifically between 6 am and 8 pm, which is considered an office hour in Mexico.

However, if you are making calls to your friends or family members, the best time would be after 8 pm as they would be free from their office work during this time.

Alternative Ways to Make International Calls to Mexico

alternative ways to make international calls to mexico

Other than using a local number, three alternative ways are available to make international calls to Mexico. These ways are also more cost-effective than traditional methods.  

1.  Using Virtual Mexican Numbers 

A virtual number is a cloud-based phone number that operates with an internet connection without inserting a SIM card. It allows you to make outgoing and receive incoming calls from any device and from anywhere.

Get a Mexican Virtual Phone Number Online.

own virtual Mexican phone number to make cheap international calls

Select numbers :

If you frequently call Mexico and are looking for the perfect solution to call Mexican numbers without buying a new Mexican SIM card, then using a Mexican virtual number is ideally best for you.

2. Using VoIP Apps Like WhatsApp/Messenger

You can also make international calls to Mexico using VoIP apps like WhatsApp and Messenger. These apps allow you to place and pick up voice and video calls from any device and anywhere for free. Yes, you heard that right. You can make calls through WhatsApp and Messenger without paying any charge. 

However, to leverage this service, both parties- receiver, and caller- must have installed these apps on their preferred device and created an account.

3. Using Calling Cards

Calling apps allow you to make long-distance or international calls at basic rates for as little as two and a half cents per minute. Calling cards are of two types – Physical cards and Virtual cards.  You can purchase physical cards from retail stores containing a certain number of minutes for calling. Likewise, virtual cards are available to purchase online, offering better rates and more flexibility.

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Challenges while calling Mexico from the US

challenges while calling mexico from the us

While calling Mexico from the US involves following some simple steps, you can face several challenges in the process, such as;

1. Dialing format

The dialing format can be troublesome for you. To ring a mobile phone in Me­xico from the US, you need to strictly follow the dialing format, which is first e­ntering the US exit code­, followed by Mexico country code (52), area code (2-3 digits), and then remaining 7-10 digits numbers.

2. Connection Issue

You can also face challenges due to connection issues when you call a Mexico phone number from the USA. This issue happens if you are in an area with low cellular network coverage.

3. Roaming Charges

If you are placing calls from your cell phone using a local phone number from the USA, you must pay high roaming charges. Hence, it is always better to check with your provider if they offer an international calling plan.

4. Cost of Calls

When you make long-distance calls from abroad, the cost of calls is always high. Hence, you should use a service or app offering cheaper or free calling rates.

5. Language Barrier

A lot of people­ in Mexico know English, typically in places popular with tourists. But sometimes, you might face problems communicating, particularly when phoning places or businesses not in these tourist hotspots. Plus, 90% of the Mexicans speak Spanish as their official language.

Business Phone Call Etiquette in Mexico: Dos and Don’ts

✅ Dos

Here are a few things you should do to boost business phone call etiquette:

  • Formal Greetings: Once the receiver receives the call, start the conversation by greeting the person on the other end with polite greeting phrases like “Good Morning” or “Good afternoon.” 
  • Use Titles and Last Names: Addressing colleagues with their professional titles and last names is taken as a sign of respect. Hence, always use Mr..,  Ms…., Mrs, etc., before their names.
  • Small Talk: It is a good idea to engage in small talk before diving into business discussions. Doing so helps to build a personal connection.
  • Use some Spanish words: As already discussed, 90% of the Mexicans speak Spanish as their official language. Hence, to run the extra mile, using some basic Spanish words during the interaction is a good idea.

❎ Dont’s

Here are a few things to avoid to maintain high business phone call etiquette:

  • Immediate Business Talk: Avoid jumping straight into business matters after formal greetings. You should try to know the receiver a little more by asking them questions like how their day is going, how they are, and so on. 
  • Interrupting: Interrupting the speaker when they are speaking is considered impolite and informal. Thus, you should always wait for the speaker to finish sharing their ideas and thoughts before asking questions. 
  • Weekend Calls: Weekend time is for vacation and family time. Hence, you should avoid making business calls during weekdays to maintain professionalism.
  • Ending calls abruptly: Same as using formal greetings before engaging in conversation, you should end the calls with a proper closing. You should express gratitude towards them for giving their valuable time to talk to you and that you had a meaningful conversation with them.
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Final Words

Calling Mexico from the US isn’t difficult if you know the right calling techniques and ways. To avoid any issues arising during the process, familiarize yourself with the US exit code, Mexico country code, area code, types of numbers available, and international dialing format. 

Moreover, if you want to adopt the modern and reliable way of making international calls to Mexico from the United States, go for KrispCall. With KrispCall, you get excellent call quality and low rates for international calls with advanced VoIP features. 

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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