01255 area code

Get a 01255 Area Code Phone Number in Clacton-on-Sea

Obtain multiple personal & business 01255 area code local and vanity phone numbers from wherever you are. Customize your business numbers with 01255 local phone numbers and relish various benefits.

Localize your business across Clacton-on-Sea and nearby regions.
Quick Setup - Instant Activation - Effortless Termination Anytime.
Share 01255 area code numbers to synchronize communications across multiple devices.
Cost-efficient calls and SMS in contrast to conventional landlines.
Cutting-edge communication features for employee productivity & customer experience.
01255 area code location

Own 01255 Area Code Phone Number

What is Current 01255 Area Code Location?

The current 01255 area code location is Clacton-on-Sea, UK. It serves across Essex County with places like Harwich, Brightlingsea, Walton-on-the-Naze, Holland-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea, Weeley, Great Bentley, Jaywick, and Little Clacton.

Below is the tabular illustration of the locations (based on the population) served or covered by area code 01255 in Essex County.

City/Town County TimeZone
Bradfield Heath Essex GMT
Clacton-on-Sea Essex GMT
Frinton-on-Sea Essex GMT
Great Oakley Essex GMT
Harwich Essex GMT
Jaywick Essex GMT
Little Clacton Essex GMT
St Osyth Essex GMT
Thorpe-le-Soken Essex GMT
Walton-on-the-Naze Essex GMT
Weeley Essex GMT
Wix Essex GMT
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How to buy a 01255 area code phone number?

To buy a 01255 area code number, sign up with KrispCall, Go to Settings> My Number > Add New Number > Select UK from the County list > Advanced Filter > Enter 01255 and match to the first part of the number or you can choose the phone numbers city wise. Then choose your 01255 number, make payment, submit necessary documents, & start making & receiving calls and texts after the number activation.

Area code 01255 cities

01255 Area Code History – Where Does an Area Code 01255 Originate?

The 01255 area code originated from Clacton-on-Sea, Essex County, England in April 1995 during the phONEday event. It replaced the old area code 0255 to accommodate the growing population and shrinking supply of phone numbers in Essex County.

Area code 01255 serves locations like Harwich, Brightlingsea, Little Clacton, Walton-on-the-Naze, Holland-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea, Weeley, Great Bentley, and Jaywick.

Why Choose 01255 Area Code Number for Business?

From establishing a local presence in Clacton-on-Sea, UK to unleashing the power of cutting-edge communication features – get everything with 01255 area code numbers for your business. Capitalize on the local markets while delivering exceptional customer experience.

Establish a local presence in Clacton-on-Sea, UK
Establish your business as a local brand with 01255 local numbers in Essex County regardless of the base of your business operation. Show them that you are a part of their community working to serve them better than your competitors.
Elevate your acceptance rate and boost sales
Improve your call acceptance rate in the local market using 01255 area code local and custom vanity numbers. Ensure better performance rates and productivity of your employees, and more importantly, deliver exceptional customer experience to boost your sales.
No special equipment is required
Own a 01255 area code phone number without any additional hardware installation. Communicate and make business deals with your existing devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, PCs, tablets, etc. Simply signup and install the KrispCall app from the PlayStore or Appstore.
Powerful standard PBX system features
Take advantage of every PBX feature with 01255 telephone numbers from the KrispCall mobile app. Get hold of enhanced calling features, like Number Sharing, Call Blocking, Call Monitoring, Call Forwarding, Call Transfer, and Phone Trees (IVR) and many more for efficient business call management.
01255 area code number

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 01255 Area Code Business Phone Number

Incorporate your business communication among your team members and with customers by investing in 01255 area code business phone numbers. Benefit from area code 01255 phone numbers regardless of the size of your business.

Areas of Application for Area Code 01255 Phone Number

Use 01255 area code phone numbers for both private and professional purposes. Manage your private and professional communications according to your needs. Work and communicate like a professional to leave an impression on your customers.

734 area code for business phone systems

Maintain the professionalism of your business by assigning second phone numbers to employees. Benefit from the 01255 phone numbers for business and personal communication purposes.

734 area code for business phone systems

Get hold of the 01255 area code phone numbers in your business phone systems to represent your brand as a local brand in Clacton-on-Sea and nearby areas. More importantly, make a ton of savings in business communications using 01255 area code numbers.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Minimize your outbound call rates with 01255 area code numbers in your call center software. Use 01255 area code numbers to set up a call center without having to set up heavy equipment.

For proper marketing and sales

Make a use of multiple 01255 vanity phone numbers for marketing and sales. Invest more in the good performers and take down the non-performers anytime. Everything is done at your convenience.

331 Area Code phone number

Use 01255 area code numbers for home security because they have advanced communication features. Use it anywhere that involves making and receiving calls, sending and receiving text messages, or MMS.

How to get a 01255 Area Code Phone Number Online?

Purchasing 01255 Area Code Phone Numbers takes only a few minutes with KrispCall. In minutes, you can follow the steps to obtain an area code 01255 phone number. All you need is a valid payment detail.

Select the UK from the country list and enter 01255 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Make payment after you've selected the number.
Submit your documents for verification if required.
01255 area code phone number

Port Your 01255 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

Don’t let your 01255 area code phone numbers hold you back. Upgrade to KrispCall and enjoy all the benefits of a modern VoIP solution. We’ll handle the porting process for you, and you’ll get a temporary number to use until your number is ported.

Nearby Area Codes

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The 01255 area code is a telephone number for Clacton-on-Sea, UK. It serves the areas like Harwich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Jaywick, Brightlingsea, Wheeley, Little Clacton, Holland-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea, and Great Bentley.

Country United Kingdom
County Essex County
Major Cities Harwich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Jaywick,

Brightlingsea, Wheeley

Time Zone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Telephone Number Format +44 (01255) XXX-XXXX
Dialling Code 01255

The 01255 area code is located in Clacton-on-Sea, UK. It serves Essex County that includes locations like Harwich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Jaywick, Brightlingsea, and Wheeley.

No, the 01255 area code is not in Ireland. It is in Clacton-on-Sea and nearby regions in Essex County. Ireland has numerous area codes, like 021, 043, 051, 063, 0504, and others.

Area code 01255 can sometimes be a scam if you do not acquire it from a legitimate service provider. Usually, free virtual phone numbers with 01255 area codes tend to be scams. Always get 01255 area code phone numbers from legit phone number providers like KrispCall.

Anyone that has a hold of a 01255 area code phone number can make an outbound call. It can be a legitimate business call or even a scam call. Always check their online presence and do some background checks on the caller using their provided information on the call.