838 Area Code

Get a 838 Area Code Phone Number to Serve Albany

Find multiple local and vanity phone numbers with 838 area code phone numbers for private and business purposes from anywhere in the world. Customize your business numbers with 838 local phone numbers.

Localize your business across northeastern New York.
Quick Setup - Instant Activation - Effortless Termination Anytime.
Connect multiple devices with 838 area code numbers for better communication.
Exceptional Flexibility & Scalability with 838 Phone Area Code Numbers.
Cutting-edge communication features for employee productivity & customer experience.
838 area code location

Own 838 Area Code Phone Number

What is Current 838 Area Code Location?

Area code 838 is located in northeastern New York and covers major cities like Albany, Schenectady, and Troy. The biggest city in this area code is Albany, in the Albany County of New York State. It was introduced as an overlay to the area code 518 serving the same geographical areas.

Area code 838 covers seventeen counties including the cities like Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, etc.

The table on the side illustrates the top locations (cities and communities) covered or served by area code 838 in the US state of New York.

City/Town County TimeZone
Au Sable Forks, NY Clinton Eastern
Ballston Spa, NY Saratoga Eastern
Blue Mountain Lake, NY Hamilton Eastern
Bolton Landing, NY Warren Eastern
Central Bridge, NY Schoharie Eastern
Clifton Park, NY Saratoga Eastern
Fort Ann, NY Washington Eastern
Fort Covington, NY Franklin Eastern
Fort Plain, NY Montgomery Eastern
Glens Falls, NY Warren Eastern
Hoosick Falls, NY Rensselaer Eastern
Lake George, NY Warren Eastern
Lake Pleasant, NY Hamilton Eastern
Lyon Mountain, NY Clinton Eastern
North Creek, NY Warren Eastern
Oak Hill, NY Greene Eastern
Paul Smiths, NY Franklin Eastern
Port Henry, NY Essex Eastern
Rotterdam Junction, NY Schenectady Eastern
Round Lake, NY Saratoga Eastern
Sand Lake, NY Rensselaer Eastern
Saranac Lake, NY Franklin Eastern
Saratoga Springs, NY Saratoga Eastern
Sharon Springs, NY Schoharie Eastern
South Bethlehem, NY Albany Eastern
Tribes Hill, NY Montgomery Eastern
Tupper Lake, NY Franklin Eastern
Valley Falls, NY Rensselaer Eastern
West Lebanon, NY Columbia Eastern
Show more  show less

How to buy an 838 area code phone number?

To buy an 838 area code phone number, sign up with KrispCall; go to settings > My Number > Add New Number > Select USA > Advanced Filter > Enter 838 and match to the first part of the number > Click Search. Then choose your 838 number, make payment & start making & receiving calls and texts after the number activation.

Area code 838 cities

838 Area Code History – Where is 838 Area Code Coming From?

The 838 area code is coming from the northeastern part of New York in the U.S. It was initially assigned to 518 area code to serve the New York area in 1947. However, as demand for phone numbers expanded, this area code was expected to be depleted by the third quarter of that year. In response to this, the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) approved 838 area code as an overlay of 518 area code, which came into service in September 2017.

Area code 838 covers seventeen counties including the cities like Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, etc.

Why Choose 838 Area Code Number for Business?

From establishing a local business presence in Albany, New York to relishing the power of enhanced communication features – get everything with 838 area code phone numbers for your business communications.

Establish a local presence in northeastern New York
Establish your business’s presence in Albany with 838 area code business VoIP numbers. Regardless of your business stature and location, become a part of the locals and capitalize on local markets.
Elevate your acceptance rate and boost sales
Win over the Albany locals and their trust with 838 area code local and vanity numbers. Simplify your agents' tasks and elevate their conversion rates. Ensure greater local acceptance, boosting your sales and business revenue.
No special equipment is required
Downloading the KrispCall app is all it takes. Use 838 area code New York phone numbers on your existing digital devices–laptop, PC, tablet, or anything else. Don’t worry about new hardware installations. Get going with whatever you have.
Powerful standard PBX system features
Relish every PBX feature of 838 business VoIP phones with the KrispCall app. Unleash the power of enhanced calling features, like Number Sharing, ACD, Monitoring, Barging, Recording, Phone Trees (IVR), etc., for efficient enterprise communication management.
838 area code number

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 838 Area Code Business Phone Number

Streamline business communication among your team members and customers by investing in 838 business phone numbers. Regardless of the stature of your business, take advantage of area code 838 New York phone numbers.

Areas of Application for Area Code 838 Phone Number

Practical ways businesses use 838 area code phone numbers.

Businesses can incorporate 838 area code numbers to localize their business in Albany, New York while streamlining communication for enhanced business productivity and unparalleled customer experience.

734 area code for business phone systems

Businesses can assign 838 area code phone numbers to their employees as their dedicated second phone numbers. It helps them track employees’ consensual communication activities and whereabouts while helping employees manage their private communications.

734 area code for business phone systems

Use area code 838 numbers for your business phone systems in Albany, New York. Facilitate your customers with a local call to reach you cheaply and vice versa. More importantly, grow your business as a local to impact a greater audience.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Low-cost calling rates with local area code 838 phone numbers in Albany, Troy, Glens Falls, and Saratoga Springs. A cloud call or contact center can use these numbers to save a fortune in business communications, especially in the long run.

For proper marketing and sales

Create and deploy multiple vanity phone numbers using the 838 area code and track your marketing and sales campaigns. Invest in the ones that perform and revoke the ones that are not. A practical way to market and sell your products and services.

838 area code phone number

Use 838 area code phone numbers anywhere you need to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, or MMS. From personal use (social media to location tracking) to SMB sectors to large enterprises.

How to get an 838 Area Code Phone Number Online?

Purchasing 838 Area Code Phone Number Online takes only a few minutes with KrispCall. You can follow the steps to obtain an area code 838 Albany phone number in minutes. All you need is a valid payment detail.

Select the USA from the country list and enter 838 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Make payment after you've selected the number.
Submit your documents for verification if required.
838 area code phone number

Port Your 838 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

You can also effortlessly port your existing 838 area code numbers to KrispCall. KrispCall provides you with a different number to keep your communication active during your porting process. The number will appear as your existing number for your outbound calls and all your inbound calls will be redirected to it. Go on with your business without altering your business communication.

Nearby Area Codes

Location Area Code
Syracuse, NY 315 / 680
Binghamton, NY 607
New City, NY 845
Hartford, CT 860 / 959

Frequently Asked Questions

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The 838 area code is the telephone code assigned by the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to serve the northeastern part of New York. It covers seventeen counties including cities like Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, etc. It is an overlay of area code 518.

Country USA
State New York
Major Cities Albany, Troy, Glens Falls, and Saratoga Springs
Time Zone Eastern Time Zone
Telephone Number Format +1 (838) XXX-XXXX
Zip Code 12009 – 13470

The time zone of the 838 area code is based on Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Eastern Time Zone (ET)

Anyone with an 838 area code local phone number can call. It can be a legitimate business call or even a scam call. Always check their online presence and do some background checks (code lookup, caller id, & reverse phone lookup) on the caller using their provided information on the call.

No, the 838 area code is not in Canada. Area code 838 lies in New York state. In contrast, Canada has numerous area codes like 204, 226, 289, 306, 506, 902, and others.

The zip code for the 838 area codes has a range of 12009 – 13470. Altamont has the lowest code, 12009, and Stratford has the highest code, 13470, as Zip codes.

The 838 area code text message is a message that has been sent or received from a telephone number registered with area code 838. These messages come from legit business services or scammers often used to carry out various types of area code 838 phone scams (robocalls, utility scams, IRS Impersonation scams, Tech support scams, Prize and lottery scams) targeting individuals within the geographical area. Avoid clicking on unknown links or sharing sensitive information without verifying the authenticity of the area code 838 text messages.

838 Area code scams can happen to anyone if you do not acquire a phone number from a legitimate service provider. Usually, free virtual phone numbers with 838 area codes are scams. Always get 838 area code phone numbers from legitimate VoIP providers like KrispCall.