Capsule CRM Integration


Capsule Integration

Boost your productivity and enhance your customer interactions with the integration between KrispCall and Capsule. This seamless connection increases workflow efficiency and enhances functionality.

Boost your productivity and enhance your customer interactions with the integration between KrispCall and Capsule More>>

Two-Way Contact Syncing

The KrispCall and Capsule integration has completely eliminated the juggle between two platforms for adding or updating data. This integration brings the two-way contact syncing feature to help you update the data effortlessly.

Users just have to add or update data in either platform (KrispCall or Capsule), and then the information will automatically update on another platform. This feature has helped businesses to save time and focus on more value-adding tasks. It also eliminates the chances of duplicate contact information.

Two-Way Contact Syncing
Automated Call Logging

Automated Call Logging

The sales team had to spend hours entering the customer data manually. But these days are over with the integration of KrispCall and Capsule. The sales reps can now focus on other valuable tasks, as all call logs, notes, and recordings are automatically synced with Capsule continuously.

All of the customer information is readily accessible for future reference and analysis. Businesses can take this data to prepare reports on the agent’s performance and customer satisfaction.


Just forget about switching between the two platforms and manually dialing the number. This click-to-call feature has made it easier for sales representatives to make a call with just one click. Simply click on the customer’s phone number within Capsule and directly initiate calls through KrispCall.

This will increase the sales reps’ work efficiency, quick follow-ups, and focus on responding to customer queries promptly.

Please note that in order to enable click-to-call functionality, it’s necessary to install the KrispCall Dialer extension on your browser. You can conveniently locate and install the extension by following this link.

Complete Customer Data Access

Complete Customer Data Access

With the integration of KrispCall and Capsule, sales representatives can access a 360-degree view of customer history. This includes prospects’ past purchases, interactions, notes, and other relevant information.

The most beneficial point of this feature is that sales reps can view this information during ongoing calls. This valuable data helps them to provide personalized interaction with customers and address their needs and inquiries more effectively.

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Capsule CRM

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Capsule CRM

Integrating KrispCall with Capsule CRM can provide several benefits. Check out some of the key benefits of the integration of KrispCall and Capsule.

  1. Improved productivity: Integrating KrispCall and Capsule CRM increases sales reps’ productivity by automating tasks. This includes logging call details, capturing information, and syncing everything to the Capsule database without agents toggling between systems.
  2. Enhanced visibility: The sales and marketing teams have greater visibility into lead management, with call analytics flowing into Capsule CRM in real time. This allows them to see which messages or campaigns are driving calls. This helps optimize outreach.
  3. Better lead management: KrispCall captured call recordings, transcripts, and notes that can be attached to deals and contacts with Capsule. This data provides an all-in-one lead history, which helps agents effectively progress leads.
  4. Automate tasks: The integration of KrispCall and Capsule helps you to automate time-consuming and mundane tasks associated with managing calls. This includes taking call notes and sending follow-up emails after a call.
  5. Unified platform: This integration eliminates the need to switch between multiple applications, allowing remote teams to access all necessary information seamlessly within Capsule CRM or other integrated platforms.
Sales Team (2)

Sales Team

The integration of KrispCall and Capsule offers sales reps instant access to customer information within KrispCall. This information includes purchase history, past interactions, and preferences, which allows them to personalize conversations and close deals faster.

In addition, all call details, notes, and recordings are automatically saved with Capsule, which eliminates manual data entry. It frees up valuable time for sales reps to build relationships and follow up with leads. Further, they can leverage call analytics within Capsule to identify purchasing patterns and customer needs. This allows them to tailor their approach, prioritize high-potential leads, and maximize sales opportunities.

Marketing Team

Integrating KrispCall with Capsule helps marketing teams to access valuable data on customer interactions. It enables them to tailor campaigns based on customer preferences and behaviors. Marketers can leverage the integrated data and create targeted campaigns that resonate with specific segments, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. The seamless flow of information between KrispCall and Capsule CRM helps marketers track the effectiveness of their campaigns and optimize strategies for better ROI.

Marketing Teams
capsule Remote Team

Remote Team

The KrispCall and Capsule integration has helped the remote teams a lot. Remote teams can benefit from this integration by having customer data centralized in one platform. This facilitates smooth collaboration regardless of location. Moreover, this integration provides easy access to customer information during calls and the ability to update records in real time. It allows remote team members to work efficiently and effectively.

KrispCall and Capsule integration supports a flexible work environment by allowing remote teams to stay connected, organized, and productive even when working from different locations.

How to integrate Capsule with KrispCall?

  1. Log in to your KrispCall account and head over to Settings.
  2. In the settings menu, you will find Integrations under the App settings
  3. Then, you will see a list of business tools and CRM software that you can integrate with. 
  4. Click on the connect button just below the Capsule. 
  5. After that, you will be asked to log in to your Capsule account. 
  6. Select the Capsule account that you want to integrate with and tap in Choose Account
  7. After that, you will see Capsule in the Active Integrations on the top of the Integration page.
  8. Tap on the Toggle Button to activate Capsule for your account.