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5 AI-Powered Tools For Analyzing The Voice Of Customer



AI Tools For Analyzing The Voice Of Customer

Customer service can be tough with long wait times and the same questions being asked over and over. 

But AI tools for customer service👩🏻‍💻 can help. They make things run more smoothly, quickly solve problems, and personalize interactions with customers.

As companies use AI🤖, they start to provide faster and more personalized service. AI acts as the driving force behind customer service, quickly responding to customer needs and making adjustments as needed. In short, AI software that can help with analyzing the voice of customers appears to be the solution to many modern customer service problems.

In this blog, we’ll explore the best AI  tools for analyzing voice of customer and provide guidance on how to pick the one that’s right✔️ for your business.


  • AI-powered Voice of Customer tools are essential for capturing and analyzing customer feedback efficiently.
  • These tools provide deep insights into customer sentiments, preferences, and behaviors.
  • The top five AI-powered Voice of Customer tools are Qualtrics, AskNicely, GetFeedback, Medallia, and InMoment.
  • Qualtrics has advanced analytics and reporting, which helps businesses to get an understanding of customers’ preferences and demands.
  • GetFeedback has seamless salesforce integration which helps businesses integrated GetFeedback with required tools.
  • AI-powered Voice of Customer tools can be used for various business sizes and industries, offering tailored solutions.

What Are AI-Powered Tools For The Voice Of Customers?

AI-powered customer service tools are a set of software solutions that use artificial intelligence to streamline and elevate customer interactions, delivering faster, more efficient, and highly personalized experiences. AI-powered chatbots, virtual agents, sentiment analysis tools, and automated assistants are all examples of tools for analyzing the voices of customers.

Chatbots and virtual agents have natural conversations with customers to get instant feedback, understand their needs, and give personalized answers. Text and sentiment analysis tools quickly find important ideas, trends, and emotions from customer comments in surveys, reviews, and support interactions.

Automated systems handle customer questions, while voice recognition and sentiment analysis make interactions easier and more understanding. This set of tools not only speeds up customer response times but also makes sure every interaction is informed, personalized, and caring, setting a new standard for customer service.

5 AI-powered tools for analyzing the voice of the customer

Before diving into the details of each tool, let’s take a look at the overall comparison:

ToolsKey FeaturesPricingBest ForG2 Rating
QualtricsComprehensive feedback managementContact QualtricsSmall, medium, and large businesses4.4
AskNicelyReal-time feedback collectionContact AskNicelySmall to medium businesses4.7
GetFeedbackEasy-to-use interface, Salesforce integrationContact GetFeedbackMedium to large businesses4.5
MedalliaAdvanced analytics, customizationContact MedalliaEnterprise brands, large budgets4.4
InMomentCustomer journey mapping, sentiment analysisContact InMomentMedium-sized businesses, enterprises4.7

1. Qualtrics: Best for small, medium, and large businesses 

Qualtrics is a powerful online survey and experience management platform that enables users to create, distribute, and analyze surveys and feedback forms. The platform offers a range of features and tools to help users design, launch, and manage their surveys, as well as analyze and export responses.

qualtrics best tool for analyzing the voice of customer

Qualtrics also provides a range of analytics and reporting tools. The data & analysis tab allows users to view individual responses, make edits, and export data for further analysis. The platform also offers a homepage that serves as a central hub for managing active surveys, workflows, and tickets.

Qualtrics Features

  • Customizable surveys
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Multi-channel feedback collection
  • Integration with other business tools
  • Multimedia content inclusion

Qualtrics G2 Score: 4.4

Qualtrics Pricing 

Qualtrics pricing is not public. Contact Qualtrics to get insight on their pricing.

Qualtrics Pros

  • You can create surveys with over 100 different types of questions and make them more complex with advanced logic.
  • The interface is user-friendly, so you can make and test surveys quickly, without needing a lot of training.
  • You get a lot of features for your money, and you can choose a pricing plan that fits your needs.
  • You can send surveys to people through email, text message, social media, and more, to reach them in different ways.
  • You can share results with others, set up automatic updates, and work on surveys with your team, all in one place.

Qualtrics Cons

  • The platform is complicated and takes a long time to learn, making it difficult for new users to use it well.
  • There are so many features and settings that it can be overwhelming, making it hard to set up surveys or look at data quickly.
  • The platform doesn’t have a clear, step-by-step process to help users through tasks, which adds to the complexity.
  • You can’t customize the look and feel of surveys as much as you might want to.

2. AskNicely: Best for small to medium businesses

AskNicely is a cloud-based customer feedback and Net Promoter Score (NPS) platform that helps businesses measure and improve customer satisfaction. The platform enables companies to collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback in real time, providing insights to drive growth, retention, and revenue.

asknicely tool for analyzing voice of customer

AskNicely is a powerful tool for businesses looking to prioritize customer feedback, improve satisfaction, and drive growth. Its ease of use, customization options, and integrations make it an attractive solution for companies of all sizes.

AskNicely Features

  • Real-time NPS (Net Promoter Score) tracking
  • Automated feedback collection
  • Integration with CRM systems
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Multimedia content inclusion

AskNicely G2 Score: 4.7

AskNicely Pricing 

AskNicely pricing is not public. Contact AskNicely to get insight on their pricing.

AskNicely Pros

  • The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for both customers and employees to use.
  • The AskNicely team is very responsive and helpful, often reaching out to users to offer assistance.
  • The platform offers strong features for collecting and analyzing customer feedback, including tracking customer satisfaction, real-time reporting, and automated workflows.
  • AskNicely integrates smoothly with popular business tools like Salesforce, Slack, Zendesk, and more, making it easy to incorporate into your existing workflow.

AskNicely Cons

  • The platform can be confusing for new users, especially when they try to do things beyond the main page.
  • You can’t change the look and feel of the surveys and dashboards very much, which can make it hard to make it fit your brand and needs.
  • The platform doesn’t work well with all other software systems and tools, which can make it hard to get data to flow smoothly and improve your workflow.
  • The pricing model might be too high for small businesses or organizations with limited money.

3. GetFeedback: Best for medium to large businesses 

GetFeedback is a modern survey application designed and built for a mobile world. It allows users to create online surveys with perfect branding, beautiful imagery, and even embedded video. The surveys dynamically resize to display perfectly on every smartphone, tablet, and browser.

getfeedback best tool for analyzing voice of customer

GetFeedback provides an easy-to-use platform for creating surveys, distributing them to the target audience, and analyzing the results. The platform offers various options for sharing surveys, including links, automated emails, and SMS messages, and embedding them in websites, email campaigns, service clouds, apps, or Salesforce communities.

GetFeedback Features 

  • Seamless Salesforce integration
  • Intuitive survey design
  • Real-time feedback and reporting
  • Multi-channel feedback collection
  • Custom report creation

GetFeedback G2 Score: 4.5

GetFeedback Pricing 

GetFeedback pricing is not public. Contact GetFeedback to get insight on their pricing.

GetFeedback Pros

  • The platform is simple and easy to navigate, so you can create professional-looking surveys quickly, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
  • You can change the look and feel of your survey to fit your needs, with different question types, themes, and languages to choose from.
  • The platform connects smoothly with Salesforce, so you can track customers, create reports, and automate tasks easily.
  • You can add survey responses directly to emails, making it easier to collect data from customers.

GetFeedback Cons

  • The platform isn’t very good at helping you understand the results of your surveys, and it’s missing some important features that other tools have.
  • Even though the platform is easy to use, you don’t have many choices when it comes to designing your surveys or creating different types of questions.
  • If you want to connect the platform with Salesforce, it will cost you extra money, which might be a problem for some businesses.
  • Sometimes, the people who are supposed to help you with the platform aren’t very helpful. This can be frustrating when you need assistance or have problems to fix.

4. Medallia: Best for enterprise brands or medium businesses with big budgets

Medallia is a unified customer experience management (CEM) platform that enables organizations to capture, analyze, and act on customer feedback in real time. The platform helps companies to understand their customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors and to make data-driven decisions to improve customer experiences, drive loyalty, and increase revenue.

medallia top tool for analyzing voice of customer

Medallia helps companies listen to their customers and respond quickly to their concerns. This allows them to create personalized experiences, build strong relationships, and increase customer loyalty and revenue. By doing so, companies can create a customer-focused culture that drives innovation and sets them apart from others in the industry.

Medallia Features

  • Advanced analytics and AI insights
  • Highly customizable feedback solutions
  • Multi-channel feedback collection
  • Integration with various business tools
  • 360-degree feedback capture

Medallia G2 Score: 4.4

Medallia Pricing 

Medallia pricing is not public. Contact Medallia to get insight on their pricing.

Medallia Pros

  • The platform uses advanced computer algorithms to find hidden patterns and predict what customers might do next, using both organized and unorganized data.
  • The platform helps employees take immediate action to improve customer experiences, by giving them important insights as things are happening.
  • The platform can connect with many other business tools and systems, allowing you to see all your customer data in one place.
  • The platform is designed for large global companies and is very reliable and secure, following all the necessary rules and regulations.

Medallia Cons

  • The platform can be confusing, especially for new users, because it’s not easy to navigate and figure out how to do things.
  • The platform mostly only connects well with Salesforce, making it hard to bring in data from other tools and systems.
  • It’s not easy to manage who has access to the platform and how to organize contacts in a way that makes sense.
  • The main screen can be overwhelming, with too much data and requiring a lot of scrolling to find what you need.
🤔Check it out: The Importance of Tone of Voice in Customer Service

5. InMoment: Medium-sized businesses and enterprise brands 

InMoment is a cloud-based customer experience platform that helps businesses collect and analyze customer feedback from various sources, including text messages, voice, and video. It provides advanced analytics tools, such as predictive modeling and text diagnosis, to help companies understand their customers better. 

inmoment top tool for analyzing voice of customer

InMoment also offers a closed-loop solution that enables employees to address individual customer complaints and provides root-cause analysis tools. Additionally, it allows for continuous employee feedback, including anonymous submissions, to help improve internal processes.

InMoment Features

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Real-time feedback collection
  • Integration with other business tools
  • AI Survey Builder

InMoment G2 Score: 4.7

InMonment Pricing 

InMoment pricing is not public. Contact InMoment to get insight on their pricing.

InMoment Pros

  • The platform uses advanced computer algorithms to find hidden patterns and predict what customers might do next, using both organized and unorganized data.
  • The platform can collect and connect customer experience data from many different sources and formats, making it easier to understand the whole picture.
  • The platform is designed to be easy to use, even for people who aren’t tech-savvy, making it simple to create and send surveys.
  • The platform provides quick and useful analysis and reporting of customer feedback, helping you make informed decisions.

InMoment Cons

  • The main screen can be overwhelming, with too much information, and you have to scroll a lot to find what you need.
  • It’s not easy to get data from the past, and some users have had problems with this.
  • The way the platform looks and works could be improved to make it easier and faster to use.
  • The platform doesn’t let you change surveys and reports enough to fit your specific needs.
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Tips To Choose The Right Voice Of Customer Tools

Choosing the right voice of customer tool can be somewhat confusing. Here are some tips so that you can decide the right voice of customer tools.

  • Identify your VoC goals: Establish clear objectives for your Voice of Customer (VoC) initiative, whether it’s boosting satisfaction, reducing attrition, or driving innovation, to guide your selection of the most effective tools and strategies.
  • Evaluate data sources: Pick tools that can gather feedback from many sources, like surveys, reviews, and social media, to get a complete picture of what customers think.
  • Look for advanced analytics: Select tools that collect and analyze customer feedback, helping you understand their thoughts and feelings better.
  • Ensure cross-functional accessibility: Choose tools that let you easily share customer feedback with all teams, not just the customer experience team, to improve teamwork and take action.
  • Consider integration and automation: Find VoC tools that work well with your current technology and can automatically collect, analyze, and respond to customer feedback.
  • Evaluate ease of use: Select a VoC tool that is easy for customers to provide feedback and for your internal teams to understand and act on, with a user-friendly interface for all.
  • Prioritize security and compliance: Make sure the VoC tool protects customer data and follows your company’s rules to keep it safe and secure.
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Wrapping Up!

AI-powered tools that analyze customer feedback are very important for businesses today. They help businesses understand what customers like and dislike, making it easier to make good decisions. 

By using the right tool, businesses can make customers happier, build loyalty, and achieve many benefits that lead to long-term success. They can also create a customer-focused culture, make informed decisions, and develop better customer experiences. AI in customer service plays a crucial roles in achieving these goals as they make things run more smoothly, quickly solve problems, and personalize interactions with customers.  

Additionally, they can improve their online reputation, find new business opportunities, and save time and money by automating customer feedback analysis. By using AI-powered customer feedback analysis, businesses can gain a big advantage in today’s competitive market.


What are the voice of customer analytics tools?

A Voice of Customer (VoC) analytics tool is a software solution that helps businesses collect, analyze, and understand customer feedback and opinions from various sources. These sources include surveys and feedback forms, social media platforms, online reviews and ratings, customer complaints and issues, Net Promoter Score (NPS) feedback, and customer service interactions such as chat, email, and phone.

How do you analyze customer voice?

The process of Voice of Customer (VoC) analytics involves collecting customer feedback data from multiple sources, categorizing and organizing it into themes and topics, utilizing sentiment analysis tools, quantifying feedback, prioritizing areas for improvement, developing action plans, and regularly collecting and analyzing feedback to align with evolving customer preferences.

How does AI improve VoC analysis?

Through the analysis of VoC data patterns and trends, AI systems gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences, pinpoint areas of frustration, and develop insights into how customers engage with products or services over time.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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