339 Area Code

Get a 339 Area Code Phone Number to Serve Boston, MA

Obtain multiple 339 area code local and vanity phone numbers for personal & business use from anywhere. Personalize your business numbers with 339 local phone numbers.

Localize your business across east-central Massachusetts.
Quick Setup - Instant Activation - Effortless Termination Anytime.
Connect multiple devices with 339 area code numbers for better communication.
Exceptional Flexibility & Scalability with 339 Area Code Numbers.
Cutting-edge communication features for employee productivity & customer experience.
339 Area Code location

Own 339 Area Code Phone Number

What is Current 339 Area Code Location?

Area code339 is located in the inner suburbs of Boston and South Shore, Massachusetts, and is an overlay to area code 781. It covers 5 counties with cities like Weymouth Town, Malden, Lynn, Medford, and Waltham. Boston, MA is its main city with a population of 654,776.

The table below illustrates the top locations (based on the population) served by area code 339 in the state of Massachusetts.

City/Town County TimeZone
Abington, MA Plymouth Eastern
Accord, MA Plymouth Eastern
Arlington, MA Middlesex Eastern
Arlington Heights, MA Middlesex Eastern
Wellesley Hills, MA Norfolk Eastern
Babson Park, MA Norfolk Eastern
Bedford, MA Middlesex Eastern
Belmont, MA Middlesex Eastern
Braintree, MA Norfolk Eastern
Brant Rock, MA Plymouth Eastern
Bryantville, MA Plymouth Eastern
Burlington, MA Middlesex Eastern
Canton, MA Norfolk Eastern
Cohasset, MA Norfolk Eastern
Dedham, MA Norfolk Eastern
Duxbury, MA Plymouth Eastern
East Weymouth, MA Norfolk Eastern
Green Harbor, MA Plymouth Eastern
Greenbush, MA Plymouth Eastern
Halifax, MA Plymouth Eastern
Hanover, MA Plymouth Eastern
Hanscom Afb, MA Middlesex Eastern
Hanson, MA Plymouth Eastern
Hingham, MA Plymouth Eastern
Holbrook, MA Norfolk Eastern
Hull, MA Plymouth Eastern
Humarock, MA Plymouth Eastern
Kingston, MA Plymouth Eastern
Lexington, MA Middlesex Eastern
Lincoln, MA Middlesex Eastern
Lynn, MA Essex Eastern
Lynnfield, MA Essex Eastern
Malden, MA Middlesex Eastern
Marblehead, MA Essex Eastern
Marshfield, MA Plymouth Eastern
Marshfield Hills, MA Plymouth Eastern
Medford, MA Middlesex Eastern
Melrose, MA Middlesex Eastern
Minot, MA Plymouth Eastern
Monponsett, MA Plymouth Eastern
Nahant, MA Essex Eastern
Needham, MA Norfolk Eastern
North Marshfield, MA Plymouth Eastern
North Pembroke, MA Plymouth Eastern
North Scituate, MA Plymouth Eastern
North Weymouth, MA Norfolk Eastern
Norwell, MA Plymouth Eastern
Norwood, MA Norfolk Eastern
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How to buy an 347 area code phone number?

To purchase a 339 area code number, sign up with KrispCall; go to Settings> My Number > Add New Number > Select USA > Advanced Filter > Enter 339 and match to the first part of the number> Click Search. Then choose your 339 number, make payment & start making & receiving calls and texts after the number activation.

339 Area Code cities

339 Area Code History – Where is 339 Area Code Coming From?

339 area code is coming from the east-central regions of Massachusetts, U.S. On September 1, 1997, Area code 339 was created from the split of the 617 area code, under the LATA code 128. It was officially implemented on May 2, 2001. Since then ten-digit dialing was made mandatory. It overlays the 781 area code and also shares the same geographical area as now.

Why Choose 339 Area Code Number for Business?

From establishing a local presence in Boston, MA to unleashing the power of cutting-edge communication features – get everything with 339 Massachusetts area code numbers for your business. Capitalize on the local markets while delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Establish a local presence in Massachusetts, US
Establish your business as a local brand with 339 local numbers in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Plymouth, and Middlesex counties regardless of the base of your business operation. Show them that you are a part of their community and working to serve them better than your competitors.
Elevate your acceptance rate and boost sales
Improve your call acceptance rate in the local market using 339 phone area code local and custom vanity numbers. Ensure better performance rates and productivity for your employees, and more importantly, deliver an exceptional customer experience to boost your sales.
No special equipment is required
Downloading the KrispCall app is all it takes. Use 347 area code phone numbers on your existing digital devices–laptop, PC, tablet, or anything else. Don’t worry about new hardware installations. Get going with whatever you have.
Powerful standard PBX system features
Take advantage of every PBX feature with 339 telephone numbers from the KrispCall mobile app. Get hold of enhanced calling features, like Global Calling, Port Number, Call Monitoring, and many more for efficient business call management.
339 Area Code

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 339 Area Code Business Phone Number

Streamline your business communication among your team members and with customers by investing in 339 area code business phone numbers. Take advantage of area code 339 phone numbers regardless of how big or small your business is.

Areas of Application for Area Code 339 Phone Number

Practical ways businesses use 339 area code numbers.

Use 339 area code phone numbers for both private and professional purposes. Manage your private and professional communications according to your needs. Work and communicate like a professional to leave an impression on your customers.

734 area code for business phone systems

Get multiple area code 339 phone numbers and use them as your second phone numbers for personal & commercial use. Separate your private communication from your business communication for better results and professionalism.

734 area code for business phone systems

Incorporate 339 area code phone numbers into your business phone systems to present your brand as a local brand across Massachusetts state. More importantly, save a fortune in business communications using 339 phone numbers.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Employ 339 area code phone numbers in your call center software to cut down communication costs for both your business and your customers with cheap outbound call rates.

For proper marketing and sales

Deploy multiple 339 vanity phone numbers for marketing and sales. Invest more in the good performers and take down the non-performers anytime. Everything is done at your convenience.

825 area code phone number

Use 339 Area Code phone numbers anywhere you need to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, or MMS. From personal use (social media to location tracking) to SMB sectors to large enterprises.

How to get a 339 Area Code Phone Number Online?

Purchasing a 339 Area Code Phone Numbers takes only a few minutes with KrispCall. In minutes, you can follow the steps to obtain an area code 339 phone number. All you need is a valid payment details.

Select the USA from the country list and enter 339 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Make payment after you've selected the number.
Submit your documents for verification if required.
339 area code phone number

Port Your 339 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

You can also effortlessly port your existing 339 area code numbers to KrispCall. KrispCall provides you with a different number to keep your communication active during your porting process. The number will appear as your existing number for your outbound calls and all your inbound calls will be redirected to it. Go on with your business without altering your business communication.

Nearby Area Codes

Location Area Code(s)
Lowell, MA 351/978
Worcester, MA 508/774
Providence, RI 401
Newark ,NJ 863/973

Frequently Asked Questions

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Area code 339 is a telephone area code for Boston, MA and its surrounding areas. It has an overlay on the 781 area code and serves 5 counties with major cities like Weymouth Town, Boston, Malden, Lynn, Medford, and Waltham.

Country USA
State Massachusetts
Major Cities Boston, Waltham, Malden, Lynn, Medford, Weymouth Town
Time Zone Eastern Time Zone
Telephone Number Format +1 (339) XXX-XXXX 
Zip Code 01773-02370

The time zone of the 339 area code is the Eastern Time Zone (ET), which is also referred to as America/New_York.

Anyone with a 339 area code local phone number can make calls from the 339 area code. It can be a legitimate business call or even a scam call. Always check their online presence and do some background checks (code lookup, caller id, & reverse phone lookup) on the caller using their provided information on the call.

The zip code for the 339 area ranges from 01773-02370. Lincoln (Middlesex County) has the lowest zip code, 01773, and Rockland (Plymouth County) has the highest zip code, 02370.

The 339 area code text message is a message that has been sent or received from a telephone number registered within the 339 area code. These messages come from legit business services or sometimes scammers use them for fraudulent activities. Avoid clicking on unknown links or sharing sensitive information without verifying the authenticity of the area code 339 text messages.