Outreach CRM Integration

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Outreach CRM Integration

Step up your sales game with KrispCall + Outreach CRM integration. Increase sales productivity and enable reps to close deals without switching between platforms using this powerful combination.

Step up your sales game with KrispCall + Outreach CRM integration. More>>

Make Calls Directly from Outreach

KrispCall + Outreach CRM integration, you can directly initiate calls to your leads and contact them right within Outreach with a single click. This ease of use enhances efficiency by eliminating the need to switch between applications, ensuring a more fluid and productive calling experience for sales teams.

Please note that in order to enable click-to-call functionality, it’s necessary to install the KrispCall Dialer extension on your browser. You can conveniently locate and install the extension by following this link.

Make Calls Directly from Outreach
Centralized Caller information

Centralized Caller information

KrispCall’s integration with Outreach CRM consolidates all caller information within Outreach, making it easy to access relevant information in one place. With centralized information, your sales agents can access vital details like caller names, numbers, and past interactions directly in Outreach. Thus, they can carry out informed conversations and build more meaningful and successful relationships with customers.

Track Activities & Reports to Enhance Sales.

With this integration, you can track all your call activities, take calls & contact notes, and record important details within Outreach itself. This functionality equips you with the ability to track your sales team’s performance and identify trends and other valuable insights. You can use it to analyze and evaluate interactions to improve your sales strategies with a data-driven approach.

Track Activities & Reports to Enhance Sales
Listen to Call Recordings & Voicemails on Outreach

Listen to Call Recordings & Voicemails on Outreach

KrispCall’s integration with Outreach lets you conveniently access and review call recordings and voicemails right on Outreach. This valuable feature helps you analyze conversations, identify coaching opportunities, and ensure consistent engagement across your team. Additionally, this can enhance team collaboration and ensure important insights from customer interactions are readily available.

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Outreach CRM

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Outreach CRM

Integrating KrispCall with Outreach CRM will provide you with the following benefits.

1. Automatic Data Entry: This integration brings all your call logs into your outreach CRM, eliminating the need to enter data manually. This will save you valuable time and provide a comprehensive history of all customer interactions for future reference.

2. Optimized Sales Workflows: KrispCall + Outreach CRM integration can lead to streamlined workflows by reducing the need to switch between different tools. In this way, sales teams can focus on their core activities and minimize disruptions during outreach.

3. Contextual Interactions: With this integration, sales agents can have access to relevant customer information (purchase history, past interactions) within the CRM during calls. With this, they can carry out personalized conversations in their outreach calls.

4. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Keeping track of all customer interactions is easier with KrispCall and Outreach CRM integration. It makes it easier for agents to have a positive interaction and increase customer satisfaction.

5. Easy Access to Reports: With KrispCall + Outreach CRM, you can keep track of progress and measure outreach effectiveness with detailed reports on call activity and success rates.

sales team Outreach CRM

Sales Team

Sales teams can use the integration of KrispCall and Outreach CRM to better manage their telephony processes. The integration allows easy recording and transcription of calls, facilitating training, information sharing, and better service delivery by quickly reviewing key points in the transcriptions.

It also syncs all customer data within Outreach CRM, providing a comprehensive view of call analytics. Therefore, by analyzing this information, sales managers can identify trends, assess performance, and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Marketing Team

Marketing teams can make use of KrispCall and Outreach CRM integration to enhance their outreach efforts. Marketers can optimize campaigns and achieve better results through a combination of these two platforms’ analytics, such as AHT, AWT, CSAT, and response rates.

Moreover, the KrispCall + Outreach CRM integration can also deliver access to valuable insights into customer preferences and objections through call recordings and transcripts. Marketers can use this data to refine their messaging and tailor campaigns to align with customer expectations.

marketing team Outreach CRM
remote team Outreach CRM

Remote Team

For remote teams, the integration proves invaluable in improving remote teamwork. Through the integration, admins can share a single number with their team members, making sure everyone has access to the same contact information.

With the integration in place, remote teams can stay organized and on track by sharing tasks, documents, and notes. Additionally, Outreach CRM’s task management features can also be used along with KrispCall’s call management features to stay organized, stay on track, and boost overall productivity.

How to integrate Outreach CRM with KrispCall?

Follow these simple steps to integrate Outreach CRM with KrispCall.

  1. Start by logging into your KrispCall account.
  2. Navigate to Settings and then click on Integrations.
  3. You’ll see a list of integrations. Look for Outreach CRM, and underneath it, you’ll find the Connect → button. Start the integration by clicking it.
  4. By doing so, Outreach CRM will be integrated with your KrispCall account.
  5. You can turn Outreach CRM on and off with the toggle button in the integration window.
  6. To take advantage of CRM integration features, explore general settings, workflow settings, connected numbers, and advanced settings.