01223 area code

Get a 01223 Area Code Phone Number in Cambridge.

Obtain multiple personal & business 01223 area code local and vanity phone numbers from wherever you are with KrispCall. Customize your business numbers with 01223 local phone numbers.

Establish your local business presence in Camberley, UK.
Quick Setup - Immediate Activation - Effortless Termination Anytime.
Connect multiple devices with 01223 area code numbers for better communication.
Cost-efficient calls and SMS in contrast to conventional landlines.
Cutting-edge communication features for employee productivity & customer experience.
area code 01223 location

Own 01223 Area Code Phone Number

What is 01223 Area Code Location?

01223 area code is located in the south east of England region of the United Kingdom and the areas directly surrounding the city of Cambridge, including major locations like Babraham, Bottisham, Sawston, Foxton, and Linton. The most number of 01223 Area Code is landline.

Below is the tabular illustration of the locations served or covered by area code 01223 in the county of Cambridge, England.

City/Town Country TimeZone
Babraham Cambridgeshire GMT
Balsham Cambridgeshire GMT
Barrington Cambridgeshire GMT
Bottisham Cambridgeshire GMT
Comberton Cambridgeshire GMT
Duxford Cambridgeshire GMT
Foxton Cambridgeshire GMT
Girton Cambridgeshire GMT
Harston Cambridgeshire GMT
Haslingfield Cambridgeshire GMT
Hauxton Cambridgeshire GMT
Histon Cambridgeshire GMT
Linton Cambridgeshire GMT
Oakington Cambridgeshire GMT
Sawston Cambridgeshire GMT
Swaffham Bulbeck Cambridgeshire GMT
Teversham Cambridgeshire GMT
Waterbeach Cambridgeshire GMT
Whittlesford Cambridgeshire GMT

How to buy a 01223 area code phone number?

To buy a 01223 area code number sign up with KrispCall, Go to Settings > My Number > Add New Number > Select UK from the County list > Advanced Filter > Enter 01223 and match to the first part of the number. Then choose your 01223 number, make payment & start making & receiving calls, texts after the number activation.

area code 01223 coverage

01223 Area Code History – Where Does an Area Code 01223 Originate?

01223 area code originated in Cambridgeshire county of the United Kingdom. The area code 01223 was introduced during phONEday on April 14, 1995, replacing the old area code 0223. As a result, all telephone numbers in the United Kingdom were changed to the new format 012-XXX to fulfill the growing demand in Cambridge.

The telephony system is revolutionized with the 01223 area code. The services have enhanced features and better security measures to safeguard valuable personal details. It has effectively provided telephone numbers to residents and businesses throughout Cambridge and the surrounding communities.

Why Choose 01223 Area Code Number for Business?

Unleash the power of the 01223 area code and solidify your presence in the local market in Cambridge of England. You can showcase tireless commitment to the community and enhance customer experience.

Earn Customer Trust in the Region
Establish your business by connecting with the target audience. For this, have 01223 local numbers in your business operation so your customers will receive calls with a familiar-looking number they are likely to trust.
Develop your Brand Reputation
Through the 01223 area code phone number, your business will have a strong local presence in the Cambridge area. When you do this, you are making a significant impression in the mind of the potential customers that you are an integral part of Cambridge’s lively landscape.
No Extra Hardware Required
Obtain the area code 01273 phone numbers from reputed providers like Krispcall without additional devices. Seamlessly integrate the phone number on any electronic device, smartphone, laptop, or desktop you use for business.
Quality and Advanced Business Call Management
Get 01223 telephone numbers from KrispCall. After that, you’ll be benefited from features like voicemail, IVR, and video conferencing. All these mentioned capabilities will effectively manage the business call system.
area code 01223

Access Powerful VoIP Features with your 01223 Area Code Business Phone Number

You can enjoy all the benefits of VOIP features with your 01233 Area Code business communication phone number. Connecting with your customers and team is easier than ever before by investing in 01223 area code business phone numbers.

Areas of Application for Area Code 01223 Phone Number

Use 01223 area code phone numbers for both private and professional purposes. Manage your private and professional communications according to your needs. Work and communicate like a professional to leave an impression on your customers.

734 area code for business phone systems

Maintain the professionalism of your business by assigning second phone numbers to employees. Benefit from the 01223 phone numbers for business and personal communication purposes.

734 area code for business phone systems

Use area code 01223 in your business phone systems to represent your brand as local among Bishop’s Stortford residents. Using 01223 phone numbers helps save unnecessary expenses on business communications.

Cloud call center 786 phone number

Minimize your outbound call rates with 01223 area code numbers in your call center software. Use 01223 area code numbers to set up a call center without having to set up heavy equipment.

For proper marketing and sales

Utilize 01223 vanity phone numbers for marketing and sales purposes. Target the locals and businesses in Cambridge and its surrounding areas. Provide an excellent customer response rate to increase sales.

331 Area Code phone number

Use 01223 Area Code phone numbers anywhere you need to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, or MMS. From personal use (social media to location tracking) to SMB sectors to large enterprises.

How to get a 01223 Area Code Phone Number Online?

Purchasing 01223 Area Code Phone Numbers takes only a few minutes with KrispCall. In minutes, you can follow the steps to obtain an area code 01223 phone number. All you need is a valid payment detail.

Select the UK from the country list and enter 01223 in the advanced filter & search.
Pick a number from the list and purchase the number.
Make payment after you've selected the number.
Submit your documents for verification if required.
area code 01223 phone number

Port Your 01223 Area Code Number to KrispCall Cloud Telephony

Don’t let your 01223 area code phone numbers hold you back. Upgrade to KrispCall and enjoy all the benefits of a modern VoIP solution. We’ll handle the porting process for you, and you’ll get a temporary number to use until your number is ported

Nearby Area Codes

Location Area Code
Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire 01480
Ely, Cambridgeshire 01353
Stow-cum-Quy, Cambridgeshire 01480

Frequently Asked Questions

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01223 area code is a prefix indicating the phone number trailing it is from Cambridgeshire. In 1995, it replaced 0223 and started serving the city of Cambridge.

Country UK
County Cambridgeshire (England)
Cities Served Longstanton, Great Shelford, Ramsey, Fen Ditton, Hardwick, and Weston Colville
Time Zone Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) 
Telephone Number Format +1 (01223) XXX XXXX
International Format +44 1223 [Local number]

01223 area code is located in the eastern part of the United Kingdom, covering Cambridgeshire County and its surrounding areas. It includes major cities like Barrington, Longstanton, Great Shelford, Ramsey, Fen Ditton, Hardwick, and Weston Colville.

No, the 01223 area code is not in Scotland. Area code 01223 is in Cambridgeshire County, UK. Scotland has numerous area codes, like 01224, 0131, 01382, 0141, 01324, and others.

Obtaining the area code 01223 phone number through a trustworthy service provider is essential to guarantee authenticity. KrispCall is an exceptional choice, offering a wide range of virtual numbers for 100-plus countries.

It is crucial to exercise caution, as there have been cases where this area code is acquired mainly from unscrupulous service providers with free virtual phone numbers, with 01223 area codes being scams or phishing.

Anyone with a hold of a 01223 area code phone number can make an outbound call. It can be a legitimate business call or even a scam call. Always look over their online presence and do some background checks on the caller using the information provided on the call.